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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Enki! The giant spider is trying to eat the elf boy." Willow called out as Enki arrived and asked about the enemy. 'You're a kitten right now Nyx.. This thing could crush you in a second.' Willow's voice entered nyxen's heD with a sigh. The vines moved so he could see but was still protected from the spider.

@LegenDarius @DragonStorm @GingerBread @metalcity

"Well hello, are you feeling any better?" Nurse asked, seeing that the Ichiro was up and moving. "I've healed your leg for you but I would advise keeping weight off it for a few days." She told him with a smile. Turning she walked over to check on how LARS was doing. Seeing he was still asleep she sat down at her desk and smiled at Ichiro again.

@Sedinger @SovietBear
I don't see your point, i almost died many a time, i doubt a oversized bug would be able to kill me Nyx thought before adding in a quieter tone Not that it would matter anyway

EXOSTIM barely kept Corvus alive, much less conscious. He lay there still while his suit desperately tried its best to keep him in the land of the living, for though Corvus could travel through many realms, no elf could escape the realm of death.

The suit triggered adrenaline to pump rapidly through the elf's bloodstream to keep him up, while covering his wounds with an advanced medical ointment to prevent infection. Under the goo-like ointment came an artificial enzyme to speed up regeneration. But it seemed as if all of this advanced, on-the-spot treatment would be for naught as Corvus's heart rate continued to plummet, sending the elf closer and closer to death.

@OceanBunny @DragonStorm @metalcity (Save me!)
Oh, the ghosts are fine, just as long as they don't eat the furniture. Archie glared at Seth, but Seth pretended not to notice, and continued eating up the various tables that kept appearing in the room, most likely for his entertainment. Hey, why don't you just summon cakes, instead of eating the tables? Archie asked Seth, trying to get him to stop eating the tables. You might get indigestion. Oh I didn't think about that, why not? Seth replied, and suddenly all the tables turned into cakes. Seth began eating, but Leo on a flying skateboard accidentally smashed the cake. OH, YOU'VE DONE IT NOW! Seth's yells seemed to echo more than usual, which was a bad sign, and horns sprouted from his head, which was another bad sign. Leo ran as fast as he could while Seth spewed flames and chased him around. So, we're both new, do you know anyone else who might be asleep by any chance? I might draw them in here just to annoy them, I can probably generate like water balloons... or something. Archie continued, somehow ignoring Leo screaming for help as Seth chased him around the room.

@AngelofDebt (sorry, I had to leave for a really long time)
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"No, sorry...I just...showed up, I don't know if there' santons else asleep." Ray looks around, fascinated. "Oh, um, sorry. I've...it's...I haven't dreampt like is in years. It's...exciting." He kicks back in the chair, twisting so that he's sitting sideways in it, his legs bent over one of the arms, his head resting on the other. He seems in total bliss for a moment, and smiles...

...Then the ghosts act up again. He seems less annoyed by them now, and makes a game out of kicking one in particular. Of course, his leg just goes right through, blurring the ghost briefly. He whistles for a few moments, then stops. He turns to the arguing Leo and Seth

"I suppose they are always like this?"

@SovietBear (np, we all have stuff to do, I was inactive for about 3 hours just now, work stuff, so don't worry)
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Yeah... Seth is usually calm, but when he gets mad, he just doesn't stop. Apparently it gives Leo headaches, because he has control. Archie paused, and sat down on a chair. So... Since we're here, want to have a bit of fun? I don't actually know when this dream ends, and its been a long time since I've had a body. Archie leaned back and a pile of cakes appeared on a nearby table

"Has control?" Ray asks, puzzled.

"Dreams don't really follow the normal time flow. An mil--hour could have already passed for us." Ray keeps kicking the one ghost, now all but ignoring the entire group. He looks calm, but also seems itching to do...something...he speaks again

"That one sure likes to eat." He nods at Seth. "They both seem to ignore us, do you know them?"

Nyx assuming that Willow wasn't going to let him try to fight the giant arachnid, decided to take a Catnap, hoping that when he awoke he wouldn't be a cat anymore Though it's better than being a balloon He thought to himself before drifting off to sleep.

( The pun was not intended )
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Yea... they're my twin brothers. We had an accident at birth and all our brains were mashed into one body. I guess they just kinda linked together over time, but they still have distinct abilities. Like I learned how to spit poison, from a frekin cobra! I mean that's what you get for being adopted by a snake charmer.... Archie paused and took a moment to summon up a nice cup of tea before continuing. Leo never got that much control when we were young, so now we're letting him have some fun. Archie paused again, but this time to take a sip of his tea. Seth accidentally made a pact with the Devil when we were five, so now he has the ability to eat anything, and spew fire, AND he has metal skin. The other part of the pact though, was to make him want to never stop eating, so he usually doesn't do anything but complain. Did you know that he ate through a wall ten minutes later? Anyways... I think i need to help Leo, he might know something about this dream thing, and how to escape. Archie took a deep breath and then summoned a bunch of snakes with wings to rescue Leo from Seth's rampage.

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"So Leo's the face, Seth's the...brawn, I guess...and you're the brains?" Ray noted. With the place much quieter, Ray took a deep breath in. He looked behind him to see nothing but white space. And his pleasant attitude instantly dissapeared. He stood up from his chair and extended a hand.

"Not here. This is Archie's mind! The white seeped backwards a little. "Now!" He concentrated really hard, and the world returned to 'normal.' He turned to Archie, visibly shaken. "Sorry, all of my dreams are of There. It's not a place I want you to be subjugated to...too, unfeeling, for a pleasant dream."

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Leon shrugged as he began to ponder,"Well I'm not too good at those kind of things, if it's natural orange juice you're looking for I can probably grow some oranges for you and make those into juice."

Arachon gazed at his meal, unaware of the other enemies that surrounded him. Or more accurately, she didn't care. She had her meal; her job was done.

With a quick movement, Arachon lightly jammed her pincered legs into Corvus's slightly exposed back, just enough so that only the tips were in. The skin around his back where the pincers were inserted began to blacken, and it spread like a pool of blood, as if it was infected with some demonic, unnatural disease.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @DragonStorm
Azilernyo turned around before charging towards The Spider. he closed his eyes as he gained speed. His center glowed "This message is for my master, If your hearing this, Then I will be close to death.....I will be back to normal with in a month....Take care" He then hit the spider full on Sending what looked like a explosion, before it sucked back in and went out bigger. (I'll let you guys decide what happens to the spider)

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny @metalcity
...Thanks... Archie froze and slowly fell backwards onto a table. Leo, after calming Seth down, came back, only to see Archie slumped over at a table. What in the world did I miss... Leo whispered a few words to himself before grabbing a water balloon and pegging Archie in the face with it. Archie hissed, but then remembered to ask Leo about his dream. Hey Leo, do you remember what happened before you fell asleep? I would love to know how to get out of this dream world. Well... Leo sat down and closed his eyes. All I really remember is someone walking past me in the halls, feeling a tap on my shoulder, then later, I just fell asleep. It just happened out of nowhere. Well, that helps. Archie decided to interrupt Leo mid sentence. We might need more people to figure out who this person is... I have an idea.

@AngelofDebt (if anyone wants to join me in the dream world, please feel free to let me know in OOC chat)
EXOSTIM managed to wake up Corvus, but only barely. He awoke to the ringing sound of an explosion happening behind him, but he was too weak to even hear the deafening noise. The blackening of his skin was gone, but the pain remained The exo-suit, sensing this, gave a surge of adrenaline into Corvus's body, jolting him awake. He tried to move, but doing so caused a pain in his chest, as the artificial enzyme was still helping regenerate Corvus's wounds.

The spider was badly wounded and panting, despite it being freed from the vines from Az's attack. Quickly turning to his PDA, Corvus swiped the screen, bringing the console app to the background while bringing the bomb detonator to the foreground. He tapped the detonator button on the screen and entered in a passcode.

As he was entering the passcode, Arachon started to move again, quickened by her desperate desire to consume Corvus. "N-no! You shall be my host!" it roared as it charged at Corvus. But the elf's eyes stared back bravely at the demonic spider as he tapped the detonate button.

Suddenly, the spider disintegrated with a deafening shriek as the penthrite explosive went off inside of her, engulfing her within its hellfire and destroying her with its immense force. However, the blast was so strong that it knocked Corvus back down onto the ground, as well as causing some damage to the exo-suit's steel frame. This time, the elf was unable to get up, as the fatigue from the battle set in. As he lay there on the ground again, the weariness creeped into Corvus' body, quickly dragging him back to unconsciousness.

@DragonStorm @OceanBunny @metalcity
Let's see here... Archie pulled up a long list of names. Uh... I forgot that I don't actually know anyone here yet... Oh! This Nyx person looks friendly. Well, it might be their cat, since I see a kitten... I guess I'll just hope for the best. Archie closed his eyes, and then a small white ball of fluff appeared on a nearby cake. Hey Leo, still got those water balloons? Archie whispered, trying not to attract the kitten's attention. Oh you bet I do. Leo whispered back as a bucket of water balloons materialized right next to Leo's feet.

@GingerBread (and. @AngelofDebt please feel free to join)
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Jay thought for a moment. "Well, it's getting dark. No use trying to solve this problem today. Maybe you can sleep it off later?" He paused, then grinned an insane grin. "Oooorrr... we could go the more fun route." He drew out a metal cap.

"Columbus, I hope you're fond of electricity."

(@LokiofSP I tried to jump-start this conversation, tell me if I should edit anything.)
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Starino wasn't surprised with the boy's action then she held her hand out,"Hi I'm Starino nice to meet you" starino said hoping the boy won't die with her action

Nyx opened his eyes and felt something soft under his feet, when he looked down he saw he was standing on top of a cake

"why am i on a cake?" Nyx questioned out loud, upon hearing his own voice once again albeit slightly higher pitched his eyes shot open "I can talk!?" Nyx said too shocked by his ability to talk returning to notice his surroundings had changed

@SovietBear @AngelofDebt
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After noticing that the kitten regained conscious, Archie and Leo quickly huddled up and decided to put the water balloons away, and instead introduce themselves to the talking kitten. Archie nudged Leo who then crept up and started talking. Hello, nice to meet you, please don't scratch my face off. My name is Leo, that guy over there is Archie, and please don't scratch my face off. Archie waited for Leo to make a proper fool of himself before joining him. Don't mind him, he just had an incident with a cat in the woods. My names Archie, nice to meet you. Do you, by any chance, know how to escape a lucid dream?

"Ah, it's nothing big. Just... come to the roof." He grabbed Columbus's arm, dragging him to the roof.


The winds were starting to pick up, and a wall of blackened clouds were rolling towards the school, probably brought on by a portal to another dimension opening. Darn elves and magic spiders. He scanned the roof. "Aha! There's the lightning rod!" Jay faced Columbus. "So, here's the plan. I break that, put the cap on you, wait for the storm, lightning will (hopefully ) send you back to your body." He checked out the pole. "So, what do you think? It should be a cinch, as long as this gal doesn't mind the damages. Either way, I could always quietly heal her up. No one will eeeeeeeee..." *long pause* "...ver know it happened. "

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