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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Hold on you're just going to give it to him, what is wrong with you? Nyx asked as willow held out the stone towards Enki, annoyed at Enki nyx launched himself out of willow's grasp and onto Enki's face scratching and biting him as much as he could.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
Kino blushed. "K-kino," he said quietly. "My n-name is K-kino." He looked at his shoes and swished his tail as his ears flattened against his head.
Starino looked up at the guy as she was talking and thought he looked cute with his tail and everything then she said,"let's be friends


As he wandered around the dusk landscape, he strolled into the library, seeing nothing better to do. Ja'Zi caught the sight of two people talking. He stood against thewall of the library and stared bug-eyed, observing the two with a strange inquisitive glare.

"Ah, first contact"

He thought to himself as his body remained still

"Will they run? ... Or maybe they'll be eager enough to talk to me... No, no, I dont like the sight of that one... But.... Maybe approach with a sense of anger... Will they look up to me or... Turn away in fear?"

His mind trailed on, looping over every possible scenario of approaching while all the time he stared at them awkwardly through his garish suit.
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"You like to be a pain don't you." Enki said looking at the cat in the eyes, annoyance entered his voice as fire shot out of the claw marks. Once again setting Nyxens paws alight.

((No prob. ;) ))

Kino looked up at the new figure and his eyes widened. "H-hello?" He said quietly. His tail swished a little faster. Back forth back forth...... His ears twitched.
The fire on his paws caused Nyx to let out a sound of pain causing fire to shoot into Enki's face but Instead of releasing his grasp on Enki's face, Nyx willed himself to not let go and kept biting Enki's face as much as he could whilst trying to ignore the searing pain on his paws.

@OceanBunny @metalcity

He continued to stare until finally after a long pause he talked, with a sense of disgust in his voice. His thick accent slurred his words a bit, though he talked as elegantly as possible, though extremely fast.

"Hello. My name is Ja'Zi Ro and I would... No I mean I... Uh...."

'Dammit, you blew it.' He thought to himself as he looked down, his black scales blushing a bright white.
Starino wasn't startled by this new figure and looked at him straight in the eyes "Hi my name is Starino and this is Kino" Starino said making a motion at her friend
Kino saw Ja'Zi Ro's blush and realized that this being, whatever it was, was as awkward, if not more so, than he was. His ears relaxed a tad as Starino introduced them.


He looked up at them, clearing his throat.

"Ah yes. It is good to meet you." He paused, searching for words to say

"I am new here, when does class start?"

He lightly punched his leg, wincing as he thought to himself

'What a terrible introduction! You really are horrible at this...'
Kino's ears relaxed more. "I can't remember," he said. "I just got here Saturday." He smiled a little at Starino and then at the new being. "B-but I do know my w-way around...."
"Nyx! Stop that!" Willow scolded, pulling nyxen off Enki and holding tight to him so he couldn't get away. "There was a crack on the stone, maybe it's what houses the familiar and it represent his injuries?" Willow said hoping the dragon familiar would be okay soon.

@metalcity @GingerBread
As Leo stumbled around campus trying to find the admissions building, he saw a group of strangers. He briefly considered walking over and introducing himself, but a swift punch in the face from Archie's subconscious reminded him to find the administration building.

(y'all don't have to interact if you want, just use Leo as an escape pad just in case situations get awkward.)

@GreenEyedStranger @sitanomoto @WoodenZebra
Leo got up, and dusted himself off, embarrassed at the scene he just made. "Hey next time, don't punch me in front of people. they'll think its weird that I just get punched by my own subconscious out of nowhere." Leo mentally ranted at Archie. "Pay attention next time." Archie replied coldly. "Now time to introduce myself..." Leo cleared his throat. "Hi, I'm new here, and please don't mind that thing. Do any of y'all -" Leo was punched again by Archie. Next time, use you all, not y'all. It lowers our collective IQ. Archie yelled, through Leo's subconscious. Leo hastily got back up and continued, "oh sorry, do you all know how to contact administration? "Better Archie?" Leo thought. "Much better," Archie replied.


'Oh how tragic' Ja'Zi thought.

"You have a subconscious that can physically abuse you? How odd. But then again, we're all strange, aren't we?"

'Of course we are, you're walking in a hazmat suit. Try to act natural! Havent we ever talked to someone before?!'

"I dont... Me and these two are new here. Completely new"
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Though there was noise around him, Corvus continued to sleep soundly and peacefully, despite his recent and brutal injuries. However, soon he began to stir slightly as his mind was pulled into a dream.
Kino jumped up and then his ears went flat. He gulped. "Uhh... " he bit his lip as his tail swished. "OK.... Erm.... I've never b-been to the administration b-building...." He confessed quietly, his stutter coming out. "B-but.... I'm s-sure I c-could help..."
"I'm just saying, there's something wrong with me, not the juice!" Emma said, staring down at the can of juice. She scoffed at the can and looked back at the centaur. "Let me tell you. Even though they market worldwide, -Generic Brand Orange Juice- makes a promise to use all natural oranges! I totally trust them!" she shouted, eyes blazing with a juice fan's passion. "Their name is pure, I tell you, PURE! JUST LIKE THEIR 100 PURE ORANGE JUICE!!!" She was about to continue her rant, when she noticed she looked like a fool. "Uh, hehe, sorry. I got a bit carried away there. Ahem." She recycled the can, then walked over to the centaur and gave him a playful punch. "C'mon now. I helped you with your curse, you totally wouldn't mind helping out little old me, right?"


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