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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Columbus picked the boy up, grunting as he supported him, "No I haven't, Man you're heavy I'm just now finding out she's alive, good for her."

Columbus sighed, "Why me...." He dragged Enki back to the nurse's office.

He arrived minutes later panting, "...He passed out *Puff* Worked himself to hard *Huff* Said something about a dead girl *Wheeze* that came back to life...Gotta find her.....Black out..." He passed out from the physical effort of carrying Enki...He's pathetic.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @metalcity
"What do you mean by that... Oh. There was something I was meaning to ask you." He pulled out his phone. "Look at this picture. It looks like Shina, black hair, fire, and all." He put up the phone. "Plus, I've only ever heard you use that term to describe one person... so is Shina alive?" As he waited for an answer, he saw Columbus draggingan unconscious Enki into the infirmary.


(@LokiofSP @metalcity Should I heal Enki?)
"Yep, it's amazing right? Nyx replied with a smirk on his face as he added "I get another chance to be the one to kill her"

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"I think it's science..." Leo muttered quietly to himself as he descended a set of stairs. "Let's see... B2 room 57..." As Leo approached the door, the smell from the infirmary grew steadily stronger. Leo found the room (it was impossible to miss, just follow your nose... Or so they say), and when he entered, the smell of chemicals nearly knocked him out. After regaining composure, Leo looked around and saw a suspicious looking man in a white lab coat messing with a mushroom on a Petri dish. "Hello," Leo called out, "we're here for biology class... are you even the teacher?"

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~~~~~ Doot doot dootly doot Teacher POV Doot doot ~~~~~

"O-oh! He-hello there!" The man hobbled over to Leo, but stopped midway. He suddenly whirled around, smashing a mushroom in a glass jar. "Goddammit Jerome! I'm trying to talk to a STUUUUUDENTTTT!!!!!" He shrieked, rolling on the floor, then suddenly stopped. He shot to attention, and shook Leo's hand. "Where was I... Oh yes. I'm Doctor Frank. Frank N. Schmetterling, master of inoculation!" He cackled madly before coughing and wheezing. "Please, come in," he said, gesturing to an almost empty classroom. "You're... early. I do love those early students."

(@SovietBear Do you want to wait for more students?)

Back to Jay. I know. Boooring.

Jay was taken aback by Nyx's comment. "Wh... what the hell, Nyx?" His face contorted into a shape of anger. "She saved us back there, at the demon invasion! Why do you want to kill her, when she's been given a second chance?" He turned around so he was facing away from Nyx. "I- I'm not so sure what I thought you were. Are you some kind of heartless monster?"

(@Lotusy -laughing too hard to say anything-)

Shina found herself back in her mind, floating along in the darkness. The pain was gone and she felt a strange sense of comfort yet at the same time, a fearful dread, as if something out of the ordinary was happening. She could hear a soft voice singing nearby and struggled to open her eyes.

Who's singing..? What a beautiful voice... ... ...

The singing stopped abruptly. The sound of footsteps seem to appear out of nowhere, approaching closer and closer toward Shina. She forced her eyes open a little and made out ... nothing. There was nothing there in the dark. But she felt the presence of someone, something, before her.

Can you hear my voice?

With tremendous strength, Shina managed to pry open her eyes fully, staring into the darkness from where the voice had came from. The voice echoed in the air, sending chills down her back. Still unable to see anything besides the dark background, she turned around in confusion, looking for the one that had spoken to her.

Oh, but you cannot see me. You haven't fully awakened yet...

Fully awakened? Shina continued to search for the source of the voice. It was a sound of warmth and kindness, like her mother's, but this was not her mother. Why can't I see you?

You are not ready yet. But I believe that you will be able to see me when you have fully grown and become one with the bird within you.

What do you mean? Who are you?

The voice hesitated for a while, as if it was wondering whether or not it should answer the question. I am you.

... Me? But ... that doesn't make sense. How can you be me? Then who am I?

I am you and you are you, Matsumiya Shina. It's complicated to explain but think of me as something similar to your inner self.

Ok... why have you brought me here?

I did not bring you here. The bird within you did. Perhaps it is time for you to awaken your dormant powers. But slowly, slowly... We will take one step at a time. And when that time comes for you to fully awaken, you will need to choose between good or evil.

Two flames lit up in the darkness, making Shina jump a little. One was pure white and shone radiantly, pushing away the darkness around it. The other was pure black, seeming hungry for the light, crawling slowly toward it only to be pushed back when it got to close.

The frozen time has begun to move once again. Accept your fate, Shina. And choose with your own hands, whether this world shall be saved or ended.

Wait what? Frozen time? My fate? What do you mean the world will be saved or ended by my hands?

You will understand when the time comes. Until then ... we will meet again, the other me. Farewell ... for now... The voice began to fade with each word, until it was only a whisper.


Shina's eyes flew open and she woke with a gasp. Her hands clutched at the air, grabbing at the fires that had long since disappeared. She pushed herself up and rubbed her face with a shaky hand, er, wing.

"Ah, good. You seem to be awake." Shina turned to look behind her and saw the Principal staring at her with a kind look.

"Ms. Principal!" She hurriedly jumped her to feet, patting down her messy feathers.

"Please, Aiona is fine." The principal smiled and walked over to sit beside her on the bed.

"Ok... Ms ... Ms. Aiona... Can I call you Ms. Aiona?" Shina looked down nervously, unsure about where to look.

"Relax, Shina. It's not the first time we have spoken. Do you recall the first time I called you to my office?" The principal waved a hand before her, gesturing at the room they were in. For the first time, Shina noticed that she was in the principal's office.

"I also remember that I was put on probation."

"Ah, yes... I didn't know about your ... special powers, at that time."

Shina frowned, turning her head so that the principal didn't see her do so. "No, ma'am, I don't have any special powers. I'm just a normal offspring of a Phoenix."

The principal didn't seem to have heard her. If she did, she ignored Shina's remark. She reached forward to touch Shina's wing, who resisted the urge to flinch away. "Such beautiful feathers.... I haven't seen a Phoenix bird for many, many years. And not a single one was as beautiful as you are. Of course, not as powerful either." She began to glide her fingers down her wing, caressing it softly. "No ... perhaps there was one ... there was one girl. Very much like you. Proud, strong, loyal; many called her stubborn but she was fighting for what she believe in. You remind me very much of her." A few tears flowed down the principal's cheek.

Shina stayed silent.

"Tell me, Shina." The principal pulled her hand away, leaving Shina to sigh quietly in relief. "What do you think of this school?"

"Um.... that is a hard question... I guess... I ... like... it?" She thought carefully about her words before she spoke. "Although there are fights almost everyday, it adds an air of excitement to the normal school atmosphere. I know that we want to act like a normal school in the eyes of the regular humans but sometimes it feels as if we need something to differentiate ourselves from ordinary life. I mean, something normal for us isn't what humans would call normal. Oh, I'm talking too much, I'm sorry..."

"No, no, that was wonderful feedback." The principal waved her hand to dismiss the apology. "As the principal, I really appreciate you sharing your true opinions." She got up from the bed, checking her watch. "Well then, it's almost time for the staff meeting. Your body is still quite weak from the spell you performed so feel free to rest in my room. You can go out for fresh air if you want but do take into consideration your health. I might not be the one to find you next time if you collapse so vulnerably."

"I understand. Thank you... Ms. Aiona."

The principal smiled and closed the door behind her. Shina let out the breath she had been holding in for so long. She looked around the office; everything was neatly organized and clean. She sat down on the bed and sighed to herself.

"What kind of mess did I get myself into this time ... All I wanted was a normal school life. Now I'm stuck being the principal's pet and a weird dream about my fate and all those goody-good sounding stuff."
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Leo never realized that this insane teacher could even hold a job for 10 minutes. Requesting backup! Requesting backup! Leo furiously thought until Archie snapped and yelled TURN AROUND LEO! THERE'S NO ONE IN THIS ROOM WITH YOU! Archie gasped, blue in the face from yelling, and toppled over. It then dawned on Leo that he was truly alone, and might end up like poor Jerome, just a few fragments on the concrete floor.

Nyx was Shocked by jay's reaction, but quickly regained his composure "Yes, i am heartless but at least i admit it. i don't pretend like she does, earlier when she had me and Enki tied up, Enki was bleeding out and close to death, but did she care? No, she was too focused on trying to get me to fear her" Nyx ranted getting angrier with every word. Nyx took a deep breath and calmed down before adding "Just because someone does one good deed, it doesn't mean they're a good person"

@Lotusy @GingerBread @SovietBear (just gonna say I followed you to class then left to seeNyx again)

At the word 'innoculation' Ja'Zi twitched

"I-Innoculation?... I think I'm gonna be sick..."

He turned around, tightening the sides of his hazard suit.

"I'm sorry Leo, I'm afraid I'll have to leave you on your own. Nice talking with you."

He smiled again and left. Seeing nowhere else to go, he decided to go back to the infirmary. It would be awkward to talk to Nyx again... But he just couldn't resist observing him one last time. He walked outside his room, trying to catch a glance before sitting down outside.
*RIIIIIIINNNGGG* (Don't read this @GingerBread, it might ruin the dramatic mood of Jay's crap.)

As if on cue, three more students trudged into the biology room. "Oooh, what a wonderful surprise! All three of my students today! This calls for a party!!!" He ran around the room, shrieking like a maniac. One student fell asleep. "Now, now, I'd like for you to meet good old..." He turned to Leo. "What did you say your name was again? Eh, it doesn't matter! I'm so happy! For once, I actually have people in my classroom!" He twirled around, then picked up Jerome. "I don't need you anymore Jerome," he hissed. He threw away the mushroom, the strolled to the front of the room. "Now class, it's time to... um... learn about the human body... boring stuff. Tomorrow we can finally learn about beaaautiful DECOMPOSITION!!!!!!" He coughed. "But first. Amino acids. Look at this page here..." He suddenly became more passive, droning on like any other teacher.


Doot doot Jay should be Frank's nephew doot doot

Jay punched the wall, his face lined and his eyes burning from holding back tears. "And? If she wants to have power, that 's her business! You don't have to kill her for it!" He started to break down. "Have a heart! She's died, Nyx. She's seen a whole other side that we can't even imagine, and we have this chance... you don't have to do this!" He suddenly got quiet, his breathing eerily steady. "So... would you do this to me too? After all we've done together? After I've helped you, and you've helped me so many times?" His voice started rising again. "You've tried to kill me before, Nyx! You thought I'd done something awful, but it was just a misunderstanding! Would you kill me too, if I couldn't clear the air in time? Would you throw away everything that quickly? Because I've been on the killing end of your daggers before. I... know. Tell me I'm wrong." He turned around from the wall, his eyes watery and bloodshot.

Nyx was shocked by Jay's outburst, and felt as if he'd just been punched, Nyx looked at the floor, trying to avoid looking at jay's bloodshot eyes. After a couple of seconds of silence Nyx spoke "No... I wouldn't kill you, i don't think i could" Nyx's voice was barely a whisper. Nyx looked Jay straight in the eyes "But Shina, Enki and anyone else, i could kill and feel nothing. You said it yourself, I'm a heartless monster" Nyx added his voice Filled with anguish

@Lotusy (your post made me feel guilty)
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Enki started to come to again "what happened?" Enki scratched his head, pain filled his back and he screamed out in agony "Dammit, I passed out. I am to weak." Enki said as he started to get out of bed but he collapsed in pain doing so. Once again Enki screamed out in agony.

@Lotusy @GingerBread

(Healing would be nice.)
Leo sat, completely rigid, in the back of the room. Now he really didn't want to end up like Jerome, and didn't want to find out what made the teacher tick. Schmetterling was acting like a normal teacher, but he didn't take any chances. He looked around, and saw the kid who was still snoring away in the front of the class. He hoped if the teacher went on a mushroom induced rampage, he'd target the sleeping kid. As he was making plans for escape, Seth took this moment to take over. Leo couldn't fight back, since he was so distracted. Seth unlike Leo, was attracted by the stench of Jerome, and made a beeline from his seat to the trash can. He then proceeded to devour the entire bin in one bite. Jerome fought back in a way, because he gave Seth vivid hallucinations. Seth then blew out a gust of flames a a nearby rack of shrooms, which created a noxious gas, forcing all the students to evacuate the room, leaving only Seth and the teacher.

@GingerBread @Lotusy (Well this is a little awkward)

Seeing himself to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Ja'Zi left the infirmary. Besides, he had to report to class soon, he couldn't be any more late than he already was. He checked his schedule sheet...


'Oh wonderful...' He thought to himself as he walked to the studio room.
"And what makes me so special- oh. I get it now." Jay picked up his bag, and walked out, almost calmly. He stopped by Enki, who had collapsed, and started working regenerative healing on him. After he finished, he looked back at Nyx. "I... think I need some time to think. See you later, maybe." He walked out of the infirmary and towards his third period.

@GingerBread @metalcity

~Back to Dr. Frank~

"Eh? What's the smell?" Dr. Frank could faintly pick out the smell of fire. " AAAH!!! JEROME!!!" He screeched like a banshee, clawing at his eyes. "JEROME! NOOOOOOOOO!!!" He collapsed to the floor, rolling around like an idiot. After he finished, he turned towards Leo/Seth. "You." His voice dripped with anger. Suddenly, his back tore open, and he gained a pair of butterfly wings. He grabbed a mushroom from a jar, brandishing the cap as a weapon. "You hurt my mushrooms. You will PAY!!!"


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Willow was wandering through the halls, not sure where she was supposed to be, when she noticed a few students hurriedly leaving a classroom. Walking over to the door she saw a teacher with butterfly wings brandishing a mushroom at a student. The room seemed to be filled with a noxious gas from a certain type of mushroom. 'I wondered what's going on here..' Willow thought absently. 'I don't know.. But that gas doesn't smell good.' Miyuki thought back as she slowly backed away, frost spreading faster from her paws.

@Lotusy @SovietBear
Seth stared at the butterfly, not sure if it was real or not. Oh... his name is Schmetterling, which is German for butterfly... It all makes sense now. Archie concluded with a sigh. Leo could only think about all the stomach problems Jerome might give him. Seth, unable to cope with the thought of hallucinations, decided to breath a gust of fire at the mushroom wielding butterfly, but to his horror, the mushroom just absorbed the flames and shot them right back. He barely jumped out of the way before fleeing into the hallway. Jerome was starting to leave his system, but just parted the metal structure of Seth's skin and fell to the floor, and the fumes invaded the halls. Seth spotted another butterfly, and by this point was quite sick of butterflies. He couldn't quite cope with the fact that all butterflies could absorb fire, and decided to test it out by spewing out yet another gust of flames at the butterfly(Willow).

@OceanBunny @Lotusy
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Enki started to feel his pain disappear "Thanks fo... Where did he go?" Enki said looking around confused. He felt his ribs and there was no pain, he gave himself a small fist pump to this news, then he felt everywhere else "Looks like I owe him one." Enki muttered. Then he got off the floor and made his way out side. He wasn't sure what to do with himself but remembered what he thought before he passed out. She isn't this quite, especially as she has gone back to being a human. Enki thought, slightly worried. He tried to recall where she might be and decided to head to the roofs.
Nyx tried to get up, but the pain in his body reminded him why that was a bad idea, doing his best to ignore the pain Nyx slowly tried to get up. When Nyx had eventually pulled himself up, Jay was long gone, he decided to just go and look for some blood in the infirmary not in the mood to kill someone after what had just happened. After Nyx had drank the blood he felt his strength returning and the pain in his body slowly disappearing.

Once Nyx started to feel better he decided to go to the library to research what different blood could do to vampires, after he'd been turned into a kitten by willows blood, he was curious about what different blood could do to him. On his way out he saw Enki "Maybe one day you'll be strong enough to beat me and not rely on that bitch to save you every time, But i doubt it, you will always be weak" Nyx called out to him as he walked past

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Enki turned to see Nyx up and about, already insulting him. Enki shrugged it off and paid no attention to what he said. He continued on his way to the roof, once he reached it he opened the door, the harsh sun beamed in his face, he covered his eyes slightly as he approached the edge. He looked around for Shina "Dammit where is she." Enki thought out load. He looked at the other roofs but didn't spot her. He face palmed while thinking of what to do next.
Seeing That Enki didn't react Nyx continued on his way to the Library, When he got to the Library he started looking for books written about Vampires and more importantly what effect different blood has on Vampires.

Upon finding a book about the effects of Different types of blood on vampires Nyx walked over to a quiet corner of the library and started reading it. while reading the book nyx found out information about what different blood did but the page that stood out the most was a page detailing the effect of Phoenix blood on vampires, saying that if Phoenix blood is consumed by a vampire then that vampire would gain the power of Pyrokinesis and flight, upon finding that out Nyx decided to go and try to find Shina but before he did he went into the infirmary and stole a syringe, a plan forming in his head

Shina just became a lot more useful while alive Nyx thought as he set out to find Shina

(So now Nyx knows what all the different blood types do to him also you best watch out @PhoenixFire13 )
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Seeing flames flying towards her, Willow shrieked and shifted sizes in fear. Miyuki jumped I front of her now doll sized fairy owner with a roar. She slashed at the flames sending frost all over the hall. As the frost and fire met mist filled the hall with a haze. Growling Miyuki trained her eyes on the boy who had tried burning Willow.


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