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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Seth was infuriated that not a single butterfly could be at least singed. Maybe all butterflies are fire proof... he thought until an infuriated shriek snapped him out of it. assuming it was Schmetterling, Seth looked for an escape. He didn't want to go past the leopard, he just tried burning its master after all. he decided to just eat the wall, and then he fled outside into the woods. Seth took shelter under a giant mushroom, which was kind of ironic, seeing his situation. He'd hoped that removing Jerome from his system would help him think, but either Jerome was bitter, or he just couldn't. Archie sighed, and muttered This is how it ends... huddled under a giant mushroom. I really wish I had left a bigger note then "Beware of mushroom wielding professors"...

@Lotusy @OceanBunny

On his way back to his dorm, (Assuming we have dorms or something... Fantasy highschool after all. If not, I'm just heading back home) Ja'Zi caught a glance of Nyx.

"Oh... Nyx."

He smiled dryly and tried to catch up to him

"How are you?" He asked with an apprehensive tone
Enki climbed down off the roof, not sure where to look next for Shina. He looked around the school but nothing Dammit, is it so hard to find one girl. Enki thought growing tired. As Enki scratched his head her saying about her being a guardian for the school. With this information he decided to head for the principles office, as this might be where she is. Enki continued to walk through the school until he reached his destination and he knocked on the door "Hello, is anyone in there?" Enki asked slightly worried.

@PhoenixFire13 (not sure why Enki wants to find Shina xD )
(@GreenEyedStranger Yup, there are dorms)

(@OceanBunny Here's a chance for you to leave that crazy classroom~)

(@GingerBread Stay away from Shina <.<)

"Please do consider the advantages of this possibility. The chances of it being a success are very high. She is the key to this entire-" The person speaking was interrupted as the bell for the next period rang. "We will continue this discussion in the next meeting."

The speaker stayed behind to clean up the meeting room as the staff members left one by one. She gathered her papers afterwards and made her way back to her office, wondering if the girl had heeded her suggestion and was resting. She was surprised to find a student outside her office door, as not many come looking for her. She put on a kind smile and walked over to the student.

"Hello, young man. Is there anything I can help you with?"

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Enki turned to see a woman walking towards him, her voice was soft. Errr, I am looking for a friend. Shina..." Enki tried to recall her full name but he didn't remember ever being told "Not sure on her full name. I came here as I believe she said something about being a guardian. Which I believe only the principle can do." Enki said, his voice changed from being worried to serious through out what he said. His eyes where not showing clear emotion as Enki wasn't sure what to think of his situation.

"Ah, I see..." The principal took a closer look at the boy's face and recognized him. "Mr. Enki Limbason, I believe, is your name? I apologize if I got it wrong. Miss Shina is currently resting in my office, do come in and have a seat. There is much I would like to talk to you about." She opened the door to her office and gestured for Enki to take a seat on the sofa.

The girl was sleeping on the bed, seeming to have fallen asleep while thinking hard about something. The principal smiled softly at her and took her seat behind the desk.

"I suppose you have some questions for me."

Enki sat down in the chair offered to him, he looked over at Shina. happy to see that she was safe. Then he looked back at the principal "Was it you that gave her a second chance at life?" Enki asked.

(sorry, cant remember if shina said what caused her revival.)

(@metalcity Nope, she isn't too sure either. She believes that it was her parents that had given her a second chance but it's not 100% for sure)

The principal smiled sadly. "No, it was not me. I know not who or what had given her this form. All I know is that I've read stories of the legacies of Phoenixes, how they are able to rise from the ashes once again if they die by fire. According to legends, however, she should have returned in her human form. She seems to believe that she is unable to do so because her body was badly damaged." She had not told Enki a lie, but she did not give the full truth of what she knew either.

"Although the bond between the two of you interest me even more. Tell me, Enki, why are you so dedicated to this young lady? It's not just because of ... love, is it not?" Her eyes twinkled with a childish curiosity.
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"I'm... Fine" Nyx growled at Ja'Zi not in the mood to talk as he stopped realizing he had no idea how to hunt down Shina Enki is probably looking for her as well, If i find him i'll probably find her Nyx thought


(@PhoenixFire13 Nyx is gonna get that Phoenix Blood, no one can stop him)
Enki's eyes shot open, he started to blush "no no, it's nothing like that. We are just really good friends." Enki waved his hands infrount of his face trying to hide his face. He wasn't sure how to feel about this. He felt a bit fuzzy at this question, he looked over at Shina and wondered how she felt about him, then quickly looked over at the principle after realising that he looked suspicious. "Errm so, why did you make her guardian?" Enki asked still blushing.

The principal resisted the urge to smile at Enki's little display. How nice it is to be young...

"Why, indeed... Many have asked me that question. I have answered them truthfully and I will give you the same answer now. I believe that she may be the key to the future of this world. Have you heard of parallel worlds?"

Her expression had lost all sense of cheerfulness. The air was heavy with a tense feeling.

"Isn't that like a world like ours but where major events took a twist for the better or worse?" Enki thought carefully, he felt intimidated by the pressure in the air. He still felt strange from the last question. Blushing still.

Nyx tried to think of a way to find Enki, since he had no blood on him anymore thanks to jay, Nyx couldn't find Enki himself, Nyx then remembered that he had Richard, who could probably track down Enki. Summoning Richard, Nyx turned towards the panther "Richard, i need you to find Enki" Nyx said Richard looked at Nyx as if to say he didn't know Enki's Scent. Nyx sighed "I don't know try to get the scent of fear, actually that would be most of the people in this school" Nyx said desperately trying to think of something. Nyx then suddenly remembered that he still had the collar from yesterday he hoped it had enough of Enki's scent on it for richard to track him

Pulling the collar out of his Jacket, he offered it to richard who came over and sniffed it trying to pick the scent, Nyx hoped that his own scent wouldn't overpower Enki's. Nyx let out a smile as Richard started to slowly walk away, towards the school, Putting the collar back inside his jacket, Nyx decided to follow him and hoped he'd take him to Enki.

Richard stopped outside the principal's office, Nyx let out a small sigh before turning to richard
"You stay here and act as a distraction, i'll find another way in" Nyx whispered, trying to make sure no one heard his plan, Leaving Richard behind Nyx ran out of the building Trying to find another way into the principle's office. Seeing a slightly open window nyx started to climb up the building trying not to be seen, as Nyx got closer to the window he overheard Enkl talking to who he assumed was the principal, Nyx hoped they would both leave soon so he could search the room For anything that would help him find Shina

@GreenEyedStranger (Sorry about leaving you like that) @metalcity @PhoenixFire13 (Please don't see me...)
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(@GingerBread I won't but if you try to jump her, that's another story. She probably knows about you being there since the window is right behind her desk and she kinda walked back and forth in front of it but for now, she'll ignore you and focus on her conversation. Plus, I kinda wanted Nyx to hear this conversation as well)

"Correct, but that is only a general definition. Parallel worlds are worlds that exist as mirror images to our own world. They branch forward from every decision, minor and major, leading up to a different future for each world."

The principal rose from her seat and began to pace back and forth behind her desk.

"In other words, there is an infinite amount of possibilities for a single individual. For example, I can choose right now to pick up this paper-" She picked up a paper on her desk, "-or I can choose to pick up this pen instead," She put down the paper and picked up her fountain pen, "Right now, from this simple decision, I have just created two new parallel worlds in which one, I have picked up the paper, and another, in which I have picked up the pen. The action may have seemed small but in actuality, it could play a large part in determining that world's future."

She placed the objects back onto her desk and sat down.

"Do you know why I am telling you this?"


Shina stirred in her sleep, turning over to one side. She was curled up like a ball; her breathing slow and soft.

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Seeing Nyx walk away from him, Ja'Zi clenched his fist.

In his mind, he boiled

'Why would he... Ungrateful little...'

He ground his fangs together and sighed

'Stupid of me for thinking it could work out anyways...'

He shook his head and walked back to his dorm. His new roommate was not there, so he slumped on the empty bed, too tired to act.
After the boy escaped through the wall Willow shifter back to human size and grabbed Miyuki by the scruff, preventing her from hunting the boy down. "Come on Miyu, the bell rang.. We should try to find out next class." She said, looking around the hall. 'But he tried to hurt you.. And you didn't do anything wrong.' Miyuki huffed, turning away from the joke the boy escaped through. "I know Miyu. But hurting him won't change that. J think I should be going this way." Willow turned down the hall and headed off in search of her next classroom. As she was walking around she spotted a certain vampire stalking a window. 'I wonder what he's up to.. Stay here Miyu.' Willow thought at Miyuki while shifting back to her smaller size again. She flew up to the window and hovered by Nyx with a curious smile. "What are you looking for?" She asked in a quiet whisper.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
Nyx swatted at Willow "Leave, you're going to get me caught" Nyx hissed at willow trying to stay undetected "Not that i'm doing anything bad" Nyx quickly added

Willow flew up above Nyx out of reach. "You wouldn't be so concerned about getting caught if you weren't doing anything bad." She scolded. "Why's Enki in the principals office anyway?" She asked curiously.

"That's what i'm trying to find out" Nyx whispered, glaring at Willow "If i get caught, i will kill you, i'm already having a bad day, Don't make it worse. If you do, it won't end well for you" Nyx Said deciding to try to ignore willow the best he could

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"How am i gonna get you caught? I'm tiny right now. Much less noticeable than you." Willow huffed indignantly. Flying closer she landed lightly on the top of the open window and peered inside. 'Oh no,' she thought, spotting Shina on the couch, 'I hope he's not still trying to kill her.. I wonder if Enki, or anyone, has figured who she is.' She wondered absently as she looked between the sleeping phoeni, Enki, and the Principle.

@GingerBread @metalcity @PhoenixFire13
The principal was well aware of the two students hiding beneath the window behind her but she only smiled and kept the info to herself, continuing along with her explanation.

"I am telling you this because I have seen something devastating." She reached into her desk and brought out a glassy orb, placing it on the center of her desk. "This is a crystal ball used to see into the future. Look into it and tell me what you see." She passed her hand over the top of the orb. Immediately, white clouds appeared inside, momentarily covering the inside of the orb with fog. After a while, the fog began to part and images started to appear.

(@metalcity You can pick whatever you want Enki to see but make sure it looks like the future is in ruins)

@OceanBunny @GingerBread (You guys can also peek into the crystal ball if you're curious and want your characters to see the images)
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Enki looked into the fog, it looked so peaceful how is this devastating? He looked closer, there was a town. People looked so happy, everyone was talking to one another. Children where playing and frolicking with animals. Enki smiled to see that this was a joke by the principle. Just as Enki opened his mouth to comment on the peace he heard a siren, what the? Enki watched as the children ran into there houses, one of the adults ran into the street with a spoon, the town was to peaceful for weapons "Leave us alone you dirty pigs!" The man shouted he ran at what looked like a guard, but he couldn't move much as his body was turned to aches by fire. Screams filled the street as the man's family ran out, his wife and children. All where crisped by a man preaching about "justice" Then the guards moved into each house. Screams filled the town as people where killed in seconds, people jumped out of there windows and rolled on the floor, only to be sliced into mince. Children ran out between the guards legs, hoping not to be spotted but where decapitated by the "guards". Then some sort of vehicle rolled into town placing down a flag claiming the land for some other country. This sight was to much for Enki as he screamed out grabbing his head "MAKE IT STOP!!! DON'T KILL THOSE PEOPLE!!!! THIS ISN'T JUSTICE YOU ASS HOLES!!!!" Enki started to blushed trying to hold back tears as this reminded him of his old school that was burned down by the church. The sound of his class mates dying filled his mind and his eyes went blank. He looked at the principal "Tell me, is this justice, what can this cause. This brings more hatred." His voice changed to emotionless. A tear ran down his face, his voice filled with sorrow "Tell me miss, why."

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @OceanBunny

(I can be pretty dark if i want to ^.^)
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