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Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)

Wearing: The Same as before, again.

Location: Front of KH high with Nobody?

Cameron relaxed a little bit, opening up a book he left in his bag from a couple days ago. He had read it dozens of times already, and the feeling of the pages on his fingers calmed him, and left him immune to the surroundings.
"This day might actually not be bad." He said to himself, looking around to make sure no-one noticed him talking to himself.

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Wearing: Same

Cafeteria with @Effervescence

Adam smiled as he saw Travis approaching, finally a friendly arrived. He put his open palms in front of himself defensively as Travis spoke.
"Hey, I was actually trying to be nice for once. Apparently, I'm not very good at being nice." He took his legs down from the table and shared a bro fist with Travis. " But never mind me, you look like a fucking mess. I worked a double shift on New Year's Eve, a double shift! I need a good story in my life so tell me the good stuff." Adam then saw Hugo coming towards them. He smiled after his first sentence. "Yes thank you, Did not do anything." His smile widened and his eyebrow raised at his side monkey comment. He stood up and faced Hugo. "Check it out, the Guru takes a stand. What, did you finally create a bravery serum Hugo? Good for you! I'm actually proud of you, but maybe don't over use it or you might get into real trouble." Adam joked.

Wearing: white turtleneck + rose gold pants

Location: cafeteria

Mood: protective

With: @Effervescence

After picking up Paris from the front of the school, Eydis suggested going to the cafeteria to find their friends. On the way, Eydis let out a few much anticipated dead baby jokes that she had heard of the night before, then laughed at her own jokes, even if Paris didn't. The familiar scent of black coffee hit her sensitive nose when the pair passed by the beloveds table, triggering a thought of one of her close friends to appear in the senior's mind. The girl wasn't actually a fan of coffee, especially black coffee, but the specific scent of Hugo's usual coffee choice was a favorable one to her due to the correlation with good experiences. Eydis turned up her nose and twitched her nostrils as she sniffed the air. "That smells like coffee, and..... stress!" She whipped her head around to Paris when naming the other scent, her firey hair flowing around with her movements and drooping in front of her sholder as it maneuvered to frame her face once more. "Seems like my buddy Hugo is close by, so this is where we part ways." After giving Paris a hug, Eydis left her at the beloveds table as she followed the scent of coffee until she spotted Hugo. Oh boy, it looked like he had gotten himself in a pickle, and just by the look of him she could tell that he wasn't in a very ... comfortable mood. She decided to come to his aid with a bit of comic relief. She continued sniffing the air in a cartoonish way, letting her nose lead her to Hugo. When she reached him she walked between him and Adam and put her nose in his shirt and continued to sniff for a moment. "I knew that smell of coffee and stress was farmiliar," she said nonchalantly, putting a hand on his shirt as she stood directly in between the confrontation, halting it. Turning around to Adam, she locked eyes with him, her own gaze every indifferent. "Oh, hi I didn't see you there," she deadpanned, her thick icelandic accent making it apparent that she didn't originate from this country. She turned back to Hugo, completely dismissing anything Adam might've said. "You smell a lot stronger today, did you spill- ah, there it is." As she spoke, the ginger had been feeling around Hugo's shirt for any wet spots, finding where the coffee made contact with him in the midst of her question. "We should get you cleaned up, ja?" She asked while speaking habits from icelandic made their way into her english speech.​
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Wearing: Simple darkblue suit


Location:Home, going to Kingdom Crest, Cafetaria

with: Rufus, Travis, and the others at the cafetaria @Effervescence @Blizzard

Sef and Rufus Nevarro

Rufus woke up in the silent appartement, their parents were away for the next weeks, still visiting family in The Netherlands. Sef and Rufus decided to stay home together, new years eve has been one of the best since years, Rufus had spend the night with his boyfriend, Kevin. Kevin and Rufus were together for a year now. A few hours ago he had returned home and noticed his brother hadn't returned yet. He walked to the room of his brother and he was still asleep. He jumped on the bed of his brother and started tickling him.

Sef was still asleep from the epic night when he brother came in his room and started tickling him. He tried to roll away and landed on the ground, he stood swiftly up and attacked his brother, they romped and after a few minutes they were laying on the bed, breathing heavily. Sef was breathing less heavy due his sport training, however Rufus wasn't used anymore to so much activity

"Alright, my turn to make breakfast" Rufus stood up and walked downstairs and prepared some toast for now and sandwiches for school. They took turn in making breakfast and lunch for school. Sef was always the lazy one and gave Rufus some money to buy food however, Rufus was smart and made always his own sandwiches and kept the money. After preparing the meal he stood next to the staircase "Sef, food!" while preparing he already ate his toast.

Sef heard his brother shouting and made his way towards his closet to get his suit ready. As he passed his brother in the hallway he gave him a tap on his butt. Rufus grinned and started tickling, "No, No, Not my suit" Sef said while laughing. Rufus stopped and smiled while walking to his room. Sef made his way downstairs and got his leather suitcase and lunch . After eating his breakfast, he met his brother again in the bathroom where his brother was still in his boxerbrief busy with his hair. "Wow, it's alright brother, your hair is good, as always"

Rufus smiled, his hair was his importants thing to look good. As Sef sat down on a chair, Rufus did the hair of his brother, like every morning. His brother failed at doing his own hair. "Alright, we are done" after a toothbrush and some other things like finding out the best scent for this day, they took their bicycles and drove towards school. They talked about boys, the cute ones, like Issiah, Cameron, Travis and of course the boyfriend of Rufus, Kevin. Rufus shared the details of his night with Kevin and Sef smiled, he hoped he got a boyfriend soon. He got a crush on Travis but didn't knew what to do yet.

Sef asked his brother for advice, mostly Rufus came to Sef for advice, but when it involves relations and romantic Sef needs to come to Rufus. Rufus gave him some tips and they entered the school terrain. They set away their cycles and walked into the school and noticed there were already. They walked into the cafetaria and Sef noticed Travis sitting next to his friends, he walked towards them and sat down on a chair next to Travis and smiled at him "Hey"

Rufus noticed Mariah and another boy, he knew Mariah, she was in the same clique as him. He sat down next to them and smiled "Hey"

Wearing: Jeans with a green shirt


Location:Home, going to Kingdom Crest, infront of

with: Sef, Mariah and Allen @MariahChanell @Midnight Peace

Location: cafeteria table

and Allen

@Midnight Peace


Mariah looked over and gave Rufus a bug smile.

"Hey handsome. You Just jetting Here or something?" She giggles

"Oh Rufus this is Allen...Allen this is Rufus." She grinned she loved being surrounded by friends and positive vibes.
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Valentine blinked as he hearf the term 'Hey buddy" turning to the sound he watched a guy called, it almost appeared as though he was trying to flag him down..."Miss, Vhy Is vhat Man calling to no vone?" he questioned curiously "and chto Takoye "Rvuddy"?" he questioned. but then another Man came and sat down. 'AH' he thought 'he vust be signaling vis fvriend.' then the Admistrator finally snapped out of hearing his accent again and cleared her throat.

Beaming she dragged him over to the table .

"boys, this is Mr.Petrov, He's knew here from Russia." she spoke slowly again giving the other males at the table a 'knowing glance.

"please make him feel welcome and if you don't mind,will one of you show him around please?"

Valentine Had his think brows raised as he cast a 'who the hell is she talking to?' glance at the other boys. but still decided not to speak against it

"Vhello. My name Vis Valentine Petrov. Priyatno poznakomit'sya (nice to meet you)



Wearing: Same Clothes

Location:Cafeteria with @tinygrassisdreaming @Effervescence @Savagai @Shortfuzzything @BlackSwan

@ Everyone else in the cafeteria.

Adam stared at the red head that came between him and Hugo. He ofcourse knew her, and who didn't. Eydis with her viking-ish accent. He gave her a confused looks when she looked at him 'Hi didn't see you there' Although he knew she was probably there to defend her dear friend. Though his expressions got even more confused as she talked about smelling stress levels.
"What the hell are you talking about? Smelling his stress level, that's creepy ja? But... Also intriguing. Ok, now I really have to know what stress smells like?" He asked Eydis but she had her back to him, talking to Hugo and he was sure she was going to just ignore his question, despite his genuine interest.

Adam noticed Sef sitting next to Travis and gave him a quick wave, he was about to sit back down when the administrator with the new blood that he called finally arrived. Adam gave her one of his charming smiles as she finished talking.
"Thank you sweetheart, don't worry I've got it from here he's in good hands." Though she looked at him with a doubtful look, knowing the reputation of the badasses. Adam sighed and then jumped on the lunch table. He stood on it and clapped his hands loudly to try and get everyone's attention. "Alright listen up people, Valentine here is a new blood so give him a nice fucking welcome when you get the chance alright? Thank you." Adam then stepped down and smiled at the woman. "See, nothing to worry about." Then walked to Valentine and shook his hand while staring at his face, trying to stop himself from smiling at his accent. "Vhello Valentine! A pleasure to meet you bro, about time we got us a Russian around here. My name is Adam. " After shaking his hand Adam put an arm around his shoulders and led him to their table. He sat down and waiting for Valentine to do the same.
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Lunch table with @MariahChanell @Savagai

Oh hell. Another one. This was a weird day indeed.

He chomps off another piece of the sugar cookie, giving Rufus a small wave and a "Hi."

He looks at Rufus with some of the same suspicious glare he gave Mariah. He so abruptly shoved himself into the seats of our table, into our conversation.

Admittedly he was rather cute, but, regardless. Allen lowers his guard for no stranger.

Location: leaving cafeteria

with:@Midnight Peace & @Savagai

Mariah glanced over at Allen seeing he was a bit uncomfortable. So She took Out a napkin writing her number on it..for Allen.

"I gotta go practice but text me or call anytime" she smiled at him getting up grabbing her bag and ruffling Rufus hair

"Catch you guys later" She gave them a wink and walked out the cafeteria<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Number_Napkin_Lipstick_tiny.jpg.ebd223c970728dd01b38855149577a62.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Number_Napkin_Lipstick_tiny.jpg.ebd223c970728dd01b38855149577a62.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Number_Napkin_Lipstick_tiny.jpg
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Mentions: @Blizzard And everyone at table

Blinked pinking up on the Adams Accent Immediately.

"yvou are German yes?" he asked curiously. letting himself be guided away from that dreaded Admin Lady.

He stayed quiet whilst the young man talked, absorbing his words like a sponge. Absentmindedly he ran a hand through his silver hair and nodded along.

'Vhis Man vis interesting...I ochen' privlekatel'nym" Valentine shook his head free of that thought quickly.

'yvou are not here for that, Ocus Valentine.' He scolded himself mentally.

Valentine Gave the others at the table a brief smile as he took his seat.

With: @tinygrassisdreaming @Effervescence @Blizzard @Shortfuzzything @BlackSwan

@ Everyone else in the cafeteria

Clothing: His suit

Location: Cafetaria

Sef smiled at Valentine, he was cute with his Russian accent "Hello Valentine, I'm Sef. Nice to meat you"

That guy was awesome! So many cute guys were walking around here, he sighed, so many possible hook ups. He didn't know yet when his training started "Does anyone know when the Gymnastics start?"
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Location: Lunch table with


He accepted the napkin, about to look at it's content when Mariah uttered those hideous words.

'I gotta go'

Out of anything that could have happened, this had to be it. Now he was left with a complete stranger once again.

"Uhh... Alright..." He watched her leave, the light of some level of social comfort leaving with her. Now he was stuck with Rufus.

Now, Rufus was alright, but he always came off as a bit too cheery for his taste. Big personalities had a tendency to frighten Allen. Hopefully, some of his assumptions about him would be dissolved, as the ones with Mariah did.

He takes a bite of his sugar cookie, helping his cause in whittling the wonderful disc down to nothing.


He taps his finger on the table, looking to the side.

Location: hallway

witI: no one

She kind of felt bad about leaving them together like that but what could She do? She couldn't miss the chorus auditions, singing was a huge part of her life. She hoped Allen wouldn't be mad at her. She'd make it up to him. Probbaly make him some cookies or something.

She walked towards the music room seeing it empty. Guess she was a bit early. As her eyes traveled the room she spotted . Keyboard and she definitly couldn't resist it. She sat on the chair in front of it, placing her bag next to her Turning the piano on she started playing some random notes. She hadn't played in a couple of months she couldnt believe how well she still remembered how to play.

Wearing: Same.

Cafeteria / Grounds with @iiCupcakeCraver @BlackSwan

"German? Oh no my friend I'm afraid I'm not. I was just trying to be friendly by trying to speak the same way you do, which I think is cool by the way."
He said to Valentine as he sat down. Adam then continued. "Now about the showing you around part, I'm probably not the best person to do that but I'm sure one of the guys here would love to do that." He was about to ask Valentine what brought him to KH High when he received a text. Adam took out his phone and checked the message out.

Hey honey, I was cleaning your room and kinda stumbled upon your the place where you keep your cash so I helped myself to 600$ But don't worry, I'll return them... Never. Love you!

Adam stood up suddenly.
"Are you fucking kidding me!" He then looked at the people sitting at the table. "I need to deal with this, I'll be right back. And if anything goes missing from my backpack it's your asses." He said as he started walking, ofcourse there wasn't much to steal in the backpack, except for maybe his precious medium sized stuffed dinosaur. He headed to the grounds and tried calling his mother but all he got is her voicemail. "Mom I swear to God if the money isn't there when I get home I will find you and... Well I'll figure the rest out when I find you." He shook his head as he sighed. He was about to return to the cafeteria when he noticed Gwen sitting under a tree. Adam liked the Misfits more than the other groups and liked hanging out with them, and he was good friends with Gwen. so he walked towards Gwen and sat beside her. " I just got robbed by my Mom... I mean, she was up at 7 am making me coffee, I should've known something was up." He smiled as he looked at her. "Hey Gwen, how was your New Year's? I'm sure it was better than mine since I spent it selling people booze while smiling and saying Happy New Year! I think yesterday I've mastered the art of wishing people well while cursing them in my mind at the same time." He then nudged her shoulder with his own. "What's up, you're looking more frustrated than usual."


Location: Outside, Next To Tree

Mood: Happy, Curious, Bit Frustrated

@Blizzard Mentions @BlackSwan


Gwen was always the one that people went to when they needed to pour out their problems to her. And she was the one who was supposed to give advice, but that almost rarely happened and she just listening. Somehow, listening was just enough

She waved as Allen sat down beside her and told her about his mother stealing six hundred dollars. Gwen mimicked him and smiled back, only a little smaller.
"Oh-er..." She laughed a bit and started back up. "So...My dad insisted we go to a club to...you know. Do something fun. But I said that it would be weird going with your daughter. So we ended up pulling an all-nighter." Gwen sat back and replayed the scene in her head. She really was alarmed when her dad said something like that. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm just...Fine. Late for class again, so I get a seventh detention." Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, she looked down at her feet. "New kid, I see. Valentine is his name?" Gwen asked while closing her open draft of her book shut and checking her phone quickly.
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Wearing: Still the same

Location: Cafetaria

With: @Midnight Peace

Rufus smiled at Allen and took out his thermos flask with coffee "So, in which year are you?" he tried to make a conversation with the boy but knew it was going to be hard. Also he had to make sure he was right in time for the auditions of the Choir, he was might going to play on the vibraphone to assist the singers. He searched for his brother and saw he was sitting next to Travis and Valentine, both were cute boys. He hadn't spotted Kevin yet he wanted to speak to him after the awesome night

Wearing: Same

Location:Cafeteria with @Smoaki

Trey gratefully sat down. When Elaine mentioned that he may upset the Beloveds, he laughed a little and replied "If you're okay with me sitting here, I'll sit until someone tells me to go somewhere else."
Besides, I've already kicked that particular hornets' nest.

When she mentioned his name, he replied, "Actually, I'm Trey. But that was close. And yeah, I don't really hang out here. So where do you hang out?" Elaine seemed friendly enough, even if she didn't remember his name- but then again, most people didn't.

@iiCupcakeCraver Mentions @BlackSwan

Adam listened to her as she spoke about her night. "Yeah going to a club with your father would definitely count as weird in my book. But an all-nighter with your dad sounds fun. Sure beats how I spent my night." He laughed a little as she mentioned that she was late for class. "Who cares about classes, boring shit. All the cool kids get detentions." He looked at her face and shook his head. "You didn't catch any sleep at all did you, yet you're still managing to look pretty." Adam took out a a pack of cigarettes and took one for himself and lit it, he then offered Gwen one, not sure if she would take it. "Yeah his name is Valentine, he's Russian. And he has this awesome accent, you should go say hi." He took a long drag from his cigarette. "Atleast the weather is nice today."





Location: Cafeteria With/Mentions:

"Ha, silly me, I've never been too good with names," she responded with a smile as he sat. She didn't mind him sitting there, but in the back of her mind she still was worried what the others would do if they found him sitting here.

"Well, I hang out mostly here at school, well, because I'm forced to," she responded, chuckling lightly at herself," but outside of that there's this cute little cafe just a few streets from here that I love. Where do you usually hang out that I don't see you?"



Location: CafeteriaàAlone with @Blizzard @Smoaki @BlackSwan @All the Peeps in the Cafeteria

Travis was just about to address Adam’s comments, when Hugo approached him. He folded his arms over his chest and cocked his eyebrow.
”Good for you, Harvey. But you would haven been better off deflecting the blame onto Adam. With those slippery fingers people might be wondering where you’re sticking them.” He grinned until he heard Hugo’s insult. “Monkey? You racially insensitive asshole. I…I think I’ve been triggered. Where’s Jessi, Ali? Haven’t our people suffered enough. It’s 2016 buddy. Take your racist ass somewhere else, preferably with the redheaded bloodhound.”

He turned back towards Adam.
”Just some crazy fucking party. You’ll have to come with us next time. I’d say ditch the job, but we all know I’m a terrible influence.” He wriggled his eyebrows. Travis had been in school thirty minutes and he already missed the soft comfort of his bed. Fucking Christ, people kept filing into their table, like they were the hospitality center for wayward souls. Was he wearing a sign? He looked down at his chest. Empty. He greeted the guy in the suit first, Sef…Seb? Something along those lines.

”Hey…Sef…right? Sorry, I’m pretty shitty with names. I’m digging that suit on you.” He opened his mouth to say more, when Adam stood up on the table. He cursed under his breath. ”Maybe I should bake some goddamned cookies, join the welcome committee. Roll out the goddamned red carpet why don’t you.”

Travis nodded towards Valentine.
”Hey. Nice to meet you man. But as fun as this has all been.” He gestured to everyone. ”This is way too many fucking people for this early in the morning. Seb, I’ll see you around. Valentine, good luck. Everyone else. Peace.”

He grabbed his shit, lit a cigarette and walked out of the cafeteria, away from the noise and the flurry of people crowing his table and forcing his head to pulsate angrily.
”Fuck that noise. Literally.” He wandered the halls content with being alone, happy to revel in the smell of ash and the quiet murmur of his shoes across the tile.


Lunch table with @Savagai

He began to tap his left foot, taking his final bite from the sugar cookie.

"Junior. What about you?"

He silently mourned the death of his sugar cookie. It lived valiantly.

His mind began to wander for a second to the party last night. If not for the unexpected social interactions, he'd have spent the lunch period debating whether he should attend it or not.




Location:Outside the School with @NotTooBad

Faye had arrived at school before everyone else. Before teachers and the living noise of students, before the light had risen above the earth and the clouds were still traced in moonlight. These were the moments she could sketch in peace, away from her parents prying eyes and their incessant questioning. These moments of quiet allowed her to see things others could not, and that was when she saw Cameron, hours later, practicing in the field. The light craved a perfect arch around his bat, and she quickly pulled out her pencils, engraving the moment on paper. It was only after Cameron disappeared that the moment collapsed into reality, and she stared at her drawing and her lead-stained hands, wishing she could watch him again. She packed up her arts supplies and rushed down the stairs, hoping to catch sight of him.

It wasn’t until she got outside that she saw him, nose in a book murmuring to himself.

”I talk to myself too. There’s something inherently calming about one’s own voice.” Her fingers skimmed the spine of the book. ”This book has been loved dearly. What are you reading?” She smiled. ”I love well-worn things. There is such beauty in use. Oh! I almost forgot the reason I came out here.” She rummaged around in her backpack until she found her sketchbook, placing the drawing she had made of him in between the pages of his open book. ”The light loved you this morning.
Wearing: Same suit

With: @Effervescence

Location: Somewhere in the school

Sef smiled as Travis made a comment about his suit, he was used to wearing it. He took out his thermos flask and took a sip of the coffee before nodding to everyone and walking away. I need to find that cute guy, hopefully he'll like me. After a few minutes he founded Travis walking at the hallway, he walked a few times the wrong way but followed the scent of smoke, so there he followed him silently, not knowing what to say really. Mh.. What if he doesn't like me? He likes my shirt however. He passed his locker and opened it fast and searching for the right perfume, then he walked back following Travis "Hey"

Wearing: Same green shirt

With: @Midnight Peace

Location: Cafetaria

Rufus smiled at Allen, "I'm senior, what do you do here on school?" He could sense the boy was also homosexual, the way he looked and did his hair. The hair was pretty nice, but yeah, he didn't knew it right. Rufus was confused and took another sip of his Coffee.

Wearing: Same

Cafeteria with @Smoaki

Trey smiled a little. He felt very comfortable around Elaine- she seemed like a good friend. Maybe he could ask her if she knew Aberdeen? He then realized that she had asked him a question. "Well, I usually go to the Stats classroom and do math problems in there. I also usually hold tutoring sessions at lunch, if you're interested."

He hadn't really meant to advertise, it had just slipped out. He took a bite of the sandwich, and the cheese stuck to the roof of his mouth. But he didn't care. He was in here because he needed the calories. Meeting Elaine was a bonus- he was glad that someone let him sit next to them, and had turned out to be so friendly. Even if she was a Beloved.


Lunch table with @Savagai

He furrows his eyebrows a bit at his question. What sort of question is that? Oh, perhaps he meant what classes he takes.

"Um... If you mean what classes I take, I'm in literature analysis, probability, and sociology..." He picks up his phone, beginning to screw around with a sliding puzzle game.


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