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Welcome to Kingdom Crest High School!

Here a Kingdom Crest High we pride ourselves in forming strong bonds and friendships inside of certain cliques. You are either part of the Beloveds, the Athletes, the Gurus, the Harlots, the Musicians, the Badasses, or you simply don’t fit in anywhere and are ultimately labeled as a Newbie. Maybe you just don’t fit in anywhere, don’t worry we have a label for that too-Misfits. It doesn’t matter really which clique you are in, as long as you know the right people. Just watch what you say and do, because every action, every move you make is seen by someone and the last thing you want is for your personal business to be heard, because we all know what that leads to-shunning. Oh, you think it’s your peers that care about your every move? Think again. It’s the infamous Burnbook that keeps you on your toes.

Get ready to be
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All prior and previous events will be posted here and in the updates tab. Want to host an event? Let me know and it will be posted for everyone to see.

Keep a look out here, you never know when one event may actually have a task that can move you up the ranks, missing one may get you burned.

Current Event:




Have you been burned?

Look here for the latest burned victim...you never know, it could be you!


Don't forget to check out the twitter page for the quickest gossip updates!

Kingdom Burner (@KingdomBurner) | Twitter

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Good Afternoon Kingdom Crest!

Date: January 2nd

Time: 11:30 A.M.

Weather: 59 degrees Fahrenheit

Okay so it's stupid that assigned school on the day AFTER New Years, but after last year's incident with so many drunk students, the county thought it would be best for a
change. Some of you made it through your hangover and it's about lunch time.

But that's not what's important. What's important is that bomb ass party Jessi is throwing tonight and word is if you ain't got the confirm from the musician herself, you ain't invited. Should probably ask before the day is over with or miss out. Just kidding.

Crash it if you got the balls.

That is...after making through the other half of the day.


Student Body Meets today. About what? Who knows.

Sports: Basketball and Swimming practice at 4.


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[center][font=Aachen BT][size=5][center][b]Wearing:
Location:[/b]Place here [b]with[/b] Character here

(Posting may commence. Remember 1-2 paragraphs per character.)



Alie yawned and streched out of her hanging bed, sighing as she did. New day, new school year, which also means new outfits! She walked over to her closet, after managing to get out of bed for once and glazed over her outfits. She picked out her red flannel and white shirt dress, with some boots and a flower crown. She squealed and clapped happily, before rushing of to shower and getting herself organized. She styled her short salt and pepper hair, putting on her jewelry and piercings as well. Afterwards, she quickly got dressed and made her way downstairs.

It was extremely quiet in her house, but she shrugged it off and continued to smile. It had been like that for years and years, but she continued to smile either way.
She played some music to help her speed up breakfast because she was as hungry as a angry kangaroo during mating season. She spent the entire night before hanging out with some friends, that she completely forgot to eat. Once she had finished her cooking and meal, she went over to the living room to lace up her boots. She glanced over at the arrangement of photos on the counter nearby, slightly covered in dust. She sighed but smiled sadly at her family photos, before grabbing her keys and black backpack, and leaving for school. She hopped onto her motorcycle and drove off.


Wearing: Casual suit (as seen in the CS)

Location: Baseball Field with No-one

Cameron Dale Hill was on his own at the field, throwing balls up in the air for himself to practice his aim. He'd already been up for hours, and hadn't felt the affects of his hangover since about six. He hit the ball with full force, sending it out of the field and towards the actual school. He shrugged, and got another one out of his bag. Yep, it was gonna be another normal day for Cameron. He threw the other ball up and hit it again, this time with a little less strength, sending it forward a good length. He went to reach into his bag, but frowned when he didn't find another. He picked up his satchel, and put his bat in his duffle bag, walking towards the closest ball. and picking it up. He knew he had to find another four more, and decided to start running to pick them all up.


Paris Ellion Vermough


Location: School

Tags: N/A

Action: Waiting

Mood: Calm

Interacting With: N/A

Mentioned: Eydis


The school came into view and Paris jumped off of her bike less than gracefully, walking it up to a rack and chaining it. She had stopped telling herself that people wouldn't take it just because she could beat the shit out of them whenever she wanted to the last two times her bike had been stolen.

Until her car was fixed, this was all she had, unless she officially lost enough dignity and self respect to ask her parents to drive her to school.

The girl took her MP3 Player from her bag, putting the earbuds in, the setting on her usual playlist instead of the radio. Stretching a bit, as it was a long way to bike, she headed towards the school doors and sat on the steps, leaning against the rails and closing her eyes, ready to wait until the last minute to go to class.

Her eyes opened at a thought, and she scanned her surroundings, looking for Eydis... or someone she felt comfortable with, at the very least.

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She wasn't supposed to be here. Okay that's not true, she was supposed to be at school, but not here. In the auditorium. By herself. But here she was and the musician made no attempt to move as she heard the sound of the first lunch bell. What was the point? Her best friend wasn’t at school and although she could round of her posse of musicians, the curly haired musician just didn’t feel up to it. That was the luxury of being left alone for two whole weeks with no supervision, didn’t feel like such a treat with the throbbing headache she had now and the screen of her phone lit up with a luminous light, Jessica groaned and secretly prayed that her mother would have let her stay longer in California for her Christmas break, at least there she knew she would be sleeping soundly in a bed with a cutie on her left and right instead of sitting in a bleak theatre with her legs propped up against the chair in front of her and head titled back as her body shifted trying to find a comfortable position in an uncomfortable setting.

Whatever The golden-brown female thought as she pulled the phone from off her face where she let it rest and squinted at the screen to see just who was bothering her. Her lips were brought down by gravity and formed a frown as the words danced across the screen and into her line of vision.

Party at your place? :)
Who is this?
I’ll be there.

“Yo, who the fuck…?” The small exchange made the curly haired vixen sit up in her chair, her curls falling down her face as she focused intensely on her phone. It wasn’t the biggest secret she was throwing a party but it was strictly for the musicians, and if word already spread around, Jessica knew that it wouldn’t be long until more anonymous texts and even some brave shoulder tappers would ask, or worse, just show up at her front door.

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Wearing: Navy Blue jersey and blue jeans.

Location: His home, Pauper Court with His mother.

Adam's alarm went off at 7 am sharp. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up with a yawn. He headed to the bathroom for a quick shower and put on his favorite navy blue jersey and jeans. Adam always prefers simple and casual clothes to anything fashionable, and he didn't really have the money to spare. He grabbed his backpack and headed to the kitchen and was surprise to find him mother awake and making coffee.
"So you actually came home, and you woke up early? Is the world ending or what? I thought you were staying at Dizzy's place." He said to her as he walked into the kitchen. She arced her eyebrow. "It's Lizzy! And yes I was supposed to but I decided to come and check on my son. Whom I waited for till 2 am and he still wasn't home." She kissed his cheek as he approached her. "Yeah I had some things I needed to take care off."

Adam grabbed a mug and poured himself some coffee.
"So how about some truth Mom." She smiled at him. "Really? I can't just come to my own home unless something is up? Fine! I punched a guy at the bar yesterday, probably broke his nose, didn't stick around to find out. I'm gonna stay here for tonight then I'll be off tomorrow." Adam finished his coffee quickly then grabbed his backpack. "Punched a guy? really? Sounds like a fun story but I need to get going." She stared at him. "What's the hurry, oh right! School starts today." Then as he reached the door she called after him. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do honey." He turned around and looked at her smirking face. "Wow, for a second there I thought you were gonna say 'I love you' or 'Stay safe'." She chuckled. "Yeah alright, I'll add that to my bucket list." Shaking his head Adam got out of the house and started the long walk to school. He left his car at a friend's house and walked home the night before, he had a lot to think about.

Adam decided to hang out at the front of KH High, checking out the people coming in and hoping to see some friendly faces.

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Location: Home

Wearing: Night Clothes, T-Shirt, Leggings

With: No one

Mariah woke up to the sound of her alarm booming "Sorry by Beyonce" in her left ear, she stretched out looking at the time and she realized that she had overslept

"Dammit!!" She Yelled, she quickly got up rummaging through her closet for an outfit to wear, she couldn't be seen looking a mess. So after about 15 minutes of looking, having a break-down and looking some more she finally found something worthy of her wearing.

Now Wearing:

She washed her face, of course bushed her teeth did her hair and makeup and through on her outfit and of course that called for a selfie.

Mariah ran downstairs looking for something quick to eat. She saw a plate of food on the counter and a bottle of apple juice she knew it was probably hers and she quickly scarfed down the delicious breakfast.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-24_14-11-30.jpeg.c5ba3231f1776daaafb3bf92d57f1373.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137657" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-24_14-11-30.jpeg.c5ba3231f1776daaafb3bf92d57f1373.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-24_14-11-51.jpeg.b6566b3d8e2c288e197e883f09c724ba.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137659" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-24_14-11-51.jpeg.b6566b3d8e2c288e197e883f09c724ba.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She then grabbed her bag and keys and headed out the door, she jumped in the car with her cousin Avery who had just pulled up motioning her over to give her a ride.

"Kingdom Crest here I come" Mariah was nervous meeting new people gave her butterflies but of course it was in her nature to make plenty of friends, she was just excited to make through the school day.



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Wearing: Plain white shirt and Jeans.

Location: Walking towards Lunchroom with No one

Ah, lunch time. The thin line which separated morning from afternoon on these busy school days. It was a time of rest and rejuvenation amongst the hours of laborious mental and social work which was welcomed by even the most comfortable of students.

Admittedly, it'd be more welcoming if the food weren't so... Poorly made.

Allen took a tray from the stack of plastic, grey food receptacles, beginning to move down the line to receive his greasy, bland grand prize. When he observes the options, like more-oil-than-cheese pizza and mystery meat burgers, Allen decides that simply choosing fries might be the best option.

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Location: In front of school

With: No one

Mariah finally reached school, sighing as she got waved bye to her cousin.

She walked up to school building seeing kids all over the school eating

She looked at her watch...

"Lunch time already?" They must've changed the times. Mariah walked inside first visiting her consular to get her classes and her locker number and combination. She walked upstairs seeing so many familiar and unfamiliar faces.

She finally reached her locker, throwing her gym bag in there and her coat. She pulled out her phone telling her mom that she made it school. Not that she cared or anything.

Mariah looked around before walking down stairs she couldn't find any of her friends, maybe they skipped or something, she walked to the cafeteria waiting in the lunch line she had already brought her lunch but she loved their fries and grabbed another apple juice and ice cream.

She noticed a guy in-front of her that she hadn't seen before, she didn't wanna weird him out and just start conversation but she saw he was alone and just decided to start a conversation. What was the worst that could happen?

Hey, I'm Mariah. You new? Don't think I've seen you before." She smiled at him hoping he would't think of her as being strange or too foward

Location:Cafeteria Line with Mariah

Allen looks to the girl in question suddenly, an eyebrow raised.

Hm, Mariah. He'd seen her a few times. Truth be told, he had assumed she wasn't someone to associate with. It was anything personally to do with her, but in his own experience, pretty girls such as Mariah had a tendency towards being shallow and rude, so he had a habit of staying away from them. However, he considered the possibility that she wasn't all he had considered her to be. She seemed fairly nice. He determined he'd keep his guard up, but still give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Uh, no. I'm just... Kind of an unnoticeable person, I guess." He continues down the line, finally reaching the beloved fry bin, accepting a container of the golden heaven which more than deserved a spot amongst his taste buds. He looked further down the line, noticing that there were also grilled cheeses. Mm... those were kind of hit and miss, but he decided it'd be best to give them a shot.

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Location: School with no one

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Kevin probably had an advantage getting up the morning after New Year's- namely, being fully rested and not hungover. He'd arrived at school early, mostly because he had to be out the door as the same time as his parents, who drove him to school daily.

Now, he was just kinda... sitting under one of the trees in front of the school. There were a couple people coming through, and it only occurred to him after they passed that maybe he should've smiled or waved or... well, something? That might catch someone's attention, though, and while that was kinda the point of waving, he was pretty sure that was Paris over on those steps, and he was not up to engage with anyone right now, even if it had happened to be someone who didn't dislike him.

He really wished the school hadn't decided to have all the students come back right after New Year's Day.

Wearing: A shirt and tie like the one in the CS sheet, black trousers

Location: School With: No one (as of now)

Mentions: Paris, Kevin

Trey calmly parked his car near one of the school doors. As he stepped out, a breeze hit him in the face. It wasn't quite as cold as he thought it would be, but he was unfazed. Pocketing the keys to his used Honda Accord, he walked toward the front of the school, looking for familiar faces. He wished that he could have arrived later, but he'd woken up in the middle of the night and had been unable to get back to sleep ever since. Why do I always dream about it...?

He saw Paris near one of the doors and he felt slightly alarmed, hoping it didn't show. But he didn't feel like standing near an entrance today, so he chose one of the nearby trees. Kevin was sitting under it, so Trey chose to sit under under the same tree, but on the other side. Almost immediately, he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him.

Why couldn't I try to stay asleep? he thought, as he forced his eyes to stay open.

Ali walked drifted into the school yard, chaining up her bike next to someone else's. She sighed and took out a lollipop, popping it in her mouth and resting her hands behind her back, as she began walking through the courtyard to the entrance. As she entered, people were already staring at her, probably because of her hair, or the fact that she made a scene on her bike. She didn't card really, and continued wondering where to go first. Science, Art, Dance, Sports...So many to choose from. She continued to walk down the hallway, attracting a few looks and whistles here and there. She rolled her eyes, wishing people were more sensible.
Location: lunch line with Allen

Mariah bit lip embarrassed how could she not know who he was

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean anything by it.." She was really trying to make new friends this year especially since it was her last.

She looked at him seeing his eyes peeking through his blonde hair

She almost forgot she was in line and grabbed a couple of cookies, an apple juice and some fries.

" Umm..I don't think you told me your name?" She said trying to break the awkward silence that was between them both, even though Mariah had a good amount of friends she always realized the guys were harder to befriend.


Location:Lunch Line with Mariah

He gauges Mariah's tone as she speaks. Nervous. Unassuming. Certainly not signs of the conceded attitude he'd suspected.

"Oh, sorry. I'm bad with formalities. My name is Allen."

He takes a grilled cheese, puts it on his plate, than turns away from the line, looking around in hopes of spotting an empty table. After locating one, he starts to walk towards it, keeping his pace relatively slow, allowing Mariah to catch up with him if she wanted to.


Hugo Esteban Rivero

Location: Computer lab

Wearing?: Black Sweatshirt, jeans.

Current Stress levels: 8

Sociability: 0

Hugo didn’t have a hangover, unlike the rest of the school, but it didn’t mean he was much better than everyone else. At the moment his face was smashed against the the table in the computer lab. He wasn’t quite sure if he’d passed out at some point, but there was a small pool of his own spit on the table. He’d skipped mostly because he hated because around crowds of people but also because he’d promised some guy online that he’d help him build the rest of his program before it was due in 12 hours. They’d done it, barely.

Hugo sighed groaning as he pulled himself back into a sitting position. He wiped his face and the table, his eyes were red and tired from staring at a screen all night and his hands felt cramped, most likely the beginnings of Capal Tunnel. He logged off the computer and groaned as he tried getting up. He was already a pretty grumpy person, no sleep wasn’t going to help with that reputation. He stretched out a bit, hearing his bones crack as he did so, it was still early enough to get breakfast.... then again the thought of going through so many people in order to get some food. That itself made him lose his appetite.


Wearing: The same suit as before

Hallways with Nobody

Cameron signed. It took him too long to find the balls and in the end he still left two out there. He put his duffle bag in his locker and walked off. He checked his phone, seeing who had been burned modt recently.
"Hm, interesting information. Almost as if anyone could have wrote it." He said chuckling to himself. He couldn't be bothered to deal with stupidity such as the burn book today.





Location: Hallway, to Cafeteria With/Mentioned: N/A

Elaine heard the lunch bell and smiled, closing her locker. She loved lunch, finding it a cool time to talk to people. Waving to a few people also in the hallway as she walked rather perkily, she noticed that most of the students seemed a bit sluggish after new years. She wondered why. Making it to the lunch room, she noticed that there were quite a few people inside, but none of the Beloveds so far. Smiling, she walked over to some random person and began talking. After a while the person got a bit annoyed, unknowingly to her, and walked away. She shrugged and walked over to the Beloveds usual table, sitting alone and pulling out the lunch she brought to school daily. She didn't eat meat, or anything that came from an animal, so her lunch consisted of a pasta with homemade tomato sauce and a salad.
Hugo Esteban Rivero

Location: Computer lab

Wearing?: Black Sweatshirt, jeans.

Current Stress levels: 8

Sociability: 1 w/

Hugo had a cup of coffee that had gone mostly cold but the sweet sweet nectar of caffeine was the only thing that would make him feel remotely human. He cradled it like a child as he headed toward the caferina, because maybe eating actual food would help him today, at least he could speak to people and have a social life. Though his bones cringed at the idea, the problem was actually talking to people. Hugo didn't realize he was staring at the ground when he accidently bumped into someone.

He made a very unmanly nosie as his coffe spilled on his clothes and onto the floor but was able to grabbed the girls lunch before it went tumbling to the ground. "Uh I'm so sorry" He said sheepishly, holding out her food for her "I guess I'm not here today" He murmured, trying to sound friendly. Though in the back of his mind he thought it was a bit of bullshit that this girl was taller than him.

Wearing: The same thing as before

Location: The cafeteria with no one

It was lunch time, which was cool, but people. He probably had to deal with people today, though. After all, you don't avoid people if you're fine, do you? Might as well eat as he did it, he guessed. So, he left the class and slid through the crowded halls until he reached the cafeteria. He had packed a lunch, though he wasn't sure it had survived being squished in his bag, so he skipped the line. Squished food was probably still good to eat, right?​

He saw some people he knew, but went to his usual seat in the lunchroom, putting down his bag and rifling through for his lunch. He wasn't talking to anyone until he had to. Successful, he pulled out an uncooked ramen pack and granola bar. It wasn't the biggest lunch, but having a granola bar probably counted for something. Okay, forget that, he had no water. Good job, self, he thought as he started munching on his granola bar, debating the merits of eating uncooked ramen.​





Location: Cafeteria With/Mentioned: @Shortfuzzything

She jumped slightly as she ran headfirst into another boy, who managed to catch her lunch but spill coffee on himself. She towered over him just slightly, but she never really noticed those things. Smiling she gently took her lunch from him and set it down on the Beloveds table, where most people didn't even dare come near if they weren't part of the club, but Elaine didn't know or care about that.

"Oh it's no problem, although you might want to get a bit cleaned up," she responded, chuckling in a friendly manner," you're that computer-smart kid right? Henry?"

She was pretty sure that was his name, but she could never be sure with how many people she talked to and met in a day. Plus she'd been told by many people that she had a bit of a bad memory.


Location:Font of KH high / Cafeteria with @Effervescence - @Smoaki - @Shortfuzzything

Adam took out a cigarette and lit it as he watched people walking all around him, excited about the start of the new year. And he couldn't deny feeling a bit excited himself, he had promised himself to step up his game this year, and raise more hell than ever. He wondered where the badasses are and decided to head to the cafeteria since it was lunch time and everyone would be heading there. He threw out his cigarette and took out his phone as he walked.

Badass Travis
Where are you Travis? It's the first day of school so you better not bail out on me, lots of fun to be had and the badasses need their leader so get your ass over here.

He wasn't feeling hungry so he headed straight to the table where he usually sat. As he reached it he crashed on the seat and lifted his feet on the table. Looking around he recognized a few faces, then he noticed the exchange that happened between Elaine and Hugo and laughed as he saw Hugo's coffee get spilled.
"Don't worry about it Hugo, those flowers needed a little watering anyway, which are nice flowers by the way, Elaine." He said loudly as they sat at their table.

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Hugo Esteban Rivero

Location: Caf

Wearing?: Band t-shirt, jeans.

Current Stress levels: 10

Sociability: -10 w/
@Smoaki @Blizzard

Hugo shrugged, he'd take off the sweatshirt later, but since it was black it had mostly hidden the coffee. Though now he reeked of coffee.

"Computer guy yes, Henry no" He deadpanned "I'm Hugo, since you're sitting here I'm guessing your Elaine?"

He glanced around to see of any of other damned Beloveds comes around he'd skip out in a hot second, they weren't mean... well most of them weren't but most of them had a stick shoved so far up their asses that it was best not to piss any of them off. It would actually be best if he got out of this conversation as quickly as possible. "Listen I'm really sorry-"

Then he was cut off by the unnesscary entrance made by Adam. Local badass, whatever that met. Hugo could feel his blood pressure rising as the spoke. "Those flowers are plastic, but I bet you can't see that after all the smoke in your head" He said, then turned to Elaine, "I'll see you, need food" And he left the table towards the food counter before he actually passed out. He pulled off his sweatshirt, only leaving a black unknown band t-shirt.
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