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Fantasy Lakoria High School


As soon as he saw the flame, Ja'Zi Ro froze in terror. He new the harshness of flame. It's purifying properties. His mind went completely blank, expecting to be engulfed in flame
"I make everything violent? that's rich coming from the person who caused a demon invasion and who just tried to start a fight by throwing fire at me" Nyx replied his tone Calm and condescending as he glared at Enki.

I'll make your life hell before i end it Enki, you'll be begging me to end your life soon Nyx thought as a Smirk crept onto his face once again

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Enki smiled at that remark "Is that a challenge? and please be respectful and call her by her actual name. Instead of your little fantasy of us." Enki looked around as everyone was looking at the two, his face went more serious "Please excuse me." Enki started to leave the room, ignoring the teachers complaints about him and the out come of this act.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @GreenEyedStranger @Fiendish Az
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"Always running away aren't you, not an ounce of courage in you, That's the reason why she died isn't it?because you're a coward" Nyx called out to enki as he saw him trying to leave the class.

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Enki stopped as he opened the door "I'm leaving as I don't want to kick your ass in a class room." Enki them left the room and summoned his sword in his hand.

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Nyx started to walk out the class before stopping at the front of the class "Better wish him luck, he'll need it" He said before continuing his way out of the class.

He quickly spotted Enki and saw he already had his sword out
"The one who didn't want to fight already has his weapon out" Nyx said with a mocking laugh before adding "You gonna have your two little bitches out to help you?" His tone turning serious as he stood in front of Enki, Looking like he wasn't concentrating.

@metalcity @Lotusy @GreenEyedStranger @Fiendish Az
Corvus held the cracked gemstone in his hand in a moment of silence of his dead familiar. He had only known him for less than a day, but for a familiar like Az to be gone so soon... It was almost too painful. However, as the tears were silently falling, the gemstone glistened in his hand, as if there was still a life inside. Wiping his tears away, Corvus took a closer look at the gemstone. Though it was cracked, it still shone beautifully in the light of the full moon, and something tells him that Az won't be gone forever. "I'll see you again..." he said to it before putting it back on the night stand.

Corvus got up off of the infirmary bed and unsummoned his Storm PSR and his exosuit, but keeping the pistol just in case. He took some spare clothes from the infirmary and went to the showers to clean himself up, for he smelled like a dead demon spider. He enjoyed that shower; the warmth of the water comforted Corvus after another crazy day. Or perhaps it was the start to another one, as it was past midnight. Changing into new clothes, Corvus stowed his old clothes in an anti-odor bag and put them in his locker, while also taking out his bookbag (which never left its locker that day) as well as his phone and other belongings.


The night air of the nearby city was as fresh as the water back at the showers. It rushed past Corvus's body, causing his hair to flow in the wind as he enjoyed its coolness. He roamed the streets, the building lights shining brightly enough to make it seem like it was daytime. It was 2 AM when he stopped at a 24/7 diner on the corner of the block and went inside.

As soon as he walked in, he was greeted by a waitress. "Just one, ma'am," Corvus said to her. She smiled at him and led him to a table near a window where he had a good view of the intersection. There he enjoyed a coffee as well as some scrumptious Romanian steak and eggs. He ate and drank silently as he read Scriptures on his phone, just taking in the scenery of the city.


Corvus stayed at the diner until 5 am, but it was fine with the owner as not many people were showing up anyways. He made his way back to the school, and by the time he got there it was 6:30. He made his way into the infirmary, and surprisingly only the nurse was there. He came up to her and said, "Ma'am. I woke up in the infirmary bed at midnight and I couldn't fall asleep. So I just showered and went to the city to eat. It's only 6:30, but mind if I stay here until the bell rings?" His request was met with a smile and a nod, and so Corvus smiled back and made his way into the infirmary resting room.

His bed was already remade, and it no longer smelled like death. And so with a sigh, he laid there and quickly fell asleep, only to be defibrillated by the loud first period bell that rang an hour and a half later. Groggily he forced himself up off the bed, taking his bookbag with him, and made his way to AP Computer Science.

@Anyone who is a junior :P
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Enki smiled and replied "Well you see, they are taking a break." Enki laughed before turning back into a fighting mind "It is clear you want a fight, so I will give you it. Now draw your weapon." Enki Summoned a read fireball and lobbed it at Nyx.

Nyx moved out of the way of the flame, just narrowly avoiding it before staring at Enki "Nah, don't feel like it" Nyx said waiting a second before adding "Weapons tend to make thing less interesting, Don't you think?" Nyx continued to stand In front of Enki looking uninterested

Meanwhile, Leo had a bad feeling about the two people walking out of the classroom, especially since one of them was the aggressive one he brought into his dream. He decided to leave as soon as one of them threw a fireball at the other. Leo made a bolt for the fire extinguisher, and stood right next to it, rigid and afraid of moving too much.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Enki looked at Nyx, a small grin fell upon his face "I believe they make a fight more interesting, I will give you a option which would fit my taste better. No magic. Just our weapons." Enki started to absorb his flame and it shot past Nyx and straight into Enki. Enki tilted his head to the other boy there "You should leave, I cant promise your safety." Enki said with a smile then looked back at Nyx.

@GingerBread @SovietBear
"No magic would imply no sword for you though wouldn't it, and i said no weapons, magic is a different thing" Nyx Replied glaring at Enki before adding

"How about No magic, no weapons, just me and you in hand to hand combat" Nyx looked over to the two people who had started watching

"He can't guarantee your safety, he couldn't even protect someone he cared about, but if you want to watch, i'll do my best to make sure he doesn't kill you"

@metalcity @GreenEyedStranger @SovietBear
Leo was about to take Enki's advice and run, but he saw the stranger in the biohazard suite enter the hallway. I'll get back to him later Leo thought as he slowly backed away from the two fighters, and walked out of the building.

You wuss Archie thought. I'd like to see you do better Leo retorted, and Archie fell silent.

@GreenEyedStranger @GingerBread @metalcity
Enki thought about that thought "Well, I wouldn't count my sword as magic. Its more of a gift. But if you insist of having hand to hand combat I guess I should try win in a more honourable way." Enki looked down at his fire arm "As this is now my arm what do you think about me keeping it in this form. Be unfair if you had two arms and I just had one." Enki wondered what Nyx would say. He saw that the boy decided to leave you made the right chose. Then he noticed the other ...he wanted to call him human but he really wasn't sure by his appearance. "You there, you should enter class as well." Enki then looked back at Nyx, his eyes filled with a fighting spirit.

@GingerBread @GreenEyedStranger
"I forgot you cut your arm off, well you best get some rope" Nyx replied before adding "I could beat you with one arm tied behind my back anyway"

He turned to the other person who was still stood there "Do you want something or you just going to stand there gawking. Go on leave you freak"

@metalcity @GreenEyedStranger
~~~~~doot doot Winters POV doot doot~~~~~

"Grr..." Mrs. Winters was very, very angry. First, those ingrates step out of my classroom. Now, they're fighting, and they're drawing more students out. Damn them! A vein popped on her forehead. "That's enough!" She stood up, slamming her fist on the desk. "All of you ingrates watching those two, get back in here!" She shoved the watching students out of the way, hustling towards the door. Soon, she found the spot where the two students were fighting. "Listen here, you little twerps. I am being paid to teach you. You do not get the right to disrupt my classroom, pull out my students, and TRASH THE SCHOOL!!!" Three more veins popped in her forehead.

Suddenly, her body shot out a ray of blue light. Mrs. Winters, the frail old woman, suddenly bulked up tenfold, grew horns, and started radiating cold. The temperature dropped to below freezing, and all heat sources were quickly destroyed. She opened her mouth, and a new, more guttural voice came out. "I am not some sort of teacher you can boss around! I am a demi - demon! And I will restore order to my class! You all... need a lesson in respect!"


@metalcity @GingerBread

(Poor Mrs. Winters)
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Ja'Zi stared up at the demon and quickly ran back into the room, taking his seat.

He stayed frozen sitll, matching the air around him as he breathed heavily, not questioning what just happened.
Enki sighed and took his coat off, his fire arm went back in to Enki's body and he looked at the teach "give me a detention" Enki tied his coat on himself like a cape "You will see if I cheat, I don't intend to though." Enki walked up the the vampire "you ready?"

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"In a minute Enki, i need to teach this bitch a lesson, No One interrupts my fights" Nyx said turning to face Mrs Winters

"I didn't think you could get any uglier miss" Nyx quipped As he unsheathed his daggers, a bright red light appeared beside him, when the light had faded a Panther was standing next to Nyx a red glow surrounding it.

@Lotusy @metalcity
"A detention? Oh-ho-ho-ho. No. We are taking this outside young man." Mrs. Winters grabbed both of the boys with her meaty demon hands, roaring a savage cry. She ran down the hallway, and broke through the wall, then tumbled to the ground 3 stories later. She threw both boys onto the grass outside. "Listen, you upstarts. I don't care if you fight, but from now on, never come back to my classroom." She brought her face close to Enki. "That means both of you have now failed my class! Enjoy watching your grades crumble!" She jumped with a mighty leap, aiming for the 3rd floor, but fell, making the ground shake. She jumped again, making it this time. "Don't you forget this!"

As she re-entered he classroom, she shifted back to being an old lady. "Well, that was refreshing," she said, beaming." She dusted off her hands and went back to the projector. "And so Antony fell on his sword..."



(Derp Mrs. Winters. I only had her move you guys away so you could still fight, and do so privately. Just in case you need to divulge any secrets. To all other students, feel free to run out of the classroom and watch the fight. She won't atop you again.
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Outside of the building, Leo looked back, only to see the glass window frozen shut. He ran up to the building, only to see the two fall out of a nearby window. Weird day this is he thought as he turner around and sat under a nearby tree, waiting for class to end so he could talk to the stranger in the biohazard suit.

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