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Fandom Knights of Checkmate | A DC Comics RP (OOC Thread)


Lost Martian

Get in the robot!

Superheroes first started appearing three years ago when Superman was filmed rescuing a crashing airplane. In the time since then, all types of people with powers have shown up, dramatically altering the state of the world. This came to a head eight months ago when an alien warlord named Darkseid attacked the Earth. Seven heroes would come together to repel him, forcing the alien back into the deepest reaches of space. These seven heroes would then unite as a team, forming the Justice League.

With a dedicated team of heroes now operating without any oversight, the various governments of the world would grow uneasy, figuring that they should have some measure of control. Thus the United Nations Security Council would create it’s own organization, Checkmate. This organization would both employ the powered people of the Earth as well as keep tabs on them. To ensure a varied view when it came to protecting the world, Checkmate would have four leaders, each with the same level of power. The White King and Queen would handle the intelligence side of things, while the Black King and Queen would handle operations.

Each of these royals would have a Bishop, a second in command and source of advice. The royals would also have a number of Knights, agents that reported directly to them. The Knights would include metahumans, non-powered individuals, mages, and even aliens among their number. Together these forces would work to help other superheroes defend the world, but also to take them down if they ever went rogue.


The players in this game would be Knights of the White King of Checkmate, a businessman named Alan Scott. I’m pretty open on character concepts, though I would tell you to remember that this is very early on in the time line for superheroes existing, as such I don’t think any children, or probably any other type of relative, of a character would exist at this point. I’m also going to say Lanterns are allowed, except for Green, Black, and White which are currently off limits for story purposes. I will also most aliens, including custom ones that aren’t overpowered, though I’ll say no Kryptonians, Martians, or New Gods also for story reasons.


  • Please keep all discussion to this OOC thread. The other threads related to this RP will have their own rules for posting in.
  • This is RP is rated PG-13. As such please keep all excessive or detailed violence, sex, or other adult topics out of the RP.
  • Currently each player is allowed one character. This may change in the future.
  • Please keep your character’s powers to a reasonable level for the story. Checkmate is a spy agency so they probably shouldn’t have multiple Superman tier characters working for them.
  • For your character’s appearance I will like you to pick a Face Claim, an actual image of a celebrity that would represent your character, or write a detailed description.
  • I ask that you try and post once a week. However, I am aware that life does interfere with hobbies, so if you need more time please let me know as I can totally be accommodating.
  • As for post length I will say give enough that the other players have something to respond to. Personally I post several paragraphs most times, but I think one paragraph or two is fine if it has enough meat to respond to.
  • Please post your character sheet in this OOC thread first. Once I approve it, it may be moved over to the Characters tab.
  • Also please don’t post in the Lore page. I will personally be adding information about the setting to it as it comes up in the RP.


Blank Character Sheet:

Real Name:





Appearance: (Remove this if using an image)








If anyone has any questions, please let me know. I’m happy to elaborate on anything in the setting, or collab on an idea or plot. I want this RP to be a lot of fun for the players, so I’m up for trying anything that would increase enjoyment.
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I don't mean to be contentious after showing interest,but would an appearance paragraph be acceptable in lieu of a photographic face claim?

I'm not immovable on that,but maybe it's not my first choice most of the time.
Nellancholy Nellancholy Yeah I was thinking after I posted it that maybe some people didn't want to use a realistic picture. I'm just used to it being the norm on a lot of sites. So if you want you can just write a description. I just said realistic photos as that's the vibe I'm going for here, as if it was a Movie or TV show. Anyways, I've edited the rules and character sheet to reflect these changes.

Also, to whoever else is reading this, I'm not happy with my character's codename. It was the hardest part of the character for me, so I put Spiritus as a placeholder. So I'm taking suggestions on alternate codenames for him.
To all reading this: I hope that my character sheet isn’t freaking people out. I don’t intend for all the other players to go as in depth with their history and stuff. I personally like having a well fleshed out back story, but it isn’t required for this RP. I’ve just been brainstorming the setting, which gave me a whole bunch of ideas for my character.

So I hope I didn’t freak anyone out. One of my goals with this RP is to be as accommodating as possible so that it’s fun for everyone.
Lost Martian Lost Martian
Alright. My character, Esme, is a former American National Guard and was freshly hired police medical examiner at the time of her death. While I'll have to work on how she caught Checkmate's attention, she would be very open to joining an organization to counter a growing metanormal criminal class. She's not a blind follower, but has seen a lot of strange things in the last year and a half to two years since she began her unlife to believe there needs to be an official response to keep people safe. Plus, organization means funding. Funding means more and better resources for her alchemical and investigative endeavors.
Took a while but finally managed to finish my character sheet. Lost Martian Lost Martian Let me know if I need to make any changes.

Real Name:
Tristan Miles (formerly Achilles)


Over 3000 years old



Though mild in manner, he is very fierce in battle.

  • Natural Warrior: Achilles has an innate proficiency for combat and warfare in all its forms. As well as being adept in hand to hand combat, Achilles can learn and master almost any weapon within minutes.
  • Medicine: Tutored in the healing arts as a boy, Achilles has only improved his skills with subsequent advances in medicine and is a licensed physician and surgeon.
  • Athleticism: Achilles can perform athletic feats greater than average/normal humans and is exceptionally swift on his feet.

  • Invulnerability: After his mother anointed him in ambrosia and attempted to burn away his mortality, Achilles became invulnerable to harm except for a spot around his left heel.
    • Immortality: Achilles does not age and has lived for thousands of years.

  • Achilles Suit issued to him by Checkmate.
  • Various assortment of weapons/firearms provided by Checkmate.

Many know the legend of Achilles: the bravest, handsomest, and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. However, few are aware of the truth. While Achilles is indeed immortal and endowed with extraordinary powers, his legend is not solely his own. It was his twin sister, Pyrrha, who played a pivotal role in shaping his legacy. When an oracle predicted that Achilles was either to gain glory and die young, or live a long but uneventful life in obscurity, the mild-mannered, compassionate and empathetic young man wished for nothing more than the latter. So, when Odysseus sought him out, Pyrrha made the bold decision to disguise herself as Achilles and join the Greek Army. While she would ultimately go on to fight and die in the Trojan War, the invincible immortal went on to live a quiet life as a healer, using his skills to help those in need.

Unfortunately for Achilles, his life of anonymity could not last forever. With the advent of superheroes in the modern era, he was approached by the clandestine organisation known as Checkmate. Now going by the name of Tristan Miles, Checkmate had somehow discovered his true identity and wanted to recruit him. At first, Tristan was hesitant to join, but he eventually agreed, realizing that he could honour his sister's sacrifice by using his powers to make a difference in the world. Adopting the codename "Achilles", he now uses his skills as a doctor to heal the wounded and his supernatural abilities to combat evil.

  • Face Claim: Anthony Mackie
  • Despite his invulnerability, Achilles is not completely immune to harm. In addition to his heel, Achilles is also vulnerable to magic or magically enchanted weaponry. He can also be killed by things like drowning, suffocation or poison (if ingested).
RikuXIII RikuXIII your character sounds interesting. I don’t really expect every character to blindly follow Checkmate, like my character is just joining them because it’s convenient. But your character sounds good, so I’ll await your character sheet.

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain I’ve always loved the story of Achilles, so it’s great to see it here. I don’t see any problems with the character sheet, so I’ll say he is approved and can be posted in the character thread.
Alright. Went a little long in the backstory, but Esme is good for review, Lost Martian Lost Martian .

Real Name: Esmeralda Luna Ortiz Reyes or Esme Ortiz

Codename: Dr. Corax

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Personality: Esme has always defined herself by her intelligence and her curiosity. She prides herself on being a quick learner, and always loves picking up new skills. She can at times become hyper-fixated on what she is currently working on to the detriment of other things. She has always loved detective stories and tried to think like the protagonists of those stories.
Her experiences in life and unlife has pickled her somewhat. She can coldly analyze grizzly crime scenes without much effort, channeling her emotions into the work. She has no problem killing, particularly when it comes to monsters, both supernatural and mundane.
Despite the darkness in her life, she maintains a bright personality outside of work. She finds refuge in her love of dance, electroswing music, and reading (or listening to) fiction. Though she keeps her distance from them, she still draws strength from her familial bonds to keep her sane.

Skills: Trained in firearms, armed and unarmed combat. Medical degree. Licensed as a medical examiner. Self taught investigator, with a focus on forensic science. Training in alchemy and enchantment. Learning parkour. Skilled dancer. Skilled piano player. Knowledge of supernatural creatures and curses.

  • Shelley Animation Core - A rare magical device installed in Esme's torso that tethers her to life and maintains her body. The dark magic powering it appears self sustaining and provides her with all she needs to remain active and in "good health". She can regenerate from all wounds in record time, though not instantaneously. While durable, it is not indestructible and it's destruction would mean the end of Esme's unlife.
  • Undeath - Due to her vital status, Esme's physical abilities have been altered. She is stronger and tougher than she was in life, putting her on par with Olympic level athletes. She does not physically tire. She has greater control of her senses, even able to shut some of her sense off if she wants. She is immune to poisons and disease.
  • Sleeplessness - Esme has no physical need of sleeping, and is further incapable of sleeping. While some would see this as an advantage, it has some unfortunate consequences. Though Esme doesn't physically need to sleep, she still needs a mental break to rest her mind. Not long after she began her unlife, she began suffering mental symptoms of sleep deprivation. She has since learned a form of meditation from a Voodoo practitioner that allows her mental rest, though it leaves her more vulnerable than sleep and still doesn't let her dream.

  • Enchanted Lemat Revolver - Designed to fire and augment special ammunition from things like silver rounds, to elementally charged rounds, to spell proxy rounds. It can hold eight rounds, with a single shotgun shell. The shell is usually a form of "flash bang" alchemical concoction for emergencies.
  • FN Five-seveN handgun - A mundane handgun for dealing with mundane enemies. Ammunition has some armor piercing ability.
  • Enchanted Thompson Sub-machine Gun - Designed to fire and augment special ammunition. Drum magazines usually specially loaded with rounds for taking down specific targets. Not part of her standard load out, usually stored in the Beetle.
  • Silver Knife
  • "Cold Iron" Knife
  • Collapsible baton
  • Grapple gun
  • Concoction satchel - A canvas sling bag that contains alchemical concoctions for Esme's use. The bag has been enchanted to keep the glass bottles of the concoctions safe from breakage while stored within. She usually carries some thrown alchemical bombs, a few tonics to augment Esme's physical abilities (though would prove toxic to normal people), as well as forensic supplies for investigations.
  • 'The Beetle' - A 1970s run Volkswagon Beetle, modified for off road use and with magical enchantments. Has a perception filter that will cause most people to ignore it.
  • 'The Baron's Dance' - An ancient luxury riverboat that acts as Esme's home and lab. Is usually blanketed in fog and can only be found if specifically looked for. Can appear in any body of water, though there is traversal time. Can't take passengers during it's jaunts between bodies of water. Controlled by the Ghost of Matthias Whytlock.
  • The Skull of Matthias Whytlock - A skull etched with arcane sigils that holds the spirit of Matthias Whytlock, a 19th century alchemist who through his discoveries managed to prolong his life till only about two years ago. He invented/modified most of Esme's equipment for his own use at various times in his life. Because of debts he owes to people on the other side, he has elected to stay tethered to the skull, acting as teacher, advisor, and "boat captain" to Esme in exchange for her continuing to make and apply the concoctions needed to keep his spirit here.

  1. Esmeralda Luna Ortiz Reyes was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Her childhood was spent on the move a lot following her father Oscar's job to different port towns in the US. As time went on, Esme's mother Isabella would have two more kids, Alex and Henry.
  2. Because of her family moving a lot, Esme would spend much of her time reading detective stories, growing to idolize the crime solvers. What friends she did make at new locations were usually connected to dance classes she took.
  3. With some encouragement from her aunt Dani, Esme went into college with eyes on a medical degree. She joined the American National Guard to pay her way through college and medical school.
  4. A crossroads opened up before Esme as her love and skill of dancing was taking off, opening up the possibility of a career as a dancer. Or she could follow her aunt's example as an army doctor. Before she could decide for herself, fate made it's play. While on deployment to a natural disaster, Esme injured her knee. While she would be able to walk again, the loss in mobility closed the door to a dancing career and got her a medical discharge from the Guard.
  5. Esme took some time to reexamine what she wanted in life. While recovering at her family's home, she started watching a crime procedural show with her mother and was charmed by the old medical examiner character. Her old love for detectives reigniting, the path forward became clear.
  6. After completing medical school, Esme spent 3 years residency in a hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana. During this time, she fell in love with the town and started making contacts in the local police force in prep for eventually applying to be a medical examiner.
  7. With the last year of a fellowship completed, Esme's job application to work with the NOPD was accepted. To celebrate, she went out parting in the Mardi Gras parade, the night ending with a flash of sharp pain in her back and everything going dark.
  8. There was a time between. Esme has never been able to really describe it. A paradox of serenity and fear. Light and darkness. Pain and well being. She only really remembers the end. Pain and heaviness dragging her down into something clammy.
  9. Esme woke up in a swamp on some sort of makeshift alter with a feeling of weight in her torso and her whole body was freezing. It was all a haze until the sound of a gunshot cut through it all and forced her brain into over drive. With great effort, she rolled off the alter to take cover.
    While she moved she noticed two things. The first thing was she was in some sort of lose robe and nothing else. The second thing was that there was a glowing sticking out of her abdomen. She took a moment to examine what was now in her torso. Out of her skin rose an oval hemisphere of metal nestled just under her sternum and rib cage. Tiny symbols covered the thing and flicked with a strange light. Esme decided it must be shock that was allowing her to take this all so well. But there were other things to be concerned about.
    Another gunshot rang out as she peaked around the alter. A man in a suit with blood coming from a shoulder wound was desperately trying to reload a revolver as a figure in robes covered in bones and a deer skull mask advanced with a large knife. Hoping her instincts were correct, she dashed out of her cover, catching up a fallen branch as she moved. The figure turned at the sound in time to catch the branch square in the face. The deer mask shattered and the figure went down. Esme hit him several more times, but that wasn't necessary. She took a moment to get her breath back, but found she not only wasn't winded by the exertion, she wasn't even breathing. The cocking of a revolver was dimly perceived as everything that had overwhelmed her. She collapsed to her knees, her hands shaking and tears streaming down her face. She looked up at the confused man with the revolver, the desperate question ringing in her head slipping from her lips in a hoarse whisper;
    "What's happened to me?"
  10. Over the next couple of days, Esme was tended to by Matthias Whytlock, who introduced himself as a not quite 200 year old alchemist. She learned she had been dead for about a week, and now she was in some sort of undead state. While she at first thought Matthias altruistic, it became apparent that he was only interested in helping her to get answers about the cult that had done this to her. They had raided his home for rare ingrediants, and had poisoned him with something he didn't know how to cure. Esme couldn't provide answers, but the two struck a bargin to work together to track down the cult and to get answers.
  11. The investigation was Esme's first dive into the supernatural side of the world, bringing her into contact with a Voodoo practitioner, a Native American Skin Walker, and a German goblin, to name a few. Towards the end, Matthias's condition worsened, and Esme was required to do more of the heavy lifting.
  12. The case led the duo to thwart another attempt to kill another woman to complete the same ritual. There was signs that the leadership of the cult escaped, but no leads to who they were or where they went.
  13. With no antidote to save Matthias, and no answer for what the ritual that made Esme as she was now, the two made a new deal. Esme would help tether Matthias’ soul to the plane and maintain his connection, while he would teach her the skills and knowledge she would need to carry on the investigation.
  14. For the past year and a half, Esme has spent her time investigating any strange occurrences and mysteries in and around New Orleans. She uses old contacts with the NOPD and new ones in the supernatural community to solve problems for both under the name Dr Corax. These cases get her resources and information to eventually learn what the cult was trying to do and stop them if they try again. Recently, a bid of bad business with a vampire led Esme into contact with an agent of a new organization named Checkmate. When she was later contacted with an offer to join said organization, she jumped at the chance. With Checkmate’s help, she could expand her reach to help people, as well as the scope of her investigation.
  • Feels cold to the touch.
  • Even at the best of times, she still looks a sickly pale.
Bouldy is up, i added one form that we had yet to discuss, however it has a pretty obvious weakness so I figured it wouldnt be an issue. Let me know if you’d like to change it. Tied his backstory to themyscria as i felt it fit him well.
Real Name: Non-pronounceable by human vocals (Scrape of granite, Clash of Marble, Thrumming Vibrations of Dirt, bubbling of magma, & the Rumble of a Faultline)

Codename: Bouldy

Age: Close to 3000 years.

Gender: None (Male identity)

Species: Titan

(Height, weight, And composition varies. Standard form is 3ft 7in )

Personality: A shy and reclusive being by nature Bouldy is rather peaceful enjoying the subtle pleasures of life such as scenery and music. He enjoys company with those who likewise enjoy relaxing, and tends to be unnerved by the sudden movements and unexpected reactions of most humans as to him they seem to be far too busy and Move way to much for his liking. That said he is quick to bond with people as he has experienced much in his long life and knows all to well how fleeting the lives of mortals can be in comparison. Thus he would rather make friends than enemies and genuinely mourns the loss of life even if it were the life of a wicked person.

Skills: Hiding, Eavesdropping, Sound mimicking, gardening, landscaping, Structural engineering & Demolition.

Formshifting- Bouldy can absorb a variety of earth based components such as Sand, Mud, Stone, and Minerals and use this to change the rest of his body into such materials. By doing so he can become a being made of sand, or mud, clay, stone, or even crystals & diamonds. That said he prefers to remain in his smaller bedrock form if he can. The color and texture of these Regilithic constructs can be adjusted as needed but he struggles with intricate details preventing him from shifting into convincing replicas of animals or humans. However things with simple patterns like brickwork, cobbled roads, or A pile of rubble can be easily replicated. He can also use this to transport himself through the ground as though he were swimming very quickly through it.

Tremorsense/Acoustic replication- Bouldy can feel vibrations as they travel through the ground and walls, when paired with his ability to change his vocal structures into crystals and resonate them at various frequencies he can “hear” and mimic nearly any sound. This allows him to not only eavesdrop on conversations that occur behind closed doors, but also replicate them down to every thud and scuffle and muttering turning him into a sort of Walkie talkie. He can even break himself into pieces and have each piece replicate the sounds so long as they stay within a kilometer of his Core.

Gaia heart- A crystalline sphere containing tremendous magical power…but more importantly it contains Bouldy’s mind and soul. Without it he cannot maintain his form and if it is destroyed he will die. Luckily its about as hard as diamond, yet it can be stolen and if transported a kilometer or more from his body he will crumble.

Backstory: The last son of Gaia to be born just before she fell into her long sleep which continues to this day. Bouldy spent the first thousand years of his life in the heart of the world with his mother, but eventually he would grow bored and make his way to the surface. There he would be both amazed and horrified by the works of mankind. Their buildings and structures were amazing works of art built from the stones of his mother, yet he would see their violence and bloodshed and be terrified by them, so much blood was spilled upon his mothers surface that he could barely justify the existence of humanity in his mind. Seeking answers he would venture to Themyscira, where he would promptly bond with Diana whome he saw as his sister due to her being sculpted from clay. His peaceful demeanor and kind nature would allow him to thrive in the amazonian culture where he would he known as the grove keeper. He would grow many beautiful gardens and help the amazons in their homes when he could by calling up clay and shaping it into any shape they required. He could even help them to find deposits of metal deep beneath the grounds surface.

Sadly the wars of mankind would bring Diana out of the amazonian paradise, She followed a man named Steve trevor into the carnage of Khandak. Bouldy would tag along worried of what war would do to his friend. Yet he would never have expected such horror and wonton brutality. Shortly after he destoryed a chemical factory claiming the lives of nearly a hundred men it became too much for the tiny Titan to bear and he would allow himself to be seem as dead by the world after protecting a group of refugees from an Airstrike. he would allow his core to sink into the ground as his avatar was destroyed where he would remain hidden for a few years.

Returning to the surface he would be discovered by the Checkmate organization where he made them an offer “help me save my mother and i will help to save you as well.” Thus bouldy joined the organization and in return checkmate had some of its lobbyists petition the un for legislation that would serve to clean up some of the toxins plaguing his mother Gaia.

While bouldy doesnt look like much, and is very docile on average he can be VERY dangerous when pushed.
His sand form is fast and hard to damage, able to morph and shift through the air while whipping up debris filled wind that could peel the flesh from bones.

IMG_1477.jpegHis mud form is stealthy and can drown victims with ease while being impervious to most mundane attacks.
His megalithic titan form stands two stories tall and can trade blows with some serious heavy hitters. Though lacks much in the speed department.
Yet by far the most destructive form is his Magma form, though he avoids using it as much as he can due to its destructive force risking the life around him it combines a portion of the strength of his Megalithic form, with the fluid movements and speed of his mud & sand forms, while applying the burning fury of the earth to it. To date the only time this form has been seen is when he discovered a poisonous gas factory in khandaq and wanted to ensure it and every wicked mind that had devised it was eliminated. He still to this day bears guilt for using it to kill so many.
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RikuXIII RikuXIII very interesting character. While I’m not so sure how much use we’d get out of the Baron’s Dance, I could see the Beetle being stored at base. Anyways I like Esme enough that I’ll say that she is accepted and can be put in the character thread.

NachoGod NachoGod I really like Bouldy. The only issue I have is in the back story. I’m fine with Bouldy being friends with Diana and following her off to war, but it seems you want that to be during World War I or II. In this RP there was no Golden Age of Superheroes, as they started appearing three years ago with Superman. I had plans for Diana having left Themyscira just over two years ago to help Steve Trevor with a war in the middle east, I was thinking either Kahndaq or Qurac. Bouldy could of easily come along, fighting there before joining Checkmate. If that doesn’t sound good, please let me know. If you want we can move this conversation to PM, your choice.
RikuXIII RikuXIII very interesting character. While I’m not so sure how much use we’d get out of the Baron’s Dance, I could see the Beetle being stored at base. Anyways I like Esme enough that I’ll say that she is accepted and can be put in the character thread.

NachoGod NachoGod I really like Bouldy. The only issue I have is in the back story. I’m fine with Bouldy being friends with Diana and following her off to war, but it seems you want that to be during World War I or II. In this RP there was no Golden Age of Superheroes, as they started appearing three years ago with Superman. I had plans for Diana having left Themyscira just over two years ago to help Steve Trevor with a war in the middle east, I was thinking either Kahndaq or Qurac. Bouldy could of easily come along, fighting there before joining Checkmate. If that doesn’t sound good, please let me know. If you want we can move this conversation to PM, your choice.
Nah all thats fine. In fact it gets rid of the sleep period which i was kinda iffy about anyway. Ill make the appropriate edits. Thanks.

Think ill go with Khandac as i like the sound of the name. Any details i would need to know?
Lost Martian Lost Martian bouldy has been updated for khandaq i took a few liberties like putting the chemical weapon facility in khandaq itself, mentioned steve, and changed the artillery to an airstrike. Also removed the decades between the war and his joining checkmate.
NachoGod NachoGod thanks for making the changes to Bouldy. He is now accepted and can be put into the character thread. Also the way they spell the country’s name in the comics is Kahndaq, just for future reference.
Circe Circe SomebodyElse SomebodyElse deadly king deadly king Nellancholy Nellancholy orpheus. orpheus. CapellaStargaze CapellaStargaze Nightshade98 Nightshade98
Just checking if you guys if you guys are still interested in this? If not just send a quick post informing you are not.

As for everyone else, I’m going to start closing applications for new players soon. I’ll give it five more days for anybody to express interest in this RP, after which time I will only accept character sheets from players who have stated interest before the deadline.

Also I’m still taking suggestions for a different codename for my character. I really don’t like Spiritus, but I’m drawing a blank on a replacement.
Also I’m still taking suggestions for a different codename for my character. I really don’t like Spiritus, but I’m drawing a blank on a replacement.
Mirari? Pneuma? Figment? Kobalos? Wraith? Any of them appeal to you? The first two suggestions are more religious while the latter are more ghost.
Circe Circe SomebodyElse SomebodyElse deadly king deadly king Nellancholy Nellancholy orpheus. orpheus. CapellaStargaze CapellaStargaze Nightshade98 Nightshade98
Just checking if you guys if you guys are still interested in this? If not just send a quick post informing you are not.

As for everyone else, I’m going to start closing applications for new players soon. I’ll give it five more days for anybody to express interest in this RP, after which time I will only accept character sheets from players who have stated interest before the deadline.

Also I’m still taking suggestions for a different codename for my character. I really don’t like Spiritus, but I’m drawing a blank on a replacement.
Shaman? Djinn? Geist?
Circe Circe SomebodyElse SomebodyElse deadly king deadly king Nellancholy Nellancholy orpheus. orpheus. CapellaStargaze CapellaStargaze Nightshade98 Nightshade98
Just checking if you guys if you guys are still interested in this? If not just send a quick post informing you are not.

As for everyone else, I’m going to start closing applications for new players soon. I’ll give it five more days for anybody to express interest in this RP, after which time I will only accept character sheets from players who have stated interest before the deadline.

Also I’m still taking suggestions for a different codename for my character. I really don’t like Spiritus, but I’m drawing a blank on a replacement.
I am gonna have to drop out sorry.
Reminding everyone that today is the last day to express interest in this RP. You don’t need a complete sheet or even a fully formed character concept, just an interest in participating. Mentioning such will save you a spot in the RP, but anything after midnight tonight will not be counted.
Reminding everyone that today is the last day to express interest in this RP. You don’t need a complete sheet or even a fully formed character concept, just an interest in participating. Mentioning such will save you a spot in the RP, but anything after midnight tonight will not be counted.
Im in still boss
Applied the fixes! And I may have went overboard with the backstory...oopsies... Lost Martian Lost Martian

Real Name: Joe Average

Codename: Sport

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Personality: Rough, cold and calculating. He doesn't plan on making friends. But if he grows to care about you, he will catch more than a few bullets for you.

Skills: Hand to hand combat (specifically Krav Maga), parkour, marksmanship.

Abilities/Powers: Joe can transform himself into a younger looking girl; he uses it to avoid detection and disappear in crowds. He can also let one body rest while using the other, doubling his effectiveness. One weird side effect is a change of ethnicity that grants him the ability to speak fluent Japanese-- at the cost of his English. The agency suspects it has something to do with his brain composition changing; which would explain why he tends to be more compassionate while transforms. They also wanted to test if it affects his romantic inclination; sadly Joe refused to admit himself to such humiliating test.

Either way Joe is attending English lessons as Sport, trying to re-learn the language so he won't be handicapped by it. Sport can currently speak with a very heavy accent, or avoids speaking completely.

However, upon certain conditions he may involuntarily transform: sudden spike in emotion, panic, getting knocked out, falling asleep etc.

Gear: A motorcycle, a deagle and a protective vest, Ōdachi

Backstory: Joe was born to the Average family in Gotham. They weren't rich, but they lived comfortably between Joe, his mother and father. He had an average highschool scholarship, and he ended up dropping out of college in pursuit of a police-mans career. Joe wanted nothing but to fight for his country, following in his father's footsteps. It was on one of these missions he acted as a chief in command. It was to be simple, infiltrate a japanese gang who based themselves in the Gotham slums, and interrupt their drug operations. The reason the gang location was known is thanks to a raid they conducted on an old japanese museum before burning it down. Apperantly they stole an Ōdachi, a large Japanese katana.
As Joe lead his crew into the basement of the decrepit warehouse he felt a force pushing him into the ground, piercing his back. Barely managing to turn around he noticed a hurrendous sight; it was Billy and Alan, his best friend, who gunned down the six men of his specialized unit from behind. A betrayal. The rest was a daze as gasoline was poured across the evidence and bodies, as Alan knelt besides Joe. "I told you boss, there are two types of cops. One of them turns crooked and rich, the other turns up dead with empty pockets." Billy lit up a stick, adding to the conversation "Nothing personal boss, you made your choice. It happened to be the wrong one."
Within the next minute everything went up in flames, Joe's vision grew red, smoke infiltrated his lungs. He was not ready for death, not now, not before--
. . . His dry eyes caught upon the japanese antique blade, it was calling to him. It promised strength and youth, wisdom and knowledge. Most of all it promised revenge.

When joe woke up he was in a hospital bed, the doctors explain they weren't able to pry the Ōdachi out of his arms while he slept.

"And we need identification, young lady. And an explanation of what you are doing with officer Joe's badge."

Long story short, the blade gave him a second form tied to it--it saved his live; and now it wanted blood. Joe knew no one would believe him, so the moment he could he jumped out of the hospital window and landed perfectly. Somehow he just knew he could-- was it the blade? Either way he started sprinting off. He felt invincible.

Two months later, Joe stood over 8 gravestones. His unit. Two of which he was personally responsible for; Billy and Alan-- he will never forget the merciless cuts across their bodies, hundreds of them all at once. The bodies were barely identified by dental records.

He let out a sigh and lit up a cig, looking down at the blade.

"It's just me and you now, partner."
. . .
But that was not the end. In the following year Joe's memories got blurred, a mix between medieval Japan and bustling Gotham streets. Japanese and English. Family and loneliness. Purpose and nothing. Anger and calm. Bloodthirst versus justice. Joe was a broken man who barely knew himself anymore, and he confessed everything to his therapist on his final day. "I can't deal with the nightmares, not anymore." He said as if it were a promise, heading out. The therapist luckily had a contact within the Checkmate agency, her brother, which she contacted with Joe's story.

"WHY WONT YOU LET ME DIE?!" Joe scram at the Ōdachi, as if he was expecting an answer. Cracks already formed in the ground below him from all the jumping down from heights, but every time he was about to hit the ground he transformed, rescuing himself. Joe then attempted to throw the blade away, but his hand simply wouldn't release it.

What does a man do when he has nothing left? When even the freedom to die is taken away from him? It's simple, he forgets. And to forget Joe went down to a bar. A local bar that was a favorite spot for up and coming gangsters. They were loud, claiming how many they killed or how much money they stole from the community bank. "What are you looking at, wise guy?" One of the dudes got up and placed his hand over Joe's shoulder. Joe was surrounded by numerous shots, clearly not a sober enough man to deal with punks today. "And what's with that long ass sword? Fancy yourself a samurai? Hah" he mocked as his friends followed.
"Dear mother of god." The officer said as he and his partner stood in shock. The floor was littered with body parts, and in the middle of it stood a young Japanese girl holding a vastly oversized katana. She was unmoving, didn't even blink. It was as if she dared to officers to proceed-- "bluehgh!.." one of the officers puked as he leaned on a pillar. "We need checkmate in on this, now!" The other called. "copy that, over and out" a reply came from the radio.
"You're a very lucky man, Joe." Said the special checkmate Agent, looking over some case files. "The men you killed were apperantly a part of a gang involved in drugs and human trafficking." Joe didn't look up.
And thus he was recruited instead of jail time. It took a few hours for the Agent to realize the female version of Joe couldn't comprehend English, but they got through it.

So now joe is a broken man, working for an Agency he doesn't think much of. He has mandatory therapy sessions, and he refuses to partner up, especially after what happened last time.

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It is now Friday, meaning that I’m no longer accepting no more new interest in this RP.

Kikimura Kikimura I like the character, but I do have some issues. Where did his power come from? Like was he born with it and it activated during a period of stress, like a metahuman? Or was it some kind of curse, either magical or alien? Or something completely different? I just like there being a reason for powers.

I would also like a little more back story, perhaps in that period where you skipped twenty years. I want to know why exactly Checkmate would even have this guy on their radar.

Also I’m going to guess and say that he legally changed his name to Joe Average? I’m Canadian, so maybe for all I know Average is a standard family name in the US. Ignore me, I’m being silly.

Anyways, once you address my few nitpicks, I think that Sport should be ready to go, once I give them another look over.

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