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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"I appreciate your help," Leo said. "I'm sorry for putting you on the spot, I didn't know you were new here too. I think that we should get going, we don't want to be too late and miss out." With that Leo spun around, and ran face first into a wall. "Don't worry about me," Leo mumbled woozily. I'm sure they don't really care, you know. Archie spoke from the back of his mind. Oh, please shut up, Archie. Leo thought back at Archie.

@sitanomoto @GreenEyedStranger @WoodenZebra
Jay smiled as he saw Columbus, back in his old body. Old as in previously owned, but also just an old body. "So you're back! I knew it was a good idea, and now we have another success for science!" He pointed to the body. "She took a real beating, just in case you wanted to know. The owner's unconscious, though, so no harm no foul, right? She should be perfectly healthy when she wakes up, so don't worry about her trying to get revenge on you."

He look away from the roof and out to the sky. He the storm had vanished as soon as it had appeared, revealing a breathtaking sunset, and the best part? He no longer heard loud spider screams. "Well, I think that's- *gurgle*" Jay's faced suddenly flushed over in a deep red. "Heh, well it is almost dinnertime. Care to head down to the cafeteria?"

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Columbus shook his head and stood up, digging through the girls pockets to pull out a few papers and such, one in particular had a few odd markings on it "Don't see why not, I hope they actually serve something tasty here."

Leon shrugged and muttered under his breath,"At least my orange juice wouldn't be filled with so much random shit you can hardly taste the orange." He could only ponder what could be wrong, he wasn't very well versed in magic.

Enki felt his face to see how bad the cat scratched his face "We should give this to the elf, this probably belongs to him." Enki turned around and made his way into the infirmary. He entered the room of the elf and walked up, it looked like he was in a dream. Enki placed the gem next to the boy and made his way out, he started to to leave the area but before he did that he looked at Willow "I'm going to go to the libary, see you later." Enki walked off and gave a smile as he left.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @LegenDarius @DragonStorm
"No taking eyes or killing people." Willow scolded nyxen. "See you." She said with a smile as Enki walked away. Leaving the infirmary she walked around until she spotted Ebby still sleeping with her let's between the dorms and library. She smiled at sat down next to them with Miyuki and Nyx.

@GingerBread @metalcity @Momo Mix
"I'll go find that cat collar if you don't stop planning out my death." Willow scowled at the nyxen in her lap. 'Try to kill her and you'll be my lunch.' Miyuki thought at the little kitten. "Miyu! No eating Nyx." Willow sighed in frustration over the violent minded felines.

Donagan finally got to the school "he" mentioned. "Gosh darn it!" he said frustrated, "I didn't get to the school on time". He transformed back into his human form. As night began to fall, he had realized that regristiration, was about to end. He quickly transformed back into slender mode. As he got his tentacles out, pain spewed out of his back like a guyser. He screams in pain, because the tentacles were extremely new to him. He imagined being in Doctor Octopus's place, and alas, the pain stopped! His tentacles shot him forward to the registration, hoping he would make it in time.
(Oh yea O.o I was gonna take it off but Enki threw you onto the roof)

'You forget I'm a frost leopard. You be frozen before you could do any damage pipsqueak.' Miyuki's voice was mocking as it filled the Nyxen's head. She growled at him as frost spread across the ground around them. "Stop fighting! No body is eating or killing anyone!" Willow scolded as she started shooting from the frost. "It's getting dark.. We should get to sleep soon." She said looking up at the bright moon with a smile.

Don crashing into the building, quickly transformed back into human. "Ow" he mumbled to himself. His body hitting the ground like a rock, he got back on his feet and walked into the school. As he rubbed his head, he saw a woman behind the counter. He asked for his registration quickly. After he got his reaconization, he then asked her where the dormatories where.
"Oh, sometimes, i just don't notice things. What is with these people at this school anyways? I don't really get why almost everyone I meet wants to fight with me, I mean, not like I don't like to fight..." Leo trailed off and glared at the small group of students at the gates before stalking away.

@GreenEyedStranger @sitanomoto @WoodenZebra
"I think it's chicken today, if that makes you happy." He ran to the hatch on the roof. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" He sprinted down the stairs and out the building.

As he was running by, he briefly saw Willow and Nyx on a bench. He stopped, then turned around. "Hey Willow," he said, squatting down to the kitten's eye level. "Hey Nyx! Guess what? We reversed Columbus's spell!"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @OceanBunny.
SovietBear said:
"I appreciate your help," Leo said. "I'm sorry for putting you on the spot, I didn't know you were new here too. I think that we should get going, we don't want to be too late and miss out." With that Leo spun around, and ran face first into a wall. "Don't worry about me," Leo mumbled woozily. I'm sure they don't really care, you know. Archie spoke from the back of his mind. Oh, please shut up, Archie. Leo thought back at Archie.

@sitanomoto @GreenEyedStranger @WoodenZebra
GreenEyedStranger said:
@SovietBear @sitanomoto @WoodenZebra
Ja'Zi watched as the strange Leo left the library. He crossed his arms and sighed

"Well, this is interesting. For now I will be returning home, it is rather late..."

He turned and glared at the three, pausing

"W-wait!" Kino said, but then sighed. There goes his chance at making a new start. So far two people did he actually consider friends.
As Don got into his dorm, he threw his bag on the ground, and threw him onto the bed like a statue hitting the pavement. The room was already made for him. He rolled over, looked at the ceiling, and said, "darn, I didn't know that going to school would be so hard". Tired and sore from hitting the buildings wall, Don started to doze of when he looked at the clock. "Seven-thirty?!" he said, "I can't believe that it's supper time!". He got up, grabbed his dorm key, and left to go get food. Looking at a bulletin board, he saw that it was chicken tonight. Don transformed, and after seeing the bulletin board, he knew where to go...
Adrift in a sea of confusing dreams, Corvus made out the sound of someone's voice amidst the noise. "Corvus..." it eerily called out to him. "Why... are... you... here?" The dreaming elf remained silent, only for the voice to call him once more. "Corvus... You are not... of this world..." The ghostly voice drifted away, the noise stopped, and Corvus awoke with a cold sweat enveloping his whole body.

He looked over at his PDA, somewhat surprised that the exo-suit was still on. On the corner of the PDA, he saw that the time was now 12:43 AM. Turning away from its bright light, Corvus put the PDA into sleep mode. He breathed a heavy sigh and laid there on the infirmary bed, staring up at the aquamarine ceiling with its abstract design, his face illuminated by the ethereal moonlight filtering in through the window. He closed his eyes and tried to reclaim his sleep, feeling the soft fabric of the bed touching his skin. Breathing rhythmically, Corvus awaited consciousness, but alas this time it did not heed his call.

Giving up on his sleep, he sat up on the bed with both feet on the ground and turned on the lamp on the nightstand next to him. Surprisingly, his Storm PSR was just resting against the wall in front of him, and his B23R as well as a familiar, but damaged gemstone lay on the nightstand next to the lamp. Hold the gemstone in his palm and stroking it with his thumb, a torrent of feelings suddenly inundating his unprepared soul.
"Well, more of a zombie boy now. We made oightning strike him. It was great." Jay's head snapped back at Nyx's other comment. "Wait, what? Really? I-I mean, that's ok with me, just tell me earlier." He cleared his throat. "So, do you guys want to go to the cafeteria with us? I think they're serving chicken."

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LokiofSP
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