Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

"Honestly, that isn't very accurate... You only dry faster if you're wet and blown by wind. You're just going to blow the water away..." Aria sighed.

Not all that far away, a girl sat down quietly hugging a book to her knees. She looked up at the creature without doing a single thing to it.

Aria saw the girl. She poked Kazan lightly and pointed at her. "Maybe she's controlling it?"
The wind did help to block the water, but it was too strong as soon began pushing past it as the ice continued to crack more.

Kazan looked to the girl Aria pointed out.

"Good work, you may be right. It does look like she is just watching, though we can't be sure. Ryoko you keep that thing occupied, Stitch make sure Ryoko doesn't do anything stupid. Aria, you and me will check her out."

Kazan hopped forward towards the girl, his Keyblade in defensive position.

"Hey, you! Are you controlling that thing?"

Meanwhile Stitch took out his blasters and began shooting at the water stream to prevent it from reaching Ryoko as he growled at the creature.

"Dunga haga blabla!"
"One thing still bothers me: If we froze Morpha, where is the water coming from? We froze it solid so the core is separated from the water, it shouldn't be able to control it. Arcwind!" Ryoko said before launching a more powerful torrent of wind at the water blast. "Power struggle for the win."
Aria nodded. She advanced towards the girl as Kazan did, but not in a defensive position. The girl, she could admit, seemed pretty harmless with her young look and cute round eyes, but that grimoire she was holding looked very suspicious to her. As Kazan asked if she was controlling the monster back there, Aria giggled, only because she doubted she would admit that if she was. Anyway, she still stuck with him.

The girl looked towards the voice quickly. Immediately she started to sweat. "A-ah...!" The girl stood up, hugging the book within her arms. By the thing in the boy's hand, she was frightened. She had hoped for the monster and the kids to be gone and she could get what she needed, but somehow she was spotted. "No, I am not controlling that, but p-please defeat it!" She left out the part that she could help.
The ice finally burst apart as Blabla was finally free blasted a powerful shot of water that shot right through Ryoko's wind and shot him back. It then began to swim in a vortex as it went for Stitch.

Stitch freaked out as his hair stood on end and he bolted on all six legs as the water vortex went after him.

Kazan looked at the girl as he noticed the book, if that is a spell book it would reinforced the idea that she is a magic user who is controlling the water. But at the same idea, she seems afraid of it. Some enemies are cocky enough to admit they are the bad guys, some are devious enough to deny it and pretend they are good guys. He had no way to be sure...

"Do you know what that thing is?"

Maybe she would at least know something...
Aria eyed Kazan for a quick moment, then looked back to the girl. She put her hand to her hip. She didn't expect the girl to say anything.

"No... But as soon as I get it in Moko-Moko, I will..." The girl quietly opened her book, and showed Kazan. It was supposed to be a page of information for the monster, as there was a accurately illustrated picture on there, but the places where the information were supposed to go were blank except for one entry; water-based. On the top right of the pages were the number 0.
"Five." Ryoko said as he got up after getting knocked back. He then briefly used cure on himself and considered his options. "Let's see...I can't use lightsabers, katanas, nunchucks, chainsaws, or laser-chainsaw-katana-chucks... All I can use is the keyblade and my plethora of magic attacks based off of various things form different universes... There is a good chance that I will receive dues ex machina, possibly disguised as the worf effect, from the girl that was just introduced..."

"And Stitch can't swim. I should probably help." The pixels of his Bit-blade moved to for the shape of a staff. He then raised it into the air and teleported Stitch to his location to get him away from the water. After he teleported Stitch, the Bit-Blade formed back to its original shape. He then walked towards the part of Morpha that had all of the junk floating around. "Bring it."
"Well that doesn't help yet..."

Kazan sighed, he would still keep an eye on the mysterious girl who just appeared.

Stitch was teleported as he suddenly growled at Ryoko and shot him with is blaster.

"Naga teleport meega!" He grumbled as he clearly did not like being teleported without his permission.

Kazan jumped back to the water creature and launched a Blizzard at it, freezing a portion of it. Two more streams of water shot out as they went straight for Kazan and Ryoko, but then swung around them avoid them as they headed straight for Stitch.
Aria stepped back, glancing at the girl once more, then ran off to help the group again. She knew Kazan and Ryoko could hold their ground, but Stitch not as much. She wasn't surprised when the water headed for him instead. Aria quickly slid infront of Stitch, pointed her keyblade at the incoming water, and shot another blast of icy wind at the water.

The girl watched them run off. Those people could use magic, she thought, but she didn't know exactly if enhancements could work on them.

"I'll try..." She whispered. She set her book down on the ground, as it gradually transformed into a black and blue winged cat. It trudged towards the group. "Release triads, output 3..." The cat advanced and shot out three blasts of light which honed in on Kazan, Ryoko, and Aria.
Ryoko didn't see either shot coming and they both hit his back, causing him to fall over and hit his head. He stopped moving, his eyes were blank, and he was barely breathing.

"Sorry about the short post, I wasn't sure how to make it longer other than this sentence that I am saying right now."

"@C h a t N o i r: The shot was actually from Stitch, but i guess that her shot would've added to the damage."
"...!" The girl got all teary. She didn't intend to kill him. "He wasn't...?"

Aria, however, didn't exactly fall down to the ground as Ryoko did. She only flinched a bit when she was hit. All of a sudden, her ice began to intensify, causing a large mass of the water to freeze upon contact. Aria was surprised.

((I'm also braindead...))
Kazan watched as the water went around him and headed for Stitch.

'Wait, why did it dodge me and go directly for Stitch...'

As Aria froze a large piece of the water it suddenly fell to the ground and smashed into smaller bits of ice, as more water leaked below her feet and went further until it was under Stitch. The water began to rise as it encompassed Stitch in water as it suddenly pulled him back into the main source of water as it the water blob with Stitch at it's core knocked Aria away as it went past.

Kazan saw the light coming at him and not knowing what it was, did the only sensible thing. He dodged as he jumped back and avoided the light bringing up his Keyblade for defense. Attacking them, maybe she was the spell caster controlling this thing.

Stitch growled as he was drawn into the giant mass of water which seemed to roar. Stitch flailed his arms madly as he tried to get out of the water, but was stuck as he sunk down into the creature's source, the river. He held his throat as he began to drown inside Blabla

"Oh no! Stitch!"

Kazan didn't have time to worry about the girl for now, he had to save Stitch then he would stop the creature, he had to stop Blabla. He raced forward with his Keyblade, he had to think fast before Stitch drowned.
"I wasn't attacking them... So why..." The girl pouted when Kazan dodged. She saw that the girl had not, and hopefully she could explain what she did for them. One of the blasts returned back to the cat's mouth to be used again.

Aria turned around to go see if Stitch was okay, but she was knocked onto her back when the water rose to capture him. She rubbed her head and looked back towards the water. "What just..." She looked towards her keyblade, then turned to the girl. "What the heck? What'd you do?!" Aria growled, then threw herself at the creature to get stitch back.
"Hmm... If I knew that I was the one keeping the roleplay going, I wouldn't have let the shot almost kill me."

[Error. System damaged. Initiating repair programs.]

[Respawn in (estimated) 5 posts.]

"Let's play a game..."
(Sorry guys, it's been a heck of a week...)

Blabla knocked back Aria and Kazan with watery limbs before they could help. As it continued to hold Stitch in it's belly. Stitch gasped as he couldn't hold his breath any longer and water began to creep into his lungs as he choked. His arms and legs flailing madly in vain.

Kazan went flying back as he rolled along the dirt. What he could do, if he froze the water Stitch would just be trapped in ice and frozen. They had to get him out quick or he would die, this wasn't the time for everyone to be doing their own thing. They had to think of something together.

"Aria, Ryoko. Quick we have to do something!"

He jumped back as he raced towards them.

"We have to get him out somehow!"
"Wait!" Called out the girl, who tried to shout but her voice faltered quickly as she tried. "I can help! I can help!"

((No problem. Sorry for the one liner, I can't think of much else at the moment.))
Kazan looked to the girl, they didn't really have a choice but to trust her. If they did nothing Stitch would drown and there was no better way to find out.

"Please, if you can help him!"

Kazan called out to the girl.

Stitch continued to struggle in Blabla as bubbles came out as his lungs were filled to capacity with water.
The girl nodded. She knew she temporarily enhanced one of the three's magic, but it wouldn't work anymore since now an ally was in danger. She settled her decision, nodding, sending her hand out as she declared her order to the grimoire that took form as a winged cat. "Moko-Moko, go directly into the creature and rescue him!" The cat meowed. It, too, hated water. But it had to listen.

Moko-Moko flew high into the air, making sure the water wasn't targeting it. Once it was high enough above the large mass of water, it dived down aiming for Stitch. To make sure it would pierce through the water instead of get trapped, it spun around with it's wings making it look and act like a screw. It hit the water, grabbed Stitch with it's hind legs, and escaped out of the water, slowly loosing momentum and gradually plummeting to the ground. The girl was there to catch the two when they fell.
Blabla was not expecting the attack from the other side so it not have time to defend itself as the cat flew through and grabbed Stitch snatching him out of the water. Blabla immediately retaliated by firing tentacles of water to retrieve Stitch.

"Stop it!"

Kazan aimed his Keyblade.

"Homing Blizzara!"

He fired a more powerful blast of ice which the took the shape of a missile and shot towards the water tentacles to freeze them before they could grab the cat and Stitch, but there were too many tentacles.

'It's still going after Stitch, why...' Kazan though to himself why the creature seemed so focused on Stitch, it had specifically avoided hitting himself just to grab Stitch instead.
"Tentacles... I hope this doesn't end up like some anime..."

[Repair program completed.]

"About time."

[Reset initiated.]

"Reset? This will be fun..."

Ryoko's eyes shot open and he sat up. His eyes seemed to be different. Before they were wide and optimistic, now they didn't show anything. "Analyzing..." He said in a monotone voice as he looked around. After seeing Morph- err... 'Blabla'... attacking Kazan, Aria, and Stitch, he stood up. "Analyzed. Resolving..." He then pointed a finger at Blabla. At the tip of his finger formed a small orb of misty, blue energy. He then shot a thin beam of freezing energy at the bulk of Blabla.
Ryoko then shook his head as if recovering from being dazed. "Hmm... divine intervention. Good thing too, I hate going through reset." He said as he looked back to the group fighting Blabla. "I liked the name Morpha better." That thing was constantly attacking Stitch for some reason. He yelled to the group, "Hey, did Stitch do anything to it that might have made it mad?"
Merida opened her eyes. She was in a forested area. Alone. "Where am I?" she wondered aloud to herself. She went to touch her bow string as she instinctively did. But found that it wasn't there. "Wheres my bow?!" She yelled pushing her massive curls out of her face and scanning the area. "No. No. No. No." She muttered under her breath as she pulled a leather cord out of her pocket and threw her hair into a messy bun and began searching through the bushes surrounding her.
Kazan looked back to Stitch, as he dodged water tentacles.

"It's going after Stitch, Stitch never seemed to like it in the first place but he seems just surprised when it came out of the water as we were. The water..."

Kazan thought back to the Gummi Block in the water.

"Wait a minute, if Stitch saw the Gummi Block in the water it meant he was looking specifically at the water, but why didn't he take it out then. Why leave it in the water... Even when he came, he still stayed away from the water as if he was afraid of it... When he was in the creature, Stitch can't swim.... He is afraid of water like he almost drown. That is why this creature is attacking him! It's his memory of drowning, this thing is a Forgotten! It's Stitch's Forgotten, that is why it is specifically going after him! Just like 'Spikey' went specifically after Aria!"

Kazan smirked, this gave them the clue they needed.
Aria smiled. Now that they knew what the thing was, they could act and think accordingly instead of blindly going at it. "If that's the case, then it shouldn't be controlled by someone else. It might have a core, and we could evaporate all the water. But--"

"I still have a few triads recorded in Moko-Moko. It can make your magical attacks stronger!" The girl declared, Stitch and Moko-Moko still in her arms.

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