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Fantasy Lakoria High School

~At Home (before school started)~

(For this one part of the post it is going to be first person view so dont get mad at me)

What seemed like weeks or months, was only days of doing nothing but to just lay on the bed and watch the ceiling. Every minute felt like it just drained me of all of my life and energy, like I was dying in a way. The school never called to inform me of what had happened there after I left for home. I sat up on the edge of the bed thinking to myself
'My life is nothing more then pointless, I still don't know why I'm still here. Might as well just head to school for the time being' and before long I got off the bed and walked over to the medical cabinet. I opened the doors and pulled out a roll of bandages to replace the current bandages, since it was all bloody and it was about time for another set. I went back to the bedroom and started to unwrap the old bandage and then started to put the new roll of bandage on. With no one to help, it was hard enough as is, were it would take me a long time to actually finish. After what seemed like hours of work, I had finally finished wrapping up my stub of an arm up and across my chest too. I grabbed a shirt from the closet and my coat too before putting them on. Having only one arm to work with, was much harder than I had thought, and it made things much harder to do too. I headed to the front door and motioned towards my orbs to follow, before I left the house and started my way to the school. To think someone like me would be embarrassed, by just walking out the door with only one arm. Plus it was perfectly clear to see that I had only one arm, since the sleeve for my right arm was ripped up. I knew that I would be late for school, who knows, I might even be able to make it to school before it ends.


~At school (Current)~

(Back to third person view)

It was a nice day for a walk, But Tyrrell was still on edge about what was soon to come when he got to school. He mostly just walked to school, since his powers were very limited, plus he felt mostly drained of energy. Once he got to school, he walked over to the front doors and just stopped. He started to think to himself
'I doubt most people even will remember me, since it has been awhile' He then sighed and walked through the front doors and went straight to class. He kept his head down and looked towards the ground and not towards anyone else. Of course he knew he was late for class, that didn't surprise him one bit. He stopped have way to the door before putting his hand over his stump or what he thought was a stump, which it really wasn't but just smoothness like there was no arm there in the first place. He started walking again before opening the door and walking in, he kept quiet and looked away from all the other students and even the teacher. No single word came out of his mouth the entire time. He then took a seat were there was no one else near him, Surprisingly the orbs the usually follow him were not even there, there wasn't even a sign of them being around. He glanced around to see if anyone had even looked towards him or even whispered something about him.

@Everyone in English class
"Ohh... so that's how you open a door," Dhaylian said, surprised. The stranger had just walked right in. At least he was correct about the mechanism. He slowly opened the door and slipped inside, a bit thrown off by the silence of the classroom. Dhaylian cautiously slips the teacher his note from administration and finds a seat at the back of the room, re-adjusting his glasses as he looks over his peers, his eyes locking on the one that had came in before him.


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Willow looked up at Corvus with a small smile. "I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. This school is the first interaction with people I've had since I was really little." She said looking down at Miyuki and petting her head lightly. "Before now I've lived in my forest, with only my animal and plant friends." Looking back up at Corvus she smiled happily. "I've made some nice friends here though and I'd like to meet more and protect their futures in anyway I can." With a sigh her gaze dropped back to her lap. "I'm not sure how much help I'd be against fire though." She said sadly.

"Don't worry about it too much," Corvus said to her, attempting to dispel her fear. "Just live life as you would normally. Only thing we can do is train. Or maybe that future won't even happen at all!"


(Only for


The Gemstone Flashed for a moment and a small light, barely visible to the naked eye, came out of the gemstone and flew towards Corvus. Once it got close enough it stopped before a voice sounded out "Master, Dont worry about me, My life force is barely stable. Thank you for not worrying to much over my near death, I can not be kill unless this gemstone is fully destroyed. Take care and Dont cry again" And with that the small light started to fade out of sight.

(And Az is gone for now)​
"Train?" Willow asks, "You mean to fight? She looks back up at him. "I.. I don't really like violence." She says biting her lip. "All life is sacred.. it should never be thrown away or destroyed."

Gears shifted and then made his way to a seat up the back "Well that didn't go as bad as i thought" He began observing the room and the other students.

@Everyone in english
"Believe you me, I don't like to fight either. I can definitely understand where you're coming from. I never wanted to shoot those soldiers," the elf responded. "But when it comes right down to it, sometimes it's necessary.

Yes, all life is sacred, but sadly some choose to throw away their lives by going on the dark path of destruction. And when that destruction is coming your way, you have a duty to defend yourself and those around you. Your lives are sacred too."

@OceanBunny (Nice philosophical conversation we have going on here!)
The surgeon grinned as he looked at his subject. It had been a success. She was still alive, barely, but all her sensory functions were silenced save for pain. She could barely see too, but her eyes were failing.

"Now, you are pure." He chuckled and muttered. No one could hear him, and he almost wished for an audience. A pinnacle of achievement in medical science, keeping a patient alive while being a host to innumerable diseases.

'Now, we can continue' The good doctor helped her up and led her outside. She was scared, but she had no choice. He threw a blindfold across her eyes and dropped her off in front of the school. As she turned back, he was gone. Desperate, the girl ran up towards the school doors and tried to cry out "HELP". But, her missing tongue only made it sound like a pained groan.

The fairy girls skin was a sickly gray, there were pus filled sores across her arms and face. Her wings were torn and rotten, and her hair was quickly falling out. She looked like a corpse.
Dhaylian listened to the English teach with great enthusiasm. The students were to write a poem about themselves, and it was due by the end of the week. Dhaylian noted this and scribbled it down in a small book meant just for that. He was rather intrigued with the idea of writing down one's thoughts and this idea carried on in his brain even as another student made his way past him.

Dhaylian's eyes followed the intruder of his world all the way to his seat and sat silently as the man looked around at his peers.

(Mentioned @Blacknife )

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"Oh... sorry I kinda abandoned you out there, this so far has been one the most amazing things ever! So, its kinda hard to remember things," Dhaylian says, fiddling his thumbs subconsciously.

"So..... what's your name? It would be nice to know at least someone here," He adds, his smile spreading on his cheeks like butter.


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(@SolisNighsun And go re-read the rules again! )

Shina gasped and flew straight up, knocking her tiny head onto someone's cheek. "CHIRP! (OW!)" She landed on the ground and held her head with both wings.

She looked up in a daze at the person she had crashed her head into. Realizing that it was Enki, she hurriedly hopped back a few steps in surprise.

"Chirp chirp! Chirp- (I'm so sorry! I mean-)" Feeling flustered, she remembered that she was speaking like a bird and opened her mind to him.

I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! Does it hurt?

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Enki giggled and he placed a small purple flame on her Its fine. Enki rubbed his cheek Are you ok? You seemed to be panicking in you sleep. Enki then realised what he was saying, he wanted to apologise but hear what she had to say I mean urm I'm sorry, I mean are you o, urrr. Enki started to panic and he looked around.

Oh ... yeah ... I had a ... bad dream... Shina looked away awkwardly, hoping that he wouldn't ask her what it was about. It was nothing important though. I'll forget it in a day or so.

Desperate to change the topic, she hurriedly dismissed the dream as something irrelevant, So what are you doing up here?

Enki blushed slightly as he looked her in the eyes I...I... He waited a moment as he wasn't sure how to express what he wanted to so he thought it with out overly complicating it. I'm sorry for what I said, I know you don't like hearing me apologise but I am truly sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean to upset you. Words cant express what I mean but I hope you understand, however I still don't understand why you consider me a friend for what I did and said but I am grateful that there is still at least someone that thinks of me as a friend. Enki nervously waited to hear her reaction, hoping he said what he needed to correctly.

@PhoenixFire13 (just realised that Enki can just say this and didn't need to put a flame on Shina...I'm smart xD )
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Shina giggled at Enki's anxiety and touched his cheek softly with a wing.

You're apologizing for apologizing. That's cute. How can I not be your friend?

@metalcity (-cries- I had to force myself to write this friend zoned part)
Jay scoffed at Nyx's lazy attitude. "Not with that attitude you wont, man. Besides, kissing up to me won't get you any father," he said, smiling. Suddenly, large groups of students started flushing into the classroom. Jay scanned the crowd, looking for someone who would sit close to Nyx and himself.


(@Anyone not grouped up in English)
The fairy girl screamed again, collapsing in the schools courtyard. Her dead eyes couldnt see the clinic, and her tired legs couldnt walk anymore.

It would almost seem as if she were melting. Her intoxicated body slowly peeled and bled.

(Sorry for grossing anybody out)
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"True.. I should probably learn to defend myself.. But other than those men in the vision the worst person I've met is Nyx." Willow said, shaking her head lightly. "I'm sure I can learn tp protect myself and those i care for." She says smiling and scratching Miyuki's ears.

@LegenDarius (Those are the best kinds.. though i have to go since im apparently being dragged out to dinner >.>)
Enki looked at her confused yet a tad happy, he blushed as she called what he did cute. well what I said before about your parents where uncalled for, I am sorry to hear your loss your parents and I should not have asked you that question. Enki became a bit emotional while he said that. He wasn't sure how she would respond to that.

@PhoenixFire13 ( xD I'm really not sure on Enki's emotions towards Shina past best friends)
"What about actually kissing you?" Nyx asked jokingly, a smile on his face before he realized he had said that out loud, then he realized it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Nyx turned his head and tried to focus on something else, He would've been blushing if he was able to

Shina shrugged as best as she could as a bird, but had a small frown on her face.

It's ok. I'll take it as payback for reading your journal without your permission. So... are we even now?

She smiled and held out a wing to a hand-wing shake.

@metalcity (I ship them but that's up to you to complete xD For now, Shina is just gonna friend zone him)
"W-what? Just sh-shut up, Nyx!" Jay shoved the vampire at full force. "I mean, we've only known each other for five days!" As he went to help out Nyx, he saw an unusually unhealthy -looking student outside. "Oh my. Nyx. Look at her. Oh god. Quick, let's go!" He grabbed his bag, and rushed outside, blowing past Dr. Williams.

@GingerBread @GreenEyedStranger
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"Ow" Nyx said as Jay pushed him but he wasn't sure if he was referring to Jay pushing him out of his seat or Jays reaction to what he had said to him.

Nyx got up and dusted himself off before following after Jay complaining as he did so
"Oh lets help someone we don't know, Oh nyx you're stuck as a Kitten let's fix everyone elses problems and just make fun of you" The awful looking girl caught Nyx's attention, he turned to Jay "Maybe she's fine, the boy i share a room with said his special thing is that he's full of diseases, Maybe she has the same sort of thing. Though she looks a lot worse"

@Lotusy @GreenEyedStranger

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