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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Security guard??)

Secretary takes the letter with a smile and glances down at it before looking back up at the boys. "I'll need your friends letter as well." She says while taking Rays hand. "Let me just get your schedule and room assignment. That is if you're staying on campus this year?" She smiles at the boys before starting to look through one of her filing draws.

@AngelofDebt @Sedinger
(lol, typo, sorry)

He hands over his letter. "Yes, I planned to stay on campus, as long as I stay in school. Last name's Kaiden. Ray Kaiden"

@OceanBunny @Sedinger

(P.S. what should we do if
@Sedinger doesn't respond? Like, if he's busy or something)
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As Corvus was firing the rounds at Arachon, he noticed how it turned its head to the east, and there stood a familiar forest fairy. You fool! Why did you come here? Corvus thought.

Arachon dashed towards the fairy at breakneck speed, causing turbulence in the air behind it as it moved, his deadly pincered legs jabbing at her with fatal force. "How dare you get in the way of my meal!," it bellowed. "His body and soul are mine!"

@OceanBunny @DragonStorm
Willow shifted sizes as the beast came after her, narrowly escaping its deadly legs. 'Stupid beast, souls aren't food!' Willows voice taunted the creature inside its head. As she flew above it massive thorny vines rose from the ground and wrapped around all eight of its legs. 'Can't even catch a little fairy can you?' She continued to taunt the beast, making sure she stayed above it and out of eyesight in her tiny fairy form.

@LegenDarius @DragonStorm

(Just pretend he handed over his letter since that would be the logical reaction.. and ill send for the nurse to bring him to the infirmary)

"Ray Kaiden and Ichiro Moto, let me see.." Secretary said while flipping through the files. "Ah, here we are." She said puling first Ray's and then Ichiro's papers. "We should have two more students coming in, you haven't seen a John Torque or LARS Wells around have you?" She asked looking up from the paper work.

@AngelofDebt @Sedinger @Blacknife @SovietBear

Nyx heard what sounded like a fight happening nearby and decided to check it out. When he got to the location of the fight, he saw the Boy he had almost killed, Willow, a dragon looking thing all fighting what appeared to be a giant spider. Never a normal day here is there? Nyx thought to himself.

Nyx deciding he would like to be a part of the fight, tried to think of a way to not get killed while helping kill the Oversized arachnid. He then remembered Richard and decided to try to summon him, to help out in the fight.

When Nyx summoned Richard, he appeared with a red glow surrounding him briefly, when the glow had faded however Instead of a fully grown panther there was a small panther cub,
I should've seen that coming Nyx thought to himself annoyed. He decided to send Richard to fight the spider anyway, Richard started charging towards the Spider that was caught up in vines. Richard ended up being more of a distraction than doing any meaningful damage. While Nyx just sat away from the fight watching, his expression neutral.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny @DragonStorm
Corvus noticed the chance when the forest fairy tied down the beast with her vines. Using his exo suit, he used his jet pack to jump two stories into the air. While he was airborne, the elf took aim with the Storm and fired a round into the spider's stomach, ripping it open due to the angle it was shot from.

Even while he was still in the air, Corvus thrusted forward again, landing him right at the spider's stomach. With his bare hands, he ripped open the stomach, causing Arachon's dastardly innards to spill into the ground, making the field even redder than it already was as well as covering Corvus with blood. But through the mess, Corvus planted a penthrite bomb, one of the strongest military explosives to date, into the spider's stomach.

"Aaauuuaagh!" Arachon screamed in pain, his mouth gurgling with his own blood, as Corvus armed the bomb with the computer on his suit.

@OceanBunny @DragonStorm
"Yea, he might need that. I searched for bandages." Ray's voice slows to a halt as he examines the map. After a moment. "Couldn't find the infirmary." He looks up from the map and smiles. "Thank you, so much." And he was off.

(just gonna do a quick digression on my curse, then Ray, and myself, are headed to bed) On his way to the dorms, odd shapes began to appear in the corners of his vision. They were ghostly shapes, mostly human-ish, and called out faintly
"Ray...Ray." Their speech seemed, hazy. Ray was startled, and a little frightened. I wanted to get a good look of my way to the dorms, but... He spots another ghost float out from behind a tree, and just ran, phased through his dorm walls, and crashed onto his bed.

(this might be my last post for a while, since its not even night time, but I'll keep tabs in case I'm woken up, or feel like talking in the OOC chat)
Leo began wandering the halls, but rapidly fell asleep in a remote corner of the library. Leo? Argh, great he fell asleep. Archie attempted to wake Leo from his sleep, only to be met with a dull snore. I'm starving, is there any food nearby? Actually, anything would do. Seth began to take control of LARS, but figured out that Leo was sound asleep. Seth sighed, and wandered off to a different area of their mind to sulk. Great, I guess we're stuck and definitely missing our meeting new people and getting settled thing. Archie groaned, absolutely irritated by Leo's sudden narcolepsy.

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Secretary smiled at the boy as he left before turning and opening a psychic chat with Nurse. 'Hello dear, I have an injured student here in admissions for you.' She said with a smile when Nurse tuned into the connection. 'I'll be right there.' Nurse responded before closing the connection and heading to the admissions office to retrieve Ichiro. On her way back from admissions with Ichiro on a floating stretcher she ran into another student who seemed to be asleep in the halls. Summoning a stretcher for him as well she brought both boys back to the infirmary with her.

@Sedinger @SovietBear
As Leo lay in the infirmary, Archie and Seth debated what to do without Leo or their body. Suddenly, the two felt a powerful tug, then they were pulled into Leo's curse induced dream. So this is where you went. I thought it seemed a little too quiet in our head without you. Leo could tell by his tone that Archie was clearly annoyed. Sorry, wasn't my fault. I was getting to the administration building, and then ten minutes later, I find myself in this weird dream. Leo followed up with about 7 more apologies. Ok, just this once, I believe you. Now please stop saying sorry! It's getting bothersome. Archie sat on a random sofa and then decided to ask Leo about this narcolepsy thing. Oh that? After I fell asleep, this voice just spoke to me and told me that I could just draw people into my dream with me. Pretty weird right? Archie found this exciting because he could still meet new people. He decided to find a random person who was asleep, and draw them in. Unfortunately, that was Ray.


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Corvus tried to back away to a safe distance to detonate the bomb and finish off Arachon, but as he was running with his back turned, Arachon broke free of the forest fairy's vines and struck at the elf from behind. With a roar, Arachon swung his two legs at Corvus like they were swords, both pincered legs sharp enough to slice the sky into pieces.

The elf ducked, weaved, and used the exo thrusters to the best of his ability, unable to teleport due to the magical fatigue of opening a time rift. However, one of Arachon's swings made contact, clashing with Corvus's metal frame, but not leaving him unscathed. In his distress, he called out to his familiar, "Az! Help!"

@DragonStorm @OceanBunny
'Leave him alone you filthy beast!' Willow's voice tore painfully through the creatures head. More vines grew from the ground to wrap tightly around him. 'Please be okay.' She thought while looking for the elf boy. Noticing a certain kitten nearby Willow grew vines in a protective barrier around him. 'What are you doing here? I tried to find you after Enki threw you.' Her voice was soft and apologetic as it entered Nyx's mind.

@LegenDarius @DragonStorm @GingerBread
Emma laughed. "Yea, right. You can bet your tail I'll do it again," she threatened, grinning. In regards to his previous comment, she thought for a moment, then checked the label on her drink. "Nope, I don 't think so," she said. "Let me try my other power." She pulled out a little potion bottle, putting some herbs in it. "Abracadabra!" Nothing happened. "Darn. I guess my powers are broken." She put tapped her finger on her lips, but gave up thinking. "Got any ideas why?"

(@Isune I'm so sorry for not posting!)
Corvus heard the beast shout, "You cannot give me orders, wench!" before feeling a sharp pain through his chest. It was all fast paced, but in an instant slowed to a crawl as Corvus slowly looked down and saw a blade jutting out from his chest. "I have you now, insect," was the last thing Corvus heard before his hearing became a blur. The elf grunted as Arachon retracted his pincered leg, and he fell with a soft thud on the bloody, reddening grass.

Corvus stared at his PDA computer on his left forearm as his vision faded, blood slowly seeping out of the sides of his mouth.

Critical condition detected!
Executing emergency EXOSTIM.exe. . .

@DragonStorm @OceanBunny (last one for the night folks)
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Mira was left alone, and she hopped along the grassy floor, trying to search for another translator, or anyone who wouldn't step on her.
Ray sleepy, but not soundly at all. He tossed and turned over the pictures of ghosts in his head. Then he heard a voice, not one of the ghosts, calling to him. It was a boy. Suddenly, he wasn't in his dream, he was in another. And there were three figures there with him.

"Okay, now I'm really confused...who are you?"

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Hello there, person I don't quite know yet. My name is Archie, the person standing over there is Leo, and the guy who is eating the couch is Seth. Since we're new here, I thought that I might make good use of this forcing people into my dreams thing. Archie paused and tried to sit back down, but fell because Seth just finished the couch. The sight of Archie falling made Leo burst out into fits of laughter before Archie silenced him with a glare. After dusting himself off, Archie continued. So, please introduce yourself, and stay if you want. I would tell you to sit, but someone ate the couch. Archie glared daggers at Seth. It tasted like Styrofoam. Seth muttered a few more incoherent words before going back to eating the second table.

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When Enki asked his question to Shina he heard the sound of fighting coming form some where close by, "I'll be back, there appearers to be a fight." and with that Enki jumped of the top of the school and landed next to the group of fighters, "What's happening here, is that the enemy?" Enki asked as he summoned his sword and pointed it at the spider.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @LegenDarius @PhoenixFire13 @DragonStorm

(hope i got the details correct, tell me if I am wrong)
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"Well, hi Archie. I'm Ray. Also new here, just arrived in fact, and I'll stay, because there are ghosts in my normal-" a ghost appears next to him, with a ghostly bottle of whiskey in its hand.

Aw, really?" Ray complains "You may not want me in your dream. Some stupid ghosts have been annoying me the entire night." He gestures at e ghost. By now, a few others had appeared. Ray smiles, then suddenly a chair appears for him. He sits down. The ghosts crowd around him, a bout a half a dozen, and he tries to shoo them away

"I realized this was a lucid dream. Seems like the only thing things I don't control are you three and the ghosts."

@SovietBear (geez, this is hard to do on mobile)
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I'm here because I heard a fight happening and wanted to watch, is that a problem? Nyx thought annoyed that the protective barrier Willow had grew around him had blocked his View of the fight

(Sorry, my internet went out yesterday. I'll be extra active today.)

Ichiro remained in the room. After getting off the stretcher, Ichiro looked around and seemed excited. "This room is really rad!" he yelled. He stlll felt the aching in his leg. Eventually he started to tear up. Not from the pain but from the memory. His emotion went from being ecstatic to being depressed. @OceanBunny

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