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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Oh yea, how could I forget. Silly me." Enki scratched his head "My name is Enki." Enki smiled but it started to shake. He looked for a way to leave but he took a bit out of his sandwich. This allowed his smile to return temporary. As this did so Willow spoke up "Oh never mind. I don't care about him really. But thanks for warning me though I appreciate it." Enki smiled at Willow. Enki started to pat himself over, he had a few pains but nothing major. "Well if he does attack I should be ok." Enki said with a reassuring smile. Then Enki's eyes grow with shock "wait, the principal's office." Enki backtracked his thoughts to see if he could think of anything he said. He probably thinks he can take advantage of me in battle with my mind set. "Oh never mind." Enki sighed. He took another bit of his sandwich. His smile left his face sooner.

@OceanBunny @LegenDarius
(@PhoenixFire13 Decided to just skip the Encounter, hope i did it ok)

Nyx walked out of the Principal's office a scowl on his face, his pride damaged after the principal had taken him down with minimal effort before he could even Unsheath his daggers and had told him that as a consequence for attempting to attack her, he would have to stay in one of the school's dorms so that the school could keep an eye on him.

Deciding to check out his dorm later hoping he wouldn't be sharing it with anyone, Nyx started heading towards the cafeteria, intending to get food of some sort, preferably a bloody steak of some sort. On his way into the cafeteria, Nyx spotted Enki, Willow and the Elf boy he had almost killed. Nyx decided to Antagonise them "Hey elf boy, you wanna donate anymore blood to me?" Nyx asked mockingly as he walked over to them.

@OceanBunny @LegenDarius @metalcity
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Corvus smile was quickly wiped off of his face when he heard the vampire's voice. As he turned to the boy, he stealthily he summoned a silver combat knife and kept it hidden under his cloak. "After what you did last time, no." He kept his eyes focused on the boy, and his ears perked up to increase awareness and a calm expression on his face.

As Nyx walked over Willow shifted so she was between him and Enki. "You can have my blood Nyx." She said smiling sweetly at him. 'Willow.. won't your blood turn him into a kitten?' Miyuki's voice was amused as it entered Willow's mind. 'Yes Miyu.. he cant kill anyone while hes a kitten. And he's really cute as one.' Willow replied, petting Miyu's head.

@GingerBread @metalcity @LegenDarius
Corvus heaved a loud sigh at his belligerent response. "Peace is never an option for you, is it?" He replied adamantly, glyphs forming on his wrists. "Go, I have no quarrel with you."

He stood up, keeping his eyes trained on the vampire, watching for any sudden movements.

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"Sure, but only if i can kill that vermin of yours, if you're going to gain a cat, you have to lose one" Nyx Said glaring at Willow and her Pet, "I still have that cursed collar, if you want to become a cat instead" Nyx threatened, he then turned to The elf boy "I don't want to fight i just want some blood, you wouldn't give it to me so the only option left is to take it by force"

@OceanBunny @LegenDarius @metalcity
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Corvus stood there eyeing the suspicious vampire boy. The noise around him was all but silence as his eyes fixated on Nyx's. But eventually he gave in. Corvus summoned an empty syringe and an empty bottle and gently plunged the syringe into his arm. He drew out blood, only as much as the syringe can hold, and handed it to the vampire along with the empty bottle. "Here. Now go."

@GingerBread (alright this will be the last one :\)
"Try and touch Miyuki and you're dead." Willow said glaring at Nyx. Miyuki growled, baring her fangs as frost spread rapidly from her paws, icing over the floor and tables around them and making glasses sparkle with icy fragility.. She crouched, ready to pounce if the vampire tried anything.

@metalcity @LegenDarius @GingerBread
Nyx grabbed the syringe from the elf boy drinking the blood straight from it, smirking triumphantly before turning to Willow's pet "Bad cat! Do i need to get the spray bottle?" Nyx asked mockingly, pausing before adding "Though maybe a flamethrower would work better"

@OceanBunny @LegenDarius @metalcity
Starino didn't like the book she was reading and threw it behind her hitting Nyx in the head,"This book is stupid" Starino said to herself
Nyx felt something collide with the back of his head turning around he saw that the object thrown at him was a book, at the same time he heard A girl say something about a book, assuming that the girl was the one who threw the book at him, he picked up the book and threw it back at the girl hitting her in the head "Think you dropped something" Nyx said

@WoodenZebra (Please tag people that you are interacting with in your post)

Starino new the book hit her in the head and turned around seeing the boy who threw the book,"Nah you can read it after all it's for idiots only.Hey why not have the series." Starino said throwing four books altogether at the boy
Nyx effortlessly moved out of the way of the incoming books "Well stupid is as Stupid does... And you just did the stupidest thing you could've done" Nyx replied Unsheathing his daggers and preparing himself for a fight.

Nyx glared at the girl "I somehow doubt you're referring to the type of tree, so yeah no idea what loblolly is" Nyx answered. Summoning Richard by his side Nyx called out to the girl "We gonna fight or not?"

Stario cartwheeled to the left and jumped on a table,"Is that all you got.Lets one on one unless you need help" Starino said
"I don't Need any help" Nyx said stabbing his dagger into Richard killing him and charging up Nyx's Daggers surrounding them with a red glow, Nyx started charging at the girl once again this time slicing a dagger either side of her


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