Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

((This would have been helpful to know like seven months ago when I made the skeleton, Pff))

Maz looked down on Aria. She couldn't very well understand what she was going through. Did she get hit in the chest or something? Why was she crying? She turned, to see Moko-Moko trudging back to her. Moko-Moko stopped at her feet, and the two turned to look at where the others' attention were.

Maz and Moko-Moko walked to Kazan and the girl. Maz gave the girl a little look-see, kneeling all around her and poking at her body. "Is she sleeping?" She quietly asked Kazan.
"I think she may be unconscious... the best thing would be to bring her to the small cabin I saw on my way here. It's up the hill, I'll show you the way and then after that I'll bid adieu"

He said walking onwards towards the cabin as Stitch jumped on his shoulder to be lazy and get a free ride.

(So-o-o-rrrry but back then you didn't mention thinking the memory was lost right after she died or I missed it :P

I ain't Superman you know! I'm only Batman!)
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"I was Batman once..."

Ryoko picked up the unconscious woman and followed Kazan. The woman wasn't too heavy; most of the weight seemed to come from her muscles. She had a muscular build and a hint of amazonian beauty to her. He could tell that she was strong, but what really bothered him was her outfit. Their outfits looked almost identical. Was she some gender swap version of him from an alternate universe? He pushed those thoughts aside after realizing what Kazan said. "Wait, you're leaving again? Why? I get that your previous entrance was anti-climactic, but that doesn't mean that you have to leave again."
"You didn't actually think I was gonna stay. I don't know where you guys got the idea I was your leader, but I ain't. I'm here for you to put your problems on.... Listen the fact is obvious, I don't get on with people, I never did. I always did better on my own, you guys don't need me, you certainly don't want me or my 'riddles' and you are clearly better off without me, you don't need a hot-headed freak."

Kazan said coldly as he led the way to the cabin which they were able to see vaguely up ahead, but it was still a distance away.
The spider emblem shun as Jon washed off the sourch mark that a Forgotten had left on it, He was sat perched up against a wall, breathing heavily with Keyblade in hand. A smile was on his face as he was in victory from these creatures, at least for now.

Looking at his keyblade, the smile from Jon's face dropped. Sighing, he realised that eventually, if he ever wanted to get off this world, he'd have to find the others. But were they still alive? I mean, how many days as he been here, fighting Forgotten, and not once even seeing or hearing of them or from them. Getting up, his armour clinking together, he stretched. There, was one way to find out and that was to walk. He'd either come across them or their corpses that way so he'd get his answer. He breathed in deeply and started walking in the direction he felt would lead to them.

Not long was he on his journey that a couple of Forgotten had showed up, it only three or four, nothing like what he fought before. He gripped his keyblade and smacked on of them with the back of it across the the head and immediately swung it towards another. As the two fade into nothing, the last remaining Forgotten stood there as Jon pointed his keyblade right at him. A fireball erupted and engulfed the Forgotten. "Huh." Jon only stated at the sight of the fading Forgotten. He turned around and there was a cabin in the distance. It wouldn't take too long to get there and it was a straight path, just beyond the cabin the land seemed to slope into a hill.

He didn't know what compelled him to travel to such a small structure but he headed there anyway. Leading, to what he could only presume was the back. He opened the door to the sight of what looked like a ransacked kitchen. Either the group had been here or someone/something else had. He rose the keyblade in-case whatever it was, was still inside and entered the cabin.
From the way he looked at it, it seemed to be in discord, Kazan's group here. The guy who found the girl who was unconscious was having an argument with Kazan about his being a leader, while the other girl who had just met her Forgotten and just remembered the forgotten memories is currently kneeling in anguish and sorrow.

What a strange group I found myself in.....

"If we ever were to chance at leaving this forsaken place, we have to rebuild the Gummi Ship," Fenrir said coolly as he comes between the arguing two. "I suggest for now, we cease this argument and get the girls to that cabin Kazan mentioned. Neither of them looks to be in good combat condition, and a Forgotten horde is not going to be easy with precious cargo on our backs."
"Agreed, as said I will take you guys to the cabin and be on my way. As for the Gummi Ship, that was our plan. We are collecting Gummi Block from our original crashed ship. We already have a small amount, but we need more."

They finally made it to the cabin as Kazan pushed on the door as it creaked open. It was a tiny cabin with no more than 5 rooms. A small kitchen, a bed room, a bathroom and the main room which they walked into. The place was a mess, there was paper and junk lying everywhere. It looked like a small tornado had blown through and what's more it seemed like no one had been there in a while. There were cobwebs and dust everywhere.

Kazan pointed Dragon Heart at a candle as he used a small Fire spell to light it. To create some light as the sun had already almost finished setting.

"I'd recommend the best place to put the girl is on the bed, in the bedroom"

but he was not going to order. He was not their leader, as far as he was concerned he wasn't part of their team anymore. He looked around, what happened to this place, Forgotten?
Maz blinked. She was not all that great at reading situations or making decisions. But she guessed that letting the girl rest at the cabin was a good thing. She wouldn't speak against it. She turned around and continued forward, taking Aria up onto her little shoulders and trotted along with her as a weight and Moko-Moko who watched her with silent eyes while walking by her side.

Maz pushed herself inside the cabin, nearly stumbling with Aria's body. She leaned over and set her down quietly on the wall next to her. She didn't seem all that great there, and she wasn't moving at all. Maz tilted her head, then headed in further. "I wonder how this cabin got here, or when it was used. It looks abandoned."
"Yes, although keep in mind it looks like this whole world was abandoned. Hence the Lost World, we haven't found one creature here besides Forgotten that weren't recently dragged from their Home World to here."

Still this place feels different, may we should look around...

Kazan said rather talking to himself then to the others as he began to slowly starting walking to go check the other rooms.
Jon checked out the kitchen. Tables and chairs were in tatters where once people would have'd dined. He was checking out the counter top which was covered in dust. He tried to imagine the cabin as it was before. His fantasy was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. He placed the frame down and gripped his keyblade with both hands and stood just behind the door that lead from the kitchen to the front room.

He heard voices but the door muffled them so badly that he couldn't make it out. He slowed his breathing so that his breath wouldn't give him away and tried to listen in case footsteps were heard coming towards him. The voices sounded like who/whatever was beyond the door had a male and a female. His brow furled and prepared in-case he was discovered. Could these be survivors? Or could the Forgotten talk? He had to admit he never gave one chance to speak to him so that could be possible, but if they were Forgotten then surely they deserve the same treatment as the rest. Footsteps were heard, as they increased in sound as they approached.

Placing a hand on the handle, Jon waited for the time to strike. The footsteps got louder. And louder. Till they were just beyond the door and Jon instantly turned the handle, swung the door open, his whole left side stepping aside as keyblade shot with the twist of his wrist and headed straight at whoever was there. "ARGHHH!" Jon shouted, to intimate his enemy.
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Kazan made his Dragon Heart Keyblade appear in his hands over his head to block the incoming attack as the two Keyblades clashed as spark and a loud bang echoed out.

"Here is a point, screaming 'ARGHHH' before you attack actually isn't the best way to sneak attack."

Kazan made his Keyblade disappear as he saw it another Keyblade Apprentice. He then shook his hand in pain, that boy swung his blade with more force then necessary. That was quite a swing...
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(Sorry about going over the top, I hope the edited form is more to the plot. I don't normally do that.)

Jon lowered his keyblade as it was blocked, he hadn't been blocked before while he was here. So he focused more on his target. Someone who would prove to actually be a fight would surely need a face. But once the image came to he saw it was Kazan. Wait, Kazan? "So you're still alive." Jon just simply stated coldly. He let go of his keyblade and it vanished. "Is there anyone else with you?"

"Unfortunately, yea..."

Kazan moved out of the way so Jon could see the others. Aria, Ryoko & Fenrir.

"Also the little blue thing, the girl and her cat are accompanying us. Survivors we've found, along with some unconscious girl."

He looked at Fenrir and Jon.

"Find two Keybladers at practically the same time, that is more just random"

Kazan thought to himself, were all the Keybladers being led together...
Fenrir had been following the group quietly, watched as the unconscious girl was being placed onto a bed when he heard a familiar battlecry and quickly drew out his Keyblade, parrying with two other Keyblades when he realized that Kazan had done the same.


That Keyblade.

His eyes traced back onto the wielder and he sighed. It was Jon, the Keyblade apprentice that was nearby to him when the Gummi Ship had crashed. To be exact, Fenrir did not like that guy much. Hot-headed berserkers, that's what Fenrir classifies Jon's combat style.

"Fancy meeting you here," Fenrir greeted coldly. "Thought you were through with finding the others," he added as he stayed with his Keyblade drawn, aware of what that man did. Afterall, that barbarian of a Keyblader drew his blade at him before. He was not about to let son of a gun attack him once more.
(My internet was down preventing my first post, I apologise. Wish I could do a lot better with my entrance, but oh well.)

From the base of the hill came a shrill scream, followed by a massive explosion. Refia, who had gained the attention of a relatively small cluster of Forgotten, each one giving chase. After recovering from the accidental misfire of her Fire spell, Refia immediately began to run in the opposite direction of the beasts. Leaping over fallen logs, crawling beneath upturned roots during many idiotic trips, and climbing trees only to have the Forgotten effortlessly climb them.

Unfortunately for Refia, she ran full speed into a cliff edge, the peak being much too high for her alone to scale. In a last resort, she directed her keyblade at the Forgotten and released a volley of Blizzards, freezing one or two of the puppets, however nowhere near enough to grant her an escape. With her back against the wall, she releases another Fire spell directly upwards, exploding a mere foot above the cliff's edge.

Knowing that the flare would in no way bring her assistance, more likely to spark more trouble, she directed the remaining amount of energy towards the ground into one powerful blast, which sent her sprawling upwards. A desperate grab for the cliff and Refia remained dangling over burning fields and a few unfazed creatures slowly making their way towards her.

A hand slip followed by a cry for help.
Ryoko laid the woman down on one of the beds in the cabin bedrooms. He could hear the commotion in the other room, but seeing that it changed to be more friendly-like, he payed no mind to it. He never really believed that Kazan would really leave the group; there were plans already set in motion. Even though he didn't know exactly what was planned, he knew that Kazan was a part of it. The only way that they could be included without being in the group would be Deus ex machina; a trope commonly frowned upon. Realizing that he spent all that time staring at the woman he brought in, he walked back out to the group. "Hey, are there any clocks around here? I'm willing to bet that they are set to 12:00."
Kazan looked at Fenrir as they chatted.

"Wait a minute, had you two found each other before?"

Kazan looked at each of them back and forth.

Ryoko could look around the cabin, but he would find not one clock. This cabin had no traces of time keeping devices or strangely any mirrors.

Kazan heard the yell.

"Looks like another one..."

Kazan ran towards the sound of the scream, it was either another Keyblader or another lost survivor. He eventually found a girl and managed to grab her hand just as she slipped. He managed to pull her up as he recognized her as one of the fellow apprentices. Her name was Refia, he thought, he wasn't too sure.

He lifted her up and looked down below, there was nothing there but more dust and metal. For a minute he thought she might be being chased by Forgotten, but he didn't see any.

Without a word he pulled her back towards the cabin and dragged her in towards the others.
(Thesmashbro Oitetment Trixie Moreau TheNarrator Kurotaki Suikun)

Kazan shook his head as now there were even more Keyblade Apprentices around, surely this would just cause more bickering between them.

He decided he wasn't in the mood for it and began to explore the house, he opened the way to the bedroom as he looked around. There was so much junk lying around, pieces of paper, parts, all random, thrown away. It was like a complete pig lived here.

He walked over to the table where something was pinned across it.

"No way!"

Kazan couldn't help yell out as he saw something that shocked him. That can't be...

Stitch had followed him as he crawled around the ceiling, across the room looking for clues. As he crawled, he found a small hidden trigger built into the side of the wall. Being the curious little monster he was, he pressed it as suddenly the walls slid open and something started coming out of the wall, making a lot of noise.

"Stitch no!"

Kazan yelled out at the experiment realizing what he had done.
More and more people had arrived at the cabin, making Maz even more uncomfortable. The first was another of those oversized key-weilding people, who had jumped out and cried out loud enough for Maz to jump in place. Another, a girl who was seemingly chased by nothing, was brought to the cabin and set inside. Another one of those key wielders. What was going on?

Then a noise suddenly made its presence audible. Maz's attention shifted from one thing to another, and she decided to follow the noise to see what was happening.
Suddenly a huge machine started coming out of the wall, it seemed like a giant laser that slid out of it's hidden compartment of the wall as it began to glow and whir....

It was switching on, as it's electrical exterior beeped with lights and sounds as it began slowly lifting up to point forward as suddenly a huge light blasted out. The light consumed the entire cabin and all those in it, disappeared.


Kazan woke up with a fright as he got up and looked around, the area didn't look familiar. He wasn't in the cabin anymore, was he teleported? He shook his body to get ride of the pins and needles feeling he has as his wings flapped around, then suddenly it hit him. He had wings?!?!

He looked himself over, he was a bug. A Dragonfly?! He had nothing but short little legs, no hands, arms or feet. He still had his usual eyes and mouth, but now on a red dragonfly head and body. Wait a minute, without hands how would he hold Dragon Heart. Wait where was his Keyblade...

He looked around, only to find it now attached to the end of his tail.

"Oh shi-! Someone jammed my keyblade up my-"

Kazan stopped right there knowing he shouldn't finish that sentence as he was flying just a few feet of the ground with his wings.

He looked around the area again, he hadn't been teleported... He was still in the cabin, he was just super tiny now....

(In case it isn't obvious, you have all been transformed into bugs now)
Ryoko heard a loud sound coming from the bedroom when suddenly a light enveloped all of them. Moments later, everything around him, except for the other keyblade wielders, were huge. He could feel wing muscles on his back so he decided to have a mental scan of his anatomy. He was a cicada/dimension-lord hybrid. "Well..." He said, "That made about as much sense as the restrictions on the Xbox One."

Tatakau woke up when she heard a loud noise and was conscious long enough to see her surroundings before the flash of light. Next thing she knew, the bed was about the size of an aircraft carrier. She walked over to the edge, noting her changes. She then leaped into the air and, despite her loss of mass, landed with a ground-shaking slam, obviously angry.

(BTW, "Dimension Lord" is Ryoko's self-named species)
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Fenrir was not able to dodge that blast of light, and after a while, he woke up, feeling dizzy. Where he was now, he was unable to analyse, but then he noticed that large table that he was standing beside as he remembered.

"What happened? Did we all shrunk or something?" he muttered, about to wipe his face, only to realize that he had no hands, but scythe-like appendages. After a quick check, he noticed that he had become a praying mantis, and Snow Queen had split into two parts of the scythe edges.

He heard Kazan shouting, and when he turned, he noticed that he was looking right at a dragonfly, who he was only slightly larger than. Mantis against Dragonfly, the winner is rather obvious to be exact.

"Dragon Heart, Dragonfly," Fenrir muttered as-a-matter-of-fact-ly. "Very original."
(I did say 5 rooms, so there is one other room besides the bedroom. I'm in that one.)

Kazan mumbled as he could hear the others already shouting at him from the other rooms.

"Oh shut up!"

He looked around as even one of the new guys comments.

"Don't you start! I already got that twit Ryoko."

He looked around for Stitch who he now found stuck on his back as a Stinkbug, emitting a powerful odor.

"Jeez Stitch, you smell even worse than usual!"

"Naga bootifa!"

Stitch yelled out as his legs waved rapidly trying to get right side up.
Aria was caught up in her own funk, unable to function, laying on the floor near the entrance of the cabin. She hadn't been paying much mind to anything around her, especially her previous teammates who were also stranded on the forgotten world. She would have probably been welcoming or something, but being human she couldn't help but feel... Really bummed out.

She couldn't get the image of her friend, her only friend, and her terrible death at the disposal of the heartless.

The light returned to her eyes for just a moment to view her surroundings. She wiped the loose strands of her messy hair out of her eyes, then peered around to find that she was now within a cabin. Did someone carry her in there? She stepped off of the wall only to be met with a bright light, that filled the room and the cabin.

She woke up, only to find that she was, again, in a different place. Or rather, the same place. Only seen from a very, very small(er) view. A "What the hell?" escaped from her mouth, before she could fully tell what happened.

She looked down to find that she was standing on, not two, but six legs. All of which were kinda long, and yellow. She glanced at her back, and found her wings, as well as her abdomen. She was a wasp. How all of it happened, she couldn't quite tell...


As for Maz and Moko-Moko... Maz shrieked at the sight of the light that came out of the machine. She stepped back as a first response, but couldn't avoid it and was changed just as the rest had. She, being a butterfly, and Moko-Moko an ant. Maz was sure that the ant was Moko-Moko... Who else would it be?

"Guys, what happened?" She asked, honestly concerned. She tried to take a step, but stepped back honestly because she just wasn't used to being a butterfly.
Kazan flew towards the room where the majority of the others were, the entrance room with Aria, Maz and Fenrir.

"Guys, I think we might have a small problem..."

Kazan said as Stitch scuttled after him still release some nasty odors.

Unbeknownst to the group, they were being scanned. The machine had watched from the corner of the room, but now that it scanned the bugs it dropped down from the ceiling. It was a large mechanical spider, made of bronze rather then steel. Upon closer inspection it appeared more steam punk in design then futuristic. It was still tiny, but larger than all of them.

It's eyes glowed red as it scanned them, starting to step forward leg by leg.
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