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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyx Turned to Richard "You know what to do, go kill an old lady Richard" He said to richard, after seeing his pather run off to attack the teacher, Nyx turned towards Enki "Might aswell get your arm back, i'm not going to be holding back anymore, so i would advise you to do the same"

Richard got to the classroom and spotted Mrs winters and let out a mighty roar before charging at her, aiming to kill

@metalcity @Lotusy (If you want to kill Richard Straight away go ahead :) )

Ja'Zi glanced outside the window, seeing some of the rubble for the jump. Still reeling in terror from the demon teacher, he stayed quiet and averted her gaze when she looked at him.

At least now, though out of fear, he began to take notes in class.
While working on his project during APCS class, Corvus felt a vein pop through his head as he heaved a frustrated sigh. "Jeez... Never an uneventful day here is there? And it's only first period..." He commented to himself. He looked out the window in front of him, and to his right he saw a giant demon plop two familiar boys onto the ground and then leap back up again. "I'm not awake enough for this BS."

Corvus quietly summoned a silenced submachine gun equipped with silver-coated bullets and put it under his desk in case they decided to take their fight here. For one of the boys there was a vampire—the same vampire that hurt him and Pandora.

Stifling his anger and frustration, he just put on some earphones and continued working on his project while listening to music, hoping that they won't come near his classroom.

@metalcity @GingerBread
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(Assuming class has ended... @SovietBear )

After class had ended, Ja'Zi walked outside, carrying his single notebook under his arm as he carefully navigated the rubble from Ms.Winters' outburst.

He walked briskly, trying to avoid the awkward glances people gave at him.
Kino looked out the window. "OH JEEZ ITS THAT TIME ALREADY?!?" He exclaimed. He looked at Starino. "C'mon!! We'll be late for class!!" He grabbed his bag, Station's hand, and then sprinted to his next class with his new friend in tow.
Starino was worried was worried when kino said they could be late to class,"I got an idea hop on" Starino said summoning a horse in the hallway and getting on putting a hand out to Kino
Shina was on the rooftop, taking a nap, when her eyes flew open from slight pain in her chest, more of an annoyance than actual pain. She immediately closed them again, flinching against the bright sunlight. Another jot of pain tingled throughout her body. Sighing, she opened her wings and rose into the air. She flew around the school grounds, searching for whatever bad thing was happening now in the school.

At the end of the school day yesterday, she met a certain person on the rooftop of the school building. Shina was shocked because this person had known about her true identity. In exchange for keeping her secret, the person had asked Shina for a favor. The favor was nothing complicated, just a simple task. Shina would become the "eyes" of the person, watching over and protecting the students at Lakoria. If a large conflict were to occur, she was to resolve the conflict with as little bloodshed as possible. If she is unable to control the situation, she was to contact the person immediately.

After thinking about it for a while, Shina accepted the role, knowing that she had no other purpose now that she had completed her own. When she did, the person created an empathy link between them for communication. The person had also placed some sort of sixth sense within her that notified her of any trouble on the school grounds. It was this sixth sense that had woken Shina from her dream and enabled her to sense that trouble was brewing within the school. It was this sixth sense as well, that released the limiter on her powers, allowing her use force to take control if necessary.

As Shina flies around the school building, she sees a panther flying through the air toward a teacher. Frowning, she flew through an open window in the classroom, flying into the path of the panther. A light flame shield appeared around her, deflecting the panther. Two red beams made of fire shot out from the nearly transparent shield, disintegrating the panther. Shina landed on the teacher's desk and turned her attention to the teacher. She sent her thoughts to her, speaking directly to her mind.

I am a Guardian. On the behalf of the Principal's orders, I have been assigned to protect the school grounds. If you have any troubles, feel free to contact me at any time by whistling three times. Good day. Please continue your lesson.

Completing her task, Shina flew back out of the classroom window, heading back to the rooftop. She was about to settle back into her nap when another jolt of electricity flashed through her body. She hopped to the edge and peeked down, seeing two students fighting on the school grounds. Without even flying in for a closer look, she knew who the two were by their weapons and noticeable stances.

You know what ... I'm just going to give up on breaking up their fights each and every time... She never said that I had to do anything about small disputes anyways. I don't have to make a move unless they start destroying the school building or something. Might as well as enjoy the show.

(A Guardian is someone the Principal had informed the entire school staff about as someone who will act as her eyes. The teachers are expected to treat the Guardian with respect and to listen to her orders to keep peace within the school grounds. Note, I said "a" Guardian. High chances of other Guardians besides Shina existing.)

(Lame title, I know)
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Fire shout out of Enki's shoulder it turned into a arm again "Don't worry, I won't play any tricks." Enki placed his other hand on the fire, he tried to squeeze the arm but nothing happened, he was showing how it was as strong as a normal arm. "Want to make the first move?" Enki suggested studying Nyx's moves carefully.

"Asking to make the first move? you really are bad at fighting, how have you survived this long?" Nyx asked whilst spinning his daggers around his fingers "Oh yeah, that useless bitch killed herself to save you, didn't she?" Nyx added his face deathly serious.

Enki sighed "Well I try to be nice and this happened." Enki summoned his sword in his normal hand "lets go then." Enki started to circulate Nyx keeping eyes on him at all time. To try and make Nyx move he throw a blue flame at him.

Nyx jumped to the side of the incoming flame, making sure to keep Enki in his sights at all times "Who taught you how to fight?" Nyx asked mockingly before casting an incantation causing a red glow to surround him and his daggers making them faster and stronger. Nyx then charged at enki sending one of his daggers towards Enki's chest and the other towards his face

As the flame missed Nyx, Enki saw him make a move. Enki pulled the flame back and great speeds, going for his back. At the same time Enki made red flames on his feet making him move faster. He jumped back and then lunged forward to strike at Nyx's chest. This fight is going to make me lose a few years.

Nyx saw Enki start to lunge forwards to attack his chest, and Threw himself at Enki's legs hoping to trip him up, as Nyx did this he saw a flame that would been heading at him sail past him and towards Enki. Nyx knew this maneuver could make him vulnerable for a few seconds while he recovered but decided it was better than getting stabbed

Enki looked at how Nyx went for his legs, Enki used his fire arm to shot fire down his legs. The red flame stayed strong in its position but the rest lit up in a bright mystical blue glow. Enki let Nyx crash into his legs. Setting him on fire.

Nyx gritted his teeth as he was set alight, he stabbed Enki in the leg letting the blood drip onto him, as he casted another incantation, Causing the blood to rise up into the air and rain down putting out the fire. Nyx stood up before slamming his blade into the ground leaving it embedded there as he stabbed the other blade into his arm, Hissing in pain as the blade ripped through his arm protruding out of both ends of his arm, causing a blade to replace his hand "You'll get to meet your girlfriend again soon" Nyx said mockingly

Interesting Enki gritted his teeth as the pain grow. "All ready done." Enki muttered as he attempted to move back. A flame started in his leg and burned the wound shut. With the fire still on the back of Enki's legs he pushed himself back away and up on his feet. Enki placed fire on his sword and then charged back at Nyx and went to pierce his shoulder above the new blade hand.

Upon seeing Enki thrust the blade towards him Nyx blocked it with his blade hand, before swinging his other fist at enki's face and sending a hard kick towards Enki's Meat and two veg.

Enki twisted his sword around at fast speeds to slice off Nyx's foot. He then noticed the punch and moved out of the way of it, he almost fell as he moved but twisted on his foot and kicked Nyx in the side. Then went to slice Nyx's chest again "stop going for cheap shots you coward!" Enki shouted as he continued.

"Coward!?" Nyx shouted as the red glow surrounding him all went to his normal arm as he reached out to grab the blade of Enki's sword, the sharp blade slightly cutting into him, but the wound on his hand healing as fast as it appeared as he shoved the sword back towards Enki before charging at him Swinging his fist at Enki's chest, the red glow surrounding it making it stronger than a small explosion.

Enki sighed looks like I'm doing this Enki pushed the sword into Nyx's hand, he placed his hand on the blade making the flame turn into a bright purple. The fire spread across Nyx like a wild fire, then he made the sword leave that world and return back to hell. The flame was powerful but it didn't burn, it caused an illusion, Enki got knocked back a bit by the impact. The illusion hunted down the darks memory of the victim and displayed it in front of Nyx.

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Nyx was confused as to why the flame appeared to do nothing to him, he started getting ready to attack enki again, letting the red glow surround his whole body once again, As he was about to charge, he heard a voice call out to him "You're still fighting him? you always were weak and useless" Nyx stopped upon hear his voice as he turned around to see who the voice belonged to, hoping that he was wrong about who it was.

Upon looking Nyx found that his assumptions were correct, standing in front of him was his step mother, before he could even get a word out however she started to speak again
"You look even more like a Freak" Nyx not sure how to react to this, just froze trying to comprehend why she was here

leaving him vulnerable to attack



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