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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Corvus quickly finished his project with some spare time in his period in order to watch the two fight. He sat back and enjoyed the show, just happy with the simple blessing of not being a part of that altercation.

@metalcity @GingerBread
Enki grasped for air, he started to lose continuousness. His eyes darted for something to use I wont lose Enki thought as his vision started to completely fade. He fought this urge but it felt like he was about to die. Enki noticed that one of Nyx's feet was free, he raised his hand and clenched a fist. He swung it at the back of Nyx's legs, forcing him to fall forwards. Enki crawled back and gasped for air. He summoned his main sword for a split second as he already prepared an attack and with that he stabbed Nyx's back. "Now die you bastard!" Enki shouted in rage. As he stabbed through Nyx the sword left that existence and he punched Nyx in the back of his neck.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @LegenDarius
Time's up.

Shina flew from her spot toward the two at the amazing speed. A barrier appeared in the small gap between Enki and Nyx, forcing the two apart. Two chains made of fire flew out from Shina's wings, binding them onto the spot. She landed gracefully on the ground beside them. She pointed a wing at them and the chains pulled them into the air, putting some distance between them.

The two of you should calm down before I bring you to the infirmary. Anger won't solve anything.

@metalcity @GingerBread

(I swear, break the chains and I won't be so nice anymore)
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Enki hung there "LET ME FINISH HIM!" Enki shouted in anger. The fight corrupted his mind currently. Not telling the difference of friend or foe, as he started to struggle more wounds opened sending pain through his body. Blood poured out of his body.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
Okay, that's weird. Least it's over, Corvus thought. For now at least. Turning to his computer science teacher, who was helping another student, Corvus called for him. "Mr. Perkisas? My project's finished."

"Alright, Corvus, gimme a minute Kayla still needs help," Mr. Perkisas replied. Corvus waited there patiently, looking at the scene outside the window. There was a flaming bird holding the two fighters with a flame chain. "This school I swear..."

"Alright Corvus, show me what you got," Mr. Perkisas said, already beside the elf. Corvus pressed Compile on the IDE and then ran his program. After a quick test, Mr. Perkisas determined that Corvus's project was good to go. "Well done Mr. Exsul. Extra points for being the first one finished." He then smiled and walked away, leaving Corvus with a feeling of satisfaction as he continued to watch. Ahh. Just what I wanted from school. A chance to sharpen my craft. There's another fight here today, but at least I'm not part of it.

@GingerBread @metalcity
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Shut up, Enki. You too, Nyx.

Shina's voice was deathly quiet and she spoke into their minds. A dangerous glint of malice sparked in her eyes. She tightened the chains around the two of them, ignoring their injured states.

One more word from either of you and I won't promise your life. I'll repeat this another time. Calm. Down.

The air around her was charged with power, giving off an enormous aura that sent fear into their hearts. The look in her eyes told them that she wasn't kidding around.

@metalcity @GingerBread
"Sure you will" Nyx said sarcastically "i'm not the one sending his own blood everywhere, you will never be able to beat me" Nyx added before turning to Shina "Stop trying to act tough birdy, i'm not scared of you. There is nothing you can threaten me with, that you would follow through with anyway"

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13 @LegenDarius
Enki was about to shout again but the chains tightened. The side of his chest and under his arm started to bleed a lot. Enki screamed out in pain. Blood rushed down his body, "I...won...t...lo...se" Enki started to lose his vision.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
Shina slowly turned to look at Nyx. Without any hesitation whatsoever, she stared directly into his eyes.

Is that so? You think I can't beat you.

A magic circle appeared below her and a cloud of smoke rose from it, covering her momentarily before blowing away to reveal Shina in her human body. She was wearing the same clothes she had worn when she died. She opened her eyes and calmly began to walk toward Nyx. Each step she took increased her aura to the point that the students in the school started to notice. She stopped in front of Nyx, keeping her eye contact with him.

"You don't know the extents of my power. Don't bite off more than you chew."

@metalcity @GingerBread

(The return of Shina? Maybe... she got more powerful though...)
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Hash starts to wake up, and open his eyes to his surroundings to see, "a fight?" he thought to himself. He tries to get up, but starts to feel the excreutiatining pain from jumping through that window. He sorely grabs his blade from behind him, and uses it as a cane. As he slowly gets up, he yells at the battle saying, "STOOOOOOOOP"!

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity @GingerBread
A loud tapping awoke Columbus, he slowly lifted his head up, the snickering of his classmates filling his ears. His teacher stood above him with a frown on their face, they tapped their foot and awaited for some kind of response, so in his drowsy state he laid his head back down and said, "Five more minutes...Then I'll wake up..." They teacher smacked him with their ruler and replied with anger clear in their voice, "Go splash some water on your face, be back in five minutes or else!" There was a moment were Columbus did nothing, a vein appeared visible on the teacher's face as they smacked his table audibly, "NOW!"

The cold water got Columbus to keep open his eyes, gasping for breaths that ultimately didn't matter as he lifted his face from the small pool. He shook his head and began to walk back to class, hearing some commotion down the hall. He stopped, pondering whether or not to go and see what was happening. He sighed and walked down the hall, he saw a boy chained up and the pissy white haired boy standing before a girl....One that looked kinda of....Familiar.

He blinked a few times,
"No way...But she died, I felt bad about it, that was the day I argued with that one girl....How is she here? Unless..." His eyes widened, "Crap....Is she a zombie? There goes the one thing that made me stand out....:"

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @metalcity
As Enki started to pass out he saw Shina turn back to a human "Welcome back." Enki muttered as he started to close his eyes but he continued to try and stay awake. As he did this he heard another voice. "Get to class, the fights over. Don't attempt to be a hero" Enki said trying to keep his eyes open. He laughed in his brain as this new kid came up and tried to end this "fight"

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @ghost of past @LokiofSP
Shina wiped the spit off her face, showing none of the raging anger boiling within her on her face. She clenched her fist, coating it with fire, and punched Nyx straight in the face, causing him to faint.

"Why did I even bother to sympathize with you." She unsummoned the chains, causing his body to fall forward into her arms.

She grabbed his shirt collar and dragged him over to Enki, whom she undid the chains on as well. Grabbing him as well on the other hand, she dragged them to the infirmary and ordered the nurses to start treating them immediately, giving specific instructions on keeping the two boys in the furthest rooms away from each other as possible.

Just before she left, she turned and whispered to Enki, "I'm sorry for being rough."

As she stepped out of the infirmary, a flash of electricity filled her entire body and she collapsed onto her knees, wincing in pain. Luckily, no one was in the hallway at that time so she didn't make a scene. She slowly pulled herself back up, using the wall as a support as she climbed painfully up the stairs to the rooftop. Then she collapsed completely onto the ground, her body reduced back to that of a small bird.

My... body... it.. wasn't... ready... yet... She blacked out.

The door to the rooftop was opened and a woman stepped through, picking the bird softly off the ground.

"I might have given you too big of a task, Matsumiya Shina..."

@metalcity @GingerBread @ghost of past
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Enki passed out as he fell to the ground. He couldn't see what was happening but he could tell his body was moving, he tried to struggle but nothing happened. Everything stopped after awhile but he heard a soft voice fill his mind. It was gentle. Then everything stopped.
metalcity said:
As Enki started to pass out he saw Shina turn back to a human "Welcome back." Enki muttered as he started to close his eyes but he continued to try and stay awake. As he did this he heard another voice. "Get to class, the fights over. Don't attempt to be a hero" Enki said trying to keep his eyes open. He laughed in his brain as this new kid came up and tried to end this "fight"
@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @ghost of past @LokiofSP
"DID YOU EVEN SEE ME JUMP FROM A WINDOW?!?!?" Hash yelled at them. He was filled with anger, and then it happened again. Fur started to grow al around him. "Get your weapons out!" he said.
@GingerBread @SovietBear

Ja'Zi looked at the fight finally end then glanced at Leo

"I'm sorry, I'll be right back. I have to check on how this ended."

He gave an awkward wave, something mixed with a bow before leaving to the infirmary. After spotting Nyx's bed, he walked next to him.


He muttered to himself while he sat down.

"What could have done this?" He whispered
Nyx's eyes slowly opened, his body aching with pain, as he remembered what had happened before he was knocked unconscious a smile creeped onto his face, Nyx Pulled himself into a sitting position causing pain to shoot through his body, Nyx let out a small groan in response to the pain.

Nyx was about to leave the infirmary until he saw one of the people who were watching the fight earlier, Nyx looked at the boy
"Why are you here?" Nyx asked hostilely not in the mood to deal with people

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Nyx eyed the boy suspiciously "I'm doing amazingly, that's why i'm in the infirmary" Nyx replied sarcastically "Anyway I doubt you just came to see if i was okay, what do you want? A fight?" Nyx asked his tone Emotionless

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Enki started to regain continuousness, he groaned as he started to move slightly. He rubbed his eyes and they opened slightly, everything was a blur. "w...what?" Enki said trying to look around, he couldn't tell where he was. He started to try and get out of bed but pain shoot thorough his body, he fell backwards onto the bead. "what happened?" Enki tried to recall what happened, in the meantime he sent fire through his body trying to close any unattended wound. Images of the fight entered Enki's mind, he also saw Shina turn to her human form. "Good, I wasn't dreaming about everything." A small smile fell onto his face, he moved up and sat on the bed. The pain didn't want to stop as he did this but he continued anyway. He started to meditate.

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