Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Merida stomped through the bushes and came out near a river. She saw three people on the other side of the bank. "Hello!" she yelled across the river. Still with her hand on her bowstring ready to attack if necessary. She looked at the suspiciously they were all soaking wet and exhausted. Like that had just been in a fight in the river. or something along those lines.
" I have no idea what you mean... But they're not there? How can some blob of water teleport them somewhere else?" Aria used her arms to pull her feet around. She brought her body out, sitting, facing Ryoko. "I suppose we could rest for a bit, or something..."

Maz hovered over the lake. Moko-Moko dropped her off there, and turned back into its original grimoire form. She opened up to Blabla's page and began extracting its remains. A blue aura flowed out of the water and into the book. When it was done, the book glowed blue and shut itself. "That was a strong creature. I should save it's effect for later, whatever it does." She turned to everyone else, and opened her mouth to speak, when she saw someone else approaching them. "Oh? Who's that?"

Aria turned. Hello, said the newcomer. "Another one?" Aria moaned. She couldn't handle even more company around, especially since she wasn't in the mood and she couldn't go anywhere. "What are you? If you're a forgotten... Then you'd best be making your way out soon." She eyed the girl and her body. She didn't seem to look puppet like, and by the looks of it she must have been a human archer.


"That stubborn little tike isn't getting the best of me..." F-IP growled. She clenched her fist in anger, her face viciously showing the same emotion. She looked up at queen. "That girl, she's mine, and I'll forever endow the rest of her life with pain. I'll have her dead..."
"Yeah, we should rest. Personally, I think we should find a cave or something. Having only one way into the camp would make it easier for me to make defenses to keep forgotten out." Ryoko said before turning to see Merida on the other shore. He knew who she was, but he also knew that she wasn't from the prime universe. He couldn't guess who she really was, just like Stitch. "Good day." He said to Merida, "Nice to see someone who isn't made of wood."
"What are you talking about? Made of wood?" She asked a little puzzled as she approached. "Where are we? and why are you all wet?" She asked looking at all of them. They were all soaking. "Who are you people?" She asked tipping her head to the side so that her enormous red curly bun let a few more curls fall free. "Sorry for all the questions. I'm a bit confused" She said her thick scottish accent echoing through the area.
Noting that the girl was, indeed, not a forgotten, she sighed. "Unfortunately, you landed somewhere very dangerous. And right now there's no method for exiting..." Aria shifted her balance to one arm. "The creatures here, forgotten, are puppet like. They, to my best guess, primarily inhabit this world. They want us dead. Forgotten are created from memories, and depending on who's memory it is the forgotten will act especially hostile to the person the dream it was created from belongs to. Now as to why we were wet, we were fighting a forgotten created from a memory of someone drowning... So the forgotten was enveloped in water... " Aria really didn't want to welcome another person to the group. She just wanted to go on her own. Her legs needed a few minutes to heal is all, and once that was done...
Noticing Aria's trouble with her leg, Ryoko silently used a cure spell. "You're welcome to join us if you'd like. We're down one member anyway, and we would enjoy some company." He said to Merida without knowing what Aria thought, "We were just about to find a place for shelter. Would you happen to know a place we could stay?"
"Well I just came from a nice little clearing area but that wont protect us if it rains." Merida said shrugging her shoulders. "Maybe we should all look around for a cave?" She asked scanning her surroundings. "I could have my brothers help." She said smiling ready to raise her hand and snap.
Queen smiled seeing F-IP had a score to settle.

"Very well, go. Finish your business. If you fail, one of you others will have to go. It's time to stop being so lazy and put on the pressure."

She smiled.

"The master has big plans..."
"I'll go ahead and search for a cave by myself. If I find one, I'll call." Aria said. The cure only took away the numbness from her legs; they were still sore when she staggered up onto her feet. Without another word, another look, she headed off away from everyone. She needed to calm herself.

Maz looked at Aria heading away. She would stop her, but she didn't know exactly what was wrong with her. She didn't understand quite well.

F-IP nodded. "I wouldn't have it any other way." She left swiftly.
"Ever get the sense of impending doom? Oh, nevermind. Anyway, you mentioned your brothers? Maybe you could send one to follow Aria? He could send an alert in case she finds herself in a situation where she can't call for help." Ryoko said. He then looked around some more. "We could go back to our first camp... Nah, that would be too easy. They might have something planned for us there."
"Alright. Will do." Merida smiled. She snapped and three little bears appeared. "Alright. Hamish a girl just went that way go follow her and make sure she's alright but dont be to loud or she'll know your there. and Hubert and Harris you go together and try and find a cave or some kind of shelter. Alright boys?" She said patting them all on the head. Hamish ran off into the bushes after Aria and Hubert and Harris ran off together in the opposite direction to find shelter. "So what are your names? I havent asked yet" Merida asked smiling
Ryoko was a little surprised that her brothers were still bears. That's the thing with multiple dimensions. "I have many titles, so I won't bother trying to say them all. My name is Ryoko Jigen. As I mentioned before, the girl who went over there is Aria." Ryoko said, "I don't think the girl over there never told me her name; she just arrived here too. So, what's yours?"
"I'm Merida. Princess of the clan DunBroch. And those were my little brothers Hamish,Harris, and Hubert. There not actually bears. They just turn into them when I need them to." She said smiling. "Oh and I can kind of control fire." She said opening her hand as a little blue flame lit in her palm. She smiled looking down on it. "well! we should start looking for shelter!" She said closing her palm and extinguishing the flame.
"Ooh! My apologies!" Maz skipped over to the two, bowing lightly. "My name is Maz, and this is my companion, Moko-Moko!" Maz thrust the book forward for everyone to see. "Moko-Moko records monsters... I collected a few here, and some were already in here. "

Aria huffed. She couldn't walk too fast, nor could she walk very slow. "I'll just have to moderate my pace..." She moved the hair out of her face, suddenly looking around in a daze.

"Crap... Not now... Wait... Was this planned all from the beginning?!" Aria grimaced. She knew that forgotten of hers was coming after her, and was it such a coincidence that it came after they were separated? She attempted to run back, but she couldn't do that because she would risk hurting her leg again. She was in a dilemma.
"Well, it's nice to meet all three of you." Ryoko said politely. "I'm going to go to the ruins near the clock tower to see if we could use our old camp. Maybe while I'm at it I can investigate the place." He then turned towards the clock tower in the distance. "If I get in trouble, I'll signal you." After that last sentence, he walked away from the rest of the group.
Hamish came running back through the bushes. He growled and pointed back toward the path that Aria had left behind. "Well would you like to follow and see if Aria is in Trouble Maz?" Merida said gesturing toward Hamish.
"Well... What about Ryoko? He would have to be left alone then, and he wouldn't be able to call if we left..." Maz thought for a bit. "Okay. If she's in trouble... I guess we should prioritize her safety instead..." Maz turned to the bear and nodded. "Lead the way!" 
Aria staggered back. Her keyblade appeared in her hand without consent, it 'knew' it needed to be there. "Pff, I don't need you to tell me that I'm in danger..." She said. With each step she took, she felt more and more easy. She was coming.

A purple blur dashed across Aria's eyesight. Aria looked up, stunned. She turned around, to see that it was zipping around her too quickly for her to see exactly what it was. She backed away... And as soon as she did, it stopped.

"Why hello there, again! Twerp!" F-IP stood there with a crooked grin on her face, which made her even the more scary with her shady expression and doll-like looks. "You've hurt me, and wounded my pride. But now, I'll see to it that you die right here and now." F-IP outstretched her hands, and wooden spikes shot out through each finger, looking like claws. "Let's get this over with!"

Aria gave F-IP a tough look. She could do this, she thought. She just had to avoid stressing her legs too much. She rose her keyblade in a defensive stance, and was instantly attacked from the moment she put up her guard. F-IP gave no elbow room, she was just clawing and assaulting her with a combination of her hands and feet and body.
The world around Tatakau went back into focus. He could hear some fighting a few meters away from her. She seemed to have healed since last time. She got up and looked around her. She was still where she was last time she woke up: in a forest. After standing still a few minutes to organize her thoughts, she walked towards the sounds of fighting. After walking awhile, she saw two people fighting. While she enjoyed fighting, she decided to stay behind a tree and watch before joining in.
Aria's arms had to make up for what strength was lost in the previous battle. She effectively blocked off F-IP's wild barrage of attacks with her keyblade. She spun it around with each jab, each thrust. Just to avoid from getting scathed. But F-IP didn't seem to get tired just ruthlessly attacking Aria... In fact, her attacks were gradually becoming more and more powerful. Her claws even lit on fire at one point, and Aria had to forcefully push herself away from it instead of block it.

For a beginning, it wasn't going well. Aria knocked the blade over F-IP's chest to push her away, then backed away to aim at F-IP from a distance. Seconds passed... F-IP sped towards Aria again, zigzagging to get her off of her target. Aria shot smaller and less powerful blasts of ice towards F-IP, and repetitively. F-IP was only pelted three times with it, and each hit only slowed her down just a tad bit. The attacking and blocking continued again, but with Aria attempting to land blows inbetween. The sweat was clearly plastered on her face.
Merida ran her brother trotting along in front of her and Maz followed not far behind. They entered a clearing were they found Aria in battle with F-IP. Merida immediately pulled out her bow and began shooting at the assailant. "Hamish go find your brothers!" She yelled over the sounds. She lifted her hand and began lighting the tips of her arrows on fire before she shot them at the attacker.
Maz ran by Merida's side with Moko-Moko held tightly in her arms. She stopped when she had stopped, in a clearing, where F-IP and Aria had duked it out. "It's another strong one..." She said quietly, hugging Moko-Moko even tighter.

F-IP quickly drew her head back, letting the arrow miss her by a hair. She continued to move out of the way of the other arrows, glaring over in Merida's direction.

Merida then switched from using regular arrows to ones lit with fire. Aria looked up in surprise.

" No wait! Don't use fire! " Aria shouted after Merida upon sight of the flame-lit arrows. She was too late, however, and F-IP grinned. She took the arrows, purposefully letting them hit her hand. They then lit on fire along with the spikes that stuck out of her fingers. F-IP stuck her fingers in the ground, waited a little, and super-heated rows of spikes came shooting in Merida and Maz's direction.
Merida saw the spikes and her eyes widened and jumped out of the way. on of the spikes cut her leg before she could jump completely out of the way. "What am I supposed to do with no fire?! and shes dodging all of my arrows!" Merida said sounding helpless.
Aria seemed to also be helpless... But if she was here, perhaps it would be easier to land blows on the speedy F-IP. She used cure on the small bubbling scratch on Merida's leg.

Moko-Moko transformed back into a winged cat and lifted up the spikes before they could reach her. "Merida, how about you shoot arrows from the air to distract her and perhaps damage her to help Aria?" Maz suggested. She, with her arms holding onto Moko-Moko, tried to pick Merida up from her chest using her feet. Moko-Moko couldn't fly much higher due to the weight of both of them.

F-IP twisted, voidful purple eyes landing on Aria once more. "Now that that's done..."
Ryoko continued walking towards the clock tower. Strange, it seemed to be blurry. He looked behind him and everything was as clear a usual. "Just great, this universe is on auto-run." He said as he sat down, "Now I'm going to have to wait for the GM to update the clock tower area before continuing. If this goes on for too long, it will become just as I predicted on the bottom of page 18." He reached into his bag of holding, took out his ocarina, and started playing it to pass the time.
((I'm sorry that I havent been posting. I'm having a lot of drama at home. I will be back when i move and all of this has subsided. Sorry if i held anyone up.))

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