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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Im sorry.. was held hostage at a five year olds birthday party xD ) @SolisNighsun @GreenEyedStranger

Willow stared in shock and confusion as the creature rose from the table and came after them. 'Oh no.. I think I may have made a mistake trusting the doctor.' Willow thought to herself as Dal and the creature started to fight. She backed against the wall not wanting to get in Dal's way as she tried to think of a way out of this situation. Suddenly the lights went out and the sound of a door opening and closing was heard. Willow quickly shifted to doll size flying up near the ceiling where hopefully the creature wouldn't see her, but she would be able to see the fight better once her eyes adjusted to the dark. 'I wish Miyuki hadn't gone to sleep in the infirmary.. she might have been able to help.' She sighed and tried to locate Dal's position in the dark.
Dhaylian attempts to scramble backward as the creature attempts to smash him. As the light goes out, darkness fills his vision. He stumbles backward into a wall, a strong pain focusing around the base of the back of his neck (Where the 'alpha' parasite is) He nearly blacks out with pain as his body is racked with pain and he struggles to maintain his balance.

As the pain passes, he reopens his eyes and immediately notices a change. Instead of darkness, the room was softly lit with a white glow. He looks around the room concerned. He looks over himself and gasps. His wings and random patterns on his skin was.... glowing.

"Incredible.... bioluminescence. I must have formed large amount luciferin for something like this," he murmurs softly, his eyes tracing his body with admiration.

He, with some effort, calls for his magic and lights the room with the green pallored arcane, healing himself. He groans briefly as his ribs reset themselves.

And then on more he turns to anomaly before him.


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As Enki was about to take another step but Shina rushed in front of him, Enki took a step back. What she said somehow hurt Enki, what is this? Enki tried to look away but it made him feel guilty, he turned his head back to her and looked her in the eyes, he looked disappointed and beaten, he blushed and kept jotting his eyes around but kept meting with her's. He didn't want to tell her what happened as it made him feel strange thinking of the conversation they would have. but he knew there was no way out so he said some of it "You did nothing wrong, I don't know why but I feel nervous around females again." As he wasn't sure if it would affect anyone else he shortened it down to that. He started blushing more "I'm not sure if it is magic from something or not so I am going to look to see if there are any types of magic that can change feelings." He tried to look away again but he couldn't bring himself to do that.

@PhoenixFire13 (thank you anime for teaching me what I need to know in situations like these)
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Willow smiles as the soft white light allows her to see the room. 'Wow.. He's beautiful.' She thinks, noticing the glow is being emitted from Dal's skin. She turns back to the creature as Dal heals himself. Concentrating on her powers, vines start to grow from the ground wrapping around the creatures legs.

Jay winced, but he took the syringe anyways. I will never use this. Ever. I need to promise that to myself and Nyx. He put the syringe in some balled-up tissue paper and zipped it up on the outside pocket of his backpack. "Even with this, Nyx, promise me that you'll still stay sane. I couldn't bear it if I ever had to use this. It just seems so... wrong." He shook his head and stood up. "Actually, nevermind. We probably need to get back to Miko anyways."

Nyx smiled gratefully as Jay took the Syringe "Trust me i don't plan on going insane.... But if i do i want you to be safe, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i killed you" Nyx stood up and walked next to Jay "Anyway, i have you to knock some sense into me" Nyx started smiling "The only person i'm scared of when they're angry" He said as he started to walk back towards Miko, Feeling like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

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The giant abomination, not relying on sight, hears Dhaylians mumbling. It gets up quickly and roars at him. It starts to charge forward about to smash him in the wall with a shoulder smash.

Instead however, the vines manage to trip the giant. He goes flying forward at Dhaylian, with all his weight.

'This is getting out of hand' He thought

'I'd better get the gas ready...'

Outside, you both could hear a chain jingling on the other side of the door.
That's approximately when the dutiful ash tree overcame the building. It had been searching for it's master after Dhaylian had allow it... to become something more (this is the same ash tree he made into stairs). The tree could think and feel, it had been so long. He could feel how everything was connected and how life flourished. He could feel his master's despair and his pain as if were his own. The tree's branches curled in anger, and promptly and attacks the building, busting the bricks and tearing out the metal beams that were laid in its path. He focuses below him, how his master's anxiety and pain went through the roof so-to-speak. With increased vigor, it's roots start tearing up the floor and it bursts through the ceiling, exposing various ecstatic and fearfully surprised students. They run away in horror as the ghastly tree giant makes it's way, shaking the ground, to the hospital corridor... heading directly for the Doctor's special room.

The tree pounds against the door, leaving large dents. He ignores the man beside him and manages to rip the troublesome door off it's hinges.


Dhaylian scrambles backwards once again to escape, but this time he is firmly pinned beneath the rotted flesh. As he struggles to escape, his body practically crushed. He closes his eyes are flooded with light as a tree ripped open the door with a groan from it's hinges.

That's approximately Dhaylian passed out.



(Achievement Awarded: Whomping Willow- er Ash)
'Willow where are you?' Miyuki's voice fills Willow's head with worry as the creature falls over onto Dal. 'Don't worry Miyu, I'm fine.' She reassures the leopard, not wanting to get her involved. suddenly a giant tree rips through the door. 'Hello there.' Willow directs her thoughts towards the tree. She smiles at it as she shifts back to human size, landing lightly on the ground beside Dal and the creature. Using her vines she lifts the creature slightly off the ground and pulls Dal out from under it. "Are you okay?" She asks, checking for a pulse.

@SolisNighsun (Really? This is fucking ridiculous... You know what, since you pulled enough bullshit already, Ill pull some aswell) @OceanBunny (im sorry that this became a lot more complicated and tedious than we planned)

As the tree rips through the building, light flashes onto the giant abomination. It hisses and screeches as light burns its skin. Just before it is about to finish off Dhaylian with a curb stomp, it leaps up towards the giant tree.

Powered by altruistic fury, it starts ripping the thing apart at the neck, as if it were responsible for the sun. As his skin melted in the sun, the abominations blood soaked into the wounded wood of the tree.

Meanwhile, the Surgeon was aghast in horror. A completely random husk of wood eithout any explanation had burst into his secret lair which he had worked on for weeks to setup and was destroying it in seconds.

'No time... I have to use the gas'

He flipped a switch on a large tank in the back and threw the hose into a room. It started to spew a caustic gas that burned the lungs. It would stop breathing until the victim was unconscious...
(@GreenEyedStranger finally you understand my logic XDD)

The ash tree roars (as much as a tree can roar), and proceeds to wraps it's furious attacker in it's branches, intent of crushing it. As it hears a satisfying crack it drops it, just wanting to make a point. The tree makes it's way to it's master, gently caressing Dhaylian's face. The giant picks up Dal's limp body and starts wrapping him in a thick cocoon made of leaves and thick branches, unaware of the gas. The giant finally realizes the danger and scrapes at it's bloody pulp skin for it breathes through it's skin and leaves, and it burns greatly. The sturdy creature wobbles back and forth and falls heavily onto the floor, squeezing it's cocooned master even tighter, as if he could protect it.

"Protect...... Maa..... ster..." the creature says, falling unconscious.

(Ok but seriously I'm done now, just needed to go out with a bang.... or two. Well three.... no I've lost count)

Raven watched as Shina and Enki disappeared from sight. He pondered on whether or not Enki was actually considering his offer. He didn't even know if it was even an offer, for he wasn't certain as to why he showed interest in Enki. The bird Shina seemed to mesmerize Enki, and for now he didn't know why. He was slightly confused at how they interacted, considering the fact that she at the present was a bird. After meditating on his thoughts, Raven decided it was best for him to just unwind and he began to make his way towards the music room.

The music room was right next door to the library, and on his way to it he saw Enki and Shina. I wonder what Enki could possibly try to accomplish at the library... He then continued on and walked inside the music room. As if on cue, Raven sat down on the piano and once again began to play it.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
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Her surgical mask giving her a slight protection from the gas Willow climbs on top of the fallen tree. She starts unwinding the branches and leaves, trying to get to Dal, as her lungs start to burn. 'Oh great.' She thinks, coughing as her vision goes blurry. Fighting against the gas she grows a ginger plant and pulls down her mask. Biting into the root she smiles 'This should help circulate the toxin out of my system quicker.' She thought as she swallowed the ginger root. "Why?" She asks, looking down at the surgeon before unconsciousness takes her and she falls from the tree.

@SolisNighsun @OceanBunny

Seeing both of them unconscious, and realizing the extreme damage around him, the Surgeon realized he needed to move. He hurriedly took all his sensitive files form the cabinets and stuffed them in a large bag. He looked down at the broken abomination, its bones crushed.

"Damn... Now I have to find another suitable victim..." He mumbled to himself. Suddenly, he remembered of his other unfortunate minion. Not as strong, but willing. He rang the bell and out of the corner of the room emerged a pathetic looking creature. Its limbs were abnormally long, making it somewhat resemble a spider. As it saw the bodies, it began to drag them out.

After the gas settled, he and his hostages, and the corpse of his abomination, were nowhere to be found.


As they awoke, the hostages found themselves in a dark cell.

They could barely see anything in the room except for thick iron bars and a light coming from a hallway. There was someone else in the room with them, slumped against the wall... He wore the same clothing as the surgeon...

Past the hallway, they could hear a loud scraping sound... As if someone was sawing wood.
@SolisNighsun @GreenEyedStranger

Willow awoke in a dark cell after the gas had left her system. Looking around she noticed the bars and then Dal. Moving to him she checked his pulse again. Finding a steady beat she sighed and stroked his hair lightly. She started to check him for more wounds. 'Hmm.. what can I use to help him..' She wondered, biting her lip as she thought of the different plants she had used to heal animals back home. She grew some vines and shaped them into a bowl. 'Lavender for pain and circulation.' She thought, growing a small lavender plant. 'Thyme for wounds.. also an insect repellent.' She smiled as she grew the thyme plant. 'And Dandelion to detox.' After the dandelion was grown she plucked the ingredients and placed them into the make shift bowl. Breaking a thorn off the vines she used it to crush the plants. 'I need water..' she thought, shaking her head at her mistake. Growing a berry vine around her wrist she added some starwberries to the bowl, crushing them to use the juice to make the mixture drinkable. Leaning over Dal she attempted to get him to drink it.
Miko had been finishing off the rest of the sandwich when he heard footsteps coming toward him. He turned to see Jay and Nyx approaching him. He froze as he realized half of Jay's sandwich was hanging out of his mouth. "I am so sorry." He said through the mouthful. He quickly stood up and knealt on the ground, beginning to bow. "I"M SOOOO SORRY JAY! PLEASE DON"T HAVE YOURE VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND KILL ME! I DONT WANNA DIE!" he continued to bow wow crying.

"You are nothing but street scum! I should've never pulled you off those damned streets." The older man spits at Dal's feet, furious at the boy's disobedience. The man steps forward and swings his fist forward.

Pain flares up the side of his face as he falls backward, plunging into the icy depths of a bath. A second later, a set of hands close in around his throat. He struggles to breathe but only water floods his lungs.

"That's it die!!"


Dhaylian jolts up as liquid floods his throat. He manages to swallow, but not before collapsing back to the floor into a coughing fit. While he was unconscious, his body had returned to normal, though his bioluminescent markings were still faintly glowing.

As his fit resides, he slowly sits up, his eyes lighting up as he recognizes Willow.

"Thanks..." he says weakly, fingering his ribs, obviously several of them broken.


Willow smiles and sets the bowl down, relieved that Dal is awake. "How are you feeling?" She asks, her wings fluttering restlessly behind her, reflecting what little light come from the hall. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She notices him checking his ribs. 'I hope the lavender is helping the pain..' She thinks, biting her lip.

"I've been better...." Dhaylian wheezes. He pauses, listening.

"What's that sound? That sawing...." He focuses on it, curious, however it fades as his starts pounding and heat envelopes in him, fever.

"I wonder what he would do with a bunch of wood, perhaps carpentry? I just hope he knocked on the wood first. Just so the dryad knows to leave," he comments, propping himself against the cold metal bars. He cries out and falls forward.

"I-its iron...." he winces and lays back onto the floor onto his side, the flesh on his back blackening.


As Nyx looked at Miko a sinister grin appeared on his face, he started to walk towards Miko, unsheathing his daggers as he got closer "Every action has a consequence, If you didn't want this to happen, then you shouldn't have done what you did" Nyx said, His voice filled with malice.

@Leone @Lotusy
"Oh no." Willow rushes over to him. Growing an aloe plant she plucks the leaves. Snapping them she spreads the gel from inside over the burns on his back. She presses her hand against his forehead to check for a fever. "You're burning up, here." She reaches into a hidden pocket in her skirt, pulling out out a piece of Willow bark she offers it to him. "I'll check on your dryad.. but we might have to do something about him." She says, looking over at the slumped figure in the corner. Closing her eyes she reached out with her mind, searching for and plant consciousness in the area. 'Are you still there?' She asked, trying to locate the dryads mind.

@GreenEyedStranger (Is the dryad okay.. or firewood?)
(His tree body is in pieces, though his raw form I think is still intact, just incredibly mutilated because he most likely cut into the tree's heartwood, releasing the faye male. @OceanBunny )

"My dryad? I don't have... one," he groans as Willow gently smears on the cold jelly like substance of the aloe. He accepts the willow bark and shoves it in his mouth, ignoring dryness of his mouth and the toughness of the fiber.

He closes his eyes and focuses on his surroundings. He could sense something, it was injured so very painfully.

"I can't tell..." he whispers deliriously, "The shadows, the shadows are choking it. Make them stop.... it hurts so very bad...."

His head swarms as he slips into a seizure. (A result of a concussion, impact trauma from Doc's first monstrosity.

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@SolisNighsun @OceanBunny

The slumped figure looked up at them. Even in the dim light, one could see the clothing he wore was exactly like the Surgeons. Black robes, a short hat, and a plague mask missing the beak.

"So... You've been chosen aswell?"

His voice sounds incredibly similar to the Surgeons, except with a tone of resignation.
(@metalcity Anime is the best source of wisdom, power, anything you need to live through life xD )

For some reason Shina could feel a small warmth on her cheeks. She began to be the one looking away when Enki looked at her. Each time though, she would be unable to resist turning back to look at him before looking away when their eyes met. She could feel her heart beating so fast and loud that she closed her eyes and prayed that Enki couldn't heart it.

A small voice inside her sparked an emotion she didn't recognize. Could it be... ... ... I ... about Enki ... ...

How nice. You sure have a lot of free time to be so lovey-dovey with a boy.

Shina's eyes snapped open. She looked around in a hurry before she realized it was the voice coming back to haunt her again.

Why won't you leave me alone?

Oh, believe me, if I could, I would have left your mind long before you start up with all this romance stuff.

W-what romance s-stuff?

Great, I thought you were just playing dumb but you were actually a dum-dum this entire time.

Who are you calling dumb, you ... you ... ...

What, can't think of a good comeback, dum-dum? That's boring. Well, I'll come back to bother you again when you think of a good one. In the meantime, I suggest that you don't get caught up in a love affair. Or I just might not be able to restrict myself.

What do you mean? Restrict yourself from what?

From hurting him, of course. Wasn't it obvious that I'm a sadist?

Don't you dare hurt him!


(Um, for the most part, Shina's thoughts were to herself but for the last part, the connection re-opened and Enki heard the last part. Is that ok? You don't have to have him notice it if it interferes with your plans. Last part as in the last thing Shina thought btw)

(I'm gonna be so mean here ... The more Shina starts to realize her feelings, the more often her dark side would show up until she is able to gain control of her body)
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As his shakes past, he sits slowly sits back up.

"Chosen? I suppose so, ooh this going to be so much fun," Dal says with glimmer of excitement, his pains and qualms forgotten and his natural personality coming back.

"What do he choose us for? A game? A pawn? A villain or victim!? I can barely contain myself!" Dhaylian whispers ecstatically, completely elated, "Tell me oh wise Muse!"

He quivers with excitement, and from fever, his body was roasting with it, almost literally. He nearly grabs the bars, attempting to get closer, but he thinks better of it.

@OceanBunny @GreenEyedStranger
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