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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Why did you want to see if i was okay, i don't really know you and you don't really know me, so why care?" Nyx asked placing one hand on his daggers making sure Ja'Zi didn't notice this movement I can't fight right now, but if he does attack, i'm not going down without a fight Nyx thought preparing himself for anything, still suspicious of Ja'Zi

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Ja'Zi blushed a bit but shook his head slightly, regaining composure.

"I thought I'd get to know you more." He says plainly.

"Besides, you look like you hurt yourself pretty bad."

He continues with a false sense of confidence
Jay finally got out of his hated 2nd period. As soon as he'd escaped, he ran down to the infirmary, which he was sure the fighters would have been taken to. After all, he had witnessed the end of the brutal fight from his window seat, and... he could have sworn he'd saw Shina. He'd have to pick Nyx's brain about that. He broke into a sprint towards the infirmary.

As soon as he entered, he quickly saw a bit of Nyx's hair behind a curtain. He tried to go though, but was stopped by a nurse. "Sorry honey, but he's got another visitor right now. Just wait out here until he's done." He took a position by the entrance, twiddling his thumbs while he waited.

@GingerBread @GreenEyedStranger
"I've been through worse, i'll be fine later, i'm a vampire, better healing than most, so as long as the fight is fun i don't care about the aftermath" Nyx replied deciding that Ja'Zi was telling the truth about not being here for a fight, Nyx let himself relax a bit, but not dropping his guard completely

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Enki sighed "Damn bastard, can he not shut up." Enki stopped meditating, he couldn't constraint with the talking between Nyx and another boy. Enki struggled and got out of bed, his body ached. He slowly made his way of his room, people didn't mind about his action. He noticed Jay standing out side of the room Nyx was in, he walked over slowly "Hey, what do we have next lesson." Enki struggled to say, he held the side of his chest as he felt a broken rib or 2.

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"Oh, that's a relief"

He looked down and paused for a moment

"I'm sorry if I scared you with this suit by the way. I'm a dragon. A half dragon. Ever since I was a hatchling though I was cursed..."

"I'm not trying to!"

He coughs and looks away to the right

"I just felt it deserved an explanation..."

He looked outside and saw someone waiting.

"Well, I'll leave you be now."

He stood up to leave before pausing for a moment

"If you're not busy later, maybe we can talk some more."
"If you find me when i'm not in a fighting mood, sure. Good luck with that though" Nyx replied to the boy, confused by why he wanted to talk to him later

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@GingerBread @SovietBear @Lotusy

He smiled and blushed, embarrassed at his introduction as he finally left. On his way out, he glanced at Jay, giving him a judging look.

'Oh... I hope not.' He said to himself, in answer to his thoughts

He returned outside back to Leo

"Sorry, he really got messed up."
The fur suddenly sheded when it's over. Hash felt disoriented and sore to the core. (hehe pain rhyme) He started to fall to the ground face first. He closed his eyes waiting for impact, then WHAM! He was out cold. Unable to hear or see anyone.
As Enki approached Jay to ask his question a nurse ran over and stood in front of Enki "You cant come close to this room." She said, Enki was about to ask who's room it was but realised it must be Nyx, all the signs point to that. "Fine I'm sorry for bothering you." Enki turned around and started to head out of the infirmary, the receptionist told him to go to bed but Enki continued on his way. He got out side, the wind hurt his chest "dammit" Enki coughed out. He looked around for a place to sleep, but he decided that he wanted to train. He walked around campus and he noticed a tree, all alone. Enki walked over to it, he tried to summon his sword but it only lasted a few seconds. "Dammit, nothing ever works." Enki knelled down by the tree, he summoned a flame in his hand and started to burn the bottom. The tree collapsed unleashing a loud thump. Enki used his flame to cut the tree in to half, then half again. He had four parts. "This will work nicely." People looked at Enki with a puzzled look, this didn't bother him as he lifted one of the quarters. He placed it on his back, he gasped for air as his chest started to hurt. He started to do a lap of the school, jogging with a log on his back.
THUMP! As a tree fell to the ground hard, Hash flew up 6 in. off the ground, then falls back down with blood coming out of his nose. As he hit the ground, Hash started to snooze, he curled up like a little puppy cold on a winters night, only it wasn't winter. He put his hand on his back, and slowly made his hand warm. He smiled in his sleep saying, "mmmmnn. This is nice".
Leo considered going in to see for himself, but winced at the thought of so much blood. "...Yeah, I'll take your word for it. that fight was pretty brutal. Want to go find 3rd period?" Leo asked, desperately wanting to get out of the infirmary. He could smell something like narcotics, and they made him woozy. He backed up, watching for surprise walls, and made it out the door without hitting anything.

As soon as the curtains started rustling, Jay shot to attention. As the curtains parted, he was surprised to see the suit-clad stranger from his first period. He raised an eyebrow as the stranger walked by, staring him down on the way out. Why was that guy here? I'm pretty sure Nyx doesn't make friends easily... He shooed off the thought and walked in. He walked over to the side of Nyx's bed, then set his bag down. "You feeling ok, Nyx?"

"I'm Ok, like Enki could do any serious damage to me" Nyx replied arrogantly "I wouldn't be in the infirmary if it wasn't for that bitch helping him" Nyx added bitterly.

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Columbus sighed as the fight broke up and second period ended. He went back to class to grab his things and began to head to third, only to see the guy who was fighting earlier running with a log...Or something....It looked weird. He went outside and walked next to the kid, looking him up and down, "Are you sure that's the best idea after what you've been through?"

@metalcity (Sorry if I'm interrupting plans or anything, saw your request in OOC and it didn't look like anybody responded)
Enki panted, his back felt like it was about to break. Then he saw a boy walk up to him, he looked over. What the boy said was true but he couldn't stop "I need to train, I am still to weak. But next time, I will win." Enki said as he continued to walk. His ribs started to hurt more "However what you say is true, it does feel like I broke one or two ribs in that fight." Enki said with a slight chuckle at the stupidity of his actions with his injury.

@LokiofSP (its fine, i wanted some one to notice one of the fighters making laps of the school with a log on his back xD )
Columbus looked at Enki and rubbed the back of his head, "I dunno... Trying to carry a giant log while injured seems kinda stupid... I mean! I get wanting to be stronger to beat somebody, but if you kill yourself while getting stronger, doesn't that kinda sorta make it all for nothing?...Just a tiny bit?"

Enki smiled "You are correct, but if I train with these injury's it will help me fight with injury's. Die or not, it will make me stronger. Plus this is better than carrying the whole tree like my first idea." Enki said with a laugh. He continued to march forwards.

Columbus looked on, slightly intimidated, "How come he gets to carry trees but I can't run a lap in gym?" He gets next to him, grabbing on to the tail end with a bit of struggle, "At least let me help make sure you don;t get crushed *Hmph!* oh god this is so heavy... " He begins to breath a bit heavier, "So...I never got your name, but you do look kinda familiar...Oh, are you that one pissy vampire?"

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"You think I'm a vampire." Enki started to laugh "No no, I'm just your ordinary human." Enki said with a smile "Names Enki, nice to meet you." Enki said with a smile "What's you name." Enki noticed that the boys breathing became heaver "Don't push your self." Enki though to him self, "If you want to help, you could try pulling on this log while I walk with it." Enki suggested.

(If you don't get that, Enki wants you to try slow him down by pulling on the log, but Enki will keep marching.)

"Columbus....And yeah, I'll take you up on that..." He began to pull on the log, the load lightening on him, but still giving him a bit of a workout due to his unfit frame, he asked Enki, "So what was that thing with the girl and the other guy? Is she aa zombie? Because I saw her die, and if she IS one, then my self esteem just tanked."

The log became heavier, Enki continued to march, not letting this stop him. His panting became stronger, he must have done 2 laps by now. "I need a drink, lets go to the canteen." Enki suggested as he made them move in the direction towards the canteen. "She didn't die, she is just reckless." Enki said with a smile, wondering what Shina is doing currently. "Have you seen that girl after she turned back to a human?" Enki said as his voice grow worried, his pace grow stronger but Enki fell to he floor, his breathing grow heavier.


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