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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Dammit!" Willow says in frustration as Dal starts seizing. She shifts him onto his side and looks back over at the figure in the corner. "Shadows.." She mumbles under her breath, trying to figure out what Dal means. "Who are you? And what do you mean by chosen?" She asks the boy warily. "Careful Dal." She says as he tries moving, worried that his excitement might worsen his condition.

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Jay's face spread into a creepy smile as he saw his sandwich poking out from Miko's mouth. "What's that, you say?" He leaned in closer. "I mean, a little bodily mutilation wouldn't hurt, would it?" He stopped, then suddenly broke out laughing. "I'm just joking with ya Miko. Next time though, you're buying me a sandwich." He offered his hand to the bowing boy. "Now get off the floor, it's dark and we need to go back to the dorms."

@Leone @GingerBread

"Ah poor soul indeed..." He chuckles mischevously

"I was the surgeon in the school... Rather new in fact. Until that bastard locked me away and threw me in here, I was doing fine really."

He chuckles again and stands up, leaning against the wall.

"I can only assume that you two are from the school... Unless he has already finished with it..." He says in a concerned tone.
"No, no wait Willow, let me talk to the Doc. He released a parasite within the school, however, a group and myself managed to contain it," he says, determined to get his word in.

"It something like, like a Wuchereria bancrofti, the filarial worm, but different, it has the ability to evolve the host, however, of the two, the host and the parasite, are incompatible they , they break out in large pustules filled with, uh, a sweet smell like.... sugar. And then the host dies, releasing hundred of more parasites into the air, they are microscopic, but they grow, about to the size of an earthworm."

Dhaylian explains this with incredible excitement in voice, and he falls back onto his side, exhausting himself of his reserved energy.

"We must.. we must talk later... For now: rest, you too Willow, you.... need it." Dal comments one last time as he drifts back into a troubled sleep.


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@SolisNighsun @OceanBunny

"A parasite?" He asked with an inquisitive tone

"I don't think so... It must be a virus if it spreads that easily. Even if the parasite is microscopic, it wouldn't be as efficient as a virus..."

The victim stared at the two blankly behind his mask

"He'll come for you two. Like so many before you"
Miko heard Jay and looked up, he saw the look in his face, and began to sob, but when he bursted out laughing, the boy made a sprt of unsure chuckle. "Hehe."

Miko stood up and smiled. "No problem... Just... Please... Call your boyfriend off." Miko said, backing away from Nyx and the knife.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
(Finally! Did you decide to hang out with the living dead or something?)


I didn't turn my head or showed any sort of acknowledgement at the voice, instead continued to look up. I saw Rea through my peripheral vision on the other side of the roof, clutching the railing of the stairs. "Took you long enough, what fell into Candy Land again?"

(Gimme a break twin, I broke my bloody phone!)

"Uhh..." Rea was speechless and amazed. "Theres a place called Candy Land shorty?" Rea said, smirking at the old nickname she gave her. She stood there, waiting for Tenya's deadly aura to come out.

(Not my fault, I waited more than 2 bloody weeks twin! Two effin WEEKS! -_- )

Shorty? Seriously does she really want me to hit her right after she put herself in the infirmary?

I didn't show my thoughts but gave a slight smirk and replied. "Uh yeah, you used to mutter in your sleep. And the most common thing you'd be saying, I quote "No Mister Carrot I swore my loyalty to Candy Land!" or something along those lines."

(Meh. We still see each other every day :P )

"I WAS THIRTEEN YEARS OLD! THIRTEEN!" Rea shouted blushing, embarrassed by the thought. "Hey, wanna grab something to eat?" Rea asked, feeling awkward. Its been a while since she and her 'sister' went out and do something.
As Enki saw Shina's reaction he assumed that he did something, he looked away disappointed in him self "Any way, about the book." Enki said as he walked past Shina, he looked at the floor doing so. When he reached to book shelf he looked around, trying to spot any standing out contenders for his search. He found one and pulled it out, he flicked to the contents page and read threw the list of magic it displayed and he found one called "Nenshō-en o aishimasu" Enki looked at it confused, it was the only none English name on there. He went to the page, intrigued by this title. This looks strange, could it be? He read through, it kept repeating things like "falling for" and "true happiness" but it never said anything like he felt. Out of frustration to the authors stupidity he slammed the book shut "Useless" He groaned as he placed the book back. He continued flicking through books until he grow tired of doing so. Enki then looked back over the titles of the books "None of these contained what I was looking for." Then as Enki was about to turn around to look at another shelf he saw a strange title that didn't fit any of the other types, it was called "Glumio and Doodlet" Enki sighed "Not read this one, bet it will contain nothing again." and with that he picked it up and started flicking through it.

(I know, I pick the best names, shhhhh)

@PhoenixFire13 (my plan is coming together, yea I know the title is bad but I assume they didn't have Shakespeare in this world and if it wasn't very similar I don't think people could figure it out xD )
"Dal said the parasite doesn't effect him because they coexist.. Does that mean he's a host and the parasite is inside him?" Willow asks the doctor, lifting Dal's haed to rest in her lap. "Do you know what he's doing with the people he takes?"

@SolisNighsun @GreenEyedStranger

"From what I've learned it is definitely not a parasite... But it is very possible that he is a carrier of the virus or bacteria."

He sighs and sits back down, fiddling with a loose string on his robe.

"He's probably making them into those horrendous beasts... The virus alone doesn't turn them into those things. He... Does terrible things... I'm not sure I want to describe it."

He says with great difficulty, sighing again
Tyrrell sighed, after watching what was going on at this school, he was mostly disappointed by what went on here. Before long, a massive amount of pain went through his stump or where his right arm use to be at. He winced in pain and moved his hand over the stump, which caused him to lose concentration on the wings that kept him in the air, and the just started to fall a part into rubble. Since he was still in the air and just lost the ability to fly, he soon started to fall towards the ground. His eyes were wide open as he watched the ground get closer and his life soon ending from being so dumb. A few moments before he hit the ground, he saw his orbs come out of nowhere and quickly built armor around his body to reduce the amount of damage that would most likely kill Tyrrell. Soon after that had all happened, He hit the ground and screamed out in pain, as though it just broke every bone in his body from the impact. His entire Body started to shake as Tyrrell realized he wasn't dead "w-what happened?" He mutter to himself, and to him it felt like all his breath was just taken out of him, "I-I should have d-died from h-hitting the ground," Each word that he said only made things hurt worse. He slowly sat up and the quickly made shit armor soon started to fall apart. The pieces of armor landed in his lap and landed onto the ground, too. Tyrrell then started to cough as he sat up. He re-positioned himself to be on his hands and knees.

The coughing was extremely painful and before long, he started to cough up blood. The pain from hitting the ground was unbearable and to Tyrrell, in his own words "it felt like every bone in my body just shattered into a thousand pieces," and with every breath he took, he would wince in pain and start shaking again and again and again. Once he was done coughing and the shaking calmed down to a halt, Tyrrell looked around to see if anyone saw what had just happened. The bandages that covered his stump had fallen off and Tyrrell started to bleed yet again. He at down on his legs, before moving his hand over the stump again and tried to put pressure on it to slow down the bleeding. There were no stitched that helped hold the wound stump closed, the reason why was because he never trust the use of stitches or anything similar. His vision started to fade, from both the loss of blood and from the impact of hitting the ground with a lot of force. Tyrrell started to cry from the pain and from knowing that maybe no one would help him. Not even thinking at first, he started to yell with what rest of the air he had "Someone Help! Please! Someone....Anyone, Please Help me!" He cried out. He tried to stand up but fell right back down, as his legs just gave out from under him.

(This is at Anyone, I don't know who is still around or what has happened...Also Sorry if it is bad I wrote it down and then typed it up and just changed some stuff so there might be a lot of errors.)
"Anything you know could be helpful." Willow says looking at him with hope filled eyes. "Knowledge is power.. we might be able to figure out a cure or some way to stop him, if we have knowledge of the problem or his plans." Looking down at Dal she bites her lip, frustrated. 'There has to be a way out of this.' She sighs, trying to think of someway to help. 'Miyuki!' Her eyes light up as a smile spreads across her face. 'Miyuki? Where are you?' She asks, reaching out with her mind. 'Whats wrong Willow? Are you hurt?' Miyukis concerned voice fills her head. 'Im alright Miyu, don't worry. Can you try to find me? Bring help.. Jay or Enki if you can find them.' 'I will try.. Keep the connection open.' 'I will, thank you Miyu.' Willow smiles, keeping her mind open to Miyu. "Is there anything at all you can tell us about him?" She asks the doctor hopefully.


“Welcome back Owen, or should I say Dhaylian? Regardless, it’s time for you to remember,” says a voice calls to you, somewhere in the darkness.

“Remember what?” you reply softly, and attempt to sit up, but you find that you’re hands and feet are bond tight against a cold examination table.

“Don’t worry, I promise it won’t hurt…. much,” the voice replies maliciously, “Except show you why you know medicine so well.” A silver flash catches your attention. It pauses above you, revealing itself to a be wicked scalpel.

Fear creeps up your spine at the familiarity of it and you struggle to wrench your hands free.

“You know what this is. right? Oh, good. I thought you had forgotten the last time we got to play. Now it’s time to have fun!” You scream as the scalpel starts carving the flesh of your chest, revealing your red-hued innards swirling around with blood. Gallons of the crimson, coppery, and sticky liquid flows endlessly, overflowing your flaps of skin and pattering lightly onto the dusty arena floor….

The scenery changes, and you find yourself standing upright in an arena, a sort of stadium indented into the ground… like a gladiator’s pit.

“How’d I get here..?” you ask readying yourself against the growing darkness, free of your binds and no longer covered on your own fluids.

“You were here before, a long time ago. In fact, I don’t believe you ever left,” replies the voice, the darkness forming a gangly male figure.

It was boy, rugged from the streets, his face constantly shifts like the ocean. He steps forward at the sound of a bell ring. He swings a punch at you, but you step to the side, grab his wrist, and sling him around. As he stops again in front of you, you bring your arm up and smash down on to the other boy’s, unleashing a grisly snap. The boy cries out, clawing helplessly at his tampered arm. His bone is sticking out of his skin and red blood streams out of it as he collapses to the ground, his face streaked with tears. Your approach the boy, a grim look set upon your features. You grab his collar and haul him to his feet.

“Please…. spare me! Please… I don’t want to die..” the boy whimpers, cradling his arm.

You force yourself to look him in the eyes as you cup your hands on his face. You close your eyes, overwhelmed by the frog in your throat and the threat of tears.


You hear a snap of bone on bone and the boy crumples to the ground. Clapping erupts from the crowed, and nasty men of all types are now present in the once empty bleachers.

The voice from earlier that had tormented him was back, this time publicly; announcing his victory.

“The winner issssssss, The Cursed from the House of Morovick!”


Dhaylian shifts in his sleep muttering random phrases and twitching as if in pain. His hands curl and unclench as his head flinches as if from a loud sound. He breathes in Willow's scent and eventually settles into a gentle and dreamless sleep.


“Master? Yas…. protect the Master…..” whispers a voice, ever so softy from the shadows of the room, and the room falls quiet instantly, as if it had never been there.

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(to @metalcity[/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(0,128,255)] , who inspired the use of familiar famous people names.)

Raven played the piano as beautifully as ever, with his passion and grace flowing through his fingers. He waited until the intro was complete, and he began to sing the first verse of "When I Was Your Guy" by Bluto Marks. As he was singing, he thought of Ariel, and he became more passionate as he sang. The sounds of his music vibrated all around the walls of the room, and travelled outside of the door he had accidentally left open.
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Leo was absolutely fed up with waiting. He had run every idea for busting out of the restroom and not getting attacked by the infected students by Archie, but they all got shot down. As one last desperate idea, he thought about transforming. That's incredibly stupid, but you're the only one affected by the power loss, so go ahead, Archie approved, equally exasperated with Leo. Leo summoned all of his energy, and began the process. Yes, I can feel it... he thought as he grew two more heads, fur, claws, and shrank? What the hell! was the first thing that came to his mind as he realized that he was the size of an ordinary house cat, but still with 3 heads, a snake tail, and claws. Archie, now with a real voice, shouted "Turn back! Turn back!" As Leo ran out of energy, he turned back, and Archie began a mental rant about how that was the worst Idea, and Leo, for once agreed. Giving up on leaving, Leo climbed out of the window, out onto the roof, and slept. The mistake he made was sleeping in full view of the infected students, as some of the ones with a few working senses noticed him.

@anyone who controls the infected students

The doctor tapped his masked chin, almost as a joke.

"Well, when he came to me, he seemed rather trustworthy and knowledgeable. He knows plenty on virology and medicine... Of course, I had no idea what his intents were."

He shakes his head

"But he does have a motive other than chaos and destruction. One that I understand."

The prisoner looks away

"It doesn't matter anyways."

Suddenly, as the whisper in the shadows speaks, it is silenced by the sound of a cleaver striking flesh. The sound of metal jingling follows, then drilling, and more sawing.

As Willow contacts her partner, she suddenly feels a hostile presence. Her mind is flashed with an aggressive white light and a banshee scream... Something can sense her...
@SovietBear (I guess I'll control them :P Also, only the ones that have been manipulated by the Surgeon are hostile. The others are just in extreme pain and may react brashly. They're also extremely infectious)

One of the more complete students saw Leo and screamed


He just managed to croak out with his quickly degrading tongue. It tried to climb up to the roof on top of the dumpster but fell a few times


It screamed again. Oddly, it's voice seemed seperate from its actions... As if he was reacting purely to instinct or desparation
Dal had awakened to something. He couldn't tell what, but it was like a breaking connection between two cellular devices. He shivers and he sits up and leans against Willow's warm skin.

"Sit b the fire light's glow, tell us an old tale we know........ Tell us of adventures, strange and rare, never to change, ever to share. Stories we tell will cast their spell now and for always... " Dhaylian sings to himself softly, his fever once more coming on hotter than ever. Bile rises in his throat, but he chokes it down, knowing he probably wan't going to eat soon. He wraps his arms around Willow, this simple action feeling more familiar that he could remember. He could tell he'd done this to a girl before, but he was grasping a broken threads of a tapestry.


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"Please, anything you know about him." Willow pleads with the doctor. She smiles as Dal starts singing and wraps his arms around her. She pets his hair lightly, wishing she had something else to help the fever. 'It wouldn't be very prudent to grow a willow tree in here though.'

@SolisNighsun @GreenEyedStranger (What exactly is sensing me? sorry i dont understand..)

(An ancient being, a spirit of the land)

"I wasn't able to completely see his face, though I doubt it matters... He seemed..."

The prisoner looks away, almost sounding as if he's about to cry

(So like a dryad?) @SolisNighsun

"Hurt how?" Willow asks, concerned by the way the doctor is acting.


Miyuki leaves the infirmary and wanders around the school, looking for someone she recognizes. The smell of roasted meat draws her into the canteen. Walking towards the serving line, she stares longingly at the chicken.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Leone
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