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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Before Enki went to the library he made a stop at the canteen, he found a table he liked the look of. He walked over and placed his bad down on the table then headed up to the food display. He picked up a bacon sandwich and walked over and sat down again.
After he had gotten up and convinced his father to let him out again, Ja'Zir decided to go get something to eat.

He walked to the cafeteria, but once seeing a crowd he began to panic.

'Okay, the food is right there. Maybe I can get some without drawing too much attention'

As he walked toward the counter, he could hear his suit squeaking and shuffling louder than before.
(Sorry if some of you guys haven't gone home yet or gone to sleep. Since I missed out for so long, I'm not to sure about where everyone is so if I accidentally cut off your interaction, please inform me)

Shina glided silently through the night sky, scanning the town. Everything was peaceful at last; all the commotion from the morning seemed to have died down to a calm starry night as school ended. She turned in the air, heading toward her home. She landed on her roof and stood there for a while, enjoying the night breeze.

Enki's right ... I've done what I came to accomplish. I saw my friends. But what do I do know? Absentmindedly, she began to groom herself. I don't know how long it'll take for my body to recover... The only thing I can do is watch out for them. But it hurts knowing that I can't do anything to help them if they get in trouble. Like what happened this afternoon with the spider...

She sighed in disappointment of her own weakness. No point in crying over spilled milk. There's always the job that person offered me... I did accept it.... Might as well as go to sleep and start early tomorrow. And thus Shina flew into the comforts of her home and fell asleep.


The next morning, Shina woke to a bright sunny day. She stretched out her body and jumped into the air, flying to the school. She landed on the rooftop and watched the students pour into the school as the bell rang loudly, indicating the beginning of first period.
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"One more second mom..."


"Where's my damn alarm... wait what?"

Jay quickly shot up, his hand feeling around for a non-existent alarm. With a sense of dread, he realized that the bell that was ringing was the first period bell. "Crap!" He jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, but tripped over a sleeping vampire. Oh right... Nyx was here last night... He cupped his hands around his mouth. "NYX!!! Wake up! We're going to be late!" He ran into the bathroom, brushing his teeth, changing, and otherwise getting ready. He picked up his backpack and ran to his first period class, hoping he would get there in time.

"Late, Mr. Delon."

Jay slid into his first period, World History. He had missed school yesterday, and therefore had missed the lesson. He turned around in his seat, looking for anyone who he knew well enough to ask for notes.

(@anyone whose character is a sophomore or freshman)
Enki left his dorm room, he was yawning as he headed to the canteen but as he did he heard that first period and he sighed. He turned towards where the first lesson would be and spotted Jay. "Hey there." Enki called over.

Nyx woke up to the sound of Jay rushing to get ready, he eventually got up after jay had left and found that he was no longer a kitten, he assumed jay had taken off the magic collar. Looking around the room Nyx spotted the collar on Jay's desk and picked it up in case he'd needed or someone tried to use it against him, Nyx 'borrowed' some clothes from Jay before heading out to the schools lost property to see if he could find his possessions.

Nyx eventually found his Daggers and clothes and started changing back into them, Once he had his stuff back Nyx set out to find Enki, not intending to let him get away with what he did yesterday.

Nyx went from classroom to classroom, peering through the doors of each one looking for Enki, When he found Enki's class Nyx decided to wait outside and fight him when the class had ended so the teachers wouldn't stop the fight before it began, Nyx waited glaring through the door at Enki, not even noticing that Jay was in the same class.

@metalcity @Lotusy
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@Lotusy @metalcity @GingerBread

After he had finished breakfast, Ja'Zi walked to his class, World History. He quickly walked through the door, as if trying to evade everyone's gaze.

'Just pretend they dont see you... Just pretend they don't see you.'

He slid in the back, his large suit almost preventing him from sitting in the chair. As he looked around, he noticed he forgot his books

"Great, just great..." He muttered as he hung his head, covering his visor with his hands.
"Hey, Enki. Just a question, but you would have had yesterday's notes, would you? I mean, we missed class because of all those curses..." Jay's words caught in his throat as a large, suited stranger plopped down in the middle of the class. He watched the stranger cover the visor to his suit. "One second, Enki. That guy's looking awfully down." He scooted over a bit to the new student. "Psst. Hey. Is something wrong?"

@metalcity @GreenEyedStranger
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Condition: Stable

Notice: None

Active Theme:

Quotes:@metalcity @Lotusy @GingerBread

Out..Of..Care:Not sure if there is already Npc for the principal so apologies if there already is.

"And here are the medical prescriptions he should taking every four hours.." A man in a black suit said as he handed a thin pile of paper towards the high School Administrator who nodded understanding the instructions given and looked asking."And where is the boy?"The administrator questioned not seeing the new student that would be attending their school which sparked some alarm into the man in the suit who quickly turned to look behind him but failed to find the boy, The made the man grit his teeth lightly fearing something might already happen.

Walking along the halls of the new school he would be attending attracting the attention of passersby's who happened to catch a glance of him was a child with striking white hair holding a stuffed animal in one hand while holding a piece of paper in the other, A Document which he study carefully as he traversed downward passing rooms upon rooms until he adverted his gaze to one room that happened to be the one he would be attending to from now on given the information he gathered from document among other things, With a smile he crumpled the piece of paper into one of his coat pockets and entered the room to see who would be his classmates.

Upon entering he already noticed a few odd ones out of the array of classmates within, Though the same could have been said to him due to his appearance and size. He entered the room with a rather confused look which was partly pure, he seemed to have arrived just in the middle of class, which was rather awkward but he ignored it and asked.
"Excuse me, Is the room 12?

"No its..."

He suddenly looked up at the person asking him and sneered

"What do you want?... "

His fists clenched as he talked while his mind raced

'Who's this? Why is he talking to me?!'
Itching for a fight and getting tired of waiting, Nyx swaggered into the classroom, grabbing some paper as he walked to a seat near Enki, Writing a note on the paper he slammed it in front of Enki, on the note it said: Hey Enki, hows your dead girlfriend?

Enki turned to Jay "No sorry, I didn't get any notes from the last couple of days. Not been in class a lot, I should change that." As Enki said that he made sure the teacher wasn't listening then a hand appeared in front of Enki as a note was left for him to read "Hey Enki, hows your dead girlfriend?" Enki sighed with a slight chuckle That would have pissed me off yesterday, gladly I know she is alright. Enki thought what to give back as a reply, he thought about it for a second before writing a new note. He creased up the paper and chucked it at Nyx, it fell in fount of him and read: Welcome back to your normal form, I like your cat form better. You looked so cute with your fur :D After throwing this he looked over and noticed the new kid sit down next to them. None of my business. Enki thought to himself as he placed his arms down on the table and rested his head on them. He looked out the window and started to drift off as the teacher rambled.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @GreenEyedStranger @Fiendish Az
Jay was taken aback by the student's harsh comment. "Uh... I'm sorry. I must have been jumping to conclusions... I just thought you looked a bit sad." He raised his eyebrow. "I don't know what happened, but I'll leave you alone. Pretend this never happened." As he scooted his desk back into position, the teacher rapped him over the head with a ruler. "No talking!"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Doot doot transition~~~~~~~

Mrs. Winters was having the roughest day. Late students, no notes, talking kids, it all infuriated her. After she finished knocking on Jay's head, she spotted a student from a different class walk in. Alright now, last straw. These numbskulls are getting DETENTION! She stormed over to the pair, but stopped when she saw another student asking for directions. Instantly, she forgot the bickering students and put on her sweet old teacher look. "Oh, yes honey, this is room 12. Please, come and join us." She walked back to her desk, pushing up the rimmed glasses she wore, sighing inwardly. I hate teaching. She rapped her knuckles on her desk. "Alright class! Back to notes! When Octavian defeated Mark Antony at the battle of Actium..."

@Fiendish Az (I gotchu covered.)

@GingerBread @metalcity
Upon reading the note, Nyx let a smirk creep onto his face This is going to be fun He thought before calling over to Enki

"Not even a couple of tears for your girlfriend?" Nyx asked mockingly before adding "I guess you did mean to kill her" A sinister grin started appearing on Nyx's face

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"Wait I..." It was too late, he already intimidated him.

'Coward... What did I even do?' He snarled to himself

'I'm approachable, right?'

He said all this while taking out a blank book. Not paying attention to the teacher, he idly began to doodle.




Condition: Stable

Notice: None

Active Theme:

Quotes:@GreenEyedStranger @Lotusy


The boy watched as the figure in the suit started to answer his question but never finished causing him to tilt his head slightly in curiosity to what he actually planned on responding with but watched as another student started to converse with the individual in question which seemed to spark some slight irritation which brought a little hint of amusement but not enough to twist his facial expressions into even the slightest grin. Then another student brushed passed him showing a bit of swagger with his walking showing the clear signs of someone wanting to fight just for the fun of it, To him it showed some signs of stupidity but he withheld that to himself and continued to stand there with small smile as he patently waited for a clear answer.

But eventually he never got one and instead a female teacher approached him from behind and told him to follow her in a rather sweet voice, But he was aware that it was a mask but despite that he made no comment except for a comment one.
"Thank you miss."He replied in his own kind voice and followed her to room 12 where he attended and listened talk as he payed attention her teaching's unlike most of the student who were attending, He wanted to leave a good impression for now so he could have a little bonus points that he could use should he ever need it.
Leo had a rough start to his morning. For one, he was up all night thinking about how vain he was and feeling terrible about making enemies. Another problem was Archie continuously reminding him about how he ran into a wall. Thanks to these thoughts swirling around in his head like a flushed toilet, he barely slept that night. He woke up to the sound of birds singing, and that made him really want to flush his head in the bidet. " Why do the birds get to be happy all the time! Why can't they feel miserable and self loathing every once in a while," Leo thought out loud, hoping no one heard him about ten seconds later. After putting on some clothes, he slipped a pair of well maintained brass knuckles into his pocket. The first thing he did when he got outside was put them on, and punch the wall he ran into yesterday. The second thing he did was curse. Extremely loudly. After that, he decided to head to class, but stopped outside of the room, because he heard the teacher lecturing the class. Better stay outside for awhile he thought as he sat down just outside the door.

Easy translation 101: bidet - toilet
Enki sighed as he turned his head to not face the vampire "No speaking in class, I wish to learn." Enki gritted his teeth, he still know it was his fault that Shina was put in her current body but she was also OK with being in it and didn't blame Enki. "We can settle this after if you wish." Enki said trying to to fight in class.

@Fiendish Az

As soon as the boy walked in, Ja'Zi looked at him. In a second, he had already scanned him fully, generating possible prejudices and weaknesses. He was eyeing him up like prey, but after a moment he realized what he was doing and snapped himself out of it

'Stop it. That's not how Im supposed to make friends.'

He coughed and leaned back, his muscles still tense.
"But how do i know you won't run off and cry?" Nyx asked putting his feet up on the desk before grabbing a hardback book and lobbing it at Enki's head. "I'll make sure you suffer though, you've annoyed me, you killed shina" Nyx Hissed at enki pausing for a second before adding "You took away my kill"

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Columbus sighed as he shut the door behind the old woman's house, Lugh had given him an address, said the person there would help him get stronger, he went and all that had happened for his first "lesson" was the old bat beat him with her cane until morning to "test his endurance". He sighed and checked his watch, wincing at the time and the soreness his shoulder felt, "Great, now I'm sore AND I'm late... Man I probably should have told her I was a zombie from the start."

After he had told her about his death and abilities she had began to cackle and laugh, saying something about him being perfect, she probably would have kept beating him if he hadn't said anything, instead she kicked him out so she could think, telling him to come back later.

He rubbed his eyes and dragged his feet to school, wondering if he should skip...


Columbus dragged himself inside the class and threw down a note, getting to his desk and almost immediately hitting his forehead on the desk, falling asleep.
Enki heard the sound swish as a object flew towards him. He lifted his hand as the book pounded into his palm and started to slide down his hand before falling to the floor. Enki gave up on his hopes of being peaceful to Nyx and started to raise out of his seat. "please stop with the killing, its getting old. Think of some new material to tell people. Its not threatening any more." Enki started a flame in his hand "I tried to be peaceful and not fight, but you are getting aggravating." Enki was about to throw the flame as he noticed there was more people than he expected, he changed the colour of the flame to purple and threw it at Nyx.

(if it hits it will cause an illusion.)

@GingerBread @Lotusy @GreenEyedStranger @Fiendish Az
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Upon seeing Enki start to get out of his seat Nyx got ready to fight, as soon as he saw Enki start to form a flame, he tipped his chair backwards sending him over the desk behind him causing the flame to go over him as he rolled and got back up.

"Does everything have to resort to violence" Nyx quipped not making a move for his weapons, waiting to see what Enki's response would be

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Enki sighed he's playing innocent... "You make everything go violent, you try to annoy everyone. And mainly me, not my fault that you are clearly trying to pick a fight." Enki turned his head to look out of the window "I would prefer to sleep all day." He said as a slight smile grow on his face as he said sleep. Then he looked back over at Nyx, confused why he isn't attacking.


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