KoC: Secret's Deathlord Round II: Finish them!

Who gets the girl?

  • The Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water (the Silver Prince)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
raidensparx said:
"I have sex with everything!"  "YES, Lover.  We GET IT.  SHUT UP ALREADY."
You realise that this is the precise reason why she's a threatening villain, right? You're making the exact same mistake everyone in Creation is supposed to make.
Jukashi said:
raidensparx said:
"I have sex with everything!"  "YES, Lover.  We GET IT.  SHUT UP ALREADY."
You realise that this is the precise reason why she's a threatening villain, right? You're making the exact same mistake everyone in Creation is supposed to make.
Yeap... and know this, no matter what you say... she'll always love you because she's full of love... honest. ^_-
You know, that little 'X' at the top-right of your post? You can use it to *delete* duplicate posts...

... Well, not anymore, since you can only do that with your last post... before someone replies to it (like I have now). But still. You had the time to edit it, then you could have deleted it.
I voted for the Silver Prince. Why? Well, let's compare the two:

Administration style

Silver Prince: Objectivist's nightmare.

Lover: Has sex. Promiscuious sex. Just like everyone else in the known Universe.


Silver Prince: Synthesized remaining Deliberative-age technology with necromancy to create the largest navy of First-Age Vessels in Creation. Re-engineered the nature of a shadowland. Converted an entire country to death worship. Has persuaded at least one Solar to join his cause.

Lover: Gave some guys a warstrider. And had sex.


Silver Prince: Machiacellian mastermind. Smart enough to make communism work. Significant geomantic, sorcerous, and necromantic/surgic knowledge.

Lover: Suppossedly the second best sorcerer and necromancer amonst the deathlords. Never actually documented to have used anything above Labyrinth Circle. Also, good at sexercise.

In conclusion, the Lover is the worst waste of pagecount this side of Scroll of the Monk. Sure, the defenders (who are all teenage males, strangely enough...) she might say "She's really be just pretending to be lazy and incompetant," but that excuse did not fly for the 1st ed. Lunars, and it will not fly here. At least the Silver Prince has actually done something. Sure, he's a FMA ripoff, but the Lover's warstrider trick? She ripped that off from Ketchup Carjack.
Silver Prince: Has a death cult nation (Skullstone)

Lover: Has a death cult nation (Tear Eaters)

Silver Prince: Has one or two Solars

Lover: Created the technique for turning Solars into Abyssals. Which you will note is indeed of the highest level of Necromancy. Also has a few Solars under her sway outside of that.

Silver Prince: Has a big undead navy (not much use out of water)

Lover: Has a big undead army (Second only to First and Forsaken Lion)

Silver Prince: Has pirates

Lover: Has corrupted the ruler of at least one seperate dead nation to her service.

Silver Prince: Is seen as a threat by his enemies

Lover: Is not seen as a threat by her enemies

Most of your arguments about the Silver Prince's superiority seem based off a lack of knowledge of the Lover...as she can match him almost point for point, and has her own advantages, as does he.

As for the argument that she is only a character that interests adolescent males...well, that's a load.
Silver Prince: Has a death cult nation (Skullstone)
Lover: Has a death cult nation (Tear Eaters)

Silver Prince: Has one or two Solars

Lover: Created the technique for turning Solars into Abyssals. Which you will note is indeed of the highest level of Necromancy. Also has a few Solars under her sway outside of that.
Where is this stated? I've got the Abyssals book and the W&WT. I don't even remember the origin of that spell discussed.

Silver Prince: Has a big undead navy (not much use out of water)
Lover: Has a big undead army (Second only to First and Forsaken Lion)
Well yeah, and that would be because he's in the west. You think the Lover wouldn't focus on the navy if she lived in an Archipelago? Also, who gives a fuck about army size? The Prince's army might be small, but it's made entirely of first age tech, and he's constantly making more.

Silver Prince: Has pirates
Lover: Has corrupted the ruler of at least one seperate dead nation to her service.
Aren't you forgetting that big fucking huge, constantly growing shadowland, full of a growing stream of ghosts encouraged by ritual suicide? HE  didn't even need a puppet king to rule it.

Silver Prince: Is seen as a threat by his enemies
Lover: Is not seen as a threat by her enemies
He doesn't even have enemies. (Well, except the Lintha, but they hate everyone) Whereas everyone looks at the Lover and Rolls their eyes, reasonable people deal with the Prince.

Most of your arguments about the Silver Prince's superiority seem based off a lack of knowledge of the Lover...as she can match him almost point for point, and has her own advantages, as does he.
Except that his country is doing so well that they use soulsteel grafts for rank and file zombies, yeah, I kinda see that.
StarHawk said:
So, what if this poll is tied when it ends? Are you just going to flip a coin?
The fanbase having failed me, I will require them to make up for their shameful indecisiveness by statting up both the Lover and the Prince, and have them fight to the <strike>death</strike> <strike>re-death</strike> for my amusement.
Jukashi said:
StarHawk said:
So, what if this poll is tied when it ends? Are you just going to flip a coin?
The fanbase having failed me, I will require them to make up for their shameful indecisiveness by statting up both the Lover and the Prince, and have them fight to the <strike>death</strike> <strike>re-death</strike> for my amusement.
If you really want to teach us a lesson, restart the poll from scratch if it fails this time around. Eventually, after several iterations, you'll see which fanbase has more stamina and clicktoitiveness. :)
Maybe you could turn this indecision into some kind of plot point. Maybe the deathlords dont know either.
I'm with Jack on this one. I think it'd be frickin' HILARIOUS to see the Lover and the Silver Prince bicker over Secret. And you'd satisfy both camps of fans. If you're only doing one DL, my vote is still for the SP. But if the duo option is available, that's what I'd like to see.......
Yeah! So we get potential head popping no matter what? Thats awesome! I also would like to see the two DL option though, because it would actually make 3 DLs in the strip (we already should get some FaFL action at some point)

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