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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"My names Willow." She blushes lightly as she takes Dal's hand. "This is Miyuki." She says, indicating the snow leopard at her side. Miyuki settles on the ground by the door and lays her head on her paws, staring at the boy.


(yes i did)
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(Poor Dal, I'm glad he doesn't know I gave him a girl name :3)

"Nice to meet you Willow, and you too Miyuki," He replies warmly, "Now that that's settle, what is your name, Doc? I've never heard it mentioned." He looks curiously at the Surgeon and his dark robes, why black? Such a dreary color.


(Yo Im gonna head to sleep for now, thanks guys!)


"I'm Darvis, the resident surgeon of this schools campus. I've been trying to deal with the infection so any assistance with virology or disease prevention will help us greatly"

He leaned back in his chair.

"I have a very severe patient in the other room, I'm afraid there's not much else I can do... However, maybe we can learn more about this disease from him."
(kk, I'm do the same)

"Well, I don't think it's either of them, a disease or virus, I mean. Mainly cause of the way it spreads. After a victim... passes, a great cloud of smoke emerges from the body as it leaves the host, then it targets a group of students," Dal comments, his memories proving incredibly valuable.

"However, it is possible that the parasite contains multiple diseases, which does make sense."

(Wow I missed a lot ... Thank god I came on to check before I went to sleep)

At first Shina had shrank back from the two's conversation. Not sure whether she should trust the boy enough to open her mind to him, she just waved a wing at the newcomer politely when spoken to. Seeing how Enki had reacted to the boy and glanced at her, she assumed that they were going to talk about something private so she flew a few feet away, giving them a bit of privacy. Once in a while, she could see Enki glance at her nervously and she would smile back. Despite the distance she placed between herself and the two boys, she was still able to hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

You don't have to keep looking at me like you need my permission to talk about me, you know. I trust you enough to know that you won't tell the wrong people.

She sneaked a glance at the boy in her peripheral view. She didn't like the look he was giving her.

He seems like an interesting guy. I have a feeling like he dislikes me or something, though...

@metalcity @Sicarius
"Is that a strange way for diseases to spread?" Willow asks, curious to learn more about life outside the forest. "Could it be a curse? We had a curse issue the other day."

"Possible, it would explain why healing magic only made things worse, the plausible curse was put on the original parasite, and the curse spread to others," Dhaylian replies, "Though, that doesn't explain the sudden outbreak. It would take a rather long time to concoct something like this. Perhaps we should look for similarities in other reported deaths as well."


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(Yaaaay. I get to SPEEEAAAK AGAAAIN)

Raven flipped his head to clear any hair he had in his eye. He watched as Shina flew away, and when he assumed she was out of hearing range he returned his gaze towards Enki. "You know...I was considering..." He paused. This is ridiculous. "If you really want to learn how to attain true strength, I am willing to train you properly." Raven finished. He sighed and closed his eyes. Never had he ever been so considerate of the needs of others ever since he loved Ariel. After a brief moment, Raven inhaled and then exhaled. "You may be wondering what I am. When I am needed, I don the persona of Corvus, which translates into "The Raven"; an immortal assassin who hunts down and neutralizes certain threats. He gave Enki a steely look. "I have mastered swordsmanship...an art form that is revolved around power, and control. Things you need to establish." Raven looked at Shina at the distance. He was unsure whether or not to mention anything from Enki and his previous encounter, so Raven kept quiet about it. "I can teach you to be strong..." Raven hesitated. "And to learn how to protect those whom you care about."

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
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Enki turned his hands into fists and clenched am I really this weak I need a trainer? This is probably for the best, but I can't train when I feel this weak. Enki finished thinking and had a brief plan. "I need to think." Enki turned around and walked away he looked at Shina "I don't think he hates you, just confused why I am talking to a bird." Enki looked around then he saw the building with the library, but the final of bell rang "I need to get to the library before it closes, do you want to come with me?" Enki asked, he muttered slightly as he was thinking on what to look for to explain his feelings.

@PhoenixFire13 @Sicarius
There he goes... talking to his bird girlfriend again... Raven thought. He was stunned at his own offer to Enki. Although he has the knowledge of it after inheriting the Corvus legacy, Raven had never actually taught anyone anything. He never had an apprentice, and the thought of it made him curious. He never really opened up to anyone.... maybe this was the time to share his tragedies with this kid. Maybe his failures and his agonies would better prepare Enki with his odd life as well. Raven folded his arms and grunted. "Very well, thinking is good." Raven said with the first sense of genuineness that he hasn't used in a long time. However, it was true. That's all Raven ever did. Think...think, think. He had no friends, nor did he really trust people for that matter. No one really understands him, and it will forever stay that way. He eyed Enki and Shina while they were talking. Love.... the biggest lie to humanity.... He hated it. He absolutely despised it. Love was nothing more than a veil to hide what you really want. He vowed to himself that he would never allow himself to love again. I'll never find it... Raven thought.

(From my phone again. Sorry if it's just meh.)

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
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Leo sat in the restroom, perched on a stall, waiting for someone to enter the restroom and sit on the toilet. He sat, and waited until he heard the end of day bell, and decided to leave with his mushroom, until he saw the infected students out of the window. After a quick council with Archie, Leo came to the conclusion that he should stay inside the restroom instead of glitter bombing the infected. He sighed, and resigned himself to a few more hours, or possibly days of waiting.
Reanne wandered the school, looking for her missing bestfriend. She rolled her eyes. Where in the world could she be? Rea reached the roof and saw a figure. "Tenya?"

Jay was roused from his conversation with Nyx by a familiar face. "Oh. Hi there, Miko!" He put down his sandwich and turned his body to face the boy. "It's good to see you? How have you been? Also, have you met Nyx here?" He gestured to the vampire behind him, the to the bench beside him. "Just have a seat."



'It's almost as if he knows... I have to kill him'

"I see..." He nods "I'm not one who believes in magic or 'curses'. I thinkthat all these talents people have have a scientific explanation"

He stands

"But yes indeed, lets go"

He leads them to the infirmary and shows several beds lined with dead or dying people, all with similar symptoms of intense decomposition, bulbous pores, and bleeding eyes

"These are all reported cases on campus. You might want to wear these"

He hands them surgical masks each
Soren Lonewind threw his duffel bag onto the foot of his bed in his new place of residence. It was nothing like what he was used to living in. Definite change in scenery - from living in the backwoods in some long forgotten temple to an urban school. He was deeply intrigued by the customs - or lack there of - of his surrounding culture. Fascinating. These folk seem to have little spiritual atonement. He had seen a variety of magical influence, however, that was for sure. In that respect, he knew he was not alone. Not that isolation bothered him. He thoroughly enjoyed the chances to meditated that came with isolation.

Soren unpacked his things and sorted them through his dorm into the drawers and closet. He arranged his desk simply with a notebook and a small collection of pens and pencils in a cup. The only light pouring into the room was from the hallway as his door was open. He was silent through the entire process. Once he was finished setting everything up, he grabbed his six-foot staff and held it about a foot and a half from the base as it rested across his shoulders. He walked out and began looking about, closing the door behind him. He began walking until he exited the dormitory and took his first breath of independence.
Truly exciting.
"I met you both my first day here." Miko said. "I get that you don't remember.. I'm not that memorable." He looked at the sandwich Jay placed down on the table and his mouth began to water. He eyed the sandwich with lust and was tempted to grab it, but exercised restraint. "Anyways... I've been okay... a bit... hungry."


"I'll pass, for whatever reason the sickness doesn't appear to affect me," Dal says gently refusing the mask. He does, however, put his hair up.

"Though, I do have a question, do any of the corpses exhibit radiation? Some of the bodies appear to have their flesh almost burned away, but the bone marrow appears to mutated the skeletal structure," he inquires, pulling on a pair of elastic gloves.

He selectively grabs a scalpel off a surgical tray beside a rather normal looking human. But across her shoulders and arms, large pustules filled with swirling liquid dot her swollen and irritated skin.

"Assuming that the cause is a parasite, the parasite would live in the abdomen, like a tape worm. The parasite would then worms it way to the skin and feast on the host's flesh, creating large blisters, those reinforced membrane blisters would gradually fill up with enzymes in order to deteriorate the flesh faster. That part does make since, some of the very first victims blisters grew so large that they popped themselves. The fluid inside them is so acidic it it has an effect similar to sulfuric acid..." Dhaylian continues, grabbing a beaker. He positions the beaker beneath vesicle. Without a change in expression, he jabs the scalpel into the orb and burst is, the yellow-is white fluid slowly running down into the beaker..

"Doctor, I have a question, each time this enters a new being, does it appear to mutate?"


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As Dhaylian stabbed the corpse, the Surgeon winced

"No, it's not radioactive. And its certainly not a parasite"

He slowly took the scalpel out of his hand

"From what I've studied, this is a single heavily mutated virus strain, one that I havent seen for many years. My best guess is that while on vacation, a student visited a third world country and picked it up"

'That's right, throw them off' He grinned behind his mask

"But anyways, I dont need help identifying the virus, I can manage that. I only need help treating the sick and maintaining order. But first, we have to discuss something in private"
Lars shrugged.

"I haven't met many" he said, grinning, "but, I'm not dangerous most of the time. I don't really go in for the whole biting thing unless I'm asked to." He added, smirking and waggling his eyebrows. He hoped he hadn't freaked the girl out.

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Nyx Wondered how Brave Miko was, and decided to have a little fun finding out "Yeah... It's a good thing you got here..... I was getting peckish" Nyx said, whilst he bared his fangs and let a sinister grin creep onto his face, making sure to hostilely glare into Miko's eyes. All in an effort to terrify Him

@Leone @Lotusy
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Miko's eyes widened when Nyx addressed him. At first with fear, then with admiration. If he were honest with himself, Nyx was attractive to him. He smiled and all he managed to utter out was, "So... handsome."


"He will do what he wants." Enki said, he walked past Shina and turned his head to look at Shina, he decided to tell her about the training. However he still felt strange being around her, he wasn't sure why thought. He did doubt her a little, but as she didn't stab him in the back Enki felt stupid for questioning her. So he wasn't sure why he doubted her anyway. He felt like Raven could be trust worthy and with what he was saying, and that he didn't seem like the type of person to use magic like that anyway. Enki decided it was best to tell her about the training as she would find out anyway with his "test" with Raven. "When you left I tried to train a little, he noticed and now he offered me if I want him to train me." Enki said, he looked away annoyed that someone would offer him this. Enki thought a little about this as he waited for Shina to reply. But I don't want some one to help me, but with what he said his methods could help a lot. Enki looked for a easy and less time consuming way to get to the library.

Willow took that mask and put it on glad for the protection. She watched as Dal moved about confidently, 'I wonder how he knows so much.' She thoughy to herself, only half paying attention to the conversation between him and the doctor.

@SolisNighsun @GreenEyedStranger
Jay watched Miko's eyes wander from his sandwich to Nyx. He narrowed his eyes. "He's mine, you know... I mean it. The sandwich." He blushed a bit and stood up. "If you're hungry, I'll get you one too." He walked over and bought one, then threw it over to the table. "If you want the sandwich, it's on me." He lowered his tone. "But Nyx is not for sale."


(Jay's got to be protective now :P )
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