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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Mira was a little taken aback. Not many people had come up and introduced themselves to her. She was a human, and although that didn't necessarily matter, her mere aura usually made people shun and ignore her.

"Mira Straum," she replied with a nervous smile.

@BunnySkull {{Do you have another picture of Lars whose art form is similar to Mira's? [basically a drawing in the style of some form of anime?}}
Nyx decided to ignore Jay's advice to take notes What's the point if the world is going to end in ten years Nyx thought, leaning back in his chair trying to relax and trying to ignore everyone around him, as he contemplated what to do about the future The principal didn't say anything about me being in the 'Legendary' group;I wouldn't want to join if i had to work with Enki anyway Nyx thought before looking over at Jay I Won't let anything happen to Jay He thought adamantly, a look of determination on his face If i end up having to team up with Enki to make sure Jay is Safe, then i will

@Lotusy (I don't know if Jay can still hear Nyx's thoughts, But if you want him too, I don't mind :) )
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Lars beamed, sticking out his hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you"

Mira had seemed surprised and Lars wondered if she'd really spoken to anyone while here. She smelled human so, maybe people were ignoring her.

((@Artemistel ah no (I couldn't find a fc I liked so I doodled that in like 20 minutes lol), why?))
Gears was running down the hall ways of this big new school "Where is my english claaaaass?!" He mutters to himself "First day. Late. Good start" He turns the corner and looks down at his piece of paper with the class room on it "Damn wrong floor" He looks around briefly making sure no one is in his way before spreads his hands out in front of him. The floor opens up as the floor appears to 'shift' into a hole. He falls through and closes it up behind him. He spins around before finding his class room. He runs up to the door and stops himself by skidding to a halt "Okay! Here we go" He then reached out and knocked on the door three times.
((Would it be alright if I controlled some random non-character students and made them my victims?))

The new surgeon roamed around the halls of the school infirmary. He wore a black robe across his entire body, covering him completely. Although strange, he insisted to his coworkers that it was part of his religion and that it was completely sanitary.

He waited for his first patient, grinning deviously under his disguise.
(I'll just bot the teacher in order to let Gears in)

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Dr. William's lecture on adverbs was interrupted by a few knocks on his classroom door. "Come in!"


Jay wasn't sure if Nyx knew, but he could faintly hear the vampire's thoughts. Even though the blood was wearing off, he caught a few snippets of his thoughts. Jay blushed a bit. "Hey, Nyx. Um... as nice as that sounds, you still need to take notes." He turned back to his paper, cheeks burning.


(Woo another teacher!)
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A sickly student, a magical faery-human being, walked into the infirmary. Seeing as the other surgeons were busy, she visited the new arrival. Her knee was hurting terribly, and she wanted at least an inspection.

"Good thing you came to me, it would have gotten worse."

He looked over the injury. The faery tilted her head

"How bad is it?" She asked

"It's horrible... Fatal. And it's spreading. But I'll stop it. Don't worry, you'll know my pain."

She tried to leave, uncomfortable. "W-What?"

"It's your pride that's the cancer. Self serving pride. Taking your life for granted..."

Before she could run, the doctor ripped open his disguise and sunk his fangs into her.
Gears exhaled and then entered the room "Sorry i am late. Its my first time here and i got lost." He stood by the door looking over the classroom.

"I'm sorry you had to live through that." Willow said, "But at least we have time to try and prevent it.. or at least protect some of the people." She said hopefully. Sighing she looked away as the images played through her head. They froze on the face of a terrified boy, looking up at a flame wielding 'soldier'. A tear slid down her cheek, for she knew she could not save this boy from his fate. Miyuki placed her head in Willows lap, trying to comfort her owner.

Destiny entered the school curiously, looking about. "So this is that school I was told about? Seems pretty good..." @Anyone
Mira cleared her throat.

"You too." That was what I was supposed to say, right? Mira thought to herself.

{{@BunnySkull nice sketch! Yeah, I was on a dress-up manga game site and was wondering how he would look in that art form. xD }}
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Dhaylian's whole body is quivering with excitement. He had just taken one of the biggest steps in his whole life. He enrolled into a school. Perhaps for some this was a strange thing to be excited for, but for Dhaylian, it was similar to riding a roller coaster. His satchel was heavy with a variety of textbooks and his uniform kept trying to escape.

His human form was uncomfortable, but he could make it work. His back was wingless and walking was tiresome. And he had to wear these big blocky glasses, but again, he could really care less.

"Are you a new student too? Ahh this is going to be so fun!~" He squeals in delight, clasping his hands together, in a rather girly way and his reddish brown eyes glimmering with pure joy when he notices someone else.

"Oh wait, I have to go! Or I'll be late for class!"

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Lars smiled at her again, quickly turning back to his notes as the teacher turned back to speak to the class. With a burst of confidence, Lars scribbled something on a piece of scrap paper and slid it across the desk to Mira.

It read;

'Wanna hang out during lunch? :D

Y/N (circle answer)

I'm bored of eating on my own

ps: its cool if you don't eat or something'

((@Artemistel thanks!! Ah cool okay ^^))
Corvus nodded his head in agreement. "It's alright, Willow. And as for the future, I wasn't really focusing on it when I first came here. I was just trying to have some peaceful days here so I can settle down," he said. "I know I have to prepare for their coming, and I'm already planning on training. But for now I'm just trying to rest. Well, at least try to..."

He took a sip of his drink and sat there in silence once again. "So what are you planning to do?"

Enki reached the roof, he looked around and didn't see anything "guess there is nothing here." Enki turned around and as he did he saw Shina on the floor. He walked over "I'm sorry for what I said, I wasn't thinking." He said with a worried tone. Then Enki noticed that she wasn't paying attention "I'm sorry." He said disappointed, then Enki noticed that she was asleep "Well that gives me time to think on how to apologise." He said with a small smile while scratching the back of his head. He walked closer and sat down next to her, he looked at her and she looked peaceful. Enki enjoyed seeing her like this after what he said, yet still guilty that she didn't plane him for anything. Enki started blushing as he realised he looked at her for to long and shifted his attention. He looked around and then laid up against the wall, he put his hands behind his head and watched the clouds go by.

@PhoenixFire13 (don't worry, it's fine. Also sorry if I don't reply straight away, might fall asleep in bed coz school night -_- )
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Mr. Williams sighed. "Yes, yes, have a seat," he said, and continued to drone on.


(So the people in this English class are Gears, Columbus, Emma, Nyx, and Jay. Did I miss anyone?)
Dhaylian, in all his excitement, had already gotten lost three times. But running down the halls made up for it. Huffing and puffing, he finally made it to his English class. He stops hesitantly outside the door and bites his lip. He had no idea how most human things worked. So a lone doorknob, stood in his way.

"Ummm, open sesame?" he asks the silent door with anxiousness.
(@metalcity No prob, go to sleep. I don't want the RP to be the reason you sleep in class and miss notes)

(@Lotusy Lol I wanna ask you to be the teachers from now on but I feel like that's too much of a burden)

Shina stirred slightly and turned, her calm sleeping face was disturbed as she shook her head and mumbled in her sleep.

"Chirp chirp... chirp... chirp... chirp chirp... (Leave me alone... I won't... Not to him... Please... Not Enki...)"
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( xD what I meant was normally you are on at 11pm-2 am, my parents think i go to bed at 10pm, so I have to stay in bed and as my lights are out I can fall asleep before many people can get online, but you came online sooner, aka 5.30pm xD )

Enki was looking up at the clouds he heard what sounded like Shina, not sure if she was talking in her sleep or not he asked "Hello? are you awake now?" Enki questioned as he looked down to her in suspicion of what she said.

@PhoenixFire13 (also is Shina still a bird? because if so I thought you couldn't speak while Shina was a bird?)
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(@metalcity Oops ... I got used to her soliloquies .-. Um, I'll add in the chirp chirps)

Shina continued to toss and turn in her sleep, unable to wake herself up from a bad dream.

"Chirp... chirp chirp... chirp chirp chirp... (No, stop... Don't hurt them... Go away...)"
Dhaylian gathers himself after throughly expecting the door. It seemed the metal knob had a mechanism that needed to be turned. Just as he reaches his hand out he realizes that there is someone beside him.

"Oh hi again! Say... how long have been standing there, watching me? Well, that doesn't matter. Do you have English too? And do you know how to open doors, my dimension didn't have doors, or buildings, or places with lots of people' he rambles, not used to socializing in the least bit and his face turning pink in mild embarrassment as he readjust his glasses.

"Ermmm...' he finally stops, unable to meet (Destiny's) eyes.

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Enki looked at her worried Maybe its a bad dream, it might scare her but better than letting her know that I saw her like this for awhile. Enki scoped her up care fully, so she wouldn't hurt herself on the solid ground. He watched as she wriggled around, it kinda tickled him and he laughed slightly, he poked her gently getting firmer though as he went along to get her to wake up "Rise and shine sleepy." He said as she kept wriggling.

@PhoenixFire13 (no problem)
Nyx's eyes widened as he heard Jay comment on his thoughts, Shocked as he'd assumed the effects of Jay drinking his blood had worn off . Trying to ignore the fact that jay had heard his thoughts "I don't need to take notes" Nyx said a cocky smile forming on his face before adding "I'll just use yours"


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