• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Labeled (Currently Accepting!)

Jake was wandering around the halls looking for the Alex, or as some refer to her 'Snake girl'. He had a 'friend' that had a Burmese python that she has to get rid of because she is moving and Jake said he would help find someone. Just another day as a 'Info Broker'; telling news that's not even been released yet, helping certain people find what they are looking for, finding info on long list of possible things to find info on, and sometimes transporting some 'questionable' items. Though none of these services come without a cost and the cost varies from situation to situation.

As he rounded a corner he spotted Alex walking in his direction. "Hey Alex! Got a minute?" Jake asked as he jogged up to her. In a lowered voice he asked "Hey looking to buy a snake? I have 'friend' with a Burmese python they are trying to get rid of, interested?" He spoke quietly because Burmese pythons are not legal to own because they are a endangered species. "If so its going cost 200 grand" he told her still keeping his voice down. His Friend was actually trying to sell it for 150 grand, but Jake is business man and isn't helping his 'friend' for free.

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Wearing: Same

Location: Hallways with Jake @Mister Veeeee

Alex sighed "Where am I again". Then she heard someone call her name she turned around to see a guy who looked a bit suspicious. Then he asked if he wanted to buy a snake. "Are you making fun of me cause this isn't funny"Alex said annoyed. She looked at the guy funny and then saw he was serious. "Look I like snakes but I already have a pet cat and I'm not buying a snake that is A. Illegal and B. 200 Grand" Alex said flustered. She wasn't used to people approaching her out of nowhere and this was a bit awkward.
"Damn, was hoping you of all people would've bought it, oh well. Anyways what you up to?" He asked curiously in normal volume. He was disappointed he wasn't able to help sell the snake, but he was planning on trying to make it worth his time by seeing if he can glean some information from her. After all, he is always seeking information, and remembered someone asking him about her. Well if I'm not going to make a sell might well try to make a profit of information, assuming she is willing to talk to me. Hope she has some sort valuable information. Jake thought as stuffed his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

Wearing: Same

Location: Hallways with Jake

@Mister Veeeee

"Well I was heading to lunch until you wanted to sell me a snake... anyhow I am going to lunch now if you wanna join me" Alex said to Jake causally. I her head she was nervous as all hell this could be her chance to make an actual friend at this hellhole you call school. She was going to try to be more sociable but no one keeps up their new years resolution. She internally shook her head no she was going to try to make at least one friend in the place.
Jake already eaten but he wasn't going to tell Alex that. "Sure thing I could use a bite, forgotten to eat all day. So what music you like? I personally enjoy techno but I occasionally enjoy the blues." he responded in kind. Well this is good, now to warm her up with the typical bullshit chit chat that people don't typically remember later. "Also I heard the cafeteria is serving pizza. Do you like pizza?" Though he already knew that it was being served but again decided not to say to keep her talking as he started off towards the cafeteria.

Wearing: Same

Location: Hallways with Jake

@Mister Veeeee

"I love pizza it the best food this school could probably make anyways" Alex said. She began to walk to the cafeteria with Jake. "So why are you trying to sell a snake?" Alex asked casually. She was trying to warm up with small talk to help the conversation flow. She was so nervous about talking she didn't know what else to ask him, like how the weather was, or what your favorite color was. Alex would usually flock to her brother when she was feeling social but that was her brother and this was Jake a guy from her school she didn't even know that well.
Eyree Sutherland


Wearing: @Effervescence @Savagai)

At Issiah's disapproving tone, Eyree shot the tall soccer player a withering look. Shifting her weight to one hip, she crossed her arms and smirked.
"Oh, come on, Rojas! Don't deny me my yearly puff. What, I can trash my liver indiscriminately, but my lungs are completely off-limits?" She remarked, her tone wry and lackadaisical. While she might not have been labelled an alcoholic, it was no secret that the petite gymnast was particularly exceptional at holding her liquor and knocking back shot after shot of vodka. Her parents, though not necessarily approving of her underage drinking, did little to limit her. After all, she had grown up eating family dinners in which her father always had a glass of wine and her mother a glass of vodka, and Eyree had always been allowed tasteful little sips. Plus, the alcohol cabinet was always fully stocked in the Sutherland home, so access was never an issue for her.

Turning her attention back to Sef, she waved her hand vaguely.
"I spent all break training. Eight hours a day and my beam routine still has some kinks to work out. But otherwise, I'm feeling prepared for the season!" She shifted her weight to the opposite hip. "But I'll be competing all around," she continued, examining the short stubs of her nails. "What else would the team captain be expected to do?" She finished, looking up just long enough to give Sef a conspiratorial wink.

As Jessi sidled over to the group, Eyree easily shifted to the side, having to wave away some of Jessi's stray curls from her face. A cat-like grin turned her lips.
"Well, I probably should get to class at a halfway decent time. Tardies make me late to practice." She waved a farewell to the assembled group of people, floating off down the hallways. "But I look forward to our rematch, Trav! And I was alcohol free for New Year's, so I'm pretty sure I've got the advantage. See you at the party tonight!" She winked at Jessi and flittered around the corner. She and Jessi, while not particularly close, were still cordial and friendly to each other and they had at least a few things in common (both coming from Italian parentage, after all). Still, she didn't want to push her luck at being uninvited to a party she had technically not been invited to in the first place. But the lure of a night of freedom and debauchery after a rigorous and exhausting break seemed like just the thing to ease the tension growing in her shoulders.

"True pizza is one the only good things they make besides the burritos in my opinion. As for the snake, the girl can't keep it any longer due to personal stuff that's not my place to say. Plus I get a cut if I can find a buyer, so if you change your mind let me know. Anyways, how's the day, anything interesting going on?" Jake spoke normally and calm but his mind was on different page. Didn't want to buy the snake yet interested in why I'm selling it? Strange, I hope she is reconsidering though I doubt it. Need to be careful though she seems to be the curious type? I like a challenge, but was sorta hoping getting info from her as easy as counting numbers while I answer what few questions she may ask as discreetly vague as possible. It was simple game of patience for him and it's a game he knows well. "Ah! here we are, after you miss," he offered in semi gentlemanly manner as he held the door for her. It's nice little things like this that help lower people's guard around someone, which is what he wanting to do.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Alex inquired as she sat down. She was nervous at first but now she felt like he was trying to get to comfortable to her. She shifted awkwardly in her seat. She eyed Jake with suspicion. Was he trying to get something from her... Maybe... Alex felt angry for a second. She knew all people were the same. If I find out what he wants maybe I can trick him.

@Mister Veeeee
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Good Evening, Kingdom Crest

Date: January 2nd

Time: 10:00 PM

Weather: 48 degrees

It's the night of Jessica Sundano's party and whether you were invited or not, you are probably there. Or maybe you didn't feel like watching your classmates get shitfaced and decided to hang out with some other friends and do something more productive with your time.



Whatever you are doing, you're in for the shock of your life because all of Kingdom Crest is a buzz with the latest tweet from the so-called burner, claiming to out someone by the end of the night and one of their dirty little secrets.

Is it you?





[font=Aachen BT][size=5]

[center][font=Aachen BT][size=5]

[center][font=Aachen BT][size=5]

[center][font=Aachen BT][size=5][center][b]Wearing:

Location:[/b]Place here [b]with[/b] Character here

Remember 1-2 detailed paragraphs. Minimum 300 word count.


Dress, shoes, hair(and earrings)

Location: Her room at the Bennett mansion, Kingdom High.

Mentions: Adam @Blizzard


Mila applied another layer of mascara on her straight lashes, giving them a longer lenght, more uprising and a darker shade. She was already dressed with her tight off shoulder black dress with longsleeves. She was going all black today. Her favorite color.

She put her mascara away and applied some lipgloss, not really wanting her lips to change color but rather get a glow. She looked at her reflection in the mirror on the makeup table she was seated in front of. There wasn't much left to do. Expect knowing how her deal was going. Mila reached over to the table, grabbing her phone.

How much do you need?

She doubted her parents would comment on all the money she was wasting. They never did. They thought it was better for her if she didn't have people sticking their noses into her business. She didn't know if their logic was right. But after they had backed off she had started doing drugs, so it might as well not be. Mila rested her forhead against her cold mirror and sighed. If they found out, she would have to see that damned shrink again. The only feeling that woman got out of her was tireness.

Mila stood up from her chair and straightened out her dress before putting her make-up back into their original places. She put on her black heels and grabbed her clutch before she pushed past the door that led into her room.

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Tags ~ W/:

Dress, Buckle, Shoes, Necklace, Earrings, Beanie.

Luckily, her father wasn't home yet, so he hadn't come to lock her out. And now she stood in the mirror of her bathroom, looking at her reflection with a bored expression upon her face. The only ting left to do was leave the house. Which she did not want to do.

The outfit she had chosen fit her well, and even made her look good. It was hard to find dresses that looked well on her tomboy figure without many curves. A stick, basically. But she was surprised that it was working out for her. The maroon, loose dress and a black buckle, topped off with her multiple piercings in her ears and a key necklace. Her feet were covered in black converse while her head was loosely covered with a black beanie. There was no way in
hell that she was wearing heels. It would be like looking at a baby giraffe trying to walk for that first time.

Gwen put on some dark purple dry lipstick and touched up the corner of her winged, thick eyeliner. She took off down the stairs and out the door to the long walkway of stone. Her house was near the edge of town near a forested area, so she would have to drive no matter where she was going. Off to Knight Drive, we go.

She was about halfway there, cruising through town in the beat-up, olive-green Pickup, with the dark windows rolled up and the eery calm of her Baroque Pop/Rock music flowing out of the radio, connected to her phone. Gwen came to a night club and parked the car there. She could leave it there and walk the rest of the way, walk back when it was over and take it back home.

And now she was walking. Walking down the dark, shadow coated sidewalk on the side of the road and the chilly air brushing past her pale cheekbones.
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Wearing: @Effervescence

What started out as just a chill party for her clique quickly turned into a house party for all of Kingdom Crest. All throughout the day her phone buzzed from unknown people to close friends asking her if they could bring someone or this person could tag along. The musician was chill with the idea of a couple of people coming through and having a sip or two from the stash in her mother’s secret cabinet that wasn’t so secret to her daughter. Ten, twelve people, tops. But soon one person asking turned into another, and that person told another, and soon everyone in the hallway was waving at her, smiling, or running up on the hit first, ask questions later, female to see if they could come. It wasn’t so bad until her impulse kicked in and her fist connected with one boy’s jaw when he gave one of her curls a playful tug. Jessica sat in the principal’s office for over an hour getting chewed out on how her temper would have her in the streets and her body somewhere face down in the alley. The conversation had gotten so intense that even the principal stepped out of his office, casting a sympathetic laced with regret gaze in her direction as her mother went on to speak her mind.

”Do I need to come home??” Claire Summers demanded with ice in her voice that made the slouching musician sit up like her mother was in the room

“No, ma. Chill.”

”Girl, who do you think you’re talking to? I bet I slap your hair straight! Don’t make me catch a plane…”

Now the musician was coming from her bathroom that was joined to her bedroom with a toothbrush in her mouth as she leaned against the frame.

I mean, she literally told me she was going to smack me into next year and maybe I would have some sense then.” She spoke with a mouthful of toothpaste to her best friend who was getting ready for the night but not without first laying out what she thought would look good on the medium brown skin of Jessica.

Glancing down at the clothes that were laid out with her, she wrinkled up her nose, causing her lip to scrunch up in distaste as she held out the top and then looked over at the skirt.

“Out of everything in my closet…” She began as she stepped into the skirt, hiking up her lounge around shirt just enough to slip the colorful clothing up to her waist. Jessica was not a dressy person and her dresses and skirts were fairly limited, but she knew she could leave it to her best friend to pick out a dress rather than what she knew Jessica intended on wearing, a pair of sweats and a crop top shirt.

“Whatever.” Was all she said as she lifted her lounge shirt from over her head, knocking her toothbrush out of her mouth and catching it just barely before it hit the floor, forgetting that she was in the middle of brushing her teeth. With a string of curse words, she grabbed the shirt and went back in the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Running water could be heard as she cleaned the toothpaste off of her mouth and from her chin where it toppled down. Then there was silence for a brief moment with the light sound of rustling material before she emerged, adjusting the top of her shirt.

“Happy?” She questioned the pretty green eyed girl with a raised brow after she gave her a full body twirl. Not waiting for her to answer, she grabbed the coral colored pumps and exited the room and entered the hallway. With one hand on the hall’s wall, she lifted her right foot and hopped along the floor as she slipped on her shoe and repeated the same action with her left foot until she was standing straight, hands smoothing out her skirt as she entered the medium sized kitchen that her mom had recently finished getting renovated. On their way home from school, Jessica and Faye had made a run to the Tincan Bar to pick up top of the line liquor, together the two pulled their save funds and paid a hefty price to the owner, who wasn’t all too pleased to sell to minors put for the right price, seemed eager enough. Now the musician stood over each bottle with corkscrew and shot littered the counter with shot glasses to keep people from digging around in her mama’s kitchen.


“Faye, get the music!” Jessica yelled out as she opened the fridge and pulled out the platter of subs she decided to pick up at the last minute along with the sodas just in case someone didn’t want to drink..

"And the door!" The fridge shut with a echoing bang, the sound of heels clicking away and back down the hall.​
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Wearing:Casual as always

Location: Home to Eyree's

With: Eyree Sutherland @Opalescence

He said he wouldn’t go, told himself that countless time and as classes passed by he didn’t think about it anymore, the soccer player’s mind was deadest. Today was his day off from work so that meant time with his son, and that would give his mother a break. He had no reason to go to the party at Jessica’s house, no matter how hyped the school seemed to be about it, there was no interest in it for him. Except for a certain short, and overly spunky gymnast with dark auburn hair and ocean-blue eyes that made the corner of his mouth twitch in annoyance at how clear they were

But if it annoyed him so much, how come he kissed his son goodnight after reading him his favorite story of the Bernstein Bears and made sure he was fast asleep before grabbing the keys to his truck? How come he found himself taking the familiar turn down three streets and pulling up in front of a certain gymnast house?

"Pendejo…"The Trinidadian mumbled to himself, tapping the steering wheel of his car with his index finger and biting the inner corner of his mouth. She didn’t know he was outside, he could just drive away, he hadn’t even put it in park, just had his foot sitting idly on the brake as he contemplated just pulling away.

His engine hummed in rhythm with his restless tapping. Inhaling a breath of air, his nostrils flared as his mind finally made a decision and his foot stayed on the break as he shifted from drive to park and turned the keys forward, cutting the engine. Hopping out of the black Ram pick up truck, he closed the driver’s side door and bent at the waist to come in contact with the mirror, turning his face to the left and to the right to examine his chiseled facial features. Satisfied with his pull backed dreads that were freshly redone, he stood upright and with his hands buried deep into his black pants’ pockets he stepped from the street and onto the Sutherland’s lawn, taking his time to approach the porch.

The athlete stood solid as a statue for a moment, letting the little bit of doubt fade from his mind and pressed the doorbell, it instantly echoing throughout the home to grab the home owner’s attention. Turning to the side, he leaned his weight on one foot, the other raising up slightly as he peeped inside the front window, a sly smirk on his face when he saw the short gymnast making her way to the door. He stood back in place as the door came open and the screen door was pushed open to allow him in, he stood in the doorway, the scent of his cologne that lingered on his clothing and skin now coming face to face with his best friend.

“Ready to go?” He asked, knowing that the answer was probably no as he brushed by her and made his way into the kitchen to quiet his rumbling stomach. If there was one thing he loved about Eyree, was that she always had food and he was not disappointed as he opened the fridge.​
Eyree Sutherland


Wearing: Slightly dressier than normal

Location: Home with Issiah (@CrystalClear)

The school day had passed by quickly. Eyree suddenly found herself very thankful that she hadn't gone on a binge the night before after having to watch a heavily hungover student body stumble around the the classrooms, wincing at the brightness of the overhead lights, and trying to hide their bloodshot eyes behind their hair and their alcohol-tinted breath with several sticks of gum and a swig of mouthwash someone somewhere had so thoughtfully brought to campus. The budding alcoholic had never had too many problems with hangovers and, on the rare occasion she did suffer from one, a few cups of coffee blacker than an emo kid's eyeliner and a hearty bowl of fish stew and she was right as rain a few hours later. It was a rather nice feeling to sit back and smirk condescendingly at the students who had embraced 2016 a little too hard.

Immediately following classes, Eyree took Issiah home, the car ride relatively quiet between the pair save for the country music droning idly from her car radio. After dropping him off, she had raced to the rec center and practically threw herself onto the gymnastic mats. She was still in the middle of stretches when her trainer entered the building and started setting up mats and cushions and springboards for her and the other girl who had wandered in late to the training session. She threw herself into familiar manipulations of her body, of feeling the power in her limbs as she ran towards the vault, of the air whooshing past her ears as she spun round and round on the uneven bars. Five hours later, sweating, panting, and coated in a healthy layer of chalk, practice came to an end. Eyree pulled a pair of sweatpants on over her leotard and tossed back an entire bottle of water before she even made it out to her car.

The gymnast had already planned to be fashionably late to the party because of her long training sessions, but if she hadn't been planning to do so before, she was forced to now. Extending from the rotation to soon as she reached for the bar had made Eyree's grip slip and sent her crashing onto the mat, jarring her shoulder (and not even the one with her previous injury). The trainer had told her to ice the area as soon as she got home for at least an hour and Eyree had obliged, staying upright just long enough to grab an ice pack from the freezer before throwing herself onto the couch and placing the ice pack on the radiating spot just above the tendon. She sighed as the cold leeched into her muscles and bones and the radiating spot went blissfully numb. Lying face down on the couch, she had flicked on the television, disinterestedly watching a Russian drama her mother had told her to watch. She loved Russian television (it was so bad it was good) but she currently wasn't in the mood to be interested in much of anything, the cold lulling her into a state of lethargy.

She was startled out of her lethargy though when the high keening of the doorbell echoed through the empty house. Groaning, she pushed herself up off the couch, the now melted ice pack tumbling uselessly to the floor. She padded across the living room wondering who was at her door. She wasn't expecting any package deliveries and she rarely ever got visitors at her small little house. So when she opened the door and her best friend stood there, his dreads pulled back into a tidy ponytail, she was a little shocked. Not that it was Issiah, of course. The two had a bad habit of just showing up unannounced and uninvited whenever the feeling overtook them. But she was rather surprised that he seemed ready to chauffer her off to a party she was pretty sure he had adamantly said he wasn't going to. A lazy grin turned her lips as he sauntered past her and made a beeline for the kitchen. Between her and his mother, the soccer player was always kept in food. Eyree choked back the chuckle that was forming at the back of her throat and shook her head. "Not yet. I haven't even showered yet! But give me a few minutes," she replied, picking at her leotard, now stiff with dried sweat.

She grabbed her discarded bag from the doorway and slowly made her way towards the stairs. "There's shchi, coddle, solyanka, rassolnik, mujaddara, and oriz shu'it in the fridge. And I think some leftover fried bread and ziva in the bread box!" Eyree called, her voice echoing in the short stairwell. Issiah never seemed to mind her cooking though and she left him to his own devices as she hopped into the shower, the scalding hot water chasing away the last bits of numbness from her aching shoulder and jolting her fully awake. Hair tossed up in a towel, she tightened a towel around her and appeared downstairs just long enough to set her leotard and sweatpants in the wash room before vanishing quickly up the stairs again. She sorted through the piles of clothes thrown unceremoniously into drawers and the back of her closet that was somewhat nicer than the yoga pants and leotards she sported on the daily. Eyree was not much into fashion or clothes and didn't own much that couldn't also be worn to the gym. But, eventually, she found a pair of tight black leather pants and an old button down that she had accidentally taken from her aunt on her last visit to Ireland. Rolling up the sleeves and tying the long pieces into a knot (and buttoning just a few buttons to keep her meager assets contained), she decided the look would have to do, despite what she was sure was a grass stain on the shoulder of the shirt. Besides, she had just bought a new belly ring and she was delighted to get a chance to show it off.

Eyree raked a comb through her damp hair and left the coffee-dark strands to coil loosely about her shoulders. Freshening up her mascara, swapping her little crystal stud for a tiny silver nose ring, and a quick swipe of some chapstick and she was finally what she deemed "party ready". She skipped down the stairs, a pair of canvas slip-ons in her hands. The athlete moseyed into the kitchen where Issiah sat at the little table, munching away contentedly at the food he had found for himself. Resting her hip against the archway, she crossed her arms and smirked. "So what happened to 'I'm not going'?" She asked, a teasing glow lighting her azure eyes.




Location: His Apartment with Nobody

Cameron groaned. He hadn't realised how the time had flown by, and was playing some games on his computer. He continued to fail at the level he was playing and seemed to get angrier and angrier with it, before eventually giving up. He walked into his small, cramped kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal. He sat down on his armchair and checked his phone. The notification of the burner interested him and he checked the time. It wasn't long till the 'big reveal'. He turned the TV on and looked around bored. "What to do, what to do... Shit, the party!" He shouted, standing up and running into his room. He flung open his wardrobe before slowing down. "Hmm, maybe it'd be better to see what the burner says before going anywhere." He thought, walking back into the front room and sitting down. "Besides, the only person that could possibly be okay with me being there is Faye, and any of the misfits that get in." He mumbled, eating some of his cereal while watching the TV.

Jake was in abandon warehouse with some 'people of varying interest' making an illegal 'deal' for a client. The only reason he agreed to it because the same people he was taking the 'items' to also wanted to buy some of his computer viruses that he made. The deal went alright after a miner conflict that resulted in Jake getting shot in the arm. Jake's negotiation skills were the only thing that got him out alive.

He was home now and had properly dressed his left arm in the confines of his room, his parents apparently gone on a business trip. Under his clothing his body is quite tone from all the 'regular' excising he does and covered in gunshot and stab wounds from the 'minor' mishaps in his past. He was now on his military grade computer (which he got through some 'special' connections) and looking at the six, sixty inch screen, monitors while doing a few task: reinforcing his firewall, creating more computer viruses for waiting clients, and of course playing some techno music. His hands were flying across the two keyboards he had hooked up to it with practiced ease. He was also keeping eye on
Letthekingdomburnbook.com on one of his monitors for any updates along with a few other news sites to gather any information that may be of use.

Well I'm not dealing with those people again, to damn trigger happy for my liking even if they do pay ludicrously well. Though 235 million makes a good case to sell them more computer programs. Damn so much money and I can't touch it till I'm out of high school unless its for business. Oh well might as well keep letting the money stack. In the mean time just relax and try to stay alive.

Over the years Jake has been saving the money he makes from his business deals in a multitude of offshore bank accounts all amounting to 2,564,874,346 dollars just sitting around except for one account which he never has more than 250,000 in at any given time to use for his living expenses (since his parents don't exactly take care of him or acknowledge he exist) and to spend on himself. It was also for his small transactions of business like him helping to sell a friend's snake for fifty grand profit.

Hi Uh... are you going to that party? If you are, would you like to meet up to walk in together? I've decided I should join the other humans in this school and participate in one of their traditions.

Hugo rewrote the text several times. While he was friends with Eydis, he always felt that any point she would just not want to be friends, he felt that with everyone he met now that he thought about it. It wasn't that he thought ill of everyone, it just that he knew himself too well, he was annoying and moody and obxious, and sometimes he knew that people couldn't take that. HE frowned at the reflection of himself that was casted in his phone and threw his phone on the bed. Ok, brooding time over, He sat up and walked over to his closet. Should he get dressed for this? When he looked through his closet he realized he only had T-shirts with different nerdy shit pictured on the front. Until he finally found a plain black t-shirt. If he came just on time, when crowds of people came in, then he'd blend in perfectly, and wouldn't have to sneak around.


in her room

Outfit: see image



(Underlined dialogue spoken in icelandic)

"Oh, you're so pretty aren't youuu~ What a beautiful little baby girl you are," Eydis said in a goofy voice as she baby talked to the snake in her hands. She put her back into the cage as Sindri entered the room. The redheaded girl had left her door open, which was her form of an invitation for anyone to come in if they wanted. This even applied to her brother's friends when they served as his company. Sindri wached as Eydis dropped a mouse into the snake's cage. She stood there watching as the snake swallowed the mouse whole. Eydis gave the snake a rewarding pet, saying "Good job, darling." Her brother was now sitting on her bed behind her scrolling through his phone, Eydis finally noticed him once she turned around. To greet him, she gave him an Eskimo kiss before sitting down next to him. She layed back and put her legs up on his lap when her phone vibrated from the floor. She noticed that her friend Hugo was texting her when the screen lit up and rolled off of her bed to the floor for the second time today. She picked up her phone and replied immediately.

Hi Uh... are you going to that party? If you are, would you like to meet up to walk in together? I've decided I should join the other humans in this school and participate in one of their traditions.
Haha I love you sm you're adorable
I actually wasn't planning on going but if you want to go I'll keep you company darling

"Looks like I'm going to a party~" she said to her brother after dropping her phone and rolling over onto her back. She stood up and walked to her closet. "Who's party?" her brother asked in icelandic. "I have no idea," she replied, pulling out a dress. "What about this?" She asked as her brother laughed at her response. "I like that one," he said, standing up and walking over to the closet. "But what about that other one... The one you wore for the December solstice party I threw." Sindri sifted through his sister's closet as he spoke. It didn't take long for him to find it and pull it out. "I love this one," he smiled.
Nathaniel Eve


Wearing: Khaki pants and Chucks

Location: Kingdom Heights lounge with Orpheus (@Sparkly Bubblegum)

All day long, Nathan had heard little whispers of the impending party. In his efforts to be ever unobtrusive, the boy had kept his head down, dutifully going about the shortened school day, taking notes in class, quietly eating his vegan bean patty and spinach wrap that his older sister (who was visiting for the holidays and on a new vegan and paleo health kick) had insisted he take for lunch, and doing his best to weave in and out of the heavily hungover herd of classmates shuffling to and from classes. But, from what he had been able to gather, what had started as a simple soiree for the Musicians of Kingdom Crest had leaked to the public and was now, according to rumor, set to be quite an affair, especially with the newest rumblings of something dubbed the "the Kingdom Burner". While a small part of him had entertained the idea of "accidentally" showing up at the Musicians' party, quietly observing from the wall, he knew he never would have been able to go through with it. He was a Beloved and basically unwelcome anywhere except for where the Beloveds went. Besides, he was sure Jessi would have had no hesitation in throwing Nathan out on his ass the second he dared show up uninvited on her doorstep and the poor boy was certainly not actively seeking out humiliation.

Still, if it was going to be the first rager of 2016, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to make an appearance. With that many people attending, he could easily slip in unnoticed and insert himself that much closer to the Musicians he so desperately wanted to be a part of. Still, he wrestled with the idea, not one-hundred percent ready to just show up at a party that he (nor half the student body) had been invited too. After working on his homework for a few hours, Nathan had quietly excused himself from the house and headed down the path to the glittering and opulent Lounge. The cool January skies leant a hazy and silvery glow to the shiny decadence of the Lounge which was surprisingly empty for this time of day. "I guess everyone must be getting ready for the party tonight," Nathan mused, drifting spectre like about the room, hovering over a chair before moving on to another, or pausing before the fireplace before quickly shifting attention to something else. Finally, after a quick perusal of the room, he settled himself at the beautiful grand piano in one of the more isolated corners of the room and let his fingers ghost across the keys, caressing the carefully polished ivory.

The barest hint of a smile lit his features as he gently pressed the keys, the quiet chord spiraling throughout the room. Slowly, timidly, he began to play, seamlessly merging from one sonata to another, dipping into the excited strains of an overture, or a more somber and slow nocturne. Nathan tended to lose himself when he played, carried away by the mathematical and yet somehow transcendental beauty of music. Of the instruments he had attempted, piano was by far his favorite, the range the instrument was able to convey immensely satisfying for him. He barely noticed when another figure walked into the Lounge, continuing to play several more bars of a concerto. He let himself linger on the final notes before breathlessly removing his long spindly fingers from the instrument. Lifting his hazel green eyes from the rich wood of the piano, he glanced up, recognizing the person in the room as Orpheus, another Beloved at Kingdom Crest. Nathan cleared his throat demurely and fought back the urge to flush. He typically didn't allow himself to play music around the other Beloveds as they were very adamant that having a musical or artistic talent was necessary for success in life. He and Orpheus weren't particularly close either, though the boy was nice enough that Nathan didn't feel too uncomfortable around him. "Hey," he greeted quietly, moving away from the piano and shoving his hands into his pockets. "I thought everyone would be getting ready for the party tonight," he added.




Location:Jessi’s House with @CrystalClear

”Hm? Oh yes. That’s why I like your mother. She’s so clever. I’d agree with her, if I thought it’d make any difference.” Faye smirked and turned her attention to the outfits she picked out for Jessi. She tilted her head from side to side and exhaled, deciding these were the best options out of the few choices she had. Jessi was anything but consistent. Lounge shirts, sweats. Faye was surprise Jessi even owned a skirt, let alone something so...floral. She must have forced Jessi to purchase it on one of their frequent shopping trips. Faye’s choice had been an easy one. It took her all of ten minutes to sift through her closet and withdraw a dress, something simple yet eye catching. But Jessi loved to make things difficult. ”What would you do without me?” she huffed, watching as her friend adjusted the outfit Faye had chosen. She nodded when asked for her approval and followed Jessi out of her bedroom.

Although Faye expected a small party of a few people, she wasn’t surprised that Jessi’s party had evolved into a school wide event. Kingdom Chrest thrived on gossip and Jessi’s party was the first major event of the spring semester. She ran her fingers through her hair as she walked, loosening a few stubborn tangles. On the way to the liquor store, Faye had been excited for tonight. She and Jessi rolled the windows down and blasted music. They danced in their seats and encouraged other drives to join them, pointing and laughing, as some smiled and others sat stone-faced, eyes focused forward. Now the thought of gyrating bodies and drunken make outs seemed unappealing. She could stay with her friends, of course, but there would be so many people. She took a shot from the bar, then another, and one more for good measure, exhaling as the warmth seeped into her bones.

”Music…right.” Faye briefly considered playing something more unorthodox, classical or reggae, but she decided on the obvious: US Top 50. Although her musical sensibilities begged for something more sophisticated, she couldn’t deny the synthesized beats weren’t catchy. She danced towards the door singing, ”I’ve got broads in Atlanta. She heard cheers from the other side of the door and opened it, stepping to the side as dozens of people filed past. They grabbed her hands with sticky fingers and gazed at her with hazy eyes. Some danced with her as they passed, others walked by quietly, obviously forced into attendance by their friends. Once the first batch of guests had settled in, Faye closed the door and went to find Jessi. She took another shot and leaned across the bar. ”Care to dance?”


Location: Home with No one

Mentions: Eydis

Eventually, the bell had rung, and stopping in the halls to talk to Hugo had cost him. He'd ended up in a sea of people and had gotten lost, intimately aware that he'd have full on stopped in the hallway multiple times if he hadn't been being pulled along by the force of the student body.

It was dumb luck he'd been able to see the sign for his class as he passed, and that he'd even seen that sign at all, otherwise he'd have been one of the people slumping in five minutes late to class.

Kevin peacefully went about his school day, and the more time passed the more he heard about the party Jessi was throwing. Or, at least, who all was going to try to go. The answer was everyone. Everyone was a lot of people, and he'd known that a lot of people would be going, it had just never occurred to him quite how many. He'd probably be getting lost in some crowd tonight if he left.

On the upside, Kevin would be able to get into the party even if he wasn't exactly invited.

At some point over the day, he went from weary about going to such a large event involving teenagers and drinking to... actually kind of excited! He hadn't been to a lot of parties in his life, and those he had attended had always been more of a small gathering of friends. It would be neat to go to something so alien, right?

Before he knew it, it was time to go home his parents picking him up as usual. They seemed pretty delighted when he gave a detailed, excited description of his day instead of some one sentence response as they'd become accustomed to.

That didn't stop them from giving him a worried look before launching into a mini sermon when he finally mentioned the party being held that night and maybe actually going, which was pretty annoying. Yes, he was a teenager, no that did not mean he was stupid enough to think drinking at a party would somehow be a good idea.

"Guys," he began after his parents had finished, for once serious, "I know you're just worried about me, but it's okay. I'm a pretty responsible kid. I'll be fine," he finished flippantly, pushing a grin back on his face. Honestly, he was more than a bit worried he would fuck up if he went out tonight.

His mom looked at his dad, who predictably didn't return it as he was driving before turning to Kevin. "I'll talk about it with your father once we get home, okay? For now though, what did you have for lunch?"

It was at that moment Kevin remembered the untouched packet of ramen in his backpack, and since lying would only hurt their relationship, resigning himself to a short lecture. His mom was not angry, she explained, just disappointed. He should've packed a nice salad and some yogurt, a ham and cheese sandwich. They had stuff he could make, after all.

They actually didn't, and they hadn't since their last grocery trip when Marty wasn't there to remind them to get those kinds of things. All they had at the moment was ramen, pringles, the granola bars they all lived off of, and the ingredients needed to make dinner that week.

By the time his mom was done explaining to him just how awful his lunch was, despite probably having eaten the same thing, they were home.

He got out of the car, looking out at the house in front of him as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. It was a good house if you asked him, with a tree that could probably support a tire swing and a nice powder blue paint job. It had been the perfect house for their family when they first moved in, and though there were less people in it than there had been then, it continued to be perfect.

With a shoulder roll and the most honest smile he'd given all day, he picked up his backpack and walked up the rest of the driveway and into his home after wiping his feet on the welcome mat, dropping said backpack on the couch.

The first thing he did after he dropped his backpack on the ground was shower. He always felt dirty after school, perhaps because of how fake it all felt, and had switched to taking a shower right afterwards as a result, switching into a clean set of clothes he'd never wear to school ever lest they somehow become contaminated by the same thing that made him avoid clothes worn to school and school-related events outside of school.

The next thing he did was check on his darlings, grabbing the spray bottle he kept on the bathroom sink counter and kneeling down, opening the compartment to look at the most recent batch of oyster mushrooms he had started growing. There weren't any actual mushrooms yet, just white fungus. About two more weeks and he'd be moving them to his brother's old room's window sill for mushrooms to begin to grow.

Then he went outside to check the logs currently growing shiitake mushrooms after removing his soft slippers, making sure the logs were moist enough, harvesting the ones that were ready that day and storing them in the fridge before cleaning off his feet and putting back on his footwear.

Soon enough it would be Spring and he'd be growing winecaps in the backyard too.

Finally, he pulled his phone out of his backpack, heading to his bedroom. He flopped onto his bed, checking for texts. No messages. He was sure he'd get one soon.

So he went through doing his daily phone games, outright squeeing every time he received a reward of some sort. Before he knew it, it was almost time for the party to start and the only message he had gotten was from his mom, letting him know his parents had decided that he could go somewhere as long as he used his best judgement while out.

He had a suspicion he had been forgotten.

Oh well. It wasn't as if he'd wanted to go too bad or anything. He had probably been stood up, and he wasn't going to not go out after getting permission. He might as well ask someone if they wanted to hang out. Maybe he'd just go to the party with someone else.

He went through his contacts list, looking for someone more 'friend' than 'acquaintance' who actually lived in his town.

And that was how he came to Eydis.

hey wanna do something tonight?



Location: Party

Mood: Humored

Tags ~ W/: None.

Dress, Buckle, Shoes, Necklace, Earrings, Beanie.

Her soft and swift steps drew her head down. She was completely dissolved in the way her feet moved against the concrete that could not be seen, as it was covered in shadows. She was lost in thought...again...like always. Gwen had been at a young age when she took the habit of walking silently. On accident. It came in handy when she didn't want to be seen or heard, which was all the time now. She rarely ever wanted to be seen or heard. So, no one did. No one really truly, saw her literally. Or saw her. They didn't really see her for who she really was. Perhaps Adam did, but even so, they weren't best friends. He was like...A buddy. Gwen was perfectly find being alone; unnoticed in every way.

Gwen smoothed out her 'dress', which was quite the step up for her. She never wore anything like this. Fuck, try forcing her to put on a real dress and see how that goes. You are guaranteed to lose an eye. Following behind a trail of teenagers heading towards a house, most likely the party, she arrived at the front door. She entered going unnoticed, as planned, and made her way to the living room where most of the people were. Music seemed like it was blasting and bouncing off the walls to fill the house with sound, though the teens made enough noise themselves.

Gwen took a drink of whatever the hell was in her cup. Whatever it was, it was strong. Gwen figured she shouldn't be taking much of it. She examined the room, crowded with teenagers. In normal situations, she would have probably had a panic attack by now. But the booze was enough to keep her anxiety from leaping out of control.

A couple slammed against the wall she was leaning on with their faces glued against each others. They made out fiercely. Gwen made a funny face and took a sip of her drink while widening her eyes in good humor. She moved off of the wall before they could roll down even closer to her and over to another across the living space.

WELL FUCK. Let's just all have a kissing fest! Grab a partner! Any partner! Boy or girl! IT DOESN'T MATTER. Gwen thought as a couple disappeared into the room neighboring the one she was in with smirks on their face. Gwen checked her phone quickly, seeing a message from the infamous Twitter account of the school. Gwen didn't really have a reaction. It certainly wouldn't be her...Would it?

The night was just starting, but she could already begin to tell that it would be one to remember.
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