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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Columbus began to bounce up and down, getting giddy with excitement, "No, but you don't get it! This would be totally great, you'd be more accessible and reasonable, parents would LOVE you! Oh man, just think of it all! We'd turn profit in like, a WEEK!"

@Isune @Mango
Leon shook his head,"No, there's no way...no how! You're going to have to tie me down and still have to break me down before you can even think about making me humiliate myself like that." He then crossed both his arms and warned,"Try making a profit off of me and I swear there will be a spear piercing you heart!" Leon was clearly mad now. The two would have to think their next words through very carefully.

@LokiofSP @Mango
Mira had finally turned back into a human with the help of one of her professors, who apparently "spoke" frog. He wasn't crazy after all.
Columbus shook his head and snapped out of his state, "Sorry! I just got lost in my own head, I wasn't actually gonna make you give three year old's rides! Although.... Yeah no, you're fine."

@Isune @Mango
"Because it hurts to even think about it!" Nyx snapped, turning away from Ja'Zi to hide the fact he was now crying All this because i thought i could have a friend, who was okay with me being me Nyx thought sadly I was better off before i had a friend, i've become weaker because of it Nyx though bitterly


Ja'Zi couldn't help but smile inside. He knew he was beginning to have the upper hand. He changed his expression to pity and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"These experiences can only make you stronger... The worst that can happen is you learn a type of person that isn't for you."

He sighed and sat next to him

"Besides, you're not that bad. Except for the cold 'kommando' part." He says with a chuckle and playful nudge.
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Mira walked through the corridors to her next class, her own feet in her possession once again, she had to talk aloud to herself multiple times (which may have attracted more stares than she would have liked) to convince herself she was no longer a slimy amphibian. She exhaled deeply, taking a seat.
Leon listened to Columbus and surprisingly let out a angered snort that clearly sounded like one a full horse would make as he muttered,"Try a put someone on my back and see what happens, I dare you...bastard." He then left the infirmary to take a breather to prevent himself from strangling someone. He went back to the vending machine and grabbed a soda before sitting on the ground and drinking it while trying to calm down.

"You're right but Not just one type of person, all types of people, i'm better off on my own" Nyx replied before turning and looking Ja'Zi straight in the eyes "You tell anyone about this and i'll gut you" He threatened, his voice cold and expressionless.

Starino was still walking to the infermery was she fell,"know I'll just take a potion" Starino said taking a potion of healing out her backpack, and drinking it healing her wound."Alright lets do this" Starino said going to Ja'Zi and the boys dorm knocking hoping Ja'Zi would answer

@GingerBread @GreenEyedStranger
Lars hummed as he wandered aimlessly down the corridor, music blasting through his headphones. It was his third day here, and he'd pretty much not spoken to anyone. That was why he was now lost. If he'd managed to ask the name of at least one person in his class, or, something, maybe he could've asked them where his next period was. Oh well.

"Guardians of Aaaaasgaarrrrrd!" He half whispered half growled along to the lyrics under his breath, nodding his head a little more furiously as the beat picked up, oblivious to the stares he was being given.

@Artemistel my guy's free, if you wanna start up with him))

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Jay was suddenly roused from his one man moping session by a loud clanging. Five bells... so fifth period. He pulled out his class schedule. English, eh? I can skip that. I... I really need to talk to Nyx. He quickly pulled up the directory and found the dorm room. Alright, let's make this quick...

When he walked to the room, he was surprised to see a girl and the suited stranger from before standing by the door. He felt some kind of ominous breeze roll by as he watched.

@GingerBread @WoodenZebra

(@GreenEyedStranger Hey, for future reference, do you want Jay's healing to have a positive or negative effect on you? I mean, he's full of diseases, but are they part of him?)
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@Lotusy ((I'd say it can heal surface wounds, but if his healing power is applied for too long it starts to kill his diseases, which will also harm him because of his bodies dependency on the toxins ))

Noticing someone staring at him from down the hallway, Ja'Zi backed up a bit into the room, still facing Starino.

"Can I help you?"
"Who's at the door?" Nyx asked as he walked over to the door, when he got to the door he saw the girl he had fought earlier and Jay. Not wanting to talk to Jay right now Nyx pushed past the girl and started to walk away,doing his best to avoid looking at jay and trying to keep his face expressionless

@Lotusy @WoodenZebra @GreenEyedStranger
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{{@BunnySkull: Maybe he could be in Mira's class?}}

Mira took notes, the smell of pinewood and concrete outside lingering in from the classroom windows, making her think of home.
Enki left the canteen, disgusted at what he said to Corvus. He started to walk around the school grounds, pissed at himself. Enki let out a very loud anger felt scream, he pulled at his hair. He didn't know what to do to calm down his mental state, it helped a bit and Enki looked around for something else to do. He saw a tree that he might use some how, he started to walk over to this tree and looked at it, confused on what to do. Enki then started to move away from the tree, then he turned around he looked at the tree, his eyes where filled with anger. Enki summoned a massive blue flame in his hands, he then pressed his hands together and the flames grow together. Enki started to sweat a bit as the flame roared in-front of him. Then Enki chucked the flame at the tree, the tree disintegrated into ache, the surrounding area then smelled like burning. Enki then gathered most of the flames in his hands and then he absorbed the flame. He sighed as the pain of the tree somehow managed to make him feel slightly better.
Corvus watched as the boy left the cafeteria, a distraught look on his face. Part of him wanted to go after the boy but Corvus held himself back. I've only just met him. He thought to himself. I can only let him deal with his own demons...

With that, the elf went into the food serving area to get a refill, returning with a cup of a Ginger Ale mixed with cranberry juice. Sitting back down at his seat, he turned to Willow and said, "What are you going to do now?"

@OceanBunny (correct me if I'm wrong, but you're still with me in the canteen?)
{{@BunnySkull: if you didn't read Mira's character synopsis, she is a Sophomore and is taking very advanced classes. Like me [yes she's exactly like me...] she is taking Calculus and Physics in her Sophomore year of high school. If Lars is taking Senior classes, then he would have at least one of two classes with her.}}

Mira continued to take notes.

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