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Fantasy Lakoria High School

I'm sorry for what you have to see. Enki thought as he took pity on Nyx, then he walked up to Nyx and placed a blue flame inside of him, sending a massive surge of pain go all through out his body.

Nyx didn't even notice Enki walk up to him even after he sent pain through out his body, not even reacting when the pain shot through him, his mind occupied with working out why his step mother was here. As He collapses to the ground his body unable to withstand the pain, Nyx saw his Stepmother disappear, Assuming that the whole thing was a trick by Enki Nyx started to get Angry sending all the red energy surrounding him inside of his body to combat the Burning pain inside him.

The red energy started to absorb the blue flame inside Nyx before starting to expand, causing a explosion of red energy, sending Enki flying backwards towards a building as Nyx struggled to get up, the explosion taking a lot of energy out of him, needing some blood to be able to keep going Nyx saw the dagger still firmly planted in his arm, he ripped it out and threw it to the ground, causing blood to start leaking out of his wound, As Nyx started drinking his own blood he felt Strength course through him once again, his sanity slowly fading, the only thing on his mind, was to Kill Enki

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Enki's back fell flat on the buildings wall, he gasped for air as all was lost. "Shit" Enki muttered as he noticed Nyx starting to go insane. As Nyx was drinking his own blood Enki ran past to him and threw a blue fire ball at Nyx's arm.

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Nyx saw Enki Throw a fireball at him and promptly moved out of the way "Time to die" Nyx said his voice filled with malicious glee at the thought of ripping Enki apart piece by Piece, as he charged towards Enki, His fist Connecting with Enki's face.

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Meanwhile, Leo was carefully avoiding the fight, and trying to navigate across the rubble of the school to get to the stranger. He finally made it over, and said, "I'm sorry about yesterday, I overreacted a bit." He awkwardly paused, forgetting what to say next.


As he approached Ja'Zi, the hazmat clad dragon stopped. He pondered for a moment, remembering who he was

"Overreacted? How?"

He stepped back a little, confused as to why someone would approach him
"Yesterday, at the gates..."Leo trailed off, "the getting mad and walking away thing... Sorry." Leo stop, you are making a fool of yourself. Archie's voice shot through his head. Shut up. It's either this, or be enemies with this guy forever. Leo responded, and that shut Archie up. Leo just stood around awkwardly, hoping that the stranger would accept his apology. Leo realized he never got the stranger's name, and decided to put that off until later


Ja'Zi looked at him, confused. He had considered taking advantage of the vulnerability he showed but decided to play along.

"It's fine. I took no insult to it. I'm Ja'Zi Ro, cursed dragon. What was your name again?"
"Oh, my name's Leo." Leo relaxed and exhaled. "So... weird day, huh?" He said, as casually as someone could while two people duke it out in the background after a giant frost demon threw them out of a window. "We should move out of the way of those two," Leo suggested as he gestured to the two fighters behind him.

As the fist connected with Enki he slightly touched Nyx's arm, allowing him to place a bit of a blue flame inside of him again. Enki landed a bit back, he ran back up to Nyx, he throw fire on the ground to create a dust cloud allowing him to get Nyx. Enki placed his hand on Nyx's chest and sent a large blue flame through Nyx's blood stream. "Take this you bastard!" Enki shouted as he kept sending wave after wave of blue fire through Nyx.

As Enki sent more and more blue fire into Nyx's blood stream, Nyx just laughed before punching Enki in the chest sending him backwards before biting into his other arm Drinking more of his blood before creating another Red aura around him absorbing the flames from his body, less violently this time, simply shooting up into the air and exploding into a purple mist like a firework

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Willow woke up to the warm sun and realized she was late, again. Rushing out of her house she grabbed an apple off the tree. "Come on Miyuki." She called to her leopard before taking to the air. As she flew towards the school, Miyuki walking below her, Willow started to hear the sounds of a fight. 'Of course theres another fight going on.' She thought to herself with a sigh. Flying closer she noticed that it was Enki and Jay fighting. And there where two students she didnt know

rying tomhave a conversa
tion to the side of the fight.

@metalcity @GingerBread @SovietBear @GreenEyedStranger

"I don't really know... I'm new here. I kinda met the vampire in a dream once, he was pretty aggressive. For all we know, this could be a regular thing. Guess we'll find out in awhile..." Leo stopped walking abruptly and looked up. "Is it just me, or is that person flying?" He asked himself as he stared up at a girl soaring through the air. "Also, why is there a trail of frost behind that leopard?" Leo was beginning to question his sanity, until he looked back at the fight, and saw purple mist puff out of the vampire's body. At that point, he didn't question his sanity. He full on knew he was insane.

@GreenEyedStranger @OceanBunny
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Ja'Zi looked at the creature next to him, examining his expression. He chuckled and crossed his arms

"I've seen weirder... And I've felt the same. But still, this is quite odd. Sometimes I think I'm in some sort of dream and I can't ever wake up."
"Dreams are so random sometimes... Did I tell you about the time that I fell asleep in the school hallway? I had some weird dreams and got chased around by one of my twin brothers. He almost burned my pants off." Leo began to ramble on while Archie was getting annoyed by Leo's version of the story. He desperately wanted to take over and tell his side, but Leo had control of the floor, and wouldn't give it up. This left Ja'Zi to listen to Leo talk for excruciatingly long periods of time. Assuming that he was crazy might not be so far fetched, Archie thought.

Enki sent out fire of the wound that Nyx was biting, he thought of what to do, he was in total dis pare. His fire arm was still free, this will hurt Enki rolled over, his wound opened, almost slitting his throat, he yelled out in pain but he rapidly shot out fire to seal the wound as it grow more life threatening. His arm grow weaker as his attention was focused on his wound but he rolled on top of Nyx and used his fire to twist Nyx's face and he sent purple fire up his nose. "you bastard!" A new illusion showed Enki making fun of him "you dumb ass come get me" then running around sticking his finger up to Nyx then going for an attack, while this happened Enki got his breath back.


He gave him a very odd look. He knew he was weird, but he was amused. He smiled slyly behind his glass visor.

"Twin brothers? Didn't think there'd be more than one talking lion."

He said with a grim chuckle.
Nyx Saw Enki make fun of him before going in for an attack, Nyx went to punch Enki only to find that his fist had gone straight through him, Nyx's face formed a scowl as he turned to face The real Enki as two copies of Nyx Appeared beside him "Two can play at that game" Nyx said as all three of him charged towards Enki swapping places with each other to confuse Enki on which one was the real Nyx as the two Illusions went to punch Enki's chest and back, while the real Nyx Went to punch Enki's face.

@metalcity (Yay Illusions are fun and not at all confusing)
"you need practice with this." Enki said as a sigh, he then throw a fire ball at the ground, dust flu around him. He noticed that the dust went through two of the Nyx's. He made it look like that he was going to block a fake, then as the fist was about to collide with Enki he moved to the side, dust moved with the wind and went in Nyx's face. Then Enki summoned his sword and sliced upwards, trying to cut off Nyx's hand.

Nyx forced his eyes to stay open as the dust started to irritate them, seeing Enki was trying to slice his hand off Nyx leapt up into the air Jumping onto Enki's sword forcing it to the ground as he leaped off of it and behind Enki before Swiftly kicking Enki in the back and making a move to get his daggers, When Nyx had got his daggers back, Nyx grasped both of his daggers tightly before slamming them into the ground Causing a crack to start to head towards Enki a red glow emanating from it before Acidic blood started to shoot out of the crack in the ground, Making its way towards Enki.

Leo gasped his face a little blue from lack of oxygen. This is why you should stop ranting, Archie thought. Shut up, please shut up, Leo thought. He then remembered something. Hey Archie, where's Seth? I haven't heard from him in forever. Oh Seth? He's probably off somewhere feeling hungry, you know how he is. Archie rolled his eyes. Leo suddenly felt a chill, and got a flashback to last time Seth was silent. He tried to dismiss the thought, but was sweating like crazy. He would've been severely surprised if nobody noticed that his face was drenched in sweat. Leo was panicking, but avoided hitting the wall this time.

"No... I don't think that's possible, seeing that you're wearing a full body suit, it's nothing to worry about. Anyways, we should move away from that wall a bit, it might be crumbling," Leo stuttered as he kept a careful eye on the wall. Sure enough, he spotted a crack, before realizing that he put it there. Oops.. He thought and hoped the wall was still ok.


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