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Fantasy Kingdom War

Lucifiel glances at the newcomer before turnin his attention back at the usurpers. "Lucifiel." He introduces himself quickly "Are you reinforcement, perhaps?"
Xevnick nods but doesn't look away from the commander. "Yes, I'm backup." He smiled and raised his knife.
Akira looked around the throne room and as he saw no one there he went back to the balcony and watched Lucifiel ad Xevnick sort out the people below "If I remember correctly, that old man is their overall leader, he uses light magic at its finest.. And he is good with the sword.. So be careful"
((Sorry I keep on responding and stopping for long periods is time. I'm on a long assed car trip to Florida and I keep falling asleep. Plus, my internet connection sucks and is super slow. Just...ignore me and carry on if I don't respond for a while))
Verdas said:
Lucifiel lands near the man and the defected guards. "Tell me... Did you seriously think you could take over a kingdom that easily?" He asks as his wing's feathers erected and pointed straight at the guards the man before him.
The Lord Commander grinned, sliding his glowing sword out. "Why yes actually, I did. But I do appreciate a good fight every once in a while. Too bad it won't be with you. Solar mages!" he shouted, as men appeared in flashes of light on the balconies above them. The men aimed their staffs, as orbs of light began to appear on the ends of them. "May I introduce myself? I am Lord Commander Brenneth Sun Of The Order Of The Sun," he said, flashing a smile. "And you are?"
Akira, seeing the light mages, makes balls of flame appear around his body as he fires them at the solar mages, to distort their visions as the flames surround them. Due to this they are enable to cast the spell until they manage to dispell the flames, he calls down to Lucifiel and Xevnick" I will handle these mages... But for the time being get rid of that old man! he seems strong so you teo will have to work together, if you cant beat him, at least stall him! Just dont let him get away" he says as his blue flaming wings spout and flames surround him, he is ready to fend off the mages as he shouts down to the man "You wont be able to claim the throne. It belongs to the Great Dragons, not some old man with a false order and false religion!"
LeSoraAmari said:
Akira, seeing the light mages, makes balls of flame appear around his body as he fires them at the solar mages, to distort their visions as the flames surround them. Due to this they are enable to cast the spell until they manage to dispell the flames, he calls down to Lucifiel and Xevnick" I will handle these mages... But for the time being get rid of that old man! he seems strong so you teo will have to work together, if you cant beat him, at least stall him! Just dont let him get away" he says as his blue flaming wings spout and flames surround him, he is ready to fend off the mages as he shouts down to the man "You wont be able to claim the throne. It belongs to the Great Dragons, not some old man with a false order and false religion!"
"Ha! We shall see how false Solaris is when you meet him yourself!" he shouted, as his sword glowed brightly, and a burst of solar magic bursted out of it, flying towards Akira.

The solar mages were quick to dispatch the flames, as they raised shields of light up around themselves, while the ones a bit farther away from Akira began casting orbs of light at him.
Xevnick growled and charged the man. "Get out of this kingdom, you damn lunatic." He didn't know what would happen, but hopefully he would distract the commander.
Akira smiled as his wings grew bigger the blue flames darker and the flames more violent as he blasted off into the sky as he dodges the blast of electricity as he then lands on the ground behind Lucifiel and Xevnick as he makes an impenetrable wall of flames above them so the solar mages cant interfere. "We will bring you down here and now! We will drag you and your Solaris straight to the depth of Hell!"
LeSoraAmari said:
Akira smiled as his wings grew bigger the blue flames darker and the flames more violent as he blasted off into the sky as he dodges the blast of electricity as he then lands on the ground behind Lucifiel and Xevnick as he makes an impenetrable wall of flames above them so the solar mages cant interfere. "We will bring you down here and now! We will drag you and your Solaris straight to the depth of Hell!"
"There is no hell! Only the darkness of Luna!" he roared, charging forward, his sword glowing brightly, as he shoved Xevnick out of the way, swinging his sword down towards Akira's shoulder. Brenneth would kill this miserable heathen first, and then he would take down the others.
"Well then, i hope Luna claims you! " As Brenneth charged at him, he dodged the sword and then flipped over his back, "Your too slow old man!" He shoots balls of flames at Brenneth and then lands onto the ground, turning to face him. "This kingdom doesnt belong to you! Just leave! You've killed innocents, is that not enough!"
LeSoraAmari said:
"Well then, i hope Luna claims you! " As Brenneth charged at him, he dodged the sword and then flipped over his back, "Your too slow old man!" He shoots balls of flames at Brenneth and then lands onto the ground, turning to face him. "This kingdom doesnt belong to you! Just leave! You've killed innocents, is that not enough!"
Brenneth grinned, a wall of light blocking the flames, as he laughed. "I've killed no one! Not yet, atleast!" as he burst through his wall, thrusting his blade at Akira, then following up with a down-swing.
Akira holds in the pain as the sword cuts his side, blood doaking into his clothes "dammit!" He says, evading any incoming attacks as he shoots multiple beams of concentrated flames from his wings towards the man "I wont let you harm this kingdom! Your rule will end here!" Rings of blue flames surround Akira as the expand and hurl towards Brenneth. Akira was holding his side
LeSoraAmari said:
Akira holds in the pain as the sword cuts his side, blood doaking into his clothes "dammit!" He says, evading any incoming attacks as he shoots multiple beams of concentrated flames from his wings towards the man "I wont let you harm this kingdom! Your rule will end here!" Rings of blue flames surround Akira as the expand and hurl towards Brenneth. Akira was holding his side
Brenneth continued laughing, "You ever fight a Knight of Twilight? Even the fattest, most inexperienced Knight of twilight could do more than you!" he mocked, Blocking each ring of fire with a wall of light,stepping forward, thrusting and swinging at Akira whenever he had a chance.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became slightly darker, and most sounds became muffled, as a shadowy figure soared in on wings of black. "To speak of the devil," Brenneth muttered, as Leiuenant Of Twilight, Gordon Circkle drew his sword. "Brenneth Sun," the figure said in a deep voice, before booming in laughter. "Opressing the innocent, as always, how predictable?" Gordon continued.
Akira smirked as he said, "Im not even trying my hardest... Trust me, i could do a lot better, so dont belittle me!" His eyes started to glow blue with rage as he opened his mouth and absorbed the flames from the wall he made earlier, then shooting a huge concentrated lulse of flames at Brenneth as he sees the strange figure land between them. "Who the hell are you?"
LeSoraAmari said:
Akira smirked as he said, "Im not even trying my hardest... Trust me, i could do a lot better, so dont belittle me!" His eyes started to glow blue with rage as he opened his mouth and absorbed the flames from the wall he made earlier, then shooting a huge concentrated lulse of flames at Brenneth as he sees the strange figure land between them. "Who the hell are you?"
The shadowy knight's shield swung out towards Akira, attempting to knock him backwards. "None of your buisness fool!"
Lucifiel threw a feather at the dark figure with leaved a gash in his shield. "I sugest you do not harm him any further." He says hostilely, then gives a signal for something in the sky before a massive ammount of lightning strikes down and a figure in blue appears. "Right on time, Seymour. Dispose of the old man there." He says to the one in blue.
Akira sighs as he dodges the attack swiftly and goes behind Lucifiel, "Thanks, but quit focusing on me, lets just concentrate on the fight at hand" he says, smiling at Lucifiel as he gets ready to continue fighting
At this point, the shadowy figure was already wheeling about towards Breneth, and the two fought in a whirlwind of clashing blades, as Gordon's shadows enveloped the two of them, obscuring them from the other two. ((I have to go, I can't do a real fight right now, sorry)
Akira turns to look at Gordon and Brenneth as they are just a whirlwind of clashing steel, he huffs as he mutters "That other guy took our fight away... Its not fair, I was enjoying it" he says letting go of his side for a moment and then applying pressure to the wound, looking up to see Seymour "Are you one of Lucifiels frieds?"
Hazule tightens the cloak around his neck as he walks into a tavern, having to duck his head as he enters. He goes to a secluded table and bench toward a back corner. He signals the waitress to fetch him mead and bread. This is where Hazule will wait for someone to come hire him, this spot was known for him to be waiting. Hazule was a well known mercenary, though he tried to stay in the dark as best as possible. Guilds, kings, jarls, earls, princes, queens, princesses, and even beggars if they could pay him. Known for his combat skills he was hired several times for the Great Dragons. Whether it be as a mercenary, bodyguard, or assassin, all that mattered was the reason you deserved his services and the right price. Hazule stared down at his long metallic talons on his large feet engulfed in his black silk like skin. He sits back and waits for the first lucky person to try and hire him.

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