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Location: By Tree, Outside

Mood: Frustrated

@Blizzard Mentions @BlackSwan


Gwen glared at him when he mentioned 'pretty'.
"Right..." She looked around while Adam talked about the new kid, Valentine. "Russian, eh? Nice. I'll be sure to stop by and say hi at some time." That was most likely a lie. She didn't really talk to anyone without the first person making a move. She put a hand up, signaling no, she didn't want one. At least not right at this moment. "The weather? Oh, right. Yeah, it's fine." Gwen picked up her phone and checked her notifications. An email reply from the principal, asking her to stay after school for even longer after the rude message Gwen had sent in anger. Gwen growled at the phone and responded with another long message that sounded sarcastic. She tucked the phone away, wanting nothing to do with it. "Don't you have to go rant to your mom about the money? Or go find your boyfriends?"


Location: Front of KH high with: @Effervescence Faye Lily Archer

He looked up at the girl who had approached him, and gave her a confused glance. "I.. Uh... Right. Thanks? I agree, too, there are few things better than an old book or an 'old reliable'." He said, taking a quick look at the drawing. He was prepared to insult her, but was actually quite impressed with the drawing. "This is, surprisingly cool, to be honest, but.. what were you doing watching me?" He asked, feeling slightly creeped out. "I mean, you could have asked to come hang out with me, you didn't need to hide from me or whatever."

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Wearing: Same

Grounds with @iiCupcakeCraver

Adam shrugged as she declined taking the cigarette and put the pack back in his pocket. He watched her expression get angry as she looked at her phone but didn't ask her about it. He raised his eyebrow at her last questions.
"Wow. Ok you don't have to be nice about it Gwen. You want someone to fuck off just tell them to fuck off, that's the way I prefer it." He said jokingly as he laughed. He finished his cigarette and tossed it away. "Well if you need anything come find me." He said then he started walking away. He found a clear spot on the grounds and crashed on the soft green grass, looking at the sky. Getting some much needed moments of peace.


Location: Cafeteria with Valentine mentions of Hugo, Eydis, Rufus

The room quickly filled up with people and activity as Kevin munched on his granola bar. People were leaving him alone, which was nice he guessed. There were some of his friends nearby, but... that situation over there looked kinda confrontational. No thanks. Allen was talking to his boyfriend, which was weird but hey, so what? Then, one of the badasses- Adam?- made an announcement, and. Well, he liked meeting new people, right? Right! Who didn't?

But that's where the confrontation was and he was with people- quite a few people actually- and it was best not to- well, it looked as though all the people he had been talking to had left? And the confrontation was over, so unless he had a better reason to leave him alone and stay by himself...

At some point he'd finished his granola bar, and the still packaged uncooked ramen noodles weren't exactly beckoning him, though he guessed he could always eat them later if he was hungry. So he put the ramen back in his bag, plastered a smile on his face, and started on his way over, throwing away his wrapper as he went.

He waved at Rufus when he stood up, but he wasn't particularly convinced he'd see him as he was kind of across the lunch room. He also made sure he waved to Eydis and Hugo, actually giving them a hello while facing them, even though that meant walking backwards, before sliding in across from the new kid.

"Hi, I'm Kevin. You're Valentine, right? You kinda look like you got ditched, no offense, and I thought 'wow what better time to say hello'! Anyways, do you need any assistance or anything, 'cause I can totally help you out there,"

he said with a grin and yet another enthusiastic wave as he put his backpack under the seat, unable to help a huff of laughter.

@tinygrassisdreaming @Shortfuzzything


Wearing: white turtleneck + rose gold pants

Location: bathroom

Mood: relived

With: @Shortfuzzything


Eydis began leading the way out of the cafeteria after everyone had left due to the overwhelming amount of people beginning to crowd in one place. Eydis began to make her way out of the cafeteria as well, blowing a kiss to her friend Kevin when he waved at her and Hugo. She led Hugo out and to a bathroom that was surely to be empty, it was small and no one used it much. After leading Hugo into the girls' bathroom, she started the tap and accumulated a wad of paper towels in her hand. After wetting the paper towels, she took of Hugo's shirt without warning or permission. She paused for a moment, looking down at Hugo, stifling laughter as she realized the very suspicious scenario she had just created. She began to laugh as she wiped up the coffee off of her friend's shirt. "How'd this even happen," she asked through her laughter. "The spill, I mean," she laughed. "I already know how this happened." She gestured outward, trying to indicate their present situation.​
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His long sip of coffee must have brought him back to reality where he was telling off the badasses that could actually very much kick his ass and bury him alive. It certain situation, much like prey, Hugo freezes, unable to the speak or move. When Eydis came over, she just made it much much worse, making Hugo just try harder and harder to hide behind his cup of coffee. He allowed himself to be pulled out from the bowels of the Caf and stayed quiet as his friend helped him get cleaned up. HE was still glaring at her. and mumbled tightly under his breath Shook his head "Thank you, I was making a fool out of myself and about a sentence away from getting my ass handed to me by those mumbling monkeys. "

He took another long sip of his coffee, sighing contently as the caffeine began to work its magic behind his eyelids. "Well... the spill was my fault.... I bumped into Elaine" He deadpanned "Thankfully I caught her lunch and everything was good. Because while Elaine it too.... herself to really do anything, I know any of the other damned beloved would have gladly taken revenge." HE shook his head.

He allowed her to do the cleaning, feeling more like himself the more he drank his coffee "This is all I need in life" HE murmured, sink his face into the steam of the coffee and looked at Eydis "What were you up to before you came to save me"



Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Determined

Tags: None


"No, no!! I didn't mean that!" She playfully punched him in the shoulder and gathered her things into her lap. "Righty. See you, Adam." Gwen parted ways and found herself back in the cafeteria.

She sat at a table, by herself, in the back. Not lonely, she just preferred it. Papers strewn across the table and in the middle, the open-faced, blank, leather book. She was determined to write the final draft and get it published...Some day. Gwen's pale hand glided across the parchment with talent, writing in a small and messy way. A combination of printing and cursive.

Gwen hovered closely to the book, fully entranced with it. She didn't look up.

Wearing: white turtleneck + rose gold pants

Location: bathroom

Mood: content

With: @Shortfuzzything

"Aww, don't look at me like that," she pouted before Hugo apologized. "Those beloveds are really something," she agreed, looking down at the shirt as worked the coffee out of it. She glanced up at him when he asked her a question. "I was with Paris, but I wanted to find you and the others so I walked to the cafeteria with her. My timing was rather fortunate, I would say." Done with what she was working on, the redhead thew out the wad of soaked paper towels and held the shirt under the hand dryer, pressing the button. She waited until the shirt was dry, turning the machine on a few times in a row and checking each time afterm it shut off automatically. Finally, the spot was dry, and Eydis grabbed Hugo's coffee while handing him his shirt, holding it for him as he put it on. "Did you hear what the plebian called me?" She asked nonchalantly. "A redheaded bloodhound. I can't help but say that I love the sound of that. Don't you think it has a sort of truth to it, as well?" This was somewhat of a joke, but it would've been hard to tell if she were with anyone else due to her aloof manner of execution.​


He rubbed his hands over his face setting his coffee on the counter "Sorry, I haven't slept. Was working on a program for that dude I met online. Said he needed it for a class" He sighed as he waited for his shirt dry, crossing his arms over his bare chest, he felt more like a twelve-year-old when he's been taken from his clothes. Though Hugo always looked mad, and according his friends, apparently he suffered from the case of resting bitch face.

"Paris?" He said a bit surprised "Sorry I pulled you away from that Seems like everyone is our group has been bonding with other people, Saw Trey speaking to some girl" He shook his head "I'm proud of yall, being all social. Though do you think I could hide in the dryer while you do that" He grabbed his shirt when she pulled it out, quickly pulling it own, feeling happy being surrounded by warmth.

"It suits you" He agreed with a small smile. "Red-headed bloodhound, mind if I began calling you that" HE said with a cheeky smile, he smooth down his shirt and grabbed his coffee. "Do you want to go back to the caf to see if Paris is there then?"
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Mentions: @mikaluvkitties

Valentine observed quietly as he took note on everyones behavior and how they interacted with one another.

"Valentine." he said easily in response to the other young man who greeted him.

Strange, the people here we're almost decent. Not like the cut throats he heard of in Russia.

Valentine was just about to lose himself in yet another day dream when yet another young man approached him.

"Yes, Vhank you, it sveems i ave been abondond. vould yvou show me to Art?"


Wearing: The Same

Cafetaria with Valentine @BlackSwan, Allen @Midnight Peace and Kevin @mikaluvkitties

Rufus smiled "Yes, the classes" was that a difficult question? I don't know. "I'm taking.. eum yes, what am I taking actually? Guess i'll have to look at my roster for that" He looked again in the cafetaria searching for people, he noticed his boyfriend walked to Valentine, "Alright, I have to go, see you later Allen"

When he was close to his boyfriend he sneaked behind him and wrapped his arms around his middle kissing his neck "Hello cutie, how are you after the awesome night?" He laid his head on the shoulder of Kevin and whispered "He's cute right?"




Location| Kingdom Crest High with Eyree Sutherland @Opalescence

The last thing Issiah wanted for his winter break to end. While it didn't snow on Christmas Day in Kingdom Heights, he had taken the liberty to take his well-earned money that he saved up and take his mother and Adrian up north to New York. It was draining, riding on a crowded bus with a open-minded mother who just had to make sure that the passengers riding knew that her baby boy was playing for the trip and a 3-year old who always had to "potty". Still, the excessive nagging and whacks up side his head when he mumbled something underneath his breath in his native tongue and the restless toddler, was well worth seeing his son's beautiful eyes light up when he saw the big tree standing tall in the middle of Rockefeller Plaza, and his mother's happy tears and kisses telling him what a wonderful son he was. His mother had tried to convince Rafael to attend, but there had been tension between the two males ever since Issiah's stepfather became suspicious of his after school dealings after discovering a small baggie inside the teenager's room. Issiah passed the embarrassing urine test that both of his parents demanded he take to prove himself, and that was enough for his mother, but not enough for his father and coach.

Even with the break away from Rafael, it wasn't enough to get the man off his back and Issiah was nearly desperate to come back to the cesspool that was supposed to educate him for a brighter feature. Of course, he wanted to spend more time with his son, but he didn't want to be pushing weight for the rest of his life, and school was the only outing. Unfortunately for the star soccer player, it was a late day and the tension inside his usual comfortable home was so thick that the three-year old Adrian was fussier than usual, throwing a small fit at breakfast, refusing to eat his oatmeal and Issiah found himself standing in front of the bathroom sink, towel in hand as he focused in the mirror to get all of the lumps of cooked oats out of his hair. While he had the victory of getting most of the food in his son’s stomach, his own rumbled with defeat.

“I’ll just starve…” He thought rather dramatically and as if his best friend could read his mind, his phone chimed to life on the counter of the sink. Looking down at the text he couldn’t help but let a smile creep across his lips, Eyree was always two steps ahead.

Twenty minutes meant five and that’s the time frame it took for Issiah to finish oatmeal-checking his hair, getting a gym bag together and giving his fussy son who now sat in his mother’s lap watching her late-morning stories. By the time he checked his hair one final time and adjusted his backpack, he heard the roar of the familiar SUV outside and a beep to tell him to bring his ass.

Try as he might to keep his face in a nonchalant setting, a smile instantly crept onto his face as he opened up the passenger door and hopped. He wouldn’t admit it but even with his break, he missed his best friend which may seem weird being that while he was away he made sure to text her at least once a day, send her photos of Adrian and himself exploring the big city. He even went as far as to get the gymnast a gift that he made sure to put in his book bag the night before.

“Can’t drink with a three-year old and fifty-year-old in your face all night.” Issiah mustered out whilst stuffing his mouth and placing his belt on as his friend took off down the road with no sense of a speed limit.

“You should have come with us instead of sitting by yourself at home.” By now he was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he watched their destination come into view and in no time the SUV was pulling into student parking and easing back into a space. With the engine cut, Issiah felt safe enough to unbuckle his seatbelt and hop out, meeting Eyree in the front of the once running automobile as he dug into his bookbag and retrieved a rectangular blue box with a red ribbon tied on top.

“I was going to bring it to you last night when we got in, but Adrian wanted to stay up.” He explained as he handed the present to her.​
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Wearing: white turtleneck + rose gold pants

Location: bathroom

Mood: content

With: @Shortfuzzything


"It's quite alright, I came to your rescue of my own accord," replied the redhead. "Oh, but I've known Paris for a long time. And don't worry, darling, I'll guard the tumbler for you and make sure no one turns it on." It was very usual for Eydis to refer to her friends with pet names as she spoke to them. Most of the gurus, and a few others, we're used to being spoken to so affectionately by her. "Whatever pleases you my dear," she answered, confirming her new nickname. "Oh, no. I see her all the time, plus I specifically went to the cafeteria to see you. I'm glad we're out of there, I dread that chaotic place." The loudness of the cafeteria always drove Eydis crazy, the only reason she would ever go was to pick up her friends. If it weren't for them, she would never have a reason to go, and therefore never set foot in the large congregation place for teenagers. "Let's go find some of the others, as long as they're not in the cafeteria." Eydis opened the door to the bathroom and led the way to the outside of the school. She would have gone to pick up Kevin, but she knew he was in the cafeteria. Setting foot in that place once was her limit. She thought for the other Gurus that she favored as she walked alongside Hugo, but had no idea where any of them were. "Why don't we just go take naps. We both deserve one well." She suggested, remembering Hugo mention how tired he was from lack of sleep. Flipping her bag around one shoulder, she pulled out her Nintendo 3DS and an avocado.​
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Location: hallway with :no one

Mariah left out the music room walking around with nothing to do until the hell rang for us to go to class. She sat in the hallway near a locket back putting her headphones in playing Titanium

"I'm bullet proof nothing to lose, fire awaaay firee awaayy"

She always closed her eyes when she sang it became a habit that she didn't mind keeping.

She watched as everyone was talking with their friends as she sat there alone enjoying her music


At the open display of affection, Valentine almost gasped. instead he opted for gaping like a fish. Valentine had admitted to himself three years ago that he was indeed attracted to other males. OF course that was far from accepted by his family and His home country. He spent years hiding his attraction going out on dates with outher young women, wich granted , he still liked. But he always found himself wondering how that Man would feel against him or his best friend or perhaps one of his old classmates, each time he had to she off the feelings budding in his chest. because they could lead no where. It was not accepted. but now...it seems here it was far more accepted. And valentine found himself wanting to verbally agree and take a look at the young man as he denied himself to before. but something stopped him.

so instead he merely nodded, the beginning of a grin twitching on his lips playfully.

"Very mvuch so, if vi vere into vat sort of vhing, bvut vy he is good vor yvou yes?"​





Mentions: @MariahChanell

I stormed out of the music room, with my Guitar slung over my back. My music book. my damn book was missing, And no fucking doubt someone stole it.

Checking the time on my watch i realized i should probably get something to eat before lunch is over.

which of course meant having to enter the ring again. "Round one! Locker vs Mercy! DING DING! Fight!" i muttered sarcastically under my breath.

I power walked it to my locker turning the corned, already flexing my fingers for the inevitable battle with that hunk of metal, when i noticed someone had decided to pop a squat right there.

ah, hell no.

"hey. mind moving your ass." i demanded bluntly, nudging her with my shoe impatiently.​



Location: The track exercising by herself​


Last year she had only been warming up. This year, Mila was going to work her ass off to get in shape for her Julliard audition. This meant hitting the track and dance studio as many times as possible that she could. Her hangover was all gone, seeing as she had used all of yesterday curing it. Which made her mood being pretty okay at the moment. But it was going to dim soon. She was using her lunch break to exercise. And a hungry Mila didn't exactly scream rainbows and butterflies.

Despite the weather, Mila was burning up. She had to be careful not to remove any clothing, exposing her to the cold. Or so she would catch a cold, and that wasn't in any part of her schedule to make it to Julliard.

She ran the track one last time before she made her over to her bottle of water, chugging it down as if this was the last time she would ever be granted liquid. She wiped her mouth with the back off her hand before it was time to stretch. Though Mila never liked to admit it, she was exhausted. Of course she was. She had barely slept and didn't have any food in her system. Because of this, it felt like stretching took an eternity. The craving for food was making time slow down.

Before she let herself enter the cafeteria and eat the whole place, Mila had to shower. When she ate she had to enjoy the food. There was no way she could do that with the disgusting smell that was reaking of her body. Okay maybe she was exaggerating, but Mila hated the smell of sweat. Despite bearing it all the time from the heavy exercises she was doing. She took another chug from her water bottle before she started walking towards the girl's locker room.​

Wearing: Black mesh top with a blue bralett underneath, a short skirt, black nylon thigh-highs with lace along the edge and a pair of blue heals.

Location: Schoolyard/auditorium with No-one/ @CrystalClear

Arabella sat down looking around, they heard people talking about some party that would happen later that night. They thought about if for a second and decided that the only way to cure a hangover is to drink even more. They were pretty that Jessi wouldn't invite them though. They were thinking about asking for a while and decided to find Jessi. They went inside looking around in the school, they didn't really hang out with Jessi so they had no idea where they could find them. When they didn't find Jessi They started thinking, where could she be? Arabella decided to try the auditorium, Jessi was the leading musician after all. They went inside and saw Jessi in there.

"Hello, am I interrupting something?" They asked as they walked inside.


Wearing: Green Shirt

Location:Cafetaria withKevin @mikaluvkitties and Valentine @BlackSwan

Rufus looked to Valentine and gave Kevin a kiss on his cheeck before sitting next to Valentine, the words of the Russian were a little hard to understand "Sorry? If Kevin is good for me?" he grinned "Yes, he's very good for me" O my God, Valentine is looking good! Rufus thought, this was something for his brother when he was on his hunt again.

He looked at Kevin and wrapped his arm around him and laid his head on the shoulder of him. They were together for a year now and they were still happy, they met two years ago at the start of school and grew together as the years passed. Rufus was the first one who asked Kevin on a date, after many dates they finally were a couple. Rufus felt a warm feeling when he was with Kevin, enjoying every moment.

"So Valentine, you find your way around? Saw you got a good introduction?" It was probably hard for him, being the center of things from the first moment. "Do you know Sef?" He continued without waiting for a reply "He's my cute little brother" Rufus was a few minutes older, but Sef looked way more older, it was probably the small beard and hair.​

Wearing: Same

Corridors with Mila @Genya

After resting for a while and clearing his head Adam stood up and started walking away from the grounds and towards his locker room. He wasn't in the best of moods and decided to hit the gym and let out some steam on the punching bag. Staying in shape was a priority for him since he gets involved in a lot of fights. He reached his locker and took out his gym bag from it.
"Shit." He mumbled as he remembered that his backpack was still in the cafeteria. But he didn't think anyone would mess with it there. He opened his gym bag and took out his water bottles, filling them with cold water from a nearby cooler then he put them back into the bag and carried it on his back. On his way to the gym he stumbled upon Mila who was soaked in sweat. "Woah, what the hell have you been up to? Hopefully it's not what I have in mind." He said jokingly as he laughed. "Still looking super hot though, Mila."

Wearing: Same

Corridors with Adam @Blizzard


Mila was in her own world, imagining her choreography when suddenly Adam came into her line of sight. As always, she rolled her eyes at him. "Since sweat turns you on this much, I don't even want to know what you do with yourself after practice." She said and huffed before she pushed past him, ready to reach the locker room. But then a thought crept up her mind. She turned around and looked over her shoulder, making sure no one was listening to the conversation. "You still know people right?" She asked with one brow raised. Adam seemed like the type of guy who could hook her up with something. With Mila's parents having breathed down on her neck lately, she hasn't gotten the chance to get her hands on something. But she needed to. If she didn't get a fucking kick soon she would lose her mind.



Mentions: @Savagai sef

He gave an apologetic smile at that. "svorry, vour Language is, difficult to pvronounce. "

Valentine ran a hand through his silvery hair. He smiled whem he saw the two together. He had always wanted something of that magnitude. It seemed so easy here...maybe. 'No valentine. Rmemeber your Otets. He would now approve.' He scolded himself mentally. Valntine fell silent for a moment. lost in his thoughts. He remembered how his father described people like himself. "disgusting, vey will burn in hell." Valentine shuddered at the memory. he was going to tell his father about his sexuality that day. He never did.

snapping out of his thoughts he smiled at Sef.

"vello again. szvef is it?"


Wearing: Same

Corridors with @Genya Mila

Adam's smile widened at her first comment as she walked by.
"You sure you don't wanna know? It's pretty interesting." He was about to turn and walk in the other direction when she suddenly spoke again, he chuckled. "I always know people sweetheart." Adam grew up socializing with the wrong people as his mom was busy working two jobs to put food on their table. He could most likely provide anything illegal that people would want. His expressions turned serious as he looked into Mila's eyes. "What do you need? Whatever it is I most likely can get my hands on it." He said as he put his gym bag down and leaned on the wall next to him.
((Well, Sef isn't there, :P ))

Wearing: The Same

Location:Cafetaria with Valentine @BlackSwan and Kevin @mikaluvkitties

Yeah, he doesn't understand it also very well, Rufus thought and smiled at the pronouncing of Sef "Yes, Sef is my little brother" He didn't know where Sef was at the moment, but if he had luck he would be probably chasing Travis down. He looked again at Valentine and realised that this boy was also a good match for his brother.

Rufus wasn't aware of the sexuality of Valentine and he wasn't going to guess, actually why don't give it a try he said to himself "So, you've men my brother? Isn't he something for you?" He smiled at Valentine and took a sip of his coffee. If his brother wasn't lucky with Travis he could always go with the cutie sitting infront of Rufus.​



"I would ask why you have an avocado but I know better." He said, and as they stepped outside he put his hand up to shade his eyes against the sun. The wind felt warm, and there was the light smell of rubber and concrete, he sunk down again into his cup, he wasn't much of the outdoorsy type. His ears perked up when she said nap clasping his hands together "Oooo You know the way to my heart, sleeping" And coffee, he drank the rest he had in his cup and walked over to a close by a trash can to toss it out. He looked up and from across the way saw Cameron, and quickly jumped away standing by Eydis. He like Eydis, while most people thought she was werid, but the concept of normaily was more of a majority rules type of thing which met it was meaningless. On the flip side, because of her attiude she was more of the intimating members of Guru and there for not an easy target.

"I think we should go into one of 'em lounges to take than a nap." He said quickly, twisting his hands together nervously. Hugo was an easy target though, in the jungle of this place Hugo was firmly in the place of prey. Hugo didn't like to think of himself as a scary cat but Cameron was a rather scary looking dude, and he had a bit of reputation. Besides, it was best to stay out of misfits way. He was just glad the dude seemed to be distracted by some girl in front of him.

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