KoC: Secret's Deathlord Round II: Finish them!

Who gets the girl?

  • The Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Water (the Silver Prince)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
We're two ahead again.  I swear, if two people vote for the Lover to suddenly tie it up again, I'm gonna be SUPER PISSED.
I voted for The Lover cos

A) Anyone who'll try to piss of Arianna is alright by me

B) Never heard of the silver prince (I own the 1st ed abyssal book but haven't read it cos I mainly play solar games


C) I personally think it'd be really funny if this whole thing turned into a tie again
Why is it annoying? Is it simply because you don't like people voting against your own choice, or do you suspect that the continuous tie is somehow deliberate and object to that? Personally, I think it's interesting how divided people are.
EM got banned? What the hell did he do?
I don't know him, but if he's the only person who's ever gotten banned from the EC then I think probably something pretty gosh darn awful.
He was special, that's for sure.

And to Jukashi, its the damn tie. Someone break the goddamn thing and let's be done with it.
Not a tie right now.  Silver Prince is ahead by 3.  So long as it STAYS like that for the next...half month.  We'll be set.
Come on people!

Vote for the lover! Love the Lover and she will love you in return. For is she not full of love?   :D

The Silver Prince'ss' will stab you in the back and make you part of his full-metal alchemist manga knockoff plan.
Tis so... just take a look see at the plan laid out by the big bad that is visible to us readers, and those what serve the big bad, along with certain people who worked things out... but always just a little too late...  :twisted:

And yes, it IS a knock off of FMA manga. ^_^

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