• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)



Location: Hallways with @Savagai

As Travis stood in the hallway, he engrossed himself in his cellphone. He scrolled through pictures and old text messages, trying to remember a time before all of this. But he couldn’t scroll back that far. It always ended at the same place, the same sentence, about a year ago, when he saw his little sister for the first time.

I need your help later. I need you to dispose of something for me.

He tapped his cigarette ash into a neat pile on the floor when a teacher walked by.

”Really Travis? This early?”

”C’mon teach, gimme a break. I promise to put the rest of the fuck-ups on hold after this.

She nodded.
”Fine Travis, just hurry up, alright?”

”Scout’s honor.” He placed three fingers against his forehead.

She left him, murmuring her disbelief at his honesty, and he took another drag of his cigarette. Travis wasn’t alone for much longer, when he noticed the guy from the cafeteria, Sef. He smelled different this time, and Travis furrowed his brow, unsure why he had followed him out of the cafeteria.
”Hey man. You smoke?” He took a cigarette from his pocket and held it out for Sef to take.
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Wearing: Same

Corridors with Adam @Blizzard


She leaned on her side against the wall beside him, yet again checking to see if anyone was paying them attention. She didn't really give two shits about what the student body thought. But she didn't want word to get out. That would crush any chance she had at getting into Julliard. Fortuneatly Adam wasn't the type of guy to snitch. He needed the money too much. Or at least she hoped so.

"Coke, speed and some pot." She said and wiped some of the sweat she had on her forhead. She was craving that shower. And even more, she was craving some damn food.




Location:Swimming Pool with Xavier

"Xavier we should head to the Cafeteria" Alex said to her brother. "I'm not in the mood to deal with people right now plus I can go prepare to go to that swim meet at four" Xavier said to his sister. Alex sighed and playfully punched her brother. "You better be going to that swim meet and not use this opportunity to go bang a chick" Alex said while getting up. "Yeah yeah I wont bang any chicks, yet" Xavier replied. Alex scoffed at her brothers remark and then said "Well I need food and you are gonna come with me or I'll get one of my snake friend to bite you". Xavier laughed then got up from where he was sitting. "Why did you bring a snake to school anyways?" Xavier asked. Alex turned and looked up at the ceiling "I didn't notice it slither into my bag and I didn't have my morning coffee" Alex said as she grabbed her bag. "So I guess you're gonna leave me here to eat food, wow you're a good sister" Xavier remarked sarcastically. "Whatever I'm gonna get food you can stay here and be moody" Alex said before leaving to go get some food at the cafeteria. "Always gotta have the last word don't ya Alex" Xavier said to himself.
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Wearing: Suit

Location:Hallway with Travis @Effervescence

Sef smoked occasionally, only with hand made cigarette, premade he hated "Well, this seems like the right tobacco" he tooked the cigarette and lighted up his cigarette. He needed to think of something else cause thinking of Travis made him warm and sweaty, he did want to look cool.

"Well," he leaned against the locker "Inside the cafetaria is a bit busy so when I saw you leaving I followed you, to get some air" The cafetaria smelled like a mix of many perfumes and sweat. "I don't know much of you, so are you going to any parties lately? Just to hang out and make some fun" He smiled, he secretly hoped that Travis becomes too drunk and he needs to take him home and have some fun there.

He tried not to get to red but he felt the skin of head glowing, he opened his blazer and trought the thin silk of the shirt Travis could see the heavy muscled chest. His many trainings leaded to this awesome body and he was quite proud of it. A strand of hair fell before his eye, he secretly hoped Travis would notice it and put it away, but if that not was going to happen he needed to find his brother again.​
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Location:Outside the School with @NotTooBad

Faye tilted her head to the side, unsure what he was asking her. Had she been watching him? Yes she had, and judging from his expression. Oh no.

”Oh, I’m so sorry. I normally get to school before everyone else. The roof is probably my favorite place. It’s so quiet and the lighting is best mid-afternoon and a little before sunrise.” She thought about mentioning her parents, but decided against it. He already seemed wary of her, especially after her stalker-esque behavior. ”People behave best when they don’t know they are being sketched. I could see you as you were in that moment, rather than you in that moment being sketched by me. People behave differently, they tense, their movements become more deliberate, they hold their breath.” She closed her eyes momentarily and opened them. But I was also on the roof, and the field would haven taken me a long time to get down to. The lighting is kind of shitty, blocked by the trees. Next time, I’ll make a point to make myself known. I hope I didn’t scare you or anything.” She wriggled her fingers.


Wearing: Same

Corridors with @Genya Mila

Adam was silent for a few moments as he thought about Mila's request. Those were easy enough to acquire and he knew a guy who can bring them to him, right to the front gate of the school. He could understand her need for the speed. He knew she had a competition or something coming up, but the coke could end up ruining her chances. But he didn't voice his opinion, it wasn't any of his business. He ran his hand through his blonde hair, his blue eyes finding hers.
"You have the thingy coming up huh? a competition?" He took a deep breath. "I can get you everything soon, an hour, maybe less. Though speed is a little costy these days. How much money you have on you, I need a good amount up front. Full payment on delivery. Maybe a little extra for your favorite badass." He finished with a smile, it was meant to be a joke but he regretted saying the last sentence. He looked towards the end of the hall, making sure nobody was there.


Outside the Front of KH High with Faye Lily Archer @Effervescence

"Well, you didn't, and even if you had, this drawing more than makes up for it." Cameron replied, smiling a little awkwardly, but attempting to be sincere. He gave the girl a more focused look, noticing she was actually very pretty. "Next time you're up there, I might go up with you, maybe just to watch you draw for a little bit." He said, smirking, but looking down so as to make it not seem as if he was staring. He was very tempted to just tell her to leave, but he really liked the drawing, and was actually very interested. "Wait, what's your name though?" He asked, taking off his sunglasses and looking at her face directly.


Wearing: Same

Corridors with Adam @Blizzard


Mila pressed her lips together and reached for her pockets, only to remember she was still in her gym clothes. "I dont have anything on me right now. The only cash I've got is for my lunch." She said, yet again thinking about the food she was craving so damn much. "Crash Jessi's party tonight. I'll get you the money, then you can bring me everything tomorrow before school starts." She still had something left so it didn't need to be in such a hurry. But lately she was beginning to crave more. With her audition, her parents and that numb feeling in her gut, she couldn't resist but try to find the easy way trough it. She was weak. But she told herself she would do anything to reach her goals. So she was.​

Wearing: Same

Hallways with No one​

Alex closed her eyes and sighed her brother was really bad at lying. She knew he was probably gonna leave practice early and find some girl to screw over. "He is such an idiot" she mumbled to herself. She continued her trek to the cafeteria to grab so lunch. She was kinda nervous about going to eat lunch alone, this was her first day back after the snake incident. Alex stopped to think about going to eat lunch 'Should I really go and eat lunch alone again I mean you might get laughed at again or worse' Alex thought to herself. She shook her head to get the thoughts away just for a bit. "I guess I need some friends to hang out with" Alex said before continuing on her trek.

@ anyone

Wearing: Same

Corridors with @Genya Mila

Adam arced his eyebrow as he looked in her direction.
"Shit, that party is for real? I've heard about it but thought it was just some stupid rumor." He considered what she said for a few moments then nodded his head slowly. "Alright, bring the money to the party, you'll get your shit early tomorrow." He sighed as he slowly picked up his bag. He was sensing that she was stressed out. He wasn't the guy who would usually give a damn but he was thinking it, might as well say it. "You're gonna kick ass at the competition Mila, you have it in you. Just don't fucking over stress yourself thinking about it." He stood straight and slung his bag on his back. "I'll catch you later." He turned and started walking away slowly, heading for the gym. "And for the sake of the survival of humanity, I strongly recommend that you hit the fucking showers ASAP." He joked without looking back.
(ugh sorry! i was working fast had to get ready for a movie! i read over the posts thoroughly this time! well...yours anyway.)



Mentions: @Savagai

Valentine gaped at the open question. And began to panic internally, sweat beaded his brow as he ran through his english mentally. trying to find the right words to explain.

"i-i- I vust Leave! vlask." he stammered. Getting up and stumbling over his chair. quickly making a beeline for the cafeteria door.

(sucks i know, but i'm out shopping right now! i'm sorry!)


Wearing: Same

Corridorswith Adam @Blizzard


Don't stress. That's exactly what she was trying to prevent. Mila rolled her eyes at Adam's last comment before she yelled after him "Have fun doing that intresting thing of yours." She pushed herself off the wall and entered the girls' locker room, glad to finally be able to get the awful stench of her sweat off her body.

She removed all her clothes and hopped into the shower, bothering to even wash her hair. After she was finished, she got dressed (Wearing: Casual) and let her hair loose to dry before she exited the locker room and made her ways towards the cafeteria.​
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Wearing: Same

Location:Cafetaria with Valentine @BlackSwan and Kevin @mikaluvkitties

Rufus looked as Valentine walked away and turned his attention to Kevin and takes place on his lap "So, he's probably closeted, poor guy, Will Sef let talk to him, So what were you planning to do tonight? Heard rumurs there is a party of Jessi, but i'll need to ask her" he hoped Kevin would join to have some fun for the afternoon and ending at his house, a spectacular one "You liked it huh? Yesterday, with this new position I get a perfect look on you ass and face" he smiled towards Kevin and gave him a kiss on the cheeck​
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Location:Lunch table with No one

He watched as Rufus got up, barely able to hand out a goodbye before he was gone. He watched as he walked away, only to abruptly wrap his hands around that kid Kevin's waist and give him a sudden kiss on the neck.

If he were willing to forfeit his pride, he would admit to himself that he was rather jealous.

But Allen was not one to consider such frivolous matters.

Instead, he picked up his tray of half-eaten food, deciding that it might be best to follow the herd and spread out into the halls.

He dumped off the remaining food containers into the garbage can and set down the tray in it's proper pile, before heading out the cafeteria door for his next class.

He walked by a few people, paying no mind to the passing figures. He was merely focused on getting to his location, which would hopefully be desolate. Nobody was as close to this next class as early as Allen liked to arrive. Who would want to be this close to a classroom twenty minutes before the class began?

Well, Allen liked the silence. And the opportunity it gave him to partake in his favorite treat...


He takes a white handkerchief out of his left pocket, carefully unfolding it, and then bringing his nose to it. About a line worth of cocaine was hidden in the fabric, meaning that he could easily take his coke without even having to be hidden. All it took was one "sneeze" and he was in business.

His eyes widen a little as the rush hits him, his pupils constricting as the lovely white powder is absorbed into his system. His heart skips a beat, before speeding up, deliciously heightening his energy levels. He leans his head back on the wall, taking a breath out and taking it all in. Joy washed over him like a waterfall, the feeling of foggy frustration from the day being satiated by his offering. A small smile appears on his lips, as he feels as though every pathway in his brain is cleaned of garbage, and he is able to think clearer than ever.

Now, about that party. Should he go? Should he not?

Why shouldn't I? I go to parties any way, maybe it should be time for me to have a party with my school.

He determined that he should go, but now he had to go through the trouble of talking to Jessi, a girl he barely knew, and hope she would let him come.

Orrr, he could always just... Show up?

Yeah. That'll have to do. People wouldn't mind that much, right?​
Eyree Sutherland


Wearing: @Effervescence @Savagai)

Eyree lifted her shoulders in a brief noncommital shrug.
"Eh. Being home alone isn't so bad. Besides, I was training for the majority of break. Season starts up later this week!" She enthused, that glimmer of competitiveness lighting her eyes. She threw the vehicle in park and quickly descended from the massive machine and was stowing her keys in her gym bag when she noticed the blue box being extended in her direction. "Izzy!" She exclaimed. "Now I feel terrible! I didn't get you anything!! Unless you want one of my used sweaty leotards," the corner of her mouth lifted sardonically and she took the box in her hands. "Tell you what, I'll open it on the car ride home, when I'll have more time to appreciate it." She slipped the carefully wrapped box gingerly in her bag along side her keys and textbooks.

Holding open the door of the main building, the dark-haired gymnast entered the hallways of Kingdom Crest. They had gotten there with a little bit of extra time before classes were supposed to start, giving her some time to roam and turn a few cartwheels within the mostly empty hallways, all while nibbling primly on her late breakfast or asking Issiah to hold the plate.
"So, did you get a chance to visit that pizza joint I told you about? Seedy as hell, but some of the best pizza I've had outside of Italy." The pair of athletes rounded a corner and Eyree's blue eyes alighted upon a familiar face. "What up, flunkie?" She called out, using her joking nickname for the young man, her slightly raspy voice echoing down the hallway. Before she listened to Issiah's response, she skipped ahead, coming to stand beside Travis, bumping her shoulder against his arm (damn their height difference).

"Ah!" She plucked the cigarette from his fingers and took a long drag, blowing out the smoke leisurely. "Ahhh, that's the stuff," she mumbled, placing the cigarette back between Travis' fingers. "Alright, I'm good for another six months." Glancing over, she noticed Sef, a fellow athlete and gymnast, leaning against the lockers. "Sef," she greeted, acknowledging him with a nod. Turning back to Travis, she offered him one of the boxty still on the plate. "Surprised to actually see you here on time for school! Maybe starting school late is the way to get you to actually show up," she joked good-naturedly, a sarcastic sparkle in her eye.

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The same thing as before
Location:The cafeteria with Rufus and Valentine
Kevin's smile widened, if that was even possible, and after a second spent deciphering what Valentine had said, replied loud enough to be heard over the cacophony of the lunch room, "Yeah, sure, no sweat."

Then he found a pair of arms wrapping around his waist, causing him to jump. Those arms had definitely not been there a second ago, and their owner's approach had most likely been masked by the same cacophony he had had to raise his voice to be heard over.

He didn't have enough time to even contemplate being worried, because then his neck was being kissed, and, he thought as he unconsciously bared his neck, Rufus was probably the only person that would do that. This must have been correct if the by now well-known voice whispering in his ear was anything to go by.

Kevin let out a breath, smile reappearing on his face before anyone could tell it was gone, and then remembered that they were in the cafeteria with someone new to school. Valentine gaped, and Kevin internally cringed, murmuring, "How do you think? Mario Cart's awesome! I went to bed at a reasonable time... I'm great, dude!"

...Yeah, there was definitely no convincing anyone that he had not gotten laid.

The second question took a bit longer. He looked at Valentine, and yeah, he was definitey attractive. "Yep," he said flippantly with a slight nod, relaxing as with a kiss to the cheek, Rufus released him and moved to next to Valentine.

It was easier to move without a pair of arms around his waist, no matter how much he may or may not miss their presence and he immediately used his returned mobility rest his head in a hand, elbows on the table as usual.

Assured that yeah, there was no reason to vacate the area and hope his name and face were permanently wiped from Valentine's memory considering his lack of verbal or violent reaction to that display of affection, Kevin allowed Rufus to put his head on his shoulder, a marked improvement from when they had first started dating, when Kevin had been a skittish mess unused to the excessive attention Rufus lavished him with.

Then Rufus mentioned Sef. And asked if Valentine was... well, he missed the exact wording but it wasn't too hard to guess the implication.

He was going to say something to try and recover from that, swear, opened his mouth and everything, but Valentine was already leaving.

Rufus while still there, however- he was on his lap, even- and while he thought for a second about going after Valentine, he'd honestly rather be with someone he actually knew than a new kid who probably didn't want to talk to him anyways.

He tried to give Rufus a look while taking a second to think on his question, but it was kind of ruined by the fondness and, though he'd never admit it, barest hint of amusement laced through it.

He pursed his lips, scooting back from the table and drumming his fingers in thought. He didn't usually go to parties- or at least the kind his classmates usually hosted. There would probably be alcohol, drugs, loud music, flashing lights, and, of course, a lot of people, right? Well, maybe no drugs other than alcohol, and flashing lights weren't always a given, but the point still stood.

But on the other hand, he didn't have to drink anything he didn't want to, or take anything he didn't want to, and it probably wouldn't really bother anyone if he left early anyways. And he wasn't really going to be seeing Rufus much after he graduated, if he stayed in touch with him at all...

"I'll have to check on my mushrooms first," he said finally with a small smile.

Kevin bit his lip with a knowing smirk. "You loved it too," he said, enjoying the sensation of someone kissing his cheek. While it wasn't a novel experience, especially considering that it occurred most days, it was still nice to have someone show him such open affection- in a crowded room, too.

He turned to watch some of the people leave before asking absentmindedly, "Do you think uncooked ramen would taste okay?"



Location: Empty Classroom

Mood: Anxious

Tags ~ W/: No one


Gwen recalled the moment she was sitting in the cafeteria, absorbed in the book she was writing, and completely forgot that no one was with her anymore. Well shit, she had thought. So she had snatched the papers and hurried out. And now, she was in the halls, filled with people she did not want to be near. Too many. If she didn't know anyone of these people, she would be having bad anxiety. Possibly a panic attack. But she had gone to school with them for a while, and at least knew some of their names. So she wasn't crumpling into nothing on the inside that much. Just a little.

Gwen breathed heavy. Perhaps it would be good to get anxiety medication, since her dad had been wanting her too for a long time. But she didn't want to take prescriptions unless it was necessary. The only other way to solve her anxiety was probably weed. Would that work?

Lost in her thoughts about growing a marijuana farm, she ran into someone with her shoulder on accident, but she didn't really stop to apologize. Gwen looked at the person with a sympathetic face and kept walking swiftly to get away from the mob.

Gwen found an empty classroom. One that no teacher had used in practically years. She collapsed in a desk in the back of the classroom and spread her papers and journal back out, laying over her work and sighing heavily. Gwen didn't have a class for another fifteen minutes and believed this would be a good way to kill time.

Wearing: Same

Location: Hallways - Cafeteria


She noticed the halls were starting to get crowded again, which meant that class started soon. With the hunger that had been building up inside of her till now, she would be finished eating in a matter of seconds. Mila felt nicotine fill up her nostrils as she rounded another corner. Of course. The athletes. They were the only ones that could get away with smoaking in the hallways. Them and Travis. They were Kingdom Crest's future, the all-star players. While Travis he was, Travis.

She walked past them and finally reached her destination. Despite the disgusting mixture of perfume, sweat and people - Mila sighed in relief at the smell of the cafeteria. She quickly got some food and payed for it. Thanfull that there wasn't anyone else in line. She didn't even wait until she had sat down before she started eating, taking a big bite from her burger. The only other people she recognized were Rufus and Kevin. But sitting with them screamed third-wheeling and a heavy dose of PDA. So she remained on the random table she found, eating her food as if it was the last chance she had. Her parents would be proud of her manners.​
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Rufus Nevarro

Rufus Nevarro



Location:Cafetaria with Kevin @Effervescence and Eyree @Opalescence

"Well, I heard that they are in a salad very tastefully, how so?" He looked at Kevin and noticed him being absent "Is there something?" He kissed Kevin on his mouth, ow what loved he this boy, he hoped they could stay forever together. "And yes, I liked it yesterday, well, if we get drunk tonight on the party we could go to my home" he grinned.

He looked on his watch and saw it was nearly time for the Choir repetition "Well, I have to go now" and kissed Kevin again and moves a hand trough his hair "See you later" he left the cafetaria after blowing a kiss to Kevin. He walked to the choir room and walks to the Vibraphone and makes some chords

Sef looked to Eyree "Hello Darling, how are you?" most gymnast were very competitive, but Eyree and Sef did something totally different, however round the equal , but yeah, men and female is separated. He felt the tension but wasn't going to be different against the Athletics "Are you working on your new routine?" The coach has asked them to make a new routine, or keep the old one. Sef was working hard on his floor routine "And which apparatus are you doing this season? I guess I stick with floor and vault"

Sef did always the fault or floor, he loved the tricks. He was fan of Yurchenko, and was quite skilled in it​



Location: Hallways with @Savagai @Opalescence @CrystalClear

Travis grinned as Sef pulled a cigarette from his pack.
”A man after my own heart.” He leaned against the locker silently fiddling with the baggie in his jacket pocket. It had been so easy to relapse, so satisfying. That first burst of euphoria, the invincibility, like he was flying, incapable of being hurt by anything. But it was always short-lived, an hour of happiness followed by an eternity of dissatisfaction. He took another drag of his cigarette.

”I’ll be at Jessi’s this evening. Probably in the corner getting completely shit-faced. You should come. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. And speaking of getting shitfaced.” He grinned as he saw Eyree and Issiah round the corner.

”If it isn’t my favorite Russian and my favorite Trinidadian. Speak to me Issiah! Soothe me with that velvety voice of yours.” He threw an arm around Eyree’s shoulder, watching as she stole and replaced his cigarette. ”I’ll have you know I’ve never flunked. I ride the cusp every fucking year. Straight D’s.” He rolled his eyes playfully. ”Trust me, my ass would still be in bed if it wasn’t for Adam. He texted me about all the fun we’d be having. Dirty liar. All I have to show for my effort is a splitting headache and an almost empty pack of cigarettes.” He took one final drag and lit another, placing it between his lips. ”On a much more interesting note—Jessi’s party, right? Sef and I were just discussing my plans to be completely shitfaced and/ or high for the later part of the afternoon..”

Now that Issiah was here, it’d have been so easy to get something harder. He had been so resolved to throw the baggie away, to have Jessi dispose of it for him, but now it was almost as if fate was propelling him towards another hit. As if he believe in that shit. It was an excuse, a mediocre one, but it eased his guilt. What would it be this time. Something fun? MDMA, more coke, LSD? Or something harder…he missed the sensation of the needle in his arm. Heroine. But was he really ready irrevocably fuck everything up. To throw his life away like he had last time, in a puddle of piss and vomit.

He masked his hesitation behind a grin.
“You still owe me a rematch from our last drinking contest, Eyree. I think this makes you 4, 3 me. I’m feeling lucky, my little Russian turnip.” He squeezed her shoulder. He turned towards Sef and his smile faltered. ”You alright man? You’re looking a little flushed. You’ve smoked before, yeah? I don’t want you puking in the hallway. Teachers might start thinking I’m a bad influence.”



Location: Her Locker

Mood: Lost In Thought

Tags ~ W/: None


It seemed as though all there was to talk about was the infamous Jessi's party she was having tonight. It also seemed as though the whole school was going.

Gwen gathered her things and hastily shoved the papers and leather book into her black satchel, snapping the flap over it closed and slipping out of the room unnoticed. She spotted a quartet of kids she didn't know all that well, but did know some of their names from Adam telling her about his times with his fellow friends. Gwen didn't really interact with them all well. Fuck, she didn't interact with practically anyone. Once in a while, you could spot her chatting it up with a Harlot or Badass, but that was rare. Travis, Sef, and...Two other kids people she didn't know.

Gwen swept by them and walked next to the wall of lockers with the hood of her trench coat pulled over her head until she got to her own. Twisting the code, she pulled it open and her locker was revealed. Black locker wall paper coated the inside and small yellow lights dangled down. Family pictures hung on magnets on the inside of the locker door. It had a few shelves, but it was pretty bare for the most part. A few books here and there. A stack of old papers, a couple extra writing utensils. It looked pretty fucking cool to her.

Gwen glanced at the pictures of her childhood friends and family. There was never a mother in any of these. She pulled the photograph of her childhood friends in a pool up to reveal another. One of the last photos of her mother, father, and herself. A monochromatic form.

Gwen smiled and grabbed one of her journals, but stayed there for a few moments, spaced out in thought with her hand gripping the edge of the locker door fiercely. Her hair fell over her face.
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Location:Outside the School with @NotTooBad

”I’m glad. Just think of the rumors that would start if you managed to be afraid of little ol’ me. But I’m glad you like the drawing, I enjoyed drawing it.” She met his gaze with the full intensity of her eyes, and she smiled at his suggestion. ”I would like that. Few people really take the time to enjoy those moments right before sunrise, or even the sunrise itself. I can show you a few basic pointers, unless you’re secretly an artist yourself? She grabbed his hands and turned them over, dragging her fingertips across his palms. ”Hm. I think the arts would love you. She gently released his hands. ”I’m Faye. And you’re C..Cameron, right? I’m not very good with names, but I remember faces. I’ve seen yours around. You have very pretty eyes. I never noticed before. Maybe because I’ve always seen you with those.” She pointed at his sunglasses, but couldn’t remember what clique he was a part of. She wanted to guess athletes, from the way he held the bat, but there was something standoffish in his demeanor, something she should have been afraid of, but wasn’t. ”Are you going to Jessi’s part tonight?”

Wearing: Shirtless, same pants.

Location: Gym with Mentions @Effervescence

When Adam finally reached the gym, as he went to the top floor he was relieved to see that no one was around the lifting weights and punching bags area. He took off his shirt and grabbed his mobile.

Badass Travis
Yo Trav, two things. [/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Aachen BT'][SIZE=18px] 1- My locker is still stuffed with fire crackers, stink bombs and flares. So I'm thinking we start the new year with a bang, maybe hit the nerds? Teacher's room?[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Aachen BT'][SIZE=18px] 2- What's the plan for the party, first party of the years needs some special plans. Also, where are the rest of the badasses. [/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Aachen BT'][SIZE=18px]

After sending his message Adam opened his gym bag and took out his fighting gloves and his ipod. He put on his Bon Jovi playlist and the headphones on his ears. After he wore the gloves he headed to the nearest punching bag. He started his punches with a slow rhythm that steadily increased in speed and intensity. Though his mind was wondering towards his problem. The second payment was just around the corner and the people he owed money to don't mess around. He needs to make some serious money, and fast. The party today would be a good start, people would be looking to get high and he can get his hands on some good stuff. Fifteen minutes later Adam was sweating and breathing heavily so he sat on the ground to take a breather and drink some water, he figured that classes would be starting soon and started making a list of the pros and cons of attending today's classes.

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Location: Outside the Front of KH High with Faye Lily Archer @Effervescence

He smiled at her comment, before looking into her eyes. He couldn't focus on anything, as he was stunned by her beauty. He stuttered, thinking of a reply. "Me, an artist? Don't make me laugh. Nice to meet you by the way, Faye." He said, smiling and standing up. He stretched a bit and picked up his bag, looking at her again and smirking. She was pretty cool, honestly. A little weird, but there was definitely more benefits than drawbacks of knowing her. "As for the party, I'll be there if you'll be." He said, putting his sunglasses on and looking around. The public was starting to irritate him. "Do you want to go back to roof? It's way too sunny outside to sit down here, and we can see most of the school's grounds from there."
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Hugo looked down and realized with a panic that his laptop bag wasn't at his side. He cursed, spinning around for a second as if it would suddenly pop up on the ground near him. He cursed again, feeling the angry rumble of panic beginning to bloom inside his stomach. He turned to Eydis and said "Forgot something, I'll see you later sorry" then turned around and spirited back into the school. He must have left it in the computer lab, he wieved around the few people that were talking in the corridors and it wasn't until he got to the steps of the second floor that he actually thought about how he looked like to other people. Crazy. He sighed, calming walking up the steps. This and many other reasons was probably why he wasn't going to get invited to that party.

He guessed, out of their little group, he was the most... Antisocial? Finally he arrived at the computer lab and looked inside the room, there was his bag, and he was very close to crying out for his baby. Instead he just walked over to his bag and carefully put it over his shoulder. It was a rather heavy laptop, built of different parts to make it as speedy as possible, when he'd been building it hadn't really thought about how difficult it would be to carry around the school. He walked back out to the corridors, trying to seem as small as possible, as if he didn't just ran down the hallways like a manic being attacked.

You really know how to make an entrance Hugo.

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