Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

"Who's F-IP?" Ryoko said as he recalled the past events. "The forgotten that went after Aria never gave us her name, so you called her 'Spikey'. Also, we never really beat her. I just hit the mid-boss with a tri-attack and caused a big explosion. Considering that she could absorb fire, I can't say that we killed her. Should I try the Tri-attack here?"
(Good point on F-IP name, I edited my post. It's been a while, I did forget that.)

"I never said we beat her, but yes thanks for reminding us you caused the explosion that almost killed us. No 'Spikey' definitely ain't dead. But can we concentrate on the Forgotten trying to kill us now, think... What do we know about Forgotten?"
Aria's smile gradually turned into a frown. " It's made of water... And I think I just said we can try to make it evaporate..." She grunted. "I think we should listen more."
"They are based on memory. Maybe if I hit Stitch over the head, he'll remember and Morpha will disappear in a puff of logic." Ryoko said, leering at Stitch for shooting him. "Revenge aside, the only time we did noticable damage was when I zapped it. But after I zapped it, it used it to hurt us. Speaking of hurt... Cure." He then used the cure spell to restore his health.
"No you two are missing the point. Our main problem, if this thing is controlled by a core the situation is that Blabla as Stitch called it is filled with so much junk it's impossible to figure out which piece is the core and which is just junk if that is the case as it might be being controlled by a mage. However we now know this a Forgotten and so let me rephrase: what do we know about what Forgotten LOOK like."

Kazan looked back to the group, being weary should Blabla attack as it seemed to reconstituting lost water and growing in size to prepare for another attack after having lost it's goal.

Kazan purposefully ignored Aria's comment knowing no fire spell was strong enough to evaporate an entire river, this thing was linked to the river itself and even when it lost water it simply pulled more from the river itself, it's source, it's base.
"Puppets. But I don't see how that relates to this. It can be an exception or something." Aria crossed her arms. Even if her idea wasn't that great, she didn't appreciate being ignored. "Why are you even asking us this? We're short of time, look at it! Just tell us and get on with it!"

((Sorry for the short, quick posts. :'3))
"Well I'm going to go upstream to freeze the river, cutting off its supply of water. Also, I agree with Aria. Stop giving us hints and give us the answer." Ryoko said as he started to walk upstream. "And since I just said that out loud, Morpha is obviously going to attack me so I'm buying you some time to work your plan."
Merida dug and dug through the bushes. "Where is the darn thing." she snapped and three little bears popped out of thin air into the clearing. They looked down at there paws and rolled there eyes and looked at Merida as if to say 'really?!'. "Oh shut up! I can find my dang bow! Help me look!" She said gesturing toward the bushes surrounding them. They rolled there eyes and ran in three different directions to look for the bow. "HAMISH! Stop eating the bushes!!! Jeeez!" She said turning around and digging through the bushes again.
Kazan smacked his head.

"This ain't the academy where if you give up you get answers. There is no answers, the hint is the clue. We know they all look like puppets with wooden appearances, it is not definite but highly like Blabla's core is similar. Hate to break it to you babies, but there is no answer but that hint can help us eliminate the many pieces of junk within the water, anything that doesn't match that appearance we can ignore and rather go after anything that fits the bill. I can't give you answer because there isn't one, but I do need all of you to understand what we are looking for. If we all look for a piece of junk in the water that may resembles the other Forgotten, we can eliminate the choice from 100 pieces to maybe only a few which is something we can aim for between all five of us. But if that is too hard for your babies and you need answers go back to the academy."

Kazan looked to Stitch.

"Can I assume you'll help me?"

Stitch nodded.

Kazan immediately began looking through the creature, ignoring any junk that didn't seem wooden or puppet like anyway. A lot was easy like old dead plant debri, plastic bottles, etc. Some however was more difficult.

After Blabla had absorbed enough water and grown twice in size, it's body began to bubble as it prepared a new technique. Suddenly it's whole body began to spin around the group as it turned into a vortex of water spinning around them with all it's pieces spinning around as well as trapping them within the vortex of water. Soon shots of water began shooting at the group from all directions.
"You're right. This isn't the academy. We don't need more full-on lessons and understanding; clearly this is the test where we have to apply what we learn in a real environment. That doesn't mean you can just become a teacher and try and lead us closer and closer towards a solution. Perhaps I am being a baby, but what if we never get it! Look at the monster again!" Aria pointed once more at Blabla, it exponentially growing in size. Why was she even arguing, wasting even more time? She was getting more and more frustrated by the second. Her stubborn streak kicked in for a moment, and she just departed from the group before the vortex formed. "Right now, even though it's a foolish decision, I don't want to try and become a keyblade master with this situation. I might as well fail and die." Aria grumbled. She didn't need to be insulted any more than she had been already.

Maz was confused. She thought that if she had helped everything would have gone smoothly, but it ended up with more stress to everyone instead. She wondered, how complicated emotions were. She would have stopped the girl from abandoning the group if she hadn't been focused on what the water was doing. It formed a large vortex around them so they couldn't escape and shot blasts of water at them. "Moko-Moko!" Maz whistled, causing the cat to sway in her arms and start to pull her up. "Maybe I can get a better view!" Moko-Moko carried Maz as it flew around trying to dodge the water coming at them.
She heard a little bear yell from the other side of the clearing. "Did you find it!" She said trotting over happily. Hamish turned around with her bow in his little paws. and almost immediately after Harris ran over with her quiver in his own paws. "Thank you so much!" She yelled grabbing the bow and quiver she rubbed Harris, Hamish, and Huberts little heads and snapped again and they disappeared. "Ok now to find out where I am..." Merida said beginning to tromp through the bushes to try and find another person.
Ryoko stopped and looked at Kazan with a confused look on his face. "Um... is that Pyro in there? That seemed out of character." He said as he tried to count how many times he said pretty much the same thing. "Considering some of that grammar, who's being the baby here? Want me to give you a list of your baby-like grammatical errors? And who says we're giving up? We're trying to come up with our own answers because you won't give us yours! Aria had the idea to evaporate it and instead of telling whether she was right or wrong, you just ignored her! I make mistakes all the time with my theories, but I don't stop trying for two reasons: You won't tell me anything better, and I'm the comic relief." He then unsummoned his key-blade and went into a defensive stance so that he could dodge the water coming at him easier, which he did. "You probably don't need any help from some babies."
Kazan saw as Aria jumped into the water just as Blabla made it's move, which wasn't the best idea as the water vortex was made to keep them all in and it was far too late as she was caught in the water as she tried to flee as she was suddenly blasted into a strong current of water that began to spin her around as she was almost simultaneously struck with all the junk washing the water.

Kazan immediately used Magnet with his Keyblade as he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the water vortex before she would be killed. However such a foolish move had already left her very hurt.

"That was not a wise move...." He said to her even though she might already be unconscious... while she was only in there for a few seconds that vortex was fast it was enough to kill someone very quickly.


He cast cure over her ignoring his own hand which was bleeding from debri when he had pulled her out.

"Yes, you are being babies. You keep asking for an answer I can't give you. I'm sorry but fact is I don't have answer to beta this thing. Wish I did, but I don't. All I have is a hint and idea, i don't know if it's right or wrong, that is why I asked you guys. I thought you were my team mates. I've seen what happens when we act alone, so yes I'm not just going to command you what to do or tell you the answer. I told you my idea, because like your ideas I expect i might be wrong so yes I actually cared about your input which is why I had to explain and couldn't just give you the answer that I don't have. Maybe you can come up with definite answers you are so sure of, but I would rather ask my teammates first, but you guys don't care. You just expect someone to tell you how to beat it, well it doesn't work that way anymore. I'm no teacher and I don't know how to beat this thing. I only had an idea I put forward to you which you ignored and only wanted me to tell you how to beat it when I don't know. So if you guys don't care how can I even bother with your ideas. I don't know if evaporating will work, maybe not enough when it has an endless river. But yes I was ignoring her until you guys at least listened to me, but you didn't care to. So I'm done bothering, if you want to run away or ignore me. Go for it. Although at this stage, you can't run away or give up like in training.

Me I was sent here on a mission, so I don't care if your behind me or not. I know I don't have a choice, I will keep fighting and protect whoever I can."

Kazan nodded, fine he would try his idea himself. He saw them try ideas themselves and saw how it ended up. That is why he tried to put his idea to them first to see if they agreed or had a better idea. However they just shouted at him to shut up and give them answer, foolish...

Ok, I guess I will have to try find the core without those two. He looked through the spinning water as it closed in around them, spinning made it much harder to see the junk. He had seen three items which fitted in with other Forgotten. One was a wooden ball which seemed to have an eye like structure built into it, one seemed to be a wooden like block puzzle box, and the third was a bowl with strange carvings on it.

He grabbed Dragon Heart and got ready to go after the first one, as water shot towards him when suddenly a loud blast of music shot out causing all the water to shudder and water shots to drop.

It was Stitch playing a Ukelele! He slammed his fingers through the strings again as the sound reverberated through the creature seeming to stun it. Stitch then pulled out his blaster and fired at any water shots that headed towards them.

Kazan smiled, guess he wasn't alone. It was funny, the little fur ball was better at teamwork then all three of the Keybladers.
"Of course he's better at teamwork; he's you."

"Holy grammar Batman." Ryoko said as he facepalmed. This felt exactly like an internet argument. "The 'answer you can't give us' is that core of Morpha would look like a part on a puppet. You are the leader because being the GMPC gives you a +10 to all checks involving analyzing. You are the only one that can find those things, so why are you giving us hints instead of telling us? It's like you're trying to defuse a bomb with a code and your teammate who figured out the code gives you a algebraic equation instead of telling you what the code is." He then ran to the edge and jumped over the vortex while Morpha was stunned. "And don't try to sound all heroic. Everything you said before that last sentence ruined it. Also, one of your sentences seemed to contradict itself. You said that you've seen what happens when we act alone, so you're not going to command us or tell us the answer. Anyone else see something wrong with that?"
((I thought I said before it was formed but **shrugs**))

Aria would have kept on going with the argument despite it being completely pointless. Kazan was just being too radical, and Aria was just too pissed to comply with anything at the moment. It's not like she ignored him. She did acknowledge that instead of using thunder they should use ice, and so they did. That wasn't ignoring, was it? And in a pinch of time it would have been better to get straight to the point with his idea, instead of leading them to it. Aria bonked herself on the head, she didn't want to think of it anymore. She just wanted it to miraculously end. She hated drama with a passion.

Maz saw the bowl-like structure as Kazan had also seen. "Should I get it?" She asked from high-up in the air, pointing at it. Still mindful of the attacks that came at her, though.
(You did, but that is kinda cheating. If you had done before it started it that would be fine. The whole point was to trap you, but if you suddenly dodged it before it happened after I already posted that it seems unfair. If you had happened to leave before I posted it had formed, then you did in fact avoid it before it came. The technique was made to instantly trap you before you left, if you could do it after it formed it would be a pointless technique.)

"No your right, I did say that because I thought that was the way. To tell you guys first, work as a team. But you have convinced me otherwise, why I'm being contradictory to what he taught us..."


"Sir, you wanted me to see me?" Kazan walked into the massive room whose ceiling seemed to reach the sky as he walked in front of his master who sat hidden in the shadows, his legs folded in a meditating position and his body lit by tiny flickering candles.

"Yes Kazan, how are you?"

"I'm fine, just a little worried why you want to talk to me by myself..."

He smiled as he released a small breath.

"Kazan, soon you and other apprentices will have to go on your final mission, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I don't know, excited, but at the same time I can shake this uneasiness. I know it's a test so I'm trying to keep my mind focused, but I'm ready to take on what is ahead."

"And the others?" He asked as Kazan suddenly looked at him surprized.

"I dunno, to be honest I really have no idea what goes on in their heads. I prefer to let them do their things and I'd prefer to do mine." He shrugged.

The master seemed to laugh at this. "Kazan, you were the first of this group brought to the Keyblade Academy. We have noticed that you try to look after the others, you are more than willing to put your life in the line to protect them, but... you don't seem to understand them. You don't talk with them outside of class, you don't interact them and you don't let them know anything of your hist-"

"THEY DON'T NEED TO KNOW MY HISTOR-" Kazan yelled out in interruption, but he himself was interrupted.

"You need to learn to work as a team. If you and the others cannot learn to work as a team, you will fail. This exam is made to test your bonds and it will, if you do not stick together you will fall apart and maybe worse..."

Kazan lowered his head, he wasn't good with team work. He didn't like ordering people around, he simply told them what his opinion. It was there to choice to follow it, if they chose to ignore him and get eaten by a trap he didn't care. That was how he worked...

He looked back at his teacher. "Yes sir, I will try..."

***End of Flashback***

Kazan growled at Ryoko baring inhuman fangs and glowing yellows eyes, he'd much prefer to focus on the Forgotten, but Ryoko just kept trying to put him down with silly things. Ryoko didn't understand him and he didn't understand Ryoko and he doubt he ever would.

He looked to the girl.

"Yea, go for the bowl. I'll try go for the puzzle box!"

He raced forward while the creature was still being paralyzed Stitch's Ukelele and blaster shots.
((Mm yeah, but I wasn't intending on having her help, rather run away or something... Not like I would go against the GM or anything. T'was just an idea.))

Maz nodded. She sent one of her arms forward. Moko-Moko shot many buzz saws through it's mouth, heading towards the bowl-shaped wooden block floating in the water. Many did not hit it's target, due to loss of accuracy over distance, but a few of them managed to hit their mark.
(I know you wouldn't, but though it might be best for your character to stay and as said it seemed to convenient for you to leave just after everyone was trapped.)

There was still the third possible core, the sphere with the eye symbol, but no one was attacking that yet and it would have to saved for last.

Kazan shot forward with his Keyblade and threw it doing a Strike Raid at the puzzle box as it shot forward. Maz's attack blasted through the water, many getting trapped in the water ineffectively or missing completely due to the water's viscosity. However one did manage to slice through the bowl as it split apart, but nothing happened. It was not the core.

Kazan's keyblade spun as it hit the water shooting right through and missing the puzzle box.

"I missed..."

Kazan was not on his game and he had not counted on the water being so thick.

Stitch had to take a break from all his playing as he was getting tired.

Bubbles and grumbles began to emanate from Blabla as if it was roaring as it sucked more water from the river growing in size it suddenly began to swirl as it formed a giant water like snake with it's junk scattered all through it. It towered over the group as water tentacles began to shoot out all over it. It's water began to bubble as the ground underneath it began to corrode. It shot it's many tentacles towards the group, ready to kill them all if necessary.

"Uh-oh..." Stitch looked up as he gulped.

Kazan ran to Stitch. "We'll do it together! I won't let this thing take you."

Stitch nodded as he and Kazan clasped hands and then stood back to back. Stitch began to play on his Ukelele while Kazan did the same on his Keyblade as the created a more powerful beat that reverberated through Blabla paralyzing it. Stopping every few seconds so Stitch could fire shots from his blaster at Kazan's Keyblade so he could deflect them at any tentacles.

"You guys have to stop that thing, this is all we can do. Find the core and destroy it!"

Kazan just prayed one of those two remaining items was the core, the sphere eye or the puzzle box. That it even had a core and wasn't just some mage-user casting this.
Ryoko was surprised that he actually made it outside the vortex. Kazan seemed to be back to his old self again, so he decided to go back and help. However, time seemed to go faster for a bit. "They could have at least waited for me." He thought to himself as he looked at the sphere eye from outside the vortex. "That's probably the core; A puzzle box and bowl with markings on it don't seem to belong on a puppet. Well, if this worked of Aria it would probably work on that." He used magnet on the sphere eye, hoping that it he could separate it from the water and, if it was the core, cause it to loose its control over the water.
Aria released a puff of air, sighing in a minor sense. What was she thinking? The monster would, with no effort at all, disappear? "I remember now, life doesn't work that way." Aria stood up, twisting her body in the other direction to the others. Yeah, she might not have wanted to work with them at the moment, but to work things out they first needed to live. And for that to happen, Blabla had to be defeated. I'll put up with it, just this once, she thought. Aria took a beginning step, picked up the momentum, and soon she was starting at a full sprint to who knew where.

She saw Kyoko go for the eye-shaped piece. The other one left was the puzzle block. If they took out both, then it wouldn't matter. Time was of the essence. "Eden!" Aria chanted, her keyblade lodging itself in the ground before Aria. Aria stepped on it and used it as leverage to pull her up to Maz's height. "Sorry, I'll need to use you." Aria lightly stepped onto Moko-Moko's back to pick up more air. The keyblade in the ground disappeared and reappeared infront of Aria. Aria moved her body through the air until both of her feet were pointing upwards. Despite this being an extremely risky attack that Aria had trained herself to use in secret, she wanted this over and done with. "Drop of Babylon!" Aria flicked her legs down on the keyblade hard, blasting it down at a great speed. As it neared closer and closer to the water it drew in a bit of the wind to create a current that appeared to be some fanged beast. Aria began to fall, she loosing a bit of feeling in her legs.

Maz squealed. She wasn't expecting Aria to come at her so quickly. Moko-Moko fluttered it's wings rapidly, trying to regain it's balance in the air. Maz took a deep breath. The step could have been worse.

((Mm, this alright?))
(At this point it is fine)

Magnet worked as the sphere was drawn in with some other junk as it came out the water towards Ryoko it had no effect, showing it wasn't the core.

Finally Aria's attack shot through the water ripping through it using the wind that made way through giving way to the puzzle box as the shot struck it causing the puzzle box pieces to shift as Blabla yelled in pain as a line went through it.

The water shook and shifted violently as tentacles began exploding as the water started coming crashing down. However Blabla was not ready to go down just yet, not without a fight. As the water began to collapse and recede back into the river, a last tentacle shot out and grabbed Stitch and began pulling him in as it dropped towards him.

"This thing doesn't know when to die!"

Kazan grabbed Stitch's arm.

"Sorry, you can't have him!"

However the force of the water receding was too much as both Stitch and Kazan were suddenly yanked off the ground and sucked into the water vortex that appeared in the river as they both disappeared into the water as it formed back into an ordinary lake.

A lot of junk began to fall to the ground, one was the Wing Gummi Block which fell near Aria, the other was the puzzle box which fell to the ground into two pieces and then slowly began to turn to dust as the memory returned.

***Stitch's Memory***

Stitch was standing on a surfboard with Lilo and Nani as Nani stuck her hand out and felt the water, Lilo trying to convince him it was alright. Stitch however didn't like it as the wave curled overhead when suddenly he lost his balance and fell. He remembered crashing into the water as his dense body weight made him begin to sink as the water filled his lungs.

He swung his arms and legs around to no avail as he began to sink. He felt everything going dark until he suddenly felt something grab his arm right before he lost consciousness. He woke up with Lilo holding him tight. He was surprised she saved him, he looked up at her confused.

"Ohana means family, family means no one get's left behind or forgotten!" She said.

***End of Memory***

The lost memory now returned to Stitch, but Stitch and Kazan were now gone. All that could be seen were bubbles coming from where they were sucked into the water and no sign of them.
Aria took a deep breath. By now she couldn't feel her legs at all and they just fell loosely from her waist. Aria plopped down to the ground and bounced back up just a bit. She raised her head to see what her blow did. She was glad to see that the water was retreating back to the river, and the gummi block dropped down next to her, but one tentacle still remained. It grabbed onto stitch in an attempt to bring it down with him. Kazan grappled onto Stitch, but it was in vain. They were both pulled up and sucked into the lake. "Stitch! Kazan!" Aria tried to rush in to help, but her legs were sore and weak. She winced. "Ryoko! Get them, quick!"
"Good thing I don't need to breathe." Ryoko said as he jumped into the water and sank towards the bottom. "Pyro said that there is no sign of them. Did that mean that they disappeared or the water was just murky? Just great, now I'm starting to go crazy over small details like that." When he reached the bottom of the river, he looked around and saw Kazan and Stitch. He went behind them so that they were between him and the shore that he came from. "Elwind." He said as he summoned his keyblade and blew them out of the water. He then walked to the shore and out of the water. "Hope this doesn't ruin the dramatic moment you might have been planning."
Unfortunately as Ryoko searched there was no trace even inside the water, he could find nothing. They all saw them go into the water, but now they were just gone. What Blabla had done to them was unknown, they were just gone. All Ryoko could do was blast himself out of the water with his technique.


Queen stood on her platform amongst the other Forgotten.

"As predicted, they have begun to fall apart. I had warned them, did they really think they could win. Their friendship, teamwork rots like everything else in this world and falls apart to nothing. Now they have been separated and with their constant bickering it will be easy to... eliminate them. Now is the time to move the plans forward and show these little Keybladers why this is called the Lost World and why no-one leaves...."

Queen began to laugh out as she smirked at the other Forgotten.
"I KNEW IT!!!"

Since Ryoko couldn't find them, he walked to the shore and out of the water. "They're not down there. They've been teleported. There goes my idea of having a 'tragic backstory contest' the next time we made a camp." He said to Aria.,"Well now we've lost the advantage of having a GMPC. What do you suggest we do?"


Tatakau weakly opened her eyes. She was lying on the ground in a forest area without any idea how she got there. She tried to get up, but she winced in pain and couldn't. She looked around her before fading back to unconsciousness.

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