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Fantasy King's War (Open) - The Main Story



Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
You ever get that feeling where you feel going on your current path is the correct path but in your heart, it could only lead to disaster? Well, buckle up ladies and gentlemen, the story I'm about to tell you is one about strife and conflict...

Let's start with the current state of affairs, war has broken out after the King declared this state, as expected by someone.. you know... doing this, the only rational explanation would be to join the King on his stampede... right? Yes, if the King weren't in it for himself and greater power. Tyranical, oppressive, no-one dared oppose him, the king was unstoppable when someone of unknown origins started a revolt. The appearance of a third force... rebellion, his own son no less. The past events are set in stone and the present is getting etched, the future is yours to decide.

Let me help you....


You wake up, possibly in an unknown city, at least at first, as it comes to you, you remember why you wake up here. That's right, the King is a stone cold bastard of a King, you were afraid he would kill you on spot, so your only rational decision to avoid that was to run to the next city over and figure out your game plan. You hear of a rebellion, a rebellion being led by the once Prince Leon of the Nation. You wonder, if the Prince would even need you, sure your a decent fighter but are you good enough to one day fight the King? The overwhelming feeling of contemplation sinks in and surrounds you, then it hits you like a bullet train. The King essentially took your home from you, the place you grew up and now.. he plans to take other people's homes all for some quest for power. Wait, you've seen this before, in one of those 'mangas', you've never read one before, but you hear the discussions all over the city before the King took it over. Classic villain behavior.

To get back to the Pre-Story, click this.

Other Helpful links; The Lore Story (The Pre-Story)
(RP start blqckqq blqckqq The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof )
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The following events take place weeks after the war declaration...
Leon seemed a bit distraught, his normally calm and collected expression broken by the overwhelming betrayal of his father. "I haven't heard anything from Sirge, is he staying behind?" Leon asked himself, not quite sure of Sirge's whereabouts. Which was to be expected, Sirge never seemed to be around the castle anymore and rather loitering around the local library. Leon took one of the stabled horse and rode off to the next city where he found lodging, he hid his identity as Prince, at least for now. Everything for now seemed peaceful, no-one wanted to hope into a conflict without proper back up. For now, Leon stayed on the down low until he figured out what he could possibly do, news had not yet reached many of the outer cities.

Days more had passed since Leon settled in this city, though doing better, he was still shaken but he knew what he wanted to do, now he needed to gather more fighters to start a rebellion. The first people he could of think besides Sirge were his Retainers, maybe they were willing to join him. He sent for a messenger, one to the captial. The messenger arrived and delivered the message to the Retainers, the letter read;

'My dearest Retainers,
It is I, Leon. I have found a city I call home now, after a few weeks of deliberation, I have decided to begin a revolt. At least, I intend to, I need a few good soldiers to jpoin first and you were the only people I had thought about. I beseech you, you've been loyal to me for the longest time. Should you want to help, I will be here. If this location got to father, I am sure he would send his.. 'death squad' to hunt me. Keep this letter a secret.
-Prince Leon'

The letter also contained the name of the city that Leon was in, all he could was wait and hope his Retainers were still loyal to him.
Emmi Emmi blqckqq blqckqq Graysilver264 Graysilver264
"Neska." The purring noise coming from in front of the man stopped with his call.

"Yes my lord?" Neska's ears tried to perk up in attention, but Sirge's hand just flattened them out again on it's path over her head.

"When we get back, could you make sure the letter Genovia handed me gets to the person it was meant to? After re-sealing it, of course." Sirge's eyebrows knitted together as he stared hard at the book in his other hand. "Also, I don't get any of this. Do you seriously think having me stare at the digressing ramblings and faulty guesses of sages is going to give me more inspiration in the field of magic?"

"It is the best method available..." Neska sounded downcast, but when Sirge played with her right ear her eyes darted to the door. "So, to keep yourself afloat in public approval, you need to figure out a new finding among these books soon. I highly suggest you get to it, with only a few months left." Contrasting to her harsh tone, Neska looked up at Sirge with saddened eyes. The two stayed silent for a few minutes, Neska's tail coiling around Sirge's leg in lieu of a hug.

"Sorry." Sirge laid the book he held on the table and gave his full attention to Neska, even sliding down onto the floor next to her.

"I don't mind, I was the one to recommend it. Have you decided on what you want to do?"

"I'm going to send someone in my place... A mutual friend? No, I don't think we have one. Anyways, I'm going to send someone they know well to be acquainted with me. I won't send you though, that would be making it too obvious. As for the content of the message... An alliance proposal, I suppose. I don't have the might they do, so as regrettable as it is I can only supply monetary needs though."

"... I was really scared, that night. It was the first time I've seen you in rage."

"I'm vexed that I wasn't able to hide it that time, I made you worry."

"You're fine. You were already stressed that day from the recent rumors about me, I should have withheld the news for a night."

Kumii Kumii Do with this what you will
King Hal
King Hal sat upon his empty throne, his expression hardened, "I see." He said with a gruff voice, "So... my son decides he can rebel against me? I have ears all over this putrid country. Still.." he lifted his head with a nasty smile, "I'm surprised he;s managed to hide from me this long, perhaps the boy has measure of skill."

"S-sir, maybe we sh-should--" a court noble spoke out with a shaky and scared tone of voice, "Let me guess," Hal's voice cut through the halls like a knife, ",you want me to send some soldiers to eliminate my son. Son, I'm no fool, I would need to send my finest to kill him. For now.." he raised his voice, "Emilia! Front and center!" His command called out to Emilia.
The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof


The black haired teenager was busy picking some daisies to notice anything going on. With a huge smile on her face, she continued to pick them, carelessly. Her ruby red cape practically floated in the air as she was bent down. She didn't even notice a castle maid trying to speak to her. "Erm, Lady Raven?"

Raven felt a hand touch her shoulder. She blinked and turned around. "Oh, yes, Miss Bennett?" The maid handed her a letter. "It's from my Lord." Raven's face lit up in joy. "Really?" With a bouquet of daises in her hand, she grabbed the letter, smiling to herself. "Thank you, Miss Bennett. You may leave." She nodded and walked away. Raven bit her lip, her silver eyes twinkling. He silently giggled to herself, opening the letter to read it.

My dearest Retainers,
It is I, Leon. I have found a city I call home now, after a few weeks of deliberation, I have decided to begin a revolt. At least, I intend to, I need a few good soldiers to jpoin first and you were the only people I had thought about. I beseech you, you've been loyal to me for the longest time. Should you want to help, I will be here. If this location got to father, I am sure he would send his.. 'death squad' to hunt me. Keep this letter a secret.
-Prince Leon

She then carefully placed the letter in her pocket, nodding to herself. I guess I'll just have to go to this city. With that, Raven pulled up her blood red, worn hood, and looked up at the sky. "I'm coming for you, Lord Leon," she whispered. She took out her scythe, and waved it around in her hand, getting a few awkward glimpses from a few castle maids.

She then skipped away, going to the designated city.

Mentioned: Kumii Kumii || Interacting With: Open


The long haired boy narrowed his eyes at the thirty year old soldier who had challenged him. "You dare challenge me?" He said in a thick, serious tone. The soldier scoffed. "Yeah! Or are you too scared, Artemis?" He snickered. Artemis's blue eyes glinted for a moment. "Alright, I accept your challenge." He tied his long hair up to a bun. "Oooooh," a bunch of men "ooh"ed. "When he ties his hair, it's serious, man."

Artemis gripped his katana, chin straight ahead. "Now, let's begin and fight like men," he unsheathed his katana. The soldier blinked, and blinked again. "W-what? No, I meant thumb wrestling!" Before Artemis could attack, he stopped. "What?"

"We meant thumb wrestling, you idiot."

He then sheathed his katana, furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh my god," he groaned. "Seriously? Thumb wrestling? Where's your class?" The soldier scowled. "Your thumbs are small, unlike mine. I will get my revenge from the day you humiliated me!"

"You mixed up the color red with pink. Can you blame me?"

"Enough! Now, we shall fight like men! And alas, you will taste defeat, Black!" Artemis sighed. "Do I have to do this? This is idiotic!" The soldier cracked his knuckles. "What? Afraid of facing the king of thumb wrestling?" Artemis sighed. "Are you done with your foolish and utter bullshit?"

"Shut up and fight me, Black!"

"Alright, fine, dumbass." Artemis, miserable, held out his thumb. The soldier did the same. "One! Two! Three! Go!"

It was all so fast! Before the thirty year old soldier could do anything, Artemis already had his chubby little thumb underneath his. "Wh-wha..." the soldier trailed off. Artemis took in his hand, stretching. "God, you were so easy." The soldier's face tinged red from embarrassment.


Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Open
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King Hal
King Hal sat upon his empty throne, his expression hardened, "I see." He said with a gruff voice, "So... my son decides he can rebel against me? I have ears all over this putrid country. Still.." he lifted his head with a nasty smile, "I'm surprised he;s managed to hide from me this long, perhaps the boy has measure of skill."

"S-sir, maybe we sh-should--" a court noble spoke out with a shaky and scared tone of voice, "Let me guess," Hal's voice cut through the halls like a knife, ",you want me to send some soldiers to eliminate my son. Son, I'm no fool, I would need to send my finest to kill him. For now.." he raised his voice, "Emilia! Front and center!" His command called out to Emilia.
The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof
Emilia was fully ironclad, as almost always. SHe had heard the kings call, making her way to the throne room now. She entered, the whole room looking at her. Her sword on her hip, it´s hilt ornamented with the black and silver skull. Taking a knee front to the king, Emilia took off her helmet. "My men are already at it, my king.", she replied, looking up to him. "Excuse my boldness, will you allow me to stay at your side, as a measure of security? Who know´s what insolent plans those rebels might have, i would rather know you save with me than regret afterwards."
King Hal
King Hal's eyes darkened at the mention of Emilia preemptively sending soldiers without his notification, "I am annoyed you sent soldiers without my order." He shot a dark stare at Emilia, "However, your preemptive decision leaves you available. As punishment for your rash decision, I have a special mission for you." The other nobles in the courtroom looked at the King, possibly thinking what the King could be mean, "I'm sure you're aware of the village nearby where my traitor son is located. I want you to eliminate every last of them, women and children too. Destroy the village before he can have the chance to recruit them into his little rebellion." His grip tightened around the arms of his throne, "While it's true no-one can stand up to the might of my army, this village poses a huge threat to the kingdom. They are a village of very powerful swordmasters and dark mages, if they join his rebellion the might of HIS army will grow tenfold. I doubt he knows about this, so keep this a secret." He looked at his subject, "Return successful... or not at all." His tone darkened.

Some of the other nobles began whispering to each other, "The King worried about a village of mages and swordsman?"

"Yeah, I mean if he isn't worried, he wouldn't send her to eliminate them.. even so, if the king is sending his Elite to destroy the village, maybe they really are a threat.."
Interacting: The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof | Mentioned: None
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King Hal
King Hal's eyes darkened at the mention of Emilia preemptively sending soldiers without his notification, "I am annoyed you sent soldiers without my order." He shot a dark stare at Emilia, "However, your preemptive decision leaves you available. As punishment for your rash decision, I have a special mission for you." The other nobles in the courtroom looked at the King, possibly thinking what the King could be mean, "I'm sure you're aware of the village nearby where my traitor son is located. I want you to eliminate every last of them, women and children too. Destroy the village before he can have the chance to recruit them into his little rebellion." His grip tightened around the arms of his throne, "While it's true no-one can stand up to the might of my army, this village poses a huge threat to the kingdom. They are a village of very powerful swordmasters and dark mages, if they join his rebellion, the might of HIS army will grow tenfold. I doubt he knows about this, so keep this a secret." He looked at his subject, "Return successful... or not at all." His tone darkened.

Some of the other nobles began whispering to each other, "The King worried about a village of mages and swordsman?"

"Yeah, I mean if he isn't worried, he wouldn't send her to eliminate them.. even so, if the king is sending his Elite to destroy the village, maybe they really are a threat.."
Interacting: The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof | Mentioned: None
Emilia looked downwards. "I will gladly follow that order, your highness.", she replied, getting up and putting on her helmet. "I will be going right away and will return as always. Sucessfull. The Demon Squadron will not let you down, your majesty." She turned on the heel. Two soldiers had come with her, stopping at the door. They were standing still, like statues. "Ericson! Harrington! All units that are not in security service are to gear up. Full suit, battle ready, travel ready. I want them all front to the castle in 30 minutes. Who is late will be thrown off the walls." With that order, she turned one last time, bowing to her king. "Consider it done, my king."


With her red hood over her head, she had almost arrived to the designated city/village. She had a coy smile on her face, tainted with small, cute dimples. Her weapon was carelessly in her hand, visible. She got a couple of awkward glances, which caused her cheeks to warm. With her short, black hair tinged a bit red at her tips, she twirled a strand around, nervously. She groaned. What do I have to do in order to not get noticed? She then hit her foot against a rock, which caused her grunt and wrap her hands around her toe, dropping her scythe.


She took a deep breath, and let go, mumbling to herself. "Great, I dropped my weapon." She bent down to pick up her weapon, feeling the familiar metal on her fingertips. "Why did King Hal have to choose a young girl?" Raven muttered. She then furrowed her eyebrows, and started to mimic the king. "Oh! Your skills are awesomeeeee we could use you!" she said, mimicking his voice. She started to tap her feet lightly on the ground. She held up her pointer finger, crossing her eyes. "Oh, sorry, but you have to commit your stupid life to my children whoareveryhandsomeandattractive."

She sighed, and turned around to walk in the city, skipping. She still got weird and skeptical looks. She then went to the correct address where Prince Leon was waiting. She peaked in. "Is the penguin happily asleep in the Arctic?" she asked. That was code for "was it alright to come in". If it wasn't and she walked in, that would mean his cover might be blown. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

Mentioned: Kumii Kumii || Interacting With: Open

Prince Leon
Leon heard an all to familiar voice, though not surprised it her who would come first, he was relieved at least one of them came. Leon got up and open the door, smiling, "Actually, it went more like.." Leon crossed his eyes and held his finger up, "Miss, I wanna hire you to protect my handsomeandveryatrractive sons. Would you please?" Leon chuckled, "To which you replied 'yes' because you thought leaving two very fine men would be a waste... am I wrong?" Leon smiled, "It's good to see you." He offered to let Raven in, it wasn't a palace like his previous home, but it served it's purpose.

"It may not be much.. but it's... home, I guess." Leon sat down and open Mjölnir and began reading it, "You may be wondering, 'what's this talk of a rebellion'? Well, that;s what it is right now... just talk." Leon sighed, "I would need help with the whole, 'risk your life and die for me to save this world' pitch, y'know?" Leon said all this without even looking up from his book, his expression was either really sad or really angry, it was hard to tell with face rested like this. Leon leaned on his hand then suddenly he threw Mjölnir into the air in frustration and groaned loudly, "Why? Why did father have to go and be evil? He's put everyone he's loved into an awkward position. I don't even know where my little brother Sirge is or my other two retainers." Mjölnir flopped, cover up, onto the ground next to Leon.

Leon flopped his head onto the table he was sitting at, "Everything sucks. Or at least, sucks worse then it did before."
Interacting: Emmi Emmi


The young retainer then saw Leon open the door, smiling, "Actually, it went more like.." Leon crossed his eyes and held his finger up, "Miss, I wanna hire you to protect my handsomeandveryatrractive sons. Would you please?" Leon chuckled, and Raven's face turned bright red from embarrassed. She hung her head, shamefully. "To which you replied 'yes' because you thought leaving two very fine men would be a waste... am I wrong?" Leon smiled, and the black haired female blushed harder. "Well... uh..." She bit her lip.

Crap. He heard me. "It's good to see you." He offered to let Raven in. Raven, slowly walked in, still feeling a bit flustered. "It may not be much.. but it's... home, I guess." Leon sat down and open Mjölnir and began reading it. She nodded, looking around the room, trying to process what happened. "You may be wondering, 'what's this talk of a rebellion'? Well, that;s what it is right now... just talk." Leon sighed, "I would need help with the whole, 'risk your life and die for me to save this world' pitch, y'know?" Leon said all this without even looking up from his book, his expression was either really sad or really angry. Leon leaned on his hand then suddenly he threw Mjölnir into the air in frustration and groaned loudly, "Why? Why did father have to go and be evil? He's put everyone he's loved into an awkward position. I don't even know where my little brother Sirge is or my other two retainers." Mjölnir flopped, cover up, onto the ground next to Leon. Leon flopped his head onto the table he was sitting at, "Everything sucks. Or at least, sucks worse then it did before."

Before Raven could stop herself, she commented, "I guess the king should've really closed his mouth, since he proved his idiocy." She then clamped a hand over her mouth. ShitshitshitshitwhythefuckdidIsaythat?OhgoshIguessI'mdead.

Raven didn't know what to say. She then finally broke the silence. "You've came such a long way, my Lord. Would you like me to give you a massage? Food? Anything?" Raven can't help it. She can't risk her job. She did just insult royalty. Twice. "Should I patrol the outside for suspicious people?" She took a deep breath, immaturely biting her lip and staring at the floor, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"IlovemyjobmyLordpleasedon'tfireme," she whispered, a bit hopeful. "Ididn'tmeanwhatIsaidearlier. I mean, I did... but uh..." crap, it wasn't going well for her.

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Kumii Kumii


Artemis rolled his eyes as he patrolled the kingdom. It was his turn to do so, and he resented it. Sure, he loved some action here and there... but seriously, his village had better entertainers. He looked around the area, and noticed a couple of girls staring at him. He narrowed his eyes, and stared at them for a long moment. "Can I help you?" He finally asked, walked towards them, a serious expression on his face. His chin was high, and he looked down at the young woman. They giggled.

"Would you care to join us for a drink or two?" A petite one asked. Artemis blinked. "No," he flat out refused, rudely. "Come on~" one of them said, grabbing on to his arm, their--erm--*cough*--bouncing. Artemis looked away, disgusted. "I would suggest you cover your chest up, miss. Rapists would come after you." The girl giggled.

"Then again, no one would want to rape someone who's over their forties." Artemis yanked his arm back, leaving the woman shocked. "I am too young for you. Eighteen. About a twenty year difference."

He then began to walk away. "Damnnnnnn bro," a fellow soldier came in, wrapping his arm around Artemis. "To get the ladies, you gotta be smoooooth~ Don't call a lady fat or old. Take it from my experience." He shivered.

The long haired male stared at him with a cold expression. "I came here to do my work. I don't plan on getting seduced by a bunch of older women."

"Bro, she was hot though."

"Not interested."

"My manszszszszszz~"

"Stop it."

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Open
The Clumsy Prince Leon
Leon looked up, his semingly cold expression lightened a bit, "Well... you aren't wrong y'know." His cold expression return, rather, it was sad, "An idiot, father is not. That was... not father. He wouldn't just--" He stopped, "Anyways, I'm not gonna get rid of you for simply stating your heart. Nothing you said wasn't true. Besides... you're too valuable to me." He said, though his face didn't flush, "Y-you know.. a-as a friend... s-sorry, that came out... kinda wrong." His face finally flushed with a little embarrassment. He still hasn't made any moves to pick up Mjölnir, "Hey, Raven, you know where Sirge is? Do you know if he's safe?" Leon couldn't help but think, Sirge has Neska and Leon knew Neska was rarely ever not by Sirge's side. Though he's never actually seen Neska fight, for some reason, Leon knew Neska would keep Sirge safe, "Nevermind.. I just remembered something." DAMNIT LEON, WHY ARE YOU GETTING ALL DEPRESSED? As a future King, you can't be getting emotional over your baby brother... get it together. He though to himself.

"You know what, I'm right!" He suddenly stood only to realize moments later, saying something like, 'I'm right' means he's gone mad and he immediately flushed bright red with embarrassment, "N-no w-wait! I-I meant... You-you know I didn't.. gah! I-I was thinking to myself! That's all really! I haven't gone insane, I swear!" He told Raven, though knowing her she probably won't care all too much, he covered his face and mumbled, "Oh crap.. my clumsiness is getting the better of me."
Interacting: Emmi Emmi | Mentioned: None

King Hal and Jacob
Hal watched as Emilia left, "Good. Soon... Everything will be set in MY image.. once that putrid mage town is destroyed, nothing will be left that can oppose me. Not even my darling little prince.." Hal grunted, "Arrogant little bastard. First you defy me, then you make me kill my only way of reproducing and now you try to start a rebellion against me... I'll kill you myself if my loyal subjects haven't yet."

From around the corner of the open door to the throne stood a butler, though who it was wasn't clear just yet, his eyes were dark and his teeth were gritted. Moments later however, he composed himself and entered the throne room, "My King, I have brought the requested item from your personal quarters, getting in was kinda tough, I'm afraid, as you forgot to give me the keys." He delivered the items to the King. He stood at 5'9" with brilliant icy blue eyes and wore a old-fashioned butler's outfit and carried a single dagger, the King allowed all of his loyal maids and butlers to carry such a weapon.

"Ah, very well... Jacob.. you may leave." Jacob bowed, "Thank you, milord." Jacob then proceeded to walk out the throne room and back to the area where the butler and maids worked, though despite it being a 'maids area' Jacob was allowed in. He was very well-connected with the maids and butlers of the castle.
Mentioned: The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof | Interacting: None
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Leon looked up, his seamingly cold expression lightened a bit, "Well... you aren't wrong y'know." Raven's face lit up, while his cold expression return, rather, it was sad. This caused Raven to frown. "An idiot, father is not. That was... not father. He wouldn't just--" He stopped, "Anyways, I'm not gonna get rid of you for simply stating your heart. Nothing you said wasn't true. Besides... you're too valuable to me." He said, though his face didn't flush. Her face, however, turned bright red. "Wh-wha...?"

"Y-you know.. a-as a friend... s-sorry, that came out... kinda wrong." His face finally flushed with a little embarrassment. Raven felt a sharp pain prick her heart. She was friendzoned, He still hasn't made any moves to pick up Mjölnir. Before she could stop herself, she whispered, "Have you ever thought that we could be something more than friends?"

Shit shit why did I say that?

However, it seemed as though Prince Leon didn't hear her. Maybe he did but ignored her. "Hey, Raven, you know where Sirge is? Do you know if he's safe?" Raven looked up, deep in thought. "Not sure. But, I'm pretty sure he's safe and womanizing his way through. Plus, Neska'll keep--"

"Nevermind.. I just remembered something." Leon cut in. Then, he suddenly stood up, making Raven cringe. "You know what, I'm right!" he then immediately flushed bright red with embarrassment. "N-no w-wait! I-I meant... You-you know I didn't.. gah! I-I was thinking to myself! That's all really! I haven't gone insane, I swear!" He told Raven. She narrowed her eyes, looking up at him. "Oh crap.. my clumsiness is getting the better of me."

"I think you're just nervous, My Lord. Maybe some cold water will help?" She offered. She then took out a water skin from her pocket. Suddenly, a notebook also fell from her pocket. The color drained from Raven's face, realizing which notebook that was. On the cover, she had written,





"Gahhh!" Raven yelled, quickly grabbing it. "S-sorry about th-that. Do you want some water?"

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Kumii Kumii

Prince Leon
Leon was snapped out of his little outburst, "Nervous? You could say that. Though I think it may be more of a frustrated confusion." Leon sat back down and finally reached down to pick up Mjölnir, he closed the tome and placed it on the table in front of him, "I know what I have to do but I have no idea on how to go about doing it right now." Leon leaned his head back briefly, "How am I to convince hundreds of common people to fight a war that will inevitable lead to the deaths of thousands, if not, millions?" He looked back down at Raven, "Do you have--"

Leon was briefly interrupted by a note that dropped from Raven's pocket, "A note? What was that?" He asked out of curiosity, he only was able to see the first few letters before Raven quickly picked it up. Was it like some sort of motivational letter? Leon was confused, "Raven, what does that note say?" At this point, he completely avoided her question to get Leon some water. He knows he shouldn't pry in others' private affairs, but the words he did manage to see caught his attention, 'You may be confused'. The letter certainly conveyed Leon's feelings right now.
Interacting: Emmi Emmi | Mentioned: None

Jacob bowed, "Lady Elizabeth." One of the nobles entered the room Jacob was in, "You don't have to address me so formally here, the King isn't around." Elizabeth was a rather popular noble, at least one of the more sensible and observant ones. "Tell me, Jacob, are you upset?" Her voice was soft, like running your hand over a piece of fine silk.

"Upset, milady? What makes you--" Jacob's sentence was interrupted by Elizabeth, "I know, where your from at least." Jacob's expression hardened, "I guess... yeah, I am." Elizabeth softly smiled, "Lady Elizabeth, you seem you have a sixth sense about people.. don't you?" Jacob chuckled. It was hard for Jacob to get a read on the noble, though from her body language and her knowledge on his past and his birth home, it was safe to assume that she was in the boat as Jacob was. The fact she asked him to address her casually was one indication Jacob could trust her but he needed more then this to fully trust her.
Interacting: None | Mentioned: None
Rick Fresh

"Just a few more new trees to plant" "Can you start reducing the number of boars Nathaniël?" Rick said to his hunter friend who answered with a "Mhm". Rick was planting his trees from the apples in his baskets which he used as seeds. On his way he gathered a few medicinal herbs to sell for later. He had not been getting a lot of money as of lately. His students in medicine had been progressing steadily, but it would be years untill they would be making money for him. In the quiet of the forest, only a few birds were to be heard. Rick scanned the sounds of those as they told him there was no danger nearby. He planted his last apple and just as he did, "Tha thump tha thump" A horse. The birds flew up and Rick straightened his pose, so did his trusted wolf who he had called Jazzy for his music preference. Rick positioned his hands and whistled like a bird.

After exactly three seconds, the sound came back and Rick and Nathaniël relaxed. "Robin, what is a border scavenger like you doing here?" Nathaniël shouted. Instead of a joke in return this came, "A letter from the prince for you Rick!". This worried him, there must be something urgent. Rick whistled another tune and heard his horse running up, he took the letter from Robin and opened it quickly. He would have been happy to hear from his prince who had been his favourite to teach in his ways of tending nature, now it was dire and Rick`s role would be to protect his prince and student. He opened the letter which was send all the way to the deep parts of the forest.

'My dearest Retainers,
It is I, Leon. I have found a city I call home now, after a few weeks of deliberation, I have decided to begin a revolt. At least, I intend to, I need a few good soldiers to join first and you were the only people I had thought about. I beseech you, you've been loyal to me for the longest time. Should you want to help, I will be here. If this location got to father, I am sure he would send his.. 'death squad' to hunt me. Keep this letter a secret.
-Prince Leon'

Rick`s face turned dire and his eye got a sparkle. He took up his staff and the herbs he was going to sell and mounted his horse. "I will tend to this alone, await my letters with anticipation, if you do not hear from me in a month, act on your gut", Rick nodded and knew his friends would understand. This was retainer business, wise guy time and a time to offer advise. This was a time to gather more than just students, it was a time of revolt. Rick took of, spurring his horse on leaving his friends to trim the amount of boars. Jazzy followed him close behind.

On his way, Rick encountered the weird town where he knew magicians would be wanting to buy the strange herbs for a good price. These people were skilled at their magic, which made them too prideful to pick the herbs on their own. That was a low ranks job. Rick did not mind being regarded as low as long as he could sell his basket of herbs and be rich for a while. This amount of gold would warrant him a new staff or even a home if he wanted. He also knew it could buy him a couple of his own mercenaries.

Continuing his journey, he hunted a last time together with Jazzy, netting some rabbits to eat for his last bit. He would sell the fur at the town Leon was in for information on his whereabouts. The salesman guided him to the place where a clumsy female with a scythe had been seen, Rick knew who that should be. He knocked on the door, "is the pinguin happily asleep in the attic?" he inquired, knowing Ravens sense of humor.

Kumii Kumii Emmi Emmi


"My, the poor lad had a letter. From a lover? Perhaps I should deliver the bad news to the poor lass." Cerryl slid his ornate sword back into it's scabbard before kneeling next to the corpse, plucking a piece of parchment from it's breast pocket. "'My Dearest Retainers...' A love letter, this is not! Should I be glad that I am not responsible for bereaving a sweet girl of her love, or saddened that I have prevented a man from pursuing his destined quest? Why, rather than either of those, I should be ecstatic for finding something so interesting!" Without minding the corpse he left behind, Cerryl stashed the letter in his own breast pocket as he made way to the city. This was two days ago.
Cerryl stood from across the street, watching a druid-looking man knock on a door and say some silly password with the hood of his cloak drawn over his head. He found himself impatient, though, and instead of waiting more than the two seconds he already had to see if the druid's password worked, he pulled the man out of the way with a calm "Excuse me, young man," as he kicked the door open in a way so as to avoid damage. "Oi, is there a mister Leon in here? You have a friendly visitor here, but you seem to have forgotten your manners as he wasn't invited in at a socially appropriate time!"

- With a huge, cocky smile, Cerryl was bound to be Cerryl.

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"- After hearing that, I'm sure you understand why I'm concerned. If his feelings set him against the king, this is just about the worst place for him to be. Even if he doesn't sway to be against him..."

"The mad king will likely take his head just on pure suspicion." Sirge set down his knife and fork, having eaten a polite amount of the bountiful food provided. "I can see why you went so far as to invite me to your house, and dismiss the servants. This is certainly something you don't want others hearing, it sounds like treason." While most people saying treason would strike fear into the surroundings with the implied threat, Sirge only made it sound as a matter of fact, almost belittling the threat the word should imply. "It makes me sad to leave Neska outside the door for guard duty, though."

Elizabeth could only bow her head in apology, knowing how important Neska was to Sirge.

After a moment of silence and thought, Sirge spoke up again. "Well... What would you have me do about this? As you may know, I'm neutral to all the recent events no matter how I've felt, as that's the only way for me to stay alive with certainty. I can't get your friend, Jacob, out of the country without making myself suspect, as much as I would love to give that much aid to you."

With a bit of a sad expression, Elizabeth looked down at the plate of food in front of her. "Advice is more than I could ask for, Sirge. Bringing you here whenever my family is under scrutiny is already -"

"- is already way less greedy than you should be. You should depend on your connections with me more, all of you. Your fathers' old ideas of males being dominant lower your self values way too much, and half the time I'm only told of your personal issues last minute if I ever am, and end up taking the role of consoling instead of the role of helping." Sirge's voice was a bit upset and his eyebrows were furrowed, though it would be difficult to call what he seemed to be expressing anger. If Neska were here, she probably would have held his hand and told him it was OK. "Contacting me as soon as possible with troubles like this makes it so that I could possibly do something with my limited power. Now then, if it's advice, I can give that easily." Sirge quickly ran over what he knew of the head butler once again before pouring out all his ideas. "First, I wouldn't trust father. I know I'm neutral and thus it's improper to say this, but he's gone in the head. Whatever gentle king we had before is gone now, and in his seat sits a shell of a man only capable of suspecting and using people. The only reason I'm alive is because you girls do a good job of keeping tight lips about my ability, and the rest of the nobles regard me a powerless fool."

"It's the least we could do, to return all your favors."

Unaffected by the honest appreciation, Sirge continued. "Jacob should leave this castle, the capital, and the kingdom. Immediately. Under normal circumstances I would advise waiting a bit to let suspicion that may already be there cool off, but we're dealing with a madman that will never let go of suspicion once formed. He shouldn't go towards his village, it's likely to be burned down long before he can get there, and may possibly have a trap laid for him. Instead, he should head straight to Leon if he desires vengeance or out of the country should he desire peace. As for you, yourself... I highly recommend breaking ties with your father should he spout anything more about being loyal to my brother. I know it's cold, but your father is a fool to declare his allegiance in a den of angry wolves."

Elizabeth went rigid when she realized the implications of what Sirge said. "It's true, then? The rumors I heard... I had thought - I had hoped he only sought asylum from the King's wrath, and nothing else."

"Yeah, the rumors are true, as all heads of houses found out today when my father learned of it. What was at first only diplomatic and family tensions has spiraled into a civil war. Any noble in this capital still praising my brother as the next king by the end of tomorrow will likely see themselves and their families purged before they get an opportunity to go to my brother's side. Warn your father, since he likely doesn't yet understand that he's part of a rebel's faction. As a last resort, if he refuses to budge even after having the gravity of the situation shoved in his face, tell your father to maintain a farce of supporting the king until you all find an opportunity to leave the capital and the immediate range of the king's wrath. If he doesn't even agree to that, or if it feels too dangerous to you, break ties. If necessary I'll announce an engagement with me to shield you, but your family is essentially doomed if they don't make it clear that they don't support Leon." Sirge got up from his seat at the dining table, putting a hand on the shoulder of Elizabeth who was deep in thought. "The food was great. Please, invite me to dinner again in a week." Without waiting for a reply, he left the room.

"You didn't even eat half your steak, you herbivorous man."


"Nervous? You could say that. Though I think it may be more of a frustrated confusion." Leon said to Raven as he sat back down and finally reached down to pick up Mjölnir, he closed the tome and placed it on the table in front of him, "I know what I have to do but I have no idea on how to go about doing it right now." Leon leaned his head back briefly, "How am I to convince hundreds of common people to fight a war that will inevitable lead to the deaths of thousands, if not, millions?" He looked back down at Raven, "Do you have--"

Leon was briefly interrupted by a note that dropped from Raven's pocket, "A note? What was that?" He asked. "N-nothing..." she fibbed, quickly shoving it in her satchel. "Raven, what does that note say?"

"R-really... nothing." She lied. She then felt bad about lying. "It's just uh... a... reminder."

What? It's true, technically.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, which made Raven beam. Saved, she thought. "is the penguin happily asleep in the arctic?" Raven smiled to herself. That must be Rick. "Yep!" Raven exclaimed, cheerfully, pretending nothing happened.

A familiar man then kicked the door open in a way so as to avoid damage. "Oi, is there a mister Leon in here? You have a friendly visitor here, but you seem to have forgotten your manners as he wasn't invited in at a socially appropriate time!" Raven's grin turned into a dark scowl. "Tch. It's you," she muttered. In her twenty four hour of memories, she wishes she would just forget his ugly face and never see him again. But, sadly, she sees him 24/7, and his name is written in her notebook of memories.

Mentioned: Kumii Kumii That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Graysilver264 Graysilver264 || Interacting With: Kumii Kumii
Rick Fresh

"Yep!", Sounded from inside. It was a cheery voice and that made Rick feel relieved as he had not known what to expect, it might have been that Raven and Leon were in grave trouble, but it seemed not to be the case. Rick wanted to wait untill the door was opened, Rick got pulled aside, which only succeeded because Rick did not expect it. "Excuse me young man", well that is nice, he thinks I am young. "Oi, is there a mister Leon in here? You have a friendly visitor here, but you seem to have forgotten your manners as he wasn't invited in at a socially appropriate time!". This guy was really insolent.

"Tch, it`s you",
Rick was happy to hear Raven`s voice clearly now. "No, it was me. This mistaken man did not think about what he was doing and got in my way. You destroyed our property, that is not a nice thing to do, you should be taught some manners". Rick wiggled himself inside, not minding a fight with this man now that the element of surprise was gone. "Hey Raven", his gaze shifted to his prince not knowing who this other man was, he kept his excitement in check. "Young sire, you are allright I am delighted to see this so.".
One big, semi-dysfunctional family and Leon
Leon glanced to the door, a familiar face entered, Rick Fresh. Leon was more than overjoyed, "You're here! My letter reached you safely obviously." He looked at Raven, "Raven, I know you hate Cerryl but could you try to at least get along with him?" The three of them together again has risen the overall atmosphere of the area, Leon then glanced at Cerryl then to Rick and smiled, "I'm harder to kill than you think." Or so he would like to think.. but that is a story for another time. Leon wanted to take this time to just chill out with his retainers and Cerryl before he got down to the nitty gritty of why he called them, though he suspected they had a slight idea.

He stood up, leaving his tome on the table, "Alright! Who wants to go shopping?" Leon said out of practically nowhere. Without hesitation, Leon began grabbing his essential shopping things and waited for the ones who wanted to go to speak up.
Interacting: That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Graysilver264 Graysilver264 Emmi Emmi | Mentioned: None

Elizabeth and Jacob
" - That's what he told me, Jacob." Elizabeth had just gotten done telling Jacob what Sirge had told her, to which Jacob responded with a grunt, "So the Lord wants me to leave the castle?" Elizabeth nodded, Jacob understood the concern, "I... I see." Jacob sighed, "Who will I--" Jacob remembered Lord Leon and what Elizabeth had just told him, "Right, If he wants me to leave, then I think you should too, though I think he already told you, didn't he?"

Elizabeth nodded, "He told me to cut ties." Jacob looked down, "Milady.. stay safe." Jacob then began walking away, "You too!" Jacob had left the room, "Please don't die..." Elizabeth sighed and returned to her room. She closed the door and took off the kerchief the female nobles were required to wear, letting her mid-back length deep silver hair run free. She ran her fingers through it to straighten it out a bit, all while having a sad look on her face, her deep concern for her good friend Jacob was slowly taking over.
Interacting: None | Mentioned: None
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"No, it was me. This mistaken man did not think about what he was doing and got in my way. You destroyed our property, that is not a nice thing to do, you should be taught some manners". Rick wiggled himself inside, while Raven snickered. "Hey Raven", Rick greeted. The retainer simply waved at him, coyly smiling. "Young sire, you are alright I am delighted to see this so."

"You're here! My letter reached you safely obviously," Lord Leon exclaimed at Rick. He then looked at Raven, "Raven, I know you hate Cerryl but could you try to at least get along with him?" Raven pouted, and crossed her arms, childishly. "Fine. But, only because who asked me, MiLord." Leon then glanced at Cerryl then to Rick and smiled, "I'm harder to kill than you think." Raven nodded, intrigued. She then mocked-a flex. "As long as I'm on Lord Leon's side, he'd be immortal!" She laughed, then felt a bit depressed.

That was so stupid why did I say that? Oh meh gesh kill me please.

Surprising Raven, he stood up, leaving his tome on the table, "Alright! Who wants to go shopping?" Leon said out of practically nowhere. Raven narrowed her eyes, stupidly. "Uh.. shopping..?" she asked. "That was a bit... random..." she muttered under her breath. Her cheeks flushed a bright red. As red as her cape. "Uh... sure. If you want to, Lord Leon." She then smiled to herself a bit.

I'd go anywhere with you~ Anywhere at all... As long as I spend time with you.

"But, can we come back here before twelve A.M?" she asked, alarmed. She doesn't want there to be any misunderstandings when they're out there at twelve. Heck, if she even brought her notebook, she wouldn't know that the notebook would be in her pocket.

Raven oh so desperately wanted to tell someone. But.. she's afraid of what everyone will think. What her fellow retainers would think. What... what Lord Leon would think.

Mentioned: Kumii Kumii That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Graysilver264 Graysilver264 || Interacting With: Kumii Kumii



The pink haired female grinned, staring at a certain man who was harassing a young woman."Come on~ Come to my place, babe~"

"I-I don't want to..."

"Aww... don't be like that."

Grinning to herself, the female calmly walked in between, pushing the man to the side. "She doesn't want to, so leave her alone, Old Man." The man grit his teeth. "Shut up, wench. This is between me and her!" The female gave him a bone-chilling smile. "And now, I'm involved. Damn... I love being the pest in people's lives." She paused, motioning the girl to run, and she did. The man laughed. "Little girl, I suggest you don't get on my bad side--"

"And I suggest you don't get on my side, Joan." A psychotic smile formed on her lips. She knows the man's name, but that isn't all she knows. "I know your address, Joan. I know where your family lives. Where all your loved ones are... I even know which carriage they'll be going in to arrive at the capital. Don't make me leak that information."

Joan grit his teeth. He then unsheathed his knife. "How dare you talk to me like that, you bitch!" He lunged at the blue eyed girl, who immediately blocked his attack. "Tsk tsk tsk. I suggest you don't do that." She then plucked his wallet from his pocket. "I'll just take this, since I told you what I know... technically."

Joan gasped as the woman ran away. "FUCK YOU! THIEF! THIEF!"

Immature laughter of the teenage girl filled the air as she ran away from the crowd, a few people chasing her. "I feel so special~" she taunted. She then stopped to turn, and gave them the one-finger salute. She then ran through the village, a lot of people surprised. She almost tripped because of a chicken. Who the fuck leaves a chicken out? Shaking away the thought, she kept on running.

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Open
Rick Fresh

Leon was more than overjoyed, "You're here! My letter reached you safely obviously." Rick watched his prince and Raven with an increasing cheesy smile on his face. They were becoming cute together. Rick got back to business, "Yes, it took some longer, I was out tending to the woods. I came as fast as I could. It is nice to see you two here.

"I'm harder to kill than you think." Raven nodded and so did Rick. "As long as I'm on Lord Leon's side, he'd be immortal!" Raven laughed, then she looked down. Rick did notice as he knew facial expressions by heart. "And of course I will be testing you two, so that you will stay safe." Rick went to wait and think about the right reaction, but Leon suddenly interrupted, "Alright! Who wants to go shopping?". Raven was quick to answer, "Uh sure if you want to lord Leon, but can we come back here before twelve A.M?" Rick raised his eyebrow, "I will join you, but do not become too cocky for being so is dangerous. You two will sooner get yourself killed than any external factor might." He said with a tone indicating his disapproval, he also watched Leon and his tome intently enforcing his remark. He then looked at Cerryl and back at the tome.

Rick thought about his students, they should feel free so he chose not to mention the tome. He picked up his own staff (which was now glowing green) while still eyeing Leon for a reaction. "You know, even though we are in dangerous times there should be some room for fun~~~." Rick pulled of a wink towards Raven, "and remember that you can always tell me everything". "Now before we go, we have to get rid of this guy", Rick thumbed Cerryl, "Tell me what you are doing here".
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Cerryl looked at every single face gathered. He was a bit troubled, with so much to process at once, but he seemed to pass that quickly as a smile quickly formed on his face.

"Leon, my friend, how have you been? It's been a while! I was a bit concerned there, I had thought you had died after all!" With confidence as if dealing with an old friend, Cerryl took a few strides forward and took Leon's hand, shaking it with a huge smile. Using the few elements present in the seconds of conversation, he perfectly stitched together the situation. "Nice to see you, runt. I see you're no taller than you were." He gave a cursory nod to Raven before stepping back so that all three were in his vision. His expression turned blank, perhaps what he looks like when he's serious, but his blade didn't leave it's scabbard just yet.

"Now then. I come in here, expecting to get a job because some Prince is starting a rebellion. However -" Cerryl lifted both his hands, one pointing to Raven and the other to Leon. "You, motherfuckers, I do not remember, and I wish to know why the hell you remember me because the feeling is most certainly not mutual." Cerryl dropped his right hand, and then moved his left to point to Rick. "And you there, don't think I haven't killed more men than you've met in your entire life. If we fight here, I'll just be getting a free meal out of all of you. Which leads me to my last point -" Cerryl swept his left hand across the room, indicating the entire group with an expression of astonishment - "Why the hell has nobody gone into shock from the fact that a vampire that is supposed to be a once in a lifetime sight is among them?! I mean seriously, I was expecting the little miss over there to scream or something but all I got was a cold reception! This is utterly baffling!"

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The Almighty Leon Shakedown
Leon stopped and looked at Cerryl, "I'm sorry.. who are you again?" Leon thought, "Oh right, well you answered your own question. I have my ways." Leon hardened his look, "What is utterly and truly baffling, is how you managed to find us in the first place. I don't remember you as one of my retainers." Leon crossed his arms, "Now that... that is a real mind blower, dare I say... you murdered one of my beloved retainers?" Leon said with the most serious look, as if the vampire just sparked an unknown rage in Leon, "That is the more pressing matter... don't ya think? You somehow obtained a letter only meant for my retainers, so now not only did you steal, your now essentially threatening Rick." Leon's anger grew, "But since I'm a nice guy, I'll listen to your side of the story... if there is one." Leon finally reached for Mjölnir. Looks like the shopping trip will have to wait, Leon wants the full story about this current situation.

Leon called off Rick, Leon knew what Rick what going to do, "I'd say you owe ME some answers before I answer you." Leon's intense glare immediately lowered the atmosphere, if Cerryl did kill one of Leon's retainers, then Leon would have no reason to trust Cerryl.
Interacting: That Lass Over There That Lass Over There | Mentioned: Graysilver264 Graysilver264

"Hm." Cerryl looked at the three with heavy consideration: the druid who had yet to lower his staff despite his master's signal, the girl who had yet to do anything significant, and the man that was most suspicious of all. Decided on something, his hands slowly went towards his sword - only to unfasten the weapon from his belt and drop it to the floor.

"Can we all stop being hasty now? I'm no enemy, though I am feeling slightly offended." Cerryl lifted his arms up to show even more his intention to not fight. "Now then, answers, right? I would appreciate it if I got some in return, but I suppose that, in your eyes, I am in no position to ask that." Cerryl sat on the ground, crossing his legs. "Telling the story was part of why I came here, though, so I don't mind telling it for free. Let me tell you this, though, because it does not sit well with me leaving this in the air -" His voice became cold, and for the first time he released blood lust that truly stuck to the claim that he had killed more men than the oldest of the three had met in the course of his life. "- I am a murderer, yes. I have killed to live, and killed for coin. I feel responsible for your retainer's death. He did not fall by my hand, however."

His voice returned to normal, and the blood lust quickly disappeared. "I was walking on a road that led me to this kingdom when I saw a group of bandits fighting a lone child. Perhaps an adult to you, looked to be seventeen with blonde hair. He doubtlessly was on his way here, it was only two days away by foot after all. I rushed forwards because I was starving, offered my aid to the boy, and we fought together in the heat of the moment without questioning why an evil being such as myself was performing such a good act. I am by no means used to protecting someone, though, and while my back was turned he was killed in an instant. It is truly regrettable." Cerryl took out a slightly bloodied letter, laying it in front of himself. "I have lived long and seen many deaths, however, so I wasn't shaken. I searched his body, looking for any unfinished business that I may attend to in his place, and found this letter. I thought it was a letter of love, since he looked to be that age, but to my surprise it was a muster of an exiled prince that wished to start a war."

Cerryl looked at Leon dead in the eye, but instead of any sharpness Cerryl seemed like a wary traveler, and his tone reflected that. "I was not lying when I said the three of you would become my meal if I wanted you to. You know my name, so is there a chance you know my profession? I'm offering my service, the only one I can offer. I do not require money. I ask for a different payment, an extremely unorthodox one. I am looking for a place to stay, in peace, without persecution."

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Jacob and Leon enter the fray
Leon sighed and lowered Mjölnir, "So.. Matei's been KIA, hm?" Leon's expression didn't seem to lighten at all, but rest assured he was no longer hostile but still had a little distrust in Cerryl was still very much a thing. "I can't really trust you, I don't know if what you say is true or not but you're expression and tone say otherwise." Leon's careless expression made it seem he didn't care about what happened, "Whether or not it was your doing that Matei was killed, it makes no difference." It was a rather cold thing for Leon to say but it was quite the opposite, in fact, "What's done is done." Leon picked up his shopping things and headed out the door, not saying another word. Cerryl's answers would have to wait.

However, on the way out he bumped into someone, they both fell on their asses, "Ow.. damnit, hey! Watch--" the man stood up and rushed to help Leon up, "Oh my! Forgive me, milord!"

Leon got up with help from the stranger, or who he thought was a stranger, he recognized the voice. He looked up, it was Jacob, "Oh! Jacob! What... what are you doing here?"

"I came looking for you, milord. Lady Elizabeth said I should come find you." He told Leon, to which Leon chuckled.

"You know she loves you, right?" Jacob flushed red, "She loves everyone, but something tells me you more than anyone. It's quite obvious really." Leon smiled, "Raven, Rick and I are going shopping.. wanna come?" Jacob thought for a second, "Sure, what are we gonna go shopping for?" Leon began walking away, "Oh.. you'll just have to see."
Interacting: None | Mentioned: That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Emmi Emmi Graysilver264 Graysilver264

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