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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyx got hit by the giant bar that appeared beside the girl, Throwing one of his daggers into the ground firmly implanting it there, he grabbed the giant bar with his free hand and plunged his Dagger towards the girl's stomach, intending to kill

As Nyx was about Stab the girl in the stomach someone grabbed his hand and stopped him from stabbing the girl "What the He-"

"You shouldn't be fighting on school grounds" A voice said to Nyx and the girl, looking around Nyx saw it was a teacher.

Nyx put away his daggers, not feeling like picking a fight with Any of the teachers After what had happened with the Principal earlier.

Annoyed that his fight had Been stopped Nyx Started heading towards the dorms as he decided to check out his dorm room and see If he had a roommate

When Nyx got to his dorm room, he tried to enter the room only to find that He could not open the door, Assuming that he had a roommate and that they were in the room, Nyx started Banging on the Door
"Open the door!" he shouted as he continued banging on the door hoping to get the attention of whomever was in there.

@WoodenZebra @GreenEyedStranger
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@GingerBread Shocked at the noise, Ja'Zi quickly rose out of bed. He hurried to put on his suit while he called out "Just a second...!" With a voice of aggravation and anger.

"Do you know what time it is?!"

As soon as he opened the door however, his expression suddenly changed, realizing who it was.

"Oh... Nyx. What are you doing here this late?"
Starino got bored,and she did know where all of her friends dorms are so she went to visit Ja'Zi but saw the boy and remembered something so she whispered it to Benji and he ran away,"Hey lets finish the fight in the forest or something" said Starino knowing to bring it next time,"Oh and hey Ja'Zi" Starino said passing the boys and went into her dorm

@GingerBread @GreenEyedStranger
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When Nyx left Enki sighed "You shouldn't let him push you around, fight back." Enki said to Corvus, he was a bit pissed about how Corvus just handed over his blood with out a fight. Enki then thought about what Corvus just did and came to a conclusion of what to say "How experienced are you with fighting?" Enki asked, suspicious to what Corvus would reply with Enki took a bite out of his sandwich.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
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Slightly offput by the question, he stammered

"Well... Its a long story but... I wear it to keep everyone else from getting infected. I carry a lot of very nasty diseases and viruses and... Well you get the point"

"No I don't... Its some sort of curse, I keep attracting and generating these diseases but I'm nearly immune to them. And nice try, I'm not getting out of my suit that easily"

He chuckled and turned away, believing no one to be immune to his toxins. He then opened a laptop and set it on the counter.
"Okay, One, i didn't ask you to get out of your suit. Two, I'm a vampire, strongest immune system in the universe, i might get infected but won't do anything to me and will be almost instantly removed from my system, so i won't care if you want to wear normal clothes or whatever. Three, what do you mean you're nearly immune?" Nyx replied glaring at Ja'Zi for implying he was a liar

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Ja'Zi backed away, afraid that he insulted him.

"Oh I thought... Sorry. Well, I can't die from the more severe viruses. But I still suffer other symptoms. Heart issues, muscle fatigue... Occasional confusion."

He sits and logs into his computer.

After a short pause he continues

"The doctors, clinics, 'witch-doctors' I've visited all said that I have at least 7 years left."

He looked back at him

"So you wouldnt mind if I take this off?"
Leon mindlessly went through his day with little to nothing to do. He made his usual stop at the vending machine after class to get a drink for himself and would hear the people walk by and make comments about what happened with the reins and saddle. It had been like this all day long! He was very mad as he put his drink into his bag and trotted over to a small area where he could have some peace and quiet, it was still hard for Leon to live down that moment of pure embarrassment. It was only a matter of time before someone came by and made more comments about him.

"Very well."

He stood up and headed into the bathroom. When he emerged, he was wearing a thin grey undersuit. It covered his claws, though they didn't look sharp anyways.

His scales had a smooth texture, though it was more like skin from its degenerated state. The scales along his eyes and head were slightly warped, giving him a slightly menacing visage. Around him, there was a barely visible dead purple aura.

"So uh..."

He sat down back on his chair, spinning it to face him

"You said you're a vampire? How's life like that?"
"More experienced than you think," Corvus replied, remembering his previous world. "I was in constant warfare as a child. Those insane soldiers, no, terrorists bursting into my town proclaiming justice yet shedding innocent blood." His blood boiled and his heartbeat accelerated as his mind was transported back into the bleak future he came from. With a shaky voice, he continued, "They slaughtered us... None of my family survived, so I had to live on. And they took over my town acting like they were bringers of peace and friends of the people. Tch... In that kind of environment I had to learn how to fight, how to use weapons, and how to use tactics. I struck at those animals whenever I could. I ran whenever I could. I did whatever I could... To survive. There were no such things as friends back there."

The elf took a sip of his iced tea, its coldness reminding him of the lonely, chilly nights back in his future. "But that's why I came here. I'm a refugee, and a pretty experienced combat veteran. I came here for a lot of things, but violence wasn't one of them. If I don't have to fight... I won't." With that, Corvus unsummoned his silver combat knife and finished his drink.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
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An explosion. A deafening sound. A blinding white light.

Emma did something bad again. She got waaay too excited because of chemistry class. She thought it was harmless, just a small bit of sodium, but instead, she blew up the classroom. Thankfully, she did it when the other students were at lunch. As she ran away, action-movie style, her foot caught on a book, and some broken glass left a long scratch on her arm. She ran over to the infirmary, holding her arm, failing to stop the bleeding.

As soon as she got to the infirmary, she was put in a bed to wait. She turned to a boy beside her. "So, what are you in here for?"

"You look like less of a freak now" Nyx said "Being a Vampire is Great... So long as you don't mind killing to survive and are devoid of any and all emotion" Nyx Answered, his voice getting a barely noticeable sad tone to it as he thought back to What had happened earlier today with Jay.


Ja'Zi narrowed his eyes at the remark, crossing his arms.

His tone suddenly shifted from kind and curious to toxic and aggressive.

"Wow you must be a real crowdpleaser... Wonder why you switched dorms..."

He turned back to his laptop, browsing some random websites.
After Corvus told his tale, Enki took a bit out of his sandwich hoping that he could hide the guilt that he just felt. He tried to force a smile, but it made it worse as he just forced the boy back into his old memory. Enki realised how alike they where, A tear ran down Enki's face "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you remember. I just wanted to know. I don't like to see people get pushed around." Enki started to tear more "I'm sorry." And with that Enki turned and started to walk out of the canteen, disgusted at himself about what he did. You just cause more pain and misery! You are useless! Enki rubbed away his tears.

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Not liking Ja'Zi's tone Nyx walked over to him and slammed his laptop shut "Do you know why people normally don't invite Vampires in? or do i have to demonstrate?" He asked menacingly glaring at Ja'Zi

Leon was still lounging about when he suddenly saw a flash and hear what sounded like a explosion. He naturally galloped to the scene to see if anyone was still there, luckily no one seemed to be there which allow Leon to let out a sigh of relief. He then made it to the infirmary to see if they needed any help as well. He felt like he could help in some way. The nurse told him that a girl named Emma had just been checked in. Emma, oh no. Leon quickly made his way to the next room, surprised that he even fit in there only to see Emma on a bed. He looked at her,"What happened?" he asked as he sat down and got ready to hear what she had to say.

@Mango (Hope you don't mind Leon coming in like that)

He jumped back at the sound and snapped his arms to his sides. His heart beat faster and faster.

He was about to stay silent, but this was not how he planned this... He stood up to face him. Inside he knew it was foolish and irrational, but a part of him just wanted to see what happened.

"Listen, I let you come in because I thought you'd be less of a jerk to me than any other of my choices. I don't care if you're a vampire or not but since you're in here, in my room, you will respect me!"

He knew it made no sense but it was the first thing that came to his mind. He didn't even have any other choices in roommate, and he knew that he and Nyx would share the room, he wasn't its ruler. Along with that, he had just moved in. He had very little standing as of now.

'I am so dead...' He thought
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Nyx let a smile creep onto his face at Ja'Zi's outburst, his respect for him increasing "Our room" Nyx corrected "Now normally I'd kill you, but i'm not in the mood to do that, so consider yourself lucky, But a word of advice, Don't make demands of me, And If you want my respect you'll have to earn it" Nyx added as his smile faded


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