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Fantasy Kingdom War

Xevnick looked at the two fighting and sighed. "Darn. I guess I'm done here." He looked around, scouting for something to do but finding nothing. "I'll see you around, Akira." He said before disappearing and reappearing in his room in the castle.
He smiled and began to lead her around the capital city. Many of the people bowed to him but he didn't say anything, just smiling while explaining things to Phoenix.

"I do like to know the name of the lady I'm escorting around the city."

He said before a scout came and poked him on the shoulder.

"What is it?"

"There is nothing wrong on the border, but scouts and feelers saw people skirting the border."

Zain frowned at the news but smiled at the lady.

"I do hope you would like a visit to the palace to see the king."
Akira nods to Xevnick as he goes and sits down by a wall as the two man are still assuming their fight. The cut was pretty deep and painful so he couldnt go very quickly so he jist sat there and watched. "Out of all places.. They chose to fight outside the palace..." He said angrily
Hazule drinks the recently poured pint of mead and removes a knife from inside his cloak. He begins to clean and sharpen his claws. His ears perk up as he hears fighting,"Opportunities are plentiful," he says grinning under his hood. He stands and leaves the tavern and walks toward the fighting his talons scrape the ground with every step. He looks over to see a man sitting, Bleeding out, muscles draining of strength, death isn't certain but possible. He turns and takes several toward him,"Need help?" his tone chalky and dry.

Xevnick lied on his bed, trying to think of something to do. Something to steal. Something to kill. "Why is this kingdom so BORING!" He moaned. All Xevnick wanted to do was find something interesting. He summoned a few daggers and began to throw them at the wall. "Sooooo boring." He sighed.
Akira turns to look at the strange figure and then smiles warmly "No thank you, but thanks for the concern" he gets up and walks over to the guy, not holding his wound as he is now used to the pain. "You shouldnt be here.. Its not safe.." He says pointing to Brenneth and Gordon as they fight. "The Kingdom is under attack.. The ruler of another kingdom is trying to userp the throne.."
Hazule looks over at the fight,"Want me to kill the usurper? And eat this," he reveals his claw like hand holding a leaf."It'll hold the bleeding for an hour maybe two, your losing a shit load of blood." he says in an imperative voice.
Akira sighs, he hated being told what to do but he knew he had to, he takes the remedy and eats it "Thank you... And I dot recommend it, look where it got me.. I spent three years away just to train and it got me nowhere.. Its probably best to just let them kill each other"... He says looking at Hazule
"Hmm I'm pretty sure I could do it , his left leg is winged and his right eye is weaker than his left. The easy way to kill him is catch his sword arm and plunge the skull, he wouldn't expect me to catch him under his hand and stop the blow or a quick parry. So he is vulnerable to the experienced, but never mind that would you like to go to a near tavern and drink some mead, I am parched." Hazule scratches his snout making his inhuman body somewhat visible.
Lucifiel looks up at the sky and sighs, thinking 'When will the queen return? I don't plan on spending all day in this wretched palace.' He then turns to Seymour and says "Watch the area from the skies in case the Great Dragons' Queen returns, and report to me if you see anything strange." With that, Seymour nods in understanding and flies back into the sky without a word.
Akira shakes his head at Hazules request with a smile "Im afraid I cant leave the Palace until our Queen returns.. Its my duty.. Besides, im too young to drink anyway." He sighs "You can always come in the palace if you want to? The fighting should cool down soon.. One of them eill end up dead... But still, i cant let them userp the throne so I shall remain here. Even if I die protecting the throne". He smiles as he then walks back into the palace with his hand in his pockets
"Hmm I'll come with you, if I help protect the throne do you think I'll get paid a hefty amount?" he says curiously. Hazule walks behind him, his talons make a clack against the stone. "I've never been here before, you live here?" he says assertively in his tone.
Xevnick continued to throw knives at the wall. He enjoyed the loud *thwack* sound that they made. He imagined that every time a knife hit the wall, which was every time he threw a knife, a citizen would drop dead. He laughed silently.
Akira smiles "I do, I've had a room here for as long as I can remember. And yes.. You should be payed quite a bit, being a mercenary and all" he smiles as they get to the theone room and sit there in case people try to invade, he hears the thwack of metal on a wall as he mutters "He should be helping, not sat in his room" he shrigs it off not really caring
Xevnick sighed and got up from his bed. He walked through the halls until he made his way to the throne room. He saw Akira and another figure. A big figure. "Hey Akira. Is the fight over yet?" He asked.
Hazule sits on the floor,"Want me to kill the troops and you the leaders, other way around, or just kill em." he says with a laugh as he plays with his tail. "Do you have wine here, at all?" he says in a dry voice.
Akira fetched a bottle of wine as he hands it to Hazule and looks at Xevnick "im afraid not... The Queens not back either, I hope shes alright" he sighs and then lookd at Hazule "Its best to just wait until we can determine the outcome of the fight. We take out whoever wins"
Xevnick nodded. "I doubt the queen's coming back." He sighed and shrugged. "At least, that's what she told me earlier." He remembered back at the Sly wolf town. "She rode off into the forest."
"Ahh good wine," he breaks the glass top and leans back drinking the bottle like a baby, flapping his tail as he does it. He drops the bottle to the side and says,"Wake me when we start fighting, only then..." He pushes his eyes in the crevice of his elbow and his snout to the floor, the breathing growl can be heard.
He looks at Xevnick and says "So shes abandoned us? No.... No, she will be back soon, shes just out on business" he slips his hands into his jacket pockets as he walks around the throne room in thought "What do we do... This kingdom could fall to ruin.."
Han shook his head. "I doubt that she'll be gone for long, but she did say that she was done being queen." He frowned. "This kingdom will not fall. We will fight for it. These attackers are weak compared the spirit of The Great Dragon fighters. They will fall. We will not."
Akira sighs "If I was as strong as I used to be this would have been over in a matter of minutes..." He sits next to the throne and sighs "Well if shes done being Queen who will take over? There arent any other heirs of King Blaze as far as I know" he sighs and then smiles at Xevnicks remark "You're right. The Great Dragons are strong.."

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