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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Oof!" Emma caught the backpack, though it knocked the wind out of her. "So fifth period? Uh, I forgot what my fifth period was. I'm a freshman, if that helps with anything."

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"Not different at all. English sounds familiar," Emma said, nodding her head. She took the backpack and slung it over her shoulder. "Yeowch!" She had pulled the bag over the cut arm. "Hehe, oops. Well, you ready to go?"

"Yep, lets go!" He began to run down the hall to class,only to stop halfway through, "*Wheeze* On...Second...Thought....I'll just walk there."

"Yes," Mira called out to the boy that had stuck his head into the room. The teacher raised an eyebrow at him. He was a young professor, and Mira was growing to like him more and more.

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Nyx started jogging after Jay not wanting to be left behind, they both arrived at the class "So, English, one of the most useful Classes" Nyx commented sarcastically. He hoped the teacher was one who didn't really care about people talking, so that he and Jay could talk.

((Hey sorry, back from halloween stuff)


Seeing Nyx leave him so quickly and not even acknowledging him made Ja'Zi infuriated

'I've had it with this moron...'

He cursed under his breath before going back inside to the dorm. He had already finished classes today, and wasn't in any clubs, so there really was no point to go outside. Just more chances to be publicly humiliated.

Ja'Zi knew he was alone in the dorm, and he didn't care if anyone heard.

"FUCKERS!" Words that he picked up from humans in their rages.

He screamed at the window, pounding his fist against the weak glass


He hated the world. Everything he wanted he saw everyone around him get. Except him. The poor dragon was cursed, and doomed to die that way.


Ja'Zi finally ran out of words to say and collapsed on the floor, sobbing.


His mind cursed against him

'Pathetic poor little Ja'Zi Ro'

'Now get up and go to sleep'

It was late. His sense of time had betrayed him. The dragon stood up, removed his suit and lifelessly fell in bed.
Lars nodded, quickly slipping into the room and sliding into the seat near the small, dark haired girl who'd told him this was in fact the right room. Lars looked like your typical metalhead, if a bit younger, with his long hair, peircings, and almost all black clothes. He pulled out his headphones, leaving them on his desk, still ringing out a quiet, tinny rendition of a man screaming about Thor.

Enki wasn't paying attention to where he was going, he felt someone bump into him and he fell back a little, then caught him self and looked at the girl "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He said a bit confused and embarrassed by what he did.Then Enki walked past her and said "You should get to next lesson." Enki replied calmly, he was too depressed to really care, then made his way into his room. Would she have apologised if she had known what I have done?

"Yeah, but hey. We still need be able to speak correctly." He pushed open the door. "Sorry for being late, sir. We were... um... slowed down by explosive squirrels on our way here." He sat down awkwardly in his seat. "You know, those rascally squirrels... heh."

Willow stared, shocked, at the Elf as he told her of the future he escaped. Tears slid down her face at the shear amount of pain he must have suffered. "I saw a peaceful town, children playing.. Then soldiers came, they killed a man for trying to stand up to them. And the burned the little town to the ground." She said sadly "Your past does sound very much like the future I saw."

Nyx followed jay into the classroom, upon hearing jay's excuse he let out a small groan before taking a seat next to him "Explosive squirrels? Was that the best you could come up with?" Nyx whispered

'I know what I'll do...' He thought

'I know exactly what to do...'

Ja'Zi left his dorm and headed towards the infirmary. He had a terrible plan.

As he checked the staff list, his eyes scrolled down until he saw a name of a doctor with the words "Tertiary Surgeon" (Dont ask me if that exists)

It would have to do. This surgeon was secluded enough so that no one would care. Along with that, he was new to the school, and no one would notice his change.

In his mind, he pictured the small underground warehouse he found while exploring this neighborhood. Most likely a public storage facility. It would be perfect.

Ja'Zi Ro crept towards the surgeons office and closed the door behind him. Silence.
Enki entered his room, then processed with slamming his door shut "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" Enki exclaimed loudly as he punched his wall, making a dent. Echo's filled the hallway outside. Hyip woke up, she walked over to Enki and whined as she pushed up against him, Enki walked over and sat on his bed. Hyip followed and laid across his lap "Why do people still think of me as a friend." Loneliness filled his voice. Hyip barked happily, trying to cheer him up. "Why do people care for me?" Enki asked Hyip while stroking her head, her tail waged slightly. She then jumped off of Enki's lap "Even you hate me now." Enki said as he watched Hyip, she then pushed opened a slightly opened chest of draws and grabbed Enki's journal. She then placed the journal by his feet and whined as she nudged it, patting her feet to get Enki's attention. Enki looked at the book in disgust "Ever since I started writing in this I have killed so many people." Enki said as he picked up his journal, he held it by the corner and started a red flame by the right bottom corner. It started to burn and turned to ash, Hyip barked in excitement. When the journal was no more Enki crouched down by Hyip and started to pat her lightly then stroked her "Good girl" He said as Hyip started to climb on him and licked his face, he started to feel better after this. Then he faced palmed "Dammit, I really need to apologise to Shina." Hyip barked happily and stepped off of Enki. Enki got her food bowl and placed it on the floor and filled it with food, then he left the dorms and asked him self "Will she be there?" Enki asked himself, walking over to the building that lead to the roof they were on before "Well if not, it's a good place to look for her." He continued.
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Lars turned his ipod off, stuffing it into his bag as he pulled out a notepad and a pen. He gave Mira a friendly, if slightly nervous grin, oblivious to her suspicious glare, before focusing his attention on the teacher.

Jay leaned over to Nyx "Argh, don't blame me! I don't really work well under pressure," he hissed. "Just go with it. Also, tale notes." He took out a sheet of paper and focused on his notes.

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If Nyx would ever return to the dorm, he would see that all of Ja'Zi Ro's things were gone. Its as if he were never there. His clothes, laptop, even his bed was removed.
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Emma burst into the English classroom. "Don't fret! Emma is heeeeere!" she shouted, while throwing out her arms. She started shaking her hands, jumped, and sprinted to her desk like a hyped-up psycho. As soon as she sat down, her head slammed into the desk. "Oookay. I'm tired now," she said, closing her eyes. "Whew."


(@GingerBread and @Lotusy, you guys are in this class, right?)
Lars was only half paying attention to his notes, distracted by the interesting new smells of the class. They were hard to describe but few were unpleasant, the girl beside him seemed nervous maybe, and he felt compelled to try and be friendly. He took a deep breath, clearing his throat slightly.

"Uhh, hey." he whispered, when the teacher stopped to draw something out on the board.

"It is. I'm sure of it," Corvus replied. "But at least I'm here! Away from all the madness..." He tried to cheer himself up, but it wasn't quite enough to soothe the relentless vortex of emotions that roared inside of him.

He had heard the fifth bell ring a while before, but luckily he had a free period right after his lunch, so he just sat there across Willow, looking somber with a drink in his hands. "I might have to give the principal a visit."

Shina groaned, clutching at her heart through her shirt. Her body was hot and her face was flushed. She bit her lips to hold in another scream as searing pain flashed through her. Her bird form wavered and she returned to her human form for a millisecond before turning back into a bird.

"God...dammit... I shouldn't have use that spell..."

Luckily, all she had to do was endure it for a few minutes before the pain would finally go away. Feeling better, she took a few deep breaths and exhales before pulling herself off the ground, peeking over the edge to see if anyone had been on the rooftop when she had been going through her episode. Seeing no one, she sighed to herself in relief and laid on her back to sleep.

@metalcity (Sorry!!! I saw your post really late. I can't interact until tomorrow morning. I'm really sorry!!!)
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Mira turned to him.

"Yes?" She wouldn't have paid much attention to anyone around her, except today the professor had given them extra time to finish today's homework.

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