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Fantasy Kingdom War

Seth was running as a group of humans hit with the beast virus changed and turned into werewolves and vampires and other creatures. "Gosh how many of you are there." He yelled as he ran down the alley 100 things must have joined the chase bye know. "Why are you chasing me I didn't do anything to you." He wasn't lying these beasts were fresh from the oven they were just human Seth hadn't killed any of there family or fellow beasts. "I wish I could leave this place." And with that he vanished from amityville, even though it should be impossible people who end up there can never leave. Strong magic must have helped him cross the plains of time and reality. He was in a kingdom it seemed to be much older then the more modern stuff he was use to the people wore armor and leather and carried swords instead of guns. It semmed as if Seth had jumped from the late rennisance to the early mid evil period. His clothes and look defiantly didn't fit in but he had nothing else to wear not did he want to change even though some people gave him strange looks. He walked up to a man and asked him were he was ((random man: you lost my friend you're in the Kindom of the great dragons, what's with you're clothes are you a traveller from a far of land and what kind of wepons are those I think are ruler phoniex would be interested in seeing you." The man lead Seth to the castle ))
I got to the gate and turned back " what happened" I was so confused but I went up to my room cause tomorrow I was going to be pronounced queen
Xevnick smiled and walked over to the nearest body. He bent down and took a ring off the body's finger. It was a silver ring with and emerald as its gemstone. Xevnick put it into his pocket.
Xevnick began to walk to town , whistling as he walked. The ring that he found should fetch at a high price at the market.
Phoenix smiled as tears rolled down her face. She let go of Kawazoe. "What happened to Nightwolf...?" She asked sadly.
Xevnick walks into town and sighs. "Ugh. Big crowds make me sick. But I need the money." He starts walking to the market but stops when he sees the castle. "Woah. I wonder what kind of treasures are in there." He began to walk to the castle. "The market can wait." He came up to the main entrance and shadow traveled through it. He looked around at the interior. "Well time to go on a little thieving spree."
"he is not from this dimension and he is my father so I think he can come back he did it twice now."Kawazoe look back to the castle"did we win here."
Xevnick walked the halls of the castle, taking all that he found valuable. Gold, silver, jewels, and paintings. He stuffed his pockets and when he ran out of room, he began to send them to his shadow realm. "This place has everything." His stomach growled. "Wow, I'm kind of hungry. I wonder what's in the kitchen." He heads towards the kitchen.
As Xevnick looked for the kitchen, he began to tear down every Great Dragon banner that he found and leaving them on the ground. He found the kitchen and began to take food from the cupboards, stuffing them into his bag. "Yummy. I'm going to eat great tonight." He laughed.
Seth looked at the queen as she walked twords the castle. Apparently the man that had escorted him here was the queen's scribe. Seth approached the queen in his time queens were purely ceremonial or getting to that point. Plus it was every man for himself in amityville exept for the shadow and Padilian orders. He knew what he knew to do though and bowed in front of the queen. Then asked "Are you the one he brought me here or do you know the man go possesses the magic to do so." He looked up at the queen waiting for an answer. (Queen is phoniex)
After Xevnick got his food, he decided to wander the halls looking for more valuable items. He still tore down every banner he came across. "Wow. The queen has it all." He laughed as he ran down the halls, his laughter echoing throughout the castle.
Allone sat in the room staring at the werewolf guy. The antidote was working rapidly and Kawazoe semmed pretty life like. "Why did you kill the boy I understand he is from a fudeing nation but still he was just in his youth. There is no honor in killing the young." @Blood dog
Phoenix smiled at Kawazoe. "It's alright..." She said helping him. A man appeared in front of them and asked a question. "Um... No sir, I do not believe I brought you here." She says.

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