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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Leo, after regaining control of Seth, sat in the woods looking like a dejected fool. He was hopelessly lost, as d hoped there would be landmarks to follow back, but apparently Seth thought it was a good idea to eat the giant shroom they hid under. As he meandered past countless trees, he finally stopped and spotted a book on mushrooms. Well, I don't have anything else to do... He thought as he picked it up and started reading. A few pages in, he recognized a shroom. It was the one the professor picked up in class. Finally finding something that piqued his interest, Leo began scavenging the forest grounds for the specific sample, while Archie shook his head in disgust at Leo's actions. About ten minutes later, Leo found out the hard way that there was a look alike. He stuffed it in his pack, mistaking it for the specific mushroom, only to find out the specimen didn't work exactly like the actual mushroom. The specimen (called the Joker shroom) made a noise similar to a whale being drop kicked when pinched, and in addition, would squirt out incredibly shiny spores that looked like party glitter. It emitted a smell much like old cake, and felt like a moist towelette. Leo almost threw it away, but then decided to make use of his misfortune, and snuck it under a toilet seat. All that was left was to wait with a camera ready...

(@anyone using the loo)

Edit: Anyone want to join me?
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"Only if you're ready to get beaten again" Nyx replied confidently "you're meant to save the world, yet you can't even beat me" Nyx added, his smile not fading throughout all of this

@metalcity @Lotusy
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"I've killed to many people, I don't deserve to save the relatives of the victims I have killed." Enki said as his anger left his face as sadness came across it. He gritted his teeth "Tell me, how can you live knowing that you have ended a life with so much potential?" Enki started to raise his voice as he finished what he had to say. He clenched his hand as anger flowed through his body.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Nyx smirked as he noticed Enki getting Angry "Everyone's going to die someday, So why does it matter if I kill them, if i let them live i'm just delaying the inevitable" Nyx retorted.

@metalcity @Lotusy (You wanna jump in and stop this before it turns into another fight? )
"And who the hell gives you the right to end that life." Enki shouted angrily over at Nyx, disgusted at how he views a life. Enki clenched his fist more, a little blood started to leak out of his fist.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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(Sure, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to or not lol.)

Jay was getting annoyed with Enki and Nyx's quarrel. His left eye twitched, and suddenly he walked in front of the two. "Nyx! Enki! Just... shut up! You both are acting like idiots!" He put his arms out in a blocking stance. "Neither of you say anything else! You guys are too abrasive to each other! I can't stop you by force, but I'm almost sure neither of you would hurt me. If you two fight each other again, I'm leaving you to the mercy of Mrs. Winters." He crossed his arms. "Well? What'll it be?"

@GingerBread @metalcity
Nyx opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it again not wanting to fall out with Jay again "Fine" Nyx muttered, annoyed at the fact that doing that probably made him look weak, but valuing his relationship with Jay more than winning a argument

@Lotusy @metalcity
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"Sorry, I wasn't thinking." Enki felt defeated once again. Hypocrite. Enki thought to himself You blame others for the same crimes you commit. Enki then started to walk into the dorms. "Leave me alone." Enki muttered loudly.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Nyx saw Enki walk away and resisted the urge to aggravate him further, Nyx let out a sigh as he looked over to Jay "So, what do you wanna do" Nyx asked, Attempting to ignore what had just happened.

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"I don't know..." Jay was startled as another bell rang. "Oh yea. I forgot. Fifth period is gonna start. We need to hurry!" He grabbed Nyx's arm and made a break for the class building.

(@GingerBread You ok with class?)
Nyx was shocked as Jay grabbed his arm and started dragging him towards class "Slow down" Nyx said with a smile as he started to walk alongside Jay

"What's the lesson anyway?" Nyx asked, hoping it would be boring or easy, so that he could talk to Jay more

@Lotusy (Yeah, it's English isn't it?)
Emma quickly sat up as Columbus entered the room. "Waitwaitwait! You're leaving already?" she asked, frantically, She pouted a bit. "Please don't just leave me here with these nurses. They're suuuper scary."

@LokiofSP (OMG I'm so sorry for leaving you hanging!)
(I'm thinking about a new event but I'll start it after this school day is over, alright with you guys? Though most of you could probably guess it already from the hint I gave here ^^o Even though it's a really small hint ...)

Shina peeked out from behind the corner. Her face was full of guilt as she watched Enki's back grow further and further away as he walked away. She sighed dejectedly and flew up the stairs to the rooftop. It was starting to become her favorite place to go when she wanted to think about things. No one really went up to the rooftop because a student had mysteriously died up there a few years ago. Shina didn't believe in such baseless rumors though, so she found the rooftop quiet and peaceful.

She flew to the very top of the rooftop and landed on the ground, hopping to catch her balance after the wind blew her slightly off course. She laid her laid onto her back and stared up at the blue sky above.

Looks like Jay and Nyx finally made up... Hopefully, Jay would be able to stop them two from fighting so much. I hate seeing them hurt each other.

Aren't you the reason why they fight? Why Enki has to suffer each time?

Shina involuntarily flinched, squeezing her eyes shut to block out the voice. Ever since she had that dream in the principal's office, there had been a voice taunting her within her mind. She didn't like how her own voice was being used to torture herself but it hurt her even more to know that everything the voice said was true.

Matsumiya Shina, you will not be able to save the world. You will be the reason why this entire world will be destroyed.

Shut up!

She covered her ears with her wings and curled up into a ball.

Just shut up!

You know I'm right. Your destiny is to fall to the dark side. They don't know what you really are. They don't know what you did to those men that kidnapped you. Not even your parents ever would have guessed what you did. If they find out, they'll never look at you again. You don't deserve to be their friend.

"Leave me alone!" Shina screams and shakes her head. She hated how she was shivering like some coward. "Just leave me alone... please..." she whispered.
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Columbus smiled, "Okay! I have English now so I'm not missing anything important."

@Mango (No problem, we all have real life responsibilities)
"Um... English. I think. The blowoff class, you know?" Jay tapped his foot impatiently. "But we need to hurry, Nyx! That was the tardy bell!" He started sprinting to the class.

"Yes, there was a town.. and soldiers." Willow says, giving him a curious look. 'I wonder how he knew that.' She thought. 'He mentioned something about coming from the future earlier.' Miyuki replied. 'You don't think that future..' Willows eyes went wide as she looked at Corvus.

Mizore ran, her backpack weighing her down a bit. Can't believe it. It looks like I've missed a lot of the semester... I'll have to work twice as hard... Dad's gonna kill me!! she thought, not really paying attention to anything she was doing. She barely managed to jump over a large rock that would've tripped her. She made her way towards the dorms, after running in and getting her schedule and key and all that. She crammed them in her bag on the way there, and began getting annoyed over how much she had to hurry. Its so stupid! she thought. In her haste, she smacked into someone and just barely managed to keep her balance. "Um.. I'm sorry, I should've been paying attention, I guess," she said in a dead sort of voice, not having really talked to many people before.

Corvus scanned Willow's face, puzzled for a moment why she was looking wide-eyed at him. But not long afterwards he put two and two together. The noise of the cafeteria boomed as usual, but it was as if all was silent between the two of them.

"Yes. I was one of those who escaped the soldiers, or rather terrorists. Soldiers don't give orders; they take them. But these people..." The elf's voice trailed off as he remembered the burning houses and the slaughtered children—most of them his friends. Fire and brimstone littered the ground while the infernal death cries of his loved ones swarmed the air.

"Amir... Jenny... David... Jalen... That day I lost all four of my closest friends to the 'Peacekeepers.' I was the smallest, most fragile looking one in the whole town. They scoffed at me, and they said to themselves that I would witness the death of everything I knew before I joined my friends in the pit." He closed his eyes for a moment, picturing the scene once more. Then he continued, "They thought I was going to be the last to die. But I was only going to be the last man standing. They didn't account for the fact that my father was a spec ops commander, and that I was trained by the time I was ten.

I sat there marinating in pain, anger, and anticipation as I awaited the opportunity to strike. My heart broke each time I heard a bullet being fired into each of the townspeople's heads, recalling their names in my head as their bodies kissed the earth. But at last... The time was now. There was a tank not too far from where I was, with one soldier standing inside the hatch, laughing at the destruction. But as he stood there laughing, I snuck up to him and plunged a knife into his forehead. Luckily his teammate was too occupied inside the tank to notice, so I just dumped the body and crept inside. Easy kill, just snapped his neck as he laughed. Not only that, he left me some presents—an exosuit and his gun.

I hit the jackpot. Not only did I have an exosuit as well as an assault rifle, but I had control of the tank! Haha! These fools won't even see it coming. I could tell they were done killing people, because I could hear them looking for me. Now it was my turn to laugh...

'I'm over here, you fools!' I yelled before I closed the hatch and took control of the tank. Now it was their cries that littered the sky and their bodies that kissed the earth! I put the tank in reverse and floored it, and as I went back I set off like 20 S.W.A.R.M missiles. Oho man, you should've seen how their bodies flew in the air! It was amazing! I drove around, and I shot every single soldier dead who burned my town. Just like none of my parents or friends lived to see the next day... Neither did they. Now... was I correct? Was that what you saw?" Corvus sat there, eyeing the forest fairy intently for her answer, feelings of sadness and loss mixed with victory circling around inside of him.

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Emma sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. These nurses are kinda creepy," she said, cupping her hand to her mouth. "So, tell a little bit about yourself, bear boy. You said, you, um, died before? What was that like?" Her eyebrow was raised as she asked the question.

@LokiofSP (So what should I do? Just say the nurses came in and healed me?)
Columbus visibly paled and froze up. He'd never been asked this question before and well...It wasn't a sore subject...But it was scary, "Well...I died about 200 years ago if my tutor is to be believed... I...I remember something about a tribe, and fire, LOTS of fire. I was safe and moving away with a few people when I remembered...Somebody....I think she was my sister? I dunno. Anyways, I found her hiding in a burning hut, I grabbed her and we started running but...Sh-She fell behind...A pillar almost fell on her but...I pushed her out of the way....I died then. After that every-things....Hazy" He cleared his throat and began to tear up as a Nurse came in and began to work on Emma, "Sorry but, I don't wanna talk about this anymore....So tell me...Why are you here?"

@Mango (If you want the Nurse could fix you and then we could join another group?)
(@Mango I forgot how you got into the infirmary but I think it was a crash onto your head or something? Tell me if I got it wrong)

One of the nurses walked over to Emma. "Give me your arm," she told her.

Without waiting for the girl to do so, the nurse grabbed her arm and pulled it toward her, using a x-ray magnifying glass to inspect the girl's bones.

"Mmmmm, looking good. You're pretty much healed."

The nurse took a rolled up bandage cloth from her pocket and wrapped the bandage around the girl's arm a few times before ripping the cloth and tying a knot, none too softly either.

"You may leave now, honey. I'm not kissing another boo-boo."

The nurse walked away to tend to another patient.

@LokiofSP (One step ahead of you guys owo)

(Just checking, that's the past, not the future, right?)
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(@PhoenixFire13 Well, a tear on her arm but so-so, so-so. Thanks for the help.)

Emma listened to Columbus's story. "Oh," she said. "Gosh, that must have been tough. Um, sorry about that." She was interrupted as the nurse bandaged her up. "Ehehe, thanks miss," she said, slowly getting off of the bed. "Whew. I'm not blowing anything else up for a while! Now where are we going next?"


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