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Realistic or Modern Kings and Queens -Gang RP- Roleplay here

@Daniel reaving

Danny layed there and waited. These thugs... They had no rights here, he thought indignantly. He would wait for them to close the trunk. This was a car trunk they put him in. That was a go to move for thugs. But he was just guessing in the dark after all. They wouldn't keep him here. These people don't own this land, if anything this is INDIAN land. Italians have no rights here. I will escape somehow. I've gone through worse. Even if by luck. Even if I die trying I hope to show them I will not be intimidated. I am a free man! The days of slavery are over... They CANT tell me what to do.



Shah looked at the guy and and smiled friendly to him before taking his hand in a shake.

"They call me 'Shah' but I'm more interested in your name. You're not from around here. That much is plainly made obvious. You would have known this was Italiano turf and I should hope, you wouldn't have dealt here if you knew that.

She turned her attention vaguely on the man who had begun to holler about land and human rights. She stood up unhurriedly and followed behind the men as they escorted the disrespectful man out of the strip club and into the trunk of a black Mercedes. Before they could get him in however he did a sleight of hand and was out of the cuffs and calling the polizti before most realized what was going on.

Shah scanned the area as was her natural safety habit and spotted Yui on the other side of the street a little ways off. Shah waved at the girl briefly before flirting her eyes back to the scene on hand. 

Even if the polizti were called it would take them hours to come here because of the terrible neighborhood. And if that were not a factor she knew positively that it wouldn't matter because the guys he were messing with had people so far up in the food chain of politics that it was worrying. She herself had no need to run because she was clean. No records and no drugs. But she slightly worried for Jack the guy she'd been beginning a conversation with. He smelled like chemicals but she reckoned that if he were on good terms with the men in black here they would spot him a get out of jail free card. So that idea sated her worry and she continued to watch the man's ballsy attempts at freedom. She was interested to know who he was as well. It was one of her jobs to gather this type of information anyway. Though this was her only off day for a while she'd always been a bit of a workaholic.




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Jack hurried out of the building following the man. "Of course Im comin" he said with a grin. He turned to the gurl he had begun talking to. "Sorry, Business and such, nice to meet you tho." He saif as he walked to the specified car.

@Daniel reaving



The lead guy walked over a lit cigar in his mouth now as he looked down to the boy in the trunk and chuckled a little. "Think your gonna escape dont ya?" He asked him with a smirk before looking to the two big guys. Bind his legs as well, gag him then nock him out." He said as the big guys nodded (don't worry it will all work in his favor in the end, just play along) then they quickly bound his legs tightly at the ankles and pulled the back off smiling as they quickly put a gag on him then put the back iver his head before two swift punches were laid to the boys head, one hit from one of these guys could nock any one onto there ass so two punches would deffinetly take the kid for a nap. Shutting the trunk they all got in the cars while the lead guy looked to Jackie. "Come on Jackie boy." He said gesturing for him to get in

(sorry for my absence guys I've been really sick and still am so please be patient with me. I appreciate it ^-^)


Luna took her gun out of her back pocket and stood close by Adelina, feeling protective. They walked into the building and went up to the ninth floor.

"So this is creepy at all."

She laughed and glanced around. Luna nudged at doors and checked for aggressive enemies.

"After this, wanna have a little chat?"

Luna winked at Adelina flirtatiously.


"sure." She said with a chuckle as she got to the desired room and pointed at it. The guy with the sledge hammer nodding as he walked over and reeled back before bringing the sledge hammer down onto the door bob busting the door open to reveal a drugies apartment filled with doped up people. Some yelled other to high to even aknowledge the fact that a man with a gun was aiming at them. The two guys came in quickly followed by Adelina as she looked around. "Did I say you could deal here?" She immediately asked looking to the guy in the back who seemed the least high out of every one there


Luna grinned and walked around the room as Adelina did her business. She went and began taking blunts of weed away from people and giving them a puff. Luna found the dealers products near the back and she began putting them in her bag. The slightly high man jumped up to stop her and she pointed her gun at his head. He put his hands up and sat back down with a glare. Looking to Adelina he growled out.

"Free country, I can deal where I want. And your little bitch is taking all my merchandise!"

Luna laughed and shoved the rest of the drugs into her backpack before walking over to Adelina. 

The lead guy walked over a lit cigar in his mouth now as he looked down to the boy in the trunk and chuckled a little. "Think your gonna escape dont ya?" He asked him with a smirk before looking to the two big guys. Bind his legs as well, gag him then nock him out." He said as the big guys nodded (don't worry it will all work in his favor in the end, just play along) then they quickly bound his legs tightly at the ankles and pulled the back off smiling as they quickly put a gag on him then put the back iver his head before two swift punches were laid to the boys head, one hit from one of these guys could nock any one onto there ass so two punches would deffinetly take the kid for a nap. Shutting the trunk they all got in the cars while the lead guy looked to Jackie. "Come on Jackie boy." He said gesturing for him to get in

(sorry for my absence guys I've been really sick and still am so please be patient with me. I appreciate it ^-^)

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"sure." She said with a chuckle as she got to the desired room and pointed at it. The guy with the sledge hammer nodding as he walked over and reeled back before bringing the sledge hammer down onto the door bob busting the door open to reveal a drugies apartment filled with doped up people. Some yelled other to high to even aknowledge the fact that a man with a gun was aiming at them. The two guys came in quickly followed by Adelina as she looked around. "Did I say you could deal here?" She immediately asked looking to the guy in the back who seemed the least high out of every one there


Jack got into the car as told to and didnt ask questions.


Luna grinned and walked around the room as Adelina did her business. She went and began taking blunts of weed away from people and giving them a puff. Luna found the dealers products near the back and she began putting them in her bag. The slightly high man jumped up to stop her and she pointed her gun at his head. He put his hands up and sat back down with a glare. Looking to Adelina he growled out.

"Free country, I can deal where I want. And your little bitch is taking all my merchandise!"

Luna laughed and shoved the rest of the drugs into her backpack before walking over to Adelina. 

"Oh sweetheart. This might be a free country, but this is Italian mafia turf... and you can't deal, unless I say so." She said walking up and grabbing the man roughly by the hair forcing him to look up. "Do you really want to go up against the mafia? You lucky my daddy isn't here or he would have just burned the place down with all of you inside." She said as her look turned stone cold and vicious. "Now if you even think about dealing on my turf again without permission you'll end up with some block shoes and at the bottom of the ocean. Got it." She snapped at him before letting his head go. "Take all his stuff guys, I want every last ounce of weed and anything else he has." She said to Luna and her guys who gladly started to rip the place apart


After Luna filled her bag with crap, she crossed her arms and stood by the door as some people frantically attempted to leave. She allowed some to go, but the important guys who were the dealers and suppliers she forced to stay. Lunas light eyes mischievously danced around the room before sending Adelina a wink. 

(Hi there, Hons. Mind if I hop on in, or?)

Luxxie, or Mono, was enjoying his walk out. Nothing like wearing A mask and a silver suit as you stroll around town, right? He had heard something was going down in the Camorra Territory, so he decided to pay a visit. (Italian Mob) He came upon to busted door nob and the shouting, and decided to let himself in. He saw Luna, Adelina, and a man with a sledgehammer. "So, what's this party I've stumbled upon on this fine night?"


@Daniel reaving


Luna jumped at drew her pistol out of her back pocket, pointing it at the man who walked in.

"Excuse me doll but I think you have the wrong room. I don't see your invitation."

She pulled back the hammer of her pistol with a grin, glancing at Adelina once.

"Oh, why did you do that? I don't like guns very much, it's why I stopped smuggling them for the Italian mob." Mono walks around to the kitchen and sits at the table. "Now, I can't have you harassing my customers, can I?" He asks, nodding to the drug dealer. "Besides, without me, the Italian mob probably wouldn't have as much territory."

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Shah looked up and patiently waited for Yui to make her way across the street to her. She acknowledged the girls shadow with a slight tilt of her head in his direction before she turned her attention back to the blonde who was now in front of her with a light curl of her lips that could have been a smirk or an amused smile. 

"Hello Yui, what reason might you have for being on Italian turf if I may ask?"

Shah asked that particular question as it seemed quite redundant to ask how she was doing considering she saw Yui on a fairly regular basis as she had to go by her father several times a month for business purposes. Though she had to say Yui did look a bit more somber since the last time she'd laid eyes on the small girl. Perhaos the reason as to that would be her next question. 



After Luna filled her bag with crap, she crossed her arms and stood by the door as some people frantically attempted to leave. She allowed some to go, but the important guys who were the dealers and suppliers she forced to stay. Lunas light eyes mischievously danced around the room before sending Adelina a wink. 

(Hi there, Hons. Mind if I hop on in, or?)

Luxxie, or Mono, was enjoying his walk out. Nothing like wearing A mask and a silver suit as you stroll around town, right? He had heard something was going down in the Camorra Territory, so he decided to pay a visit. (Italian Mob) He came upon to busted door nob and the shouting, and decided to let himself in. He saw Luna, Adelina, and a man with a sledgehammer. "So, what's this party I've stumbled upon on this fine night?"


@Daniel reaving


Luna jumped at drew her pistol out of her back pocket, pointing it at the man who walked in.

"Excuse me doll but I think you have the wrong room. I don't see your invitation."

She pulled back the hammer of her pistol with a grin, glancing at Adelina once.

"Oh, why did you do that? I don't like guns very much, it's why I stopped smuggling them for the Italian mob." Mono walks around to the kitchen and sits at the table. "Now, I can't have you harassing my customers, can I?" He asks, nodding to the drug dealer. "Besides, without me, the Italian mob probably wouldn't have as much territory."


"Oh you think so?" Adelina asked sternly as she watched the man before looking to the guy with the sledge hammer. "Burn the place." She told him before looking back to the guy who thought he was all high and mighty while the other guy with the illegal assault rifle kept his sight on the man. "So you believe you are why my common has so much turf is that it?" She asked as the guy with the sledge hammer left and came back a minuet later with a gas can and started to pour gas everywhere
"Of course, I'm the one who gets all your drugs into the country. Which Mob are you from, Camorra?" He asks, standing up. "Oh, right. I've brought this for you." He pulls up a Silver Briefcase, snapping it open to reveal atleast 20oz. of high quality drugs, along with 100 grand in cash. "A greeting, as I hope this conversation turns into a partnership, Madams." He walks to the door, holding it open, "Now, I don't think we want to stay inside of a burning building, do we?"

@Daniel reaving @Jasil


Luna wrinkled her nose and frowned.

"Baby can I shoot him?"

She was truly annoyed by this overly flashy peacock strutting in here like he's some hot shot. Luna found distasteful for anyone like her, or the mafia, or even the damn bloods to think that they are better than anyone else. They were all criminals anyway. But then her light eyes danced over the brief case and she grinned.


Her long slender fingers on her left hand, lightly grazed along the money and drugs quickly before pulling her hand away. 

"Revise that. Can we have that shit, then shoot him Ads? Cmon baby let's blow this place, I'm gettin bored and need to make a stop by my place soon."

Luna remembered she had to get Gemini and then also find her employer to give him his money.

"Of course, I'm the one who gets all your drugs into the country. Which Mob are you from, Camorra?" He asks, standing up. "Oh, right. I've brought this for you." He pulls up a Silver Briefcase, snapping it open to reveal atleast 20oz. of high quality drugs, along with 100 grand in cash. "A greeting, as I hope this conversation turns into a partnership, Madams." He walks to the door, holding it open, "Now, I don't think we want to stay inside of a burning building, do we?"

@Daniel reaving @Jasil


Luna wrinkled her nose and frowned.

"Baby can I shoot him?"

She was truly annoyed by this overly flashy peacock strutting in here like he's some hot shot. Luna found distasteful for anyone like her, or the mafia, or even the damn bloods to think that they are better than anyone else. They were all criminals anyway. But then her light eyes danced over the brief case and she grinned.


Her long slender fingers on her left hand, lightly grazed along the money and drugs quickly before pulling her hand away. 

"Revise that. Can we have that shit, then shoot him Ads? Cmon baby let's blow this place, I'm gettin bored and need to make a stop by my place soon."

Luna remembered she had to get Gemini and then also find her employer to give him his money.


adelina eyed the brief case with a cold glare. "No. it seems he knows my father so we will have to wait till he gets back." She said to her lover as she looked to her then to him. "Now I'm gonna warn you. No one deals here unless we say so and I didn't say this guy could deal. So you better make sure the person you give your product to is allowed to deal next time. Got it." She snapped at the man
"And who tells you if you can deal here? For me, there is no territory, only business. So thank you, but no thank you." Mono checks his watch, feigning surprise. "I believe we should go, unless you want to burn with the building."


@Daniel reaving
"And who tells you if you can deal here? For me, there is no territory, only business. So thank you, but no thank you." Mono checks his watch, feigning surprise. "I believe we should go, unless you want to burn with the building."


@Daniel reaving

"And I believe you should fucking listen to me. I say I can deal here and I'm the only one that can make that choice. So I'd listen to me before you end up with a bullet in your head or dropped into a big hole of wet cement and left there to die frozen in concrete." She snapped coldly as she geastured for the others to follow as she quickly walked towards the for pushing past him. "This is your only warning. I'd advise you to listen." She said with a coldness only a woman could have before she started down the stairs once more knowing her girlfriend and her thugs would follow



Luna laughed loudly at Adelinas fierceness and wiped the tears from her eyes. She walked past the man and shrugged.

"Gotta love those Italian women."

The rainbow haired girl winked and waltzed down the stairs carelessly, following Adelina. She hummed a soft song that she remembered from her childhood, which Luna hadn't though of for years. A brief nostalgic smile came to her face. 


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