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Fantasy Lakoria High School

{{@BunnySkull : if you didn't read Mira's character synopsis, she is a Sophomore and is taking very advanced classes. Like me [yes she's exactly like me...] she is taking Calculus and Physics in her Sophomore year of high school. If Lars is taking Senior classes, then he would have at least one of two classes with her.}}

Mira continued to take notes.
Nyx heard the girl call out to him, asking for a fight in the woods, Not in a fighting mood Nyx decided to ignore the girl's request as he continued walking. As Nyx exited out of the dorms he leaned against a wall slowly sliding down into a sitting position, letting out a shallow breath as he struggled to keep his face emotionless, as he tried to fight away his sad thoughts.

@Lotusy @WoodenZebra @GreenEyedStranger
Columbus sighed as he realized what he'd done to Leon, he got up and gave a two finger salute to the Nurse, he turned to Emma, "Sorry, I gotta make sure that he understands I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. I wouldn't be able to stand it if someone thought I was an asshole." He ran up the the vending machines and got a soda of his own, standing there for a few moments uncomfortably, "...So....I'm sorry"

@Isune @Mango
Why can't i ever get left alone Nyx thought, he kept his head pointed towards the ground "I'm fine, Why wouldn't i be?" Nyx answered his voice not threatening like he'd intended it to be


"Why wouldn't you want to impress me?"

He responded with a sarcastic laugh

"And you sure do look sad to me. Come on, I'll get you something to cheer you up back at the dorm."
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Jay's face drooped, and his attitude saddened as he saw Nyx purposefully walk away from him. He followed loosely behind, but was outpaced by the suit man. He saw him talk to Nyx, and watched Nyx push him away. Dammit. He growled, and punched the wall in front of him. This guy shouldn't need to be fighting our battles. We're high-schoolers, for gods sake! We should be mature enough to settle disputes like adults! He paused, and looked back at his current situation. So why is it so hard to do this?
I'd be better off on my own... wouldn't i? Nyx thought unsure of the answer Having Friends just make me weaker Nyx thought trying to justify his decision to ignore jay It was nice having someone who cared. If having Jay as a friend makes me weaker then fine, i'll become weaker Standing up Nyx turned towards Ja'Zi "I'll talk to you later, i need to fix my Problem " Nyx said his voice filled with newfound determination before walking away intending to find Jay.

Nyx saw Jay and walked over to him intending to apologise but found the words becoming stuck in his throat as he had second thoughts about what he was doing Do i even deserve jay as a friend Nyx thought as he began to doubt himself more. Nyx took a deep breath as he tried to shove the doubts out of his head "Hey" Nyx said more hostilely than he had wanted as he was struggling to keep the doubts out of his head, he mentally cursed himself for this, hoping he hadn't made things worse by accident.

@GreenEyedStranger @Lotusy
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"Hey." Jay looked downwards, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "Um... listen." He brought his eyes up. "I'm, uh, sorry about what happened earlier. I really am. Plus, what I said was just... really rude." He started to nervously fiddle with one of the straps on his backpack. "And about what you told me earlier, you know, that thing. I'm ok with that. You should just tell me next time. I don't think of you any less for that." He smiled a bit. "And, you know, if you're going to be a monster, at least you'll be my monster."


(Jay's dense skull has finally been breached!)
Nyx smiled back, happy that jay had forgiven him "I guess i'm sorry too" Nyx replied sadly "Having a bloodthirsty vampire as a friend can't be easy for you" Nyx added jokingly trying to lighten the mood "Or is it Vampire Boyfriend now?" Nyx asked his voice a cross between joking and hopeful

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Leon rolled his eyes as Columbus made his apology,"Whatever, it's fine." The truth was, it wasn't exactly fine. Leon sighed as he adjusted his seating on the ground and finished off his soda before throwing it into the trash and standing up to leave. He started to head back to his dorm room, still a bit upset but at least Columbus apologized.

Columbus sighed and sipped his soda, "Yeah good talk...Way to go me, you drove yet another person away..." He downed his soda and threw it in the garbage can across the hall, he went back inside the Nurse's office and picked up his bag, turning to the girl one last time, "Um....Sorry I drove your friend away, I'll just go before I ruin something else."

"Whatever's fine with you, man. Just promise me that you won't sparkle." Jay joked, smiling. This is the right thing to do. He offered his hand to Nyx. "So, we're good now? No harm done?"

Nyx smiled back as he took jay's hand in his intertwining their hands together "Yeah, we're good" Nyx said "So..What do we do now? You're Kind of... the first person i've dated"

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((@Artemistel ah, no I did read it, I just didn't realise that's how it works ^^"" sorry I'm not too great at the American system))

Lars almost completely walked past the door before pausing and pulling out his timetable. He stared at it, then at the door. Tentitively he knocked and opened it a crack to stick his head in.

"Is this, uh, 6a?" He asked.
"I don't know.." Willow says with a sad smile. "The future is full of fire.." She sighed and laid her head on the table. A black berry vine grew around her arm and she absently ate the berries.

"What are you talking about? A future full of fire?" Corvus inquired, puzzled by her statement. Does she mean that the future I escaped from is near? Oh Lord God please no... Corvus thought nervously as he sipped his drink. Tiny beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he waited for an answer from the distraught forest fairy. I... don't want to go back.

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Enki walked away from the tree, still disgusted with himself he wanted to be by himself. Doing this he made his way over to the dorms, he looked at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. He looked up occasional to see where he was going and when he did he was by the dorms. He started to make a smaller gap between himself and the dorms he looked to see what was happening around him, mainly hear what his last lesson was but doing so he saw Nyx and Jay. Enki sighed when he noticed them Why does he have to always be there when I feel like breaking down, Enki thought. He tried to walk past with out being noticed.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Enki turned his head to look at Nyx "You lost too, if it makes you feel special Hello." Enki said in a sarcastic tone. Enki started to walk slower to see if Nyx would reply, hoping he wouldn't.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"I Lost, but not to you, your girlfriend had to step in to stop me killing you, Didn't she? Nyx replied. he was In too good of a mood to be annoyed by Enki

@metalcity @Lotusy
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Enki started to get angry yet his soul felt lonely, he wasn't even sure if he could call Shina a friend after what he said "Don't go there, are you really trying to start a fight again." After he said this Enki started to think, he wasn't actually sure if he would be able to think in a fight with his current mind state.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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