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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Enki looked at her so urm... I burned my journal. Ever since I started writing in it people have died around me. And it annoyed me at the time but there was no reason for me to say that to you. Enki put his hand out and shaked the wing I can think of something this can be payback for. Enki started jokingly scratching his chin acting like he was thinking of something.

"Dear god Nyx, she's peeling! Her skin is literally coming off!" He opened the door separating the building from the outside. "Also, you were cute as a kitten. Other people had less claw-ful problems." He turned to the girl. "Miss! Are you ok? "

@GingerBread @GreenEyedStranger
"Maybe she's a zombie or something, why do you assume that something must be wrong?" Nyx asked before glaring at Jay "Also make another pun, and well i just hope you can find a good dentist, I'd hate for you to lose your beautiful smile" Nyx threatened

@Lotusy @GreenEyedStranger

She let out a agonizing groan and fumbled forwards. Her eyes were no longer working, but she started to stumble towards Jay. Through her groans, one could hear her distorted, tongueless voice

Enki humbed, is thoughts intensified then he let out a sigh not sure, well guess for almost killing me. Enki thought jokingly then he elaborated with that was a joke by the way. He thought slightly nervously hoping not to make her feel bad.

Dhaylian (Because I am uncertain of what to do) hears someone cry out, but he couldn't quite tell where. Time to ditch class. Well, actually class was already over and he had been wittering there for a good half an hour. Oops. He grabs his satchel and his pencils and quickly skedaddles. He shifts out of his human illusion and stands barefooted with his rather large and pin butterfly wings billowing out behind.

"Much better, "
he comments as he lifts off the ground and takes flight in the hallway in search of the person in distress, such is his nature. He makes his way and eventually finds himself in a situation where he can no longer use his wings, instead he dashes down some stairs and opens them just in time to hear someone shrieking, rather illegibly. His eyes fall upon a disastrous sight, a quickly decaying faye girl. He recoils, and is so utterly repulsed he nearly looses his balance.

"W-what happened to you?" he whispers, not even entirely sure she was real.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Shina was a bit shocked at Enki's reply. She remembered how she had restricted him despite his wounds to stop him from fighting Nyx. For a second, guilt flashed onto her face but then she sighed in her head in relief when he said it was a joke.

I'm really sorry for that though. I lost my cool there for a second and I-

Oh, did you really? You mean you didn't completely forget about his wounds and was focused on hurting someone?

Her body tensed up. She shook her head as if she could shake the voice right out of her mind.

You are dangerous, Shina. You can't be around anyone. You'll just end up hurting them again. Just like how you hurt Enki when you died. Some good decision that was. You should have stayed dead.

Tears began to appear but she quickly wiped them away before Enki could notice.

Hey, um, I'm kind of tir- She forced herself to close the connection. No! I'm not going to reject him again! He'll misunderstand and I'll end up hurting him again!

She re-opened the connection, smiling apologetically at Enki. Sorry, something interfered with the connection. I think it's okay now. Anyways, uh, what was I saying? Um... oh yeah, I lost my cool back then. I apologize for that...

Sure, ignore me. He'll be the one ignoring you when he finds out about your true self.

@metalcity (btw the bold thoughts, only Shina can hear them so Enki wouldn't' be able to hear them)
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Jay cringed back a bit in shock. "Holy crap! Nyx, my teeth aren't important right now. I think something's wrong with her!" He jumped back behind the vampire, and his hand in position to heal Nyx. "She's... looking kinda threatening. Be careful."

(Jay can't win a fight for his life, so he's going to have to rely on [/s]Edward[/s] I mean Nyx to help lol)

@SolisNighsun Are you joining us?)
"HEELL EE!" She cried again in an unnatural voice, her throat degenerating as she spoke. Her hands had been completely stripped, revealing bone.

Even stranger, the bone was morphed, now resembling claws made of warped bone and bolted steel.

The girl lashed out at whatever was in front of her, crying in her eldritch voice.


Several other students gathered around, gasping.
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"Heal me? Is that what you are saying?" Dhaylian asks her, completely unafraid. He takes a step forward and raises his hands, in attempt to console her. She was already getting worse, hopefully he was right in his translation.

Nyx shook his head "Really? you make fun of me then expect me to defend you?" Nyx asked his voice full of disbelief "You're lucky you're right" Nyx added turning back towards the girl just in time to see her lash out and attack him slicing deep into his arm "If this is a zombie, i'm going to kill you. If i don't die first" Nyx said as he unsheathed his dagger with his good arm kicking the girl back and getting into a fighting stance

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Enki's sighed like I said, it was a joke. I was beaten up anyway, sure it didn't help but nether me or Nyx died. It's fine. Enki looked up and smiled, he started rubbing her head with one of his thingers.

@PhoenixFire13 (welp, now I feel slightly bad for bring that up ;- ;)
Tyrrell Watched as the class left, He didn't know what was going on in the first place. He then made to wings pop out his back and took off flying out of the door and into the air, where he was somewhat hard noticeable from the ground but easily noticeable from the roof of the school

Mira was more than a little taken aback by this complete stranger's sudden interest in her life. Was I wearing something nice today? Like always, her analytical side kicked in and she subconsciously wondered why he was so interested in her. A little hesitant, she waited before circling "Y" on the paper, and discreetly sliding it across the table and back to him.

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The girl cried out again in her pained voice as she barely stood on her feet.


She vocalized loudly, still in deep pain.

Her agony quickly turned to anger as attacked blindly again, this time swiping both of her arms in a mad fury in the direction of the kick
"Easy! Calm down! I'll help you!" Dhaylian calls to her, not entirely sure she could even hear. He gathers his magic, which is glowing a light green, in his hands and touches her with it. He sighs softly as the flesh starts rebuilding itself around her quickly, but gentle.

"Easy does it, shhhhh, you are going to be okay," he says sternly, looking at her as the flesh around her face start to heal.

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"Nyx!" Jay rushed behind the vampire. "Just... hold still for a bit! I've got your back!" He let out an orange tendril of light, which slowly started close the gash in Nyx's arm. "Hold on a bit longer! You can do it!"

@SolisNighsun , just to let you know, @GreenEyedStranger said that the girl couldn't be healed, since it wouldn't actually work on her diseased body. In fact, it would probably end her life.)
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@SolisNighsun @Lotusy @GingerBread

As Dhaylian pressed his hand against her forehead, she roared and swung at him


She vocalized again. Her face had deteriorated even worse. Her forehead where he touched her was no longer the sickly green, but a dead black.
(I'm aware, you'll see)

Dhaylian watches in terror as the the last bit of skin turned black. The girl lunged at him again and stopped, and slowly turned and looked at him and whispered, ever so softly: No.

Just as fast as it healed, all the flesh on the girl rotted away turning into a putrid brown liquid that dripped onto the floor. She unleashed a ghastly shriek and crashed to the floor, unable to keep her balance, her limbs flailing haphazardly.

Dhaylian reflexively summon vines from the door way and restrains her against the wall, her teeth gnashing and spitting as he backs away in horror.

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"Oh so now you help" Nyx complained before adding "Thanks though" As the wound on his arm began to heal he Unsheathed his other dagger he looked at Jay "What do you think the chance of her being a zombie is?" Nyx asked before walking over to the girl who was now restrained in vines adding "because i'm about to do something really stupid" As he sank his teeth into the girl's neck Drinking some of her blood, before recoiling back at the horrible taste of the blood "So good news, i don't think she's a zombie. Bad news the blood tasted awful and i think i was right about the diseases" Nyx said as he shook his head in an attempt to rid his mouth of the bad taste


As Dhaylian removed the last trace of virus from her body, the fairy's now skin-bare body began to convulse. It was ingeniously designed as so, being forced to survive with an infested body.

No longer being supported by the virus', the body made a strange change. Almost as if by command, her body began to melt through the vines. Sick black blood, bone, and caustic fluids all spilled into the floor, leaving a pool of wretchedness and small husks of metal.

The students on the side screamed and ran. Around the puddle, a nearly visible cloud of disease rose into the air, spreading.
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Dhaylian, immune to most diseases to due his heritage, fell to his knee, broken, as it clicked in his thoughts that she was dead. He curls into the fetal position, his eyes wide as they searched for answers in the remaining faces. He twists his longs hair in his hands, looking for some familiarity.

"Is she, is she dead, please she can't be. This is supposed to be a safe place," he rasps, shell-shocked.

And you powers didn't help either, that means you can't help ANYONE! The voice in his head calls to him. He closes his eyes, and curls up tighter.


(Poor guy, I think he's broken ;o;)
"What the- oh. God, that was- what..." Jay recoiled at the sight of the melting girl. "Oh no. Oh, no, no, no. This is bad!" He ran over to the pool of wretched fluids. "What in the world could have done this? She's- she's a puddle! Dead! End of the line!" He sank to his knees. "Who would do this to a student?"


A few students who were still near the incident started coughing and ran back. A few of them called out for some aid from the principal or whatever staff they could find.

In a dark corridor, the Surgeon watched with a sadistic grin.

It had worked exactly as he planned. The rush that filled his blood was unreal, but paled when compared to his joy. He had created what he considered perfect.

Of course he had expected the subject to die, but it was just the beginning. In his mind he fiddled with an idea...

'This isn't about revenge against the world...'

'I'm doing it a favor.'

His grin widened to a mad glee-filled smile as he began to chuckle softly to himself, walking back into the darkness.

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