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Location: Cafeteria With/Mentioned:
@Shortfuzzything @Blizzard

"Oh, sorry, I'm not too good at names," she replied when he told her his name, smiling apologetically," but that's me."

She merely stood watching the exchange between Hugo and Adam. As Hugo mentioned needing food and leaving, she shrugged and waved goodbye, sitting down at the table and opening her lunch up. Hopefully some from the group got there soon, It felt a bit weird to be sitting at the table alone.

Location: Cafeteria

With: @Midnight Peace

Mariah followed Allen towards an empty table happy that he accepted her.

She sat across from him pulling the rest of her lunch out her bag. She had bought some chick fil a on her way to school, a spicy chicken sandwhich and a salad. Smiling at him.

"So Allen, what are you into. And how come your so like undercover...I mean by the way you looked at me I felt like you really didn't want to talk to me "

She gave a little sigh of relief that she was wrong.

Location:Lunch Table with @MariahChanell

He sits down across from her, his eyes trained on his meal as he begins to pick up his cheese sandwich.

"Don't take it personally. I'm not very sociable."

In part, this was true. At school, he seldom spoke to anyone. However, what few knew is that he had a tendency towards being more lively with those not from his campus.

He takes a bite from his grilled cheese, frowning a little at the mediocre quality. He swallows his bite, eyes still down on his food tray.

"I don't really have many hobbies, if that's what you're wondering."

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Location: Hallways - Auditorium

Mood: Bored

Mentions: Jessica


Alie made her way through the crowd of people, swarming against her. She got a few hellos from people pasting by, but she paid no mind to it. She sighed, her lollipop still unfinished. She checked both ways to make sure no teachers were paying mind to her, before entering the auditorium. She knew she wasn't supposed to be there at all, but who cares? She was bored and she didn't feel like talking to anyone... She looked around the massive space, singing a small little tune from a Melanie Martinez song, hearing the echoes bounce off the room.

She smiled and twirled around like a ballerina, when she noticed a girl alone during her spin. She frowned, cupping her hand around her mouth to voice out her words.
"Hey! Yeah You! Whatcha doin' here all alone?" she asked the girl, hoping she would notice her.



One minute, Eydis was making out with a very cute girl at a strangers house with other people socializing and sleeping on the floors and furniture all around them, the next minute, she was staring at the posters on the wall adjacent to her bed. Now, she was splayed across her bed. Shifting her gaze to check what time it was, the redhead sat up with wide eyes. Wait, there's school today... What the fuck were they thinking, like wouldn't they know that everyone would be celebrating New Year's? Eydis thought in her native language as she rolled herself out of the bed and made a thud on the floor. She let out a long, loud groan when she found it too difficult to get up, which caused her brother to poke his head into the already open door of the teenager's room. "Hvath er ath ther, litla systir?" He asked with an amused grin forming across his lips. "Thath er skoli i dag." She replied, telling him that there was school today. "Hvaat?" He asked, suprised but even more amused. "Sucks to suck!" He said in English, laughing as he turned around and walked away. "Thu faerth etri tilbuinn, tha," he teased from the hallway, telling her to get ready.

With another groan, Eydis used her hands to lift herself up off of the floor, her silky hair gathering up and draping over her shoulders like usual. After pausing to spread her jaws as far apart as she could in a yawn, she proceeded to get fully undressed, but left her door open. Back in iceland, nudity wasn't something seen as obscene, and was very normal amongst family. When Eydis's family moved to America, they brought their culture with them. After pausing to pet her cat who had come in and meowed at her, the ginger pampered her body with Lush products, her skin, hair, and even teeth before checking the temperature and dressing for the weather. The whole family used Lush and all natural products for everything, they even all ate the same kind of no-processed-foods diet consisting mostly of fruit and eggs.


She walked downstairs with her cat in her arms and put him down on the counter once she was in the kitchen. Her brother was there, eating leftover chicken from two nights before. As she sleepily grabbed a grapefruit from the fruit basket she could hear her brother stifling laughter as he chewed a mouthful of chicken. She turned and gave him a tired pouting face as she began peeling the grapefruit with her nails, which caused him to sputter out bits of chicken at her face as he released his laughs. "Oj Oj!! Thu ert bruto!" She exclaimed, calling her brother gross as she picked the chicken chunks off of her cheek and smeared them on his face. He smacked her hand away yelping "Oj!!" And she smacked the chicken out of his hand. Sindri watched as his chicken traveled to the floor and stared at it in grief for a moment before glancing back up and locking gaze with his sister, slowly squinting his eyes. Eydis knew what she had done, despite the grin appearing on her face. She put down the grapefruit and slowly backed away a few steps, but once her brother stood from his stool at the island counter, Eydis sprinted past him, if only she were a second slower, Sindri would've grabbed her then and there. Brother chased sister through the house for quite some time. Running, giggling, hiding, running, grabbing, hollering, hitting, running, this is the sequence that went down throughout the house before the mother of the roughhousers came downstairs, awoken by all of the noise. When she reached the living room, she was greeted by her children bobbing and weaving back and forth on either sides of the couch as they tried to psyche each other out while also trying to read the other's movements. This was finally interrupted when Sindri jumped over the back of the couch with a battle cry, tackling his sister to the floor. The mother stepped up to them with her hands on her hips, causing Sindri to stop his dreadful noogies and release his sister from his headlock. Eydis fled the scene and grabbed her grapefruit before heading straight towards the door, calling "Eg er sin i skolann, bless!" as she left, leaving her brother at the mercy of their mother. She heard Sindri say "ok, en lita," as he pointed to the grave of his piece of chicken before she closed the door behind her. She was probably going to be late to school due to that confrontation with her brother, so Eydis decided to use her pink mo-ped to get to school.

Suprisingly, she was on time, and the first thing she spotted was her best friend. After parking and locking her mo-ped, she approached Paris, who seemed to be looking for her, in fact.


(Note: underlined means it's being spoken in icelandic)
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I quietly strummed my guitar, head bowed and my cherry brown hair hanging over the instrument in my hands.

"I heard there was a secret chord...that dvid played and it pleased the lord" I sang softly ,the words tickling my throat as they gently came pouring out of me. My heartbeat kept the rhythm as i got lost in the poetic song. My mismatched eyes stayed low and I absentmindedly pushed a peice of wavey hair behind my ear and returned to strumming.

"But you don't really care for music do you? Iy goes like this , the fourth the fifth, the minor fall and the Major lift! the baffled king composed Halleluja!"

slowly my voiced raised in pitch, the music room walls absorbing the sound , in my opinion, beautifully.

And this is what i lived for , why i kept going despite all odds. Because this little slice of heaven reminded me, that yeah my life sucks. yeah it's a shit hole. But it HAS to get better. There has to be somthing outside that shitty Orphan girl who can barely Pass her advanced Classes with a B. There has to be something out there for me. something like in all the books i've read all the stories i've written. 'There has to be happy ending for me...'

And of course that's when a bunch stupid fucking kiddies decide to ruin my sense of peace by flooding into the music room.

A Grimace found it's way onto my lips as i quickly packed up my guitar and booked it out of the room.

And lucky me, it wasnt until after i stepped out that damn crowded place that i realized something...

I left my music diary.

Growling in fustration a made a u-turn and strode quickly back into the room, mismatched eyes twitching with annoyance at having to come back here.

my green and blue eyes scanned the room swiftly for the small black book. but...

It was gone.


: Cafeteria


: Elaine



Trey slowly walked into the cafeteria. He usually hung out in the stats classroom during lunch, but he knew where it was. And today, he needed food- anything would do. So he bought a cheese sandwich.

Warily, he scanned the groups of people milling around. He saw Hugo talking to Adam, someone Trey had heard about, but didn't really know. They seemed busy, so he left them alone.

At another table, he saw a blonde girl sitting alone. What was her name? Elaine? Definitely Elaine , he thought. He decided to sit next to her. "Hey, mind if I sit here?" He asked politely.​





Location: Cafeteria With/Mentions:

"Hm?" she looked up from her lunch as a boy sat down," oh, no of course, although you might be making some future Beloveds quite unhappy."

She said the last part in a sing-song teasing tone and smiled at him. Personally, she didn't know why the Beloveds seemingly hated everyone else so much, she tended to actually find good conversation with them. She just hoped she didn't get him in trouble for sitting at the Beloveds' table.

"You're... Tr-oy right?" she guessed at his name. Her memory really wasn't the best all the time," I've seen you around, though I never see you in the lunch room."



Valentine Walked into the large Building , taking in his surroundings swiftly and with all the curiosity of a new born. Today was Valentine's First day here. And he was determined not to screw up. It would be His first and last High school year in America and Valentine wanted to make it count. With hands stuffed in pockets he followed the administrator into the cafeteria as she prattled on about his classes and spoke slowly. "vas vough I am child" he muttered aloud. the attenendent swiveled around so quickly , she smacked right dab into his chest. steadying her he blinked down at her with furrowed brows.

"Mvay I help yvou?" he said gruffly , pushing her back at arms length.

The Lady flushed and backed away, dusting off her pencil skirt and clearing her throat.

"no no, its just you have such a lovely accent Mr. Petrov" she giggled. Valentine narrowed his eyes at that before shrugging.

" vank yvou." he said simply, moving past her and further into the Cafeteria.



Wearing:@Adira )​


Chocolate orbs were so absorbed in the barrage of text messages she was sending this unknown number that Jessica didn't even bother to look up when she saw the bright light from the hallways enter the auditorium signifying someone entering her usual sanctuary of peace and quiet. The echoed voice startled the young woman and through her balance off to the point where her phone seemed to jump out of her hand and onto the floor with a light clatter. Her brows knitted for a moment in frustration as she looked down at the golden rose iPhone that laid face down on the floor before bending at the waist and grabbing it up. Turning her upper torso around in the direction of the voice, she placed the screen of the phone on her lap and gently slid it down her charcoal grey leggings while her brown eyes squinted in direction of the voice to make out a face.

"Fay--" She cut herself short when she was about to call out her best friend, Faye Archer's name and give her a quick reminder not to sneak up on her when she caught sight of a pretty brown-skinned girl that she didn't recognized and that alone piqued her interest, Jessica made it her business to know every pretty face.

"I was easing off a hangover."
The curly-haired musician admitted as she sat back in her seat and tucked her phone in the front of her sweatshirt pocket. There was no need for her to get up and greet the girl, she saw her and vice versa and the last thing she wanted to do was to actually move so she propped her feet up on the chair in front of her and nestled her body down further into the hardback chair to get comfortable before she lifted one arm up and waved the girl over.

"You probably should take a seat before they pop in and see you twirling around. No one likes detention on a Friday, love."
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Wearing: Same

Location:Cafeteria with @BlackSwan

After Hugo had said his piece Adam watched him leave with a raised eyebrow and a smile.
"What's wrong with a head full of smoke?" He mumbled. Boredom was starting to creep up on Adam as he was waiting for his friends to show up. Then he noticed a guy entering the cafeteria following an administrator. He was obviously new and he had the looks of a foreigner. Adam waved in his direction and invited him to sit at his table. "Hey buddy, I've never seen you before ,you must be new around here."

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Eyree Sutherland


Wearing: Something appropriately comfortable

Location: En route to the school with Issiah (@CrystalClear)

It had actually been a relatively tame New Year's celebration for the young gymnast, despite her proclivity towards alcohol and the fully stocked cupboards of assorted fruit brandies her mother had brought with her from Russia the last time she visited home. Instead, Eyree had spent the evening with a single shot in hand seated in the middle of the sparsely decorated living room in front of her laptop, the grainy image of her parents smiling back at her. They were currently stationed in Istanbul but had insisted on ringing in the holiday with their only child. Though her parents were several hours ahead, they had gleefully counted down "Five... four... three... two... one!" (Or at least, her father had done so gleefully; her mother wore that cool, apathetic look she had mastered so well, making it hard to tell what exactly she was thinking.) They all had knocked back the single shot of vodka and Eyree grinned, savoring the mild burn as the liquor slid down her throat. "L'chaim!" She exclaimed, before bidding her parents goodbye and wandering off to bed herself amid the flurry of fireworks being lit off in the neighborhood and city.

Unfortunately, the dark-haired athlete was always up at 6:00 sharp every morning, a side effect of having parents in the military she supposed. Though the district had insisted on having school on New Year's Day, they had graciously started the day with lunch at 11:30, leaving Eyree plenty of time to go about her morning ritual. Clearing her bleary eyes from sleep, she yawned as she rolled out a yoga mat and did her Salutations. By the time she had finished, barely an hour had passed so, iPod in hand, the gymnast slipped into some running shorts and emerged into the cold January morning air. Goosebumps pricked immediately at her skin but she quickly loped onto the sidewalk and set a rhythmic pace, her body quickly heating up with the exertion. She had no destination in mind, making it a rather leisurely run, but the constant motion cleared the last bit of sleep from her eyes and loosened some of the aches she always seemed to feel after a particularly rigorous training session (and last night had been particularly brutal). An hour and a half and eight miles later, Eyree returned to the small house. Some people thought it strange that the young woman lived alone. Her parents were almost always away, only coming home between assignments, so Eyree was left entirely to her own devices. Had her house been big enough, she might have even attempted to throw some parties there since the gymnast did have a bit of a reputation as a party animal.

Instead, she came home and showered, even having enough time to apply a thin coat of mascara to her already dark lashes and a generous coating of chapstick on her dusky pink lips. Finally hungry for food she wandered into the kitchen, humming something slightly out-of-tune under her breath as she threw some ingredients into a pan. While the butter sizzled, she yanked out her phone, firing off a quick text message.

Yo, don't worry about making it to school today. I'll be there in twenty minutes. With breakfast.

Satisfied, she resumed her work, flipping the boxty in the pan. In less than five minutes, she had shouldered her backpack, gym gear, and a giant plate of the potato pancakes and made her way out into the marginally warmer air to the metallic gray SUV parked in the driveway. People often remarked at the absurdity of the tiny gymnast driving a towering behemoth of a car. But Eyree liked it. It gave her a new vantage point that she wasn't used to seeing. Plus, she could mow anyone down if she really felt like it.

Though Eyree had said twenty minutes, she hoped Issiah knew her well enough by now to know that it would only take half that time. The gymnast had never been particularly good at following the posted speed limits. She smirked as she pulled into his driveway and tapped lightly on the horn to alert him to his presence. Reaching over to grab a boxty from the plate, she leaned back in her seat. "How'd you fare, Rojas?" She asked, a smile in her voice, as her friend slipped into the car. "Nothing too pounding, I assume, since you seem relatively clear-eyed.." she chuckled, offering him the plate of food and backing out of the driveway before he had even a chance to buckle himself in.

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Location: Lunch table

@Midnight Peace

ariah raised her eyebrow at him seeing his face as he bit into the grilled cheese,

She pushed her salad towards him and the sugar cookies

"You look like you need to throw that away" She giggled

"You can have this, I've already had a huge breakfast, which was kinda like lunch.."

She smiled at him, trying to give him a sense of reassurance

"Hopefully we can be friends, All my other friends had already graduated. I'm kindaa alone in here" She told him in confidence. She kinda hated being alone, but she kinda liked Allen's mysterious attitude, she wanted to know more.

" And I'm prettyyy sure you have some type of hobby.For me I sing dance act and play piano."

Lunch Table with @MariahChanell

He raises an eyebrow as he watches the salad and the sugar cookies approach him, flicking his eyes up to hers at long last.

This situation was growing further and further out of the ordinary. He was never confronted with a meal in this manner.

Nonetheless, she didn't seem reluctant in giving it away, and it was decent food. He extends a hand and slides both of the food items towards himself, eye contact consistent as he takes it. Once he's dragged them onto his food tray, he looks back down, picking at the salad, oddly using his fingers to pick up each individual leaf of lettuce, delicately avoiding each patch of dressing to keep his hands clean.

"I like my studies, I suppose. That's about it. School work."

He considered her statement about her current friend status. If all of the friends she had prior had already graduated, that may signify she is sort of mature for her age, which is a positive to Allen.

Then again, a year in advance isn't that much of a difference for older high school students.

Location:Lunch Table with @Midnight Peace

"Oh sorry, I like ranch."
She looked at him nervously

"I'm sorry, I know this is weird, a complete stranger just coming up to talk to you..If I'm bothering you, you can just let me know. I can be Pushy at times." She looked at him tightly pressing her lips together awaiting his response.

She hoped she didn't creep him out or anything.

"I'll remember no dressing next time.." She let out a slight smile.

Location:Lunch Table with @MariahChanell

His eyes flicked back up to her as she nervously laments her concern over their meeting. A small pit of guilt pooled in his stomach. He hadn't wished to make her uncomfortable, but his school demeanor had a habit of making people feel so.

"No no, it's fine. I like to eat the plain ones first."

He crunches on another leaf, feeling the watery burst come crashing out of the pale, plump vein of the lettuce. His favorite part.

"You're not bothering me. This is just kind of a change of pace, as all."

Location: lunch room

@Midnight Peace

"I couldn't see why you wouldn't wanna get yourself out there more. I think people would like you...I think you're pretty cool" She said blushing

Finally taking a swig of her Apple juice.

"I mean I DO understand , between you and me some of the kids here SUUCK" she giggled trying to lighten up the mood.

"So um, what neighborhood do you live in if you don't mind me asking" She was secretly hoping that he's mention her neighborhood..

She mostly had female friends So her making a make friend was like tryi mg to thread a broken needle but she felt that maybe he was different .



Location: Cafeteria with @Blizzard @Smoaki @Shortfuzzything

Trav had overslept again. Living alone had afforded him the freedom to live as he pleased, to fuck who wanted, and make all the poor decisions his heart desire. This was one of them. He had awoken by happenstance, a strange dream forcing him back into the throes of reality. He opened his eyes and rolled over, throwing a naked arm over his head as he watched his phone glow silently on his nightstand. He reached for it. 10:30. Shit. He was still hung over from yesterday, and his temples ached at the sides, reverberating pain across his forehead. He closed his eyes briefly, when his screen lit up. He removed his phone from silent and opened the text. Adam.

Where are you Travis? It's the first day of school so you better not bail out on me, lots of fun to be had and the badasses need their leader so get your ass over here.
Keep your dick on, I’ll be on my way in a few. Try not to start the fun without me.

He tossed his phone back onto his nightstand and scrubbed a hand over his face, memories of last night filing through the fog of fatigue that racked his brain. Then he remembered. The little bag of white powder he had purchased from Issiah. It still sat discarded on his floor, sad and crumbled, begging for his attention. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed, burying his elbows into his thighs. The bag remained motionless, but Travis’ fingers twitched at his sides. He remembered the busty redhead he was supposed to share it with, but she only took a pinch between her fingers and rubbed it along her gums. He snorted some from between her breasts with a wrinkled dollar bill that smelled of sweat of lemons, and they fucked in a bathroom stall. It was uninhibited and violent, with the mashing of mouths and hips. She left with a chunk of his hair, he left with her panties between his teeth.

Three of years of sobriety, and he allowed it to evaporate in a matter of minutes. One poor choice after another—he was a continual fuckup, always punctual for his next mistake. He picked up the bag from the floor and got ready for school, making sure it was tucked securely within his jacket.

At the gates of Kingdom Chrest he lit a cigarette and tucked his hands into his pockets. He threaded the plastic bag between his fingers, unable to muster the courage to toss it into the bushes. He took a heavy drag, until the carton dissolved into ash, and exhaled a perfect circle into the crisp air.

”And so it begins again.”

He trudged up the steps, nodding at friendly faces and threading through a throng of bodies until he got to the cafeteria. He spotted Adam and trudged over to his table, taking a seat next to him.

”I’m gonna take a guess from the wet nerd’s face, that you started the fun without me. Our racially ambiguous friend over there looks like he’s going to pass out, piss himself at the very worst.” He leaned back in his chair and turned towards Adam with a bemused expression. ”What’d you do this time?”

Lunch table with @MariahChanell

Allen stopped just as he was bringing his lettuce leaf up to his lips when Mariah said she thought he was…


However, a slight sense of comfort set back in when she joked about the state of the school's social state, and he let out a small "Hm" of amusement.

He put the piece of lettuce in his mouth, freezing once she asks about his neighborhood.

Shit, shit. His residence wasn't something that he particularly liked to share, especially with new people. People had a tendency to really get on him when they realized he was rich. It was always incredibly uncomfortable. He hated their inevitable questions, like, "Wowww!! What's it like to be rich???" or "You must get soooo many presidents on your birthday!"

Even worse than that is when people assumed he was spoiled.

She seemed like she'd be more innocently curious than negative about it, but… He wasn't taking any chances.

Gotta think fast, gotta think… uhh…

"Uhh… I live in uhh… The… Edge of town! I don't have a neighborhood. I uh, live in a house on the outskirts of house. A very quiet, small house on the edge of town, it's quite nice! Yes…"

He shoves a sugar cookie in his mouth, hoping the sweet treat will end his ramblings.

Location:Lunch table with @Midnight Peace

Mariah giggled at him. Maybe he didn't want her to know where she llived...totally understandable I mean she was a stranger to him after all.

"Oh well okay. I live in Princeton park I hang around Kingdom Heights and King Acres sometimes...well I use to..it's a long story..anyways Allen. What are some of the classes that your taking" she asked trying to move off the touchy subject


Location: Outisde, Near The Cafeteria

Mood: Bored, Frustrated

Tags: None

This Outfit. <3

Gwen got up. Eh...Not really. Rephrased, Gwen didn't get any sleep, as she pulled an All-Nighter with her father, and was now just realizing that it was a school day. Great. Perfect. Another day of the wonderful thing called
High School. Just fantastic.

She slapped a hand across her face and felt for her glasses, pulling them off and taking them with her to the bathroom. 4 AM, read the clock. Just 4. So, naturally, she took her time getting ready. Though she didn't wear much make-up, she did like a thick, black, eye liner look. It made her look...Bold? Not necessarily sexy. That was not what she was going for. Just...A daring look. Try to make her bold. The Harlots were always telling her to paint her face up more often, but she didn't do that. It wasn't her thing. Occasionally, yes, but not normally. She went for a dark, plum-red lip and tossed on some clothes lying on her floor. Gwen raced down the stairs to see her father, in a large t-shirt and sweat-pants, passed out on the couch. She went over to pull him into a hug around his neck, breathing in his fumes, before tearing away to leave and driving off in the olive-green pickup.

Gwen had been a couple minutes late for class, but it wasn't anything special. She was normally 'fashionably late'. Who was she kidding, she was not 'fashionable' by any means. No one gave a shit about her when it came down to it, but perhaps she preferred it that way. To be alone. She was used to being lonely, so by now she had grown shy. There really wasn't any point in making friends...Right? No. Her main job was to focus on her family...Or what was left of it. And herself. Priorities. No plans, however. She had no plan for her life. She preferred to 'go with the flow'...Or just see what comes her way.

Lunch time. One of her most embarrassing times, but also the time where she gives -57 fucks about anyone and anybody who tries to bully her. Gwen took an apple and left out the doors to the grounds.

She sat against a tree, listening to the talk from inside the cafeteria. Her almost blank, leather book was in her hand, and her phone in the other as she furiously sent an email to the principal explaining why she was late, making up excuses so that she wouldn't get a seventh detention that month. Gwen slammed the phone down and picked up the pencil. She leaned back and rested her head against the tree, breathing slowly. She twirled the pencil between her fingers and bit into the apple with the leather-bound book rested in her lap.
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Lunch table with @MariahChanell

The giggle was a bad sign, but nonetheless, her topic change meant crisis averted.

Mission accomplished.

Thank god.

"Oh, nothing special." He puts down his sugar cookie. "Literature analysis, probability, and sociology." He takes another bite from his salad. "You?"

@Effervescence @Blizzard [/side]

Ever feel like you're being talked about? Hugo could feel his eye twitch as he got another cup of coffee that he heard one of Adam's friends talking about him. He was about to just leave the caf altogether when he heard the other person last comment. Lack of sleep made him confrontational, and he'd probably regret this once he actually got some sleep. But he steered himself over to the boy's table and said to Trav "Actually your friend didn't do anything, I spilled coffee on myself thank you very much" He said with pursed lips "I appreciate the nerd compliment, rather that than be a side mumbling side monkey in life"

Everyone he knew, Allen seemed to talking to some girl and who knows where the rest of his Guru buddies were at. Took a long sip of his hot black coffee, in order to pretend like the confrontation wasn't bothering him. He wondered if there was a way to inject coffee straight into your heart, it would probably kill you.
Location:Lunch table with @Midnight Peace

Mariah ate a couple of her fries

"Well I'm taking
Creative Writing, Music Comprehension and spanish IV." she couldn't help but smile at him.

"Um I know this might be a dumb question. But do you happen to have a phone" Mariah looked at him. She thought he was pretty cute and hopped he was single and likes girls. He attracted her...she didn't know why

Lunch table with @MariahChanell

He noticed that her demeanor was gradually getting more bubbly and bouncy. What this meant, he wasn't sure.

"Oh, uh, yeah." He pulled his phone out of his pocket, showing the back of it to Mariah as proof then putting it down next to his tray, beginning on the lettuce that has been touched by ranch in his salad.

"So… you're in the musical group, right?"


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