Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

(Ok, seems I need to add in some extra entertainment. I thought F-IP would be enough...)

The battle between F-IP and the girls raged on loud enough for anyone close by to hear. Suddenly Queen's voice could be heard echoing to Aria, Maz and Merida.

"Stop playing around and eliminate them."

Suddenly the entire area began to shake as splits in the ground began to appear as red hot light shone through the cracks. Suddenly blasts of firey geysers shot out and began erupting all over the area to make the battle more interesting as these eruptions of flames shot out from the land beneath them.


Back at the clock tower, it was all quiet as Ryoko seemed to be missing the important stuff as per usual. However suddenly the strangest sight passed him. It was a lama trotting by in a whimsical fashion that seemed to be whistling.
"The point was to see whether or not the place was still the same. As a PC, I cannot assume control over the landscape. Therefore, I cannot have said whether or not the place was leveled or anything while we were gone. I assumed you knew."

"Well, everything is the same as it was before." He said as he got up, "And considering that I've seen things that will kill you if you blink, a whistling llama isn't strange." He turned around and walked back to the forest. As it got back into sight, he could see fire geysers coming from it. "Well, that escalated quickly."


Tatakau recoiled as fire geysers erupted all around her. Was that thing fighting the other three (and a half) causing this? She still didn't feel like she had fully recovered, so she stayed behind the tree. Maybe the thing attacking them wouldn't notice her.
((Sorry! I think i should have some time to post a bit int eh next few days! Whats happening right now?))
(You, Maz, Aria are fighting Aria's Forgotten F-IP and for some reason geysers of fire are starting to erupt over the area.)
(( I have a post saved on my iPod. I'll post it later on today. )) 
((It's not, really, if I'm roleplaying on my own. I could, however, do this...~))

Aria brought her keyblade down on F-IP as the fight persisted. She stopped in mid-action, a familiar voice echoing around them. "Stop playing around and eliminate them. " Aria's mouth dropped, and her face stunned. She was forced back as a fire geyser burned right infront of her, right on F-IP. She put a hand out infront of her eyes to avoid looking at it's brightness.

"...Queen..." F-IP scowled. The fire had blasted through her completely. Within the fire, her form began to change. No longer did she look like some wooden doll made pretty with feminine tones and additions, but a long snake-like creature with patches of some material. There were areas under the belly that were clear to be wooden as well as inside, but outside it was difficult to distinguish it as a forgotten. On the body were several openings that gave off heat when you got too close, and several sharp insect-like ligaments it more than likely used to move around. Not only this, but it had several sharp points on the body including it's teeth and the spikes on the neck and tail. It had no eyes.

Aria was right infront of it, she gazing up nervously at the new creature. It didn't look, at all, like a puppet. It didn't look like she could see obvious weak spots. She'd attack the eyes but it had none. She'd shoot ice at the smokey pores but the heat of it would melt it. And the worst thing was that she was it's prime target. Maybe if she didn't move, it wouldn't see her?

(Yes, it seems you will need help... Well it is a bit soon for my character to reappear. But what choice do I have, I guess we will just make it seem like more time has passed....

Also it's ok for Aria's Forgotten to transform, but not to no longer be puppet-like. That does not happen with Forgotten. Thus even it's current form it is still puppet like)

A few blasts of energy shot at F-IP's new form as the glowing green energy was able to draw attention to the newly arrived duo. It was Stitch and Kazan, as Kazan threw his Keyblade towards the creature to a Strike Raid as it spun like a boomerang and Stitch fired off some energy shots.

"Giant flares bursting from the ground, thanks for making it obvious to the whole planet there was a fight going on here."

Kazan jumped down and ran forward with Stitch on his shoulder, jumping and dodging random blasts of fire from the ground.
((Had a feeling.

Would be better with more people, though... ))

"This is probably one of the rare occasions where you come in when it's necessary." Aria huffed. She dashed to the side, carefully, moving out of F-IP's targeting range. She knew it was aligned with fire, still, since she could feel the heat coming out of the pores on its side.

F-IP roared, getting hit by both hits. Its body swerved around and charged in the two's direction, opening its mouth wide in order to get them inside its body.

((Sorry I couldn't make it better.))
(It's ok, we just need to wait for Danichu and Thesmashbro to rejoin us)

Stitch took out his Ukelele and strummed on to send out a paralyzing sound wave towards F-IP meanwhile Kazan aimed his Keyblade and fired a Blizzard, but not at F-IP, rather over him to form an ice bridge over the creature that Kazan could skate over so he could safely slide over it and get behind the creature and strike from a blind spot.
Ryoko walked into the part of the forest that everyone else was in. "A snake? Seriously? The thirty-fourth rule (no, not that one) of evil overlords: Never turn into a snake. It never helps..." He then turned to Stitch and Kazan and, after a moment of shock, glared at them suspiciously. "Quick! What number are you thinking of?!" He said before briefly turned to Aria and saying, "By the way, the weak spots are the orange oval glowy things on its belly. If that doesn't work, aim for the gills. Not sure why it has those. Then again, I don't know why weak spots glow either."
For a few seconds, F-IP was frozen in place by the shockwave. It shook it off pretty quickly though, and when it did it burried itself into the ground, smacking the ice above it along with Kazan, if he wasn't able to move out of the way in time. For a while, it stayed underground, awaiting the right time to appear again.

Aria skidded to a stop. She turned to everyone else. "What now?"

Maz still struggled to keep Merida in her feet while flying along on Moko-Moko.
Kazan managed to avoid F-IP but didn't quite manage to get off his ice slide quick enough as he was knocked off balance a bit as wobbled to get his footing back and turned around to see the creature gone.

He swung his Keyblade in a circle as Ryoko arrived and spouted more random stuff that made no sense to him.

"Wait for him to reappear or...."

Kazan thought he could use that magic, but it would take it out of him.

"Get ready."

He jumped up and swung his keyblade down into the ground as he used the magic Quake to shake the entire ground and damage anything within it. Hopefully that would get F-IP out so they could attack, but it took a lot of energy and he would be immobile for a few seconds after he used it.
F-IP felt the ground shaking. It wasn't going to stay inside for long. Digging its way to the surface, F-IP latched onto the ground to keep it's shaking self steady.

"I never would have thought of that..." Aria turned to F-IP, which seemed way too close to her, maybe because she was its target. Aria turned to the glowing orbs on its body. They seemed to be the weak spot as Ryoko had pointed out. Clutching her keyblade tightly, she ran up to F-IP and raised the weapon upwards to strike it directly. She backed away as she attacked.

Reflexively, F-IP thrust its head upwards, then pointed it down at Ryoko as it released a plume of fire down on him.

"Crap... No, that's not it..." Aria mumbled.
As Kazan used the quake spell, he just couldn't resist saying "Fire snake thingy used dig. Kazan used earthquake. It's super effective!" He then saw the snake rise out of the ground again and Aria striking one of the glowing spots without any special effect. "Well, I've been wrong before." He was then hit with a torrent of fire. Ryoko silently used a cure spell while the smoke was obscuring everyone's vision. When the smoke cleared, it appeared as if the attack didn't faze him (although the opposite was true). "Well, that was rather rude." He said as he summoned his Bit-blade, which he pointed at the snake. "Ryoko used ice beam." He then shot a modified blizzard spell at the snake that bade it look more like a beam of cold energy than a chunk of ice.
Stitch decided to help and began firing full power at F-IP with his blasters from the side to aid Ryoko's attack.

Meanwhile Kazan swung forward and decided to launch his own Blizzard to help power up Ryoko's ice beam and double it's power.

"Back off Forgotten, you will not get Aria! Ever!"

(Guys I posted in Story Thread, please read. It concerns something you might really like.)
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F-IP pulled back, taking the amplified hits. Frost reached the glowing orbs on its belly and the one closest turned from orange to blue. F-IP spat out a bit of smoke, fire flaring out of the pores out of its side. It was angry. It bull rushed forward at stitch and swiped at Ryoko and Kazan with its tail.

"Huh? Where did that come from?" Aria asked, in response to Kazan's outcry. She bit her lip. Don't worry about it, just fight... It seemed like the orbs were actually the weak points, they just needed to freeze them. How was the question, when it kept moving and swerving its body. Getting under it would be a challenge. She pointed Eden at it, and began firing ice at it in the hopes that she might hit its firey pores.
Kazan jumped back in case F-IP might attack, they needed a way to access the red hotspots. However they weren't in the best position.

"Stitch, can you help keep it occupied and prevent it from hurting anyone else!" Kazan called to Stitch.

"Ih! Meega help!"

Stitch nodded and took out his Ukelele and began rocking out sending soundwaves to try paraylze and occupy F-IP.

Kazan then swung around Dragon Heart as wind began forming around it. He prepared to cast his own modified version of Aero.


He slammed his Keyblade into the ground causing a small little tornado to form under F-IP that would lift him into the air for a few seconds. However due to F-IP's size and power it would be a few seconds.
"I know right?" Ryoko said to Aria, "We must've missed some inner monologue." Ryoko watched both of their attempts at getting the snake's weak point. Kazan appeared to have stopped the snake's oncoming attack and was trying to lift it into the air with a cyclone, which might have messed with Aria's shots. He knew that it would probably move before Kazan could lift it, so he decided to do another team attack. They seem to work most of the time. Ryoko pointed the keyblade at the floor on front of him and fired another ice beam. He kept it up so it would form a small glacier in front of him. After it grew to about his size, he stopped and stepped back. He then thrust his keyblade into the glacier and it shattered, the many shards flying towards the cyclone Kazan had made. If this worked as he hoped, the two attacks would combine to form a blizzard around the snake, hopefully hitting all of its weak spots at once. "Team attack: whirling blizzard!" He smiled at himself for coming up with a name for the move on the spot.
The ice Aria had fired had whizzed off into the cyclone. She wasn't sure where it went, but atleast F-IP was lifted up into the air. With its humongous size, who knew for how long it would last.

F-IP was just about to dig into the ground again, but the shock waves had stopped her once again. It was forced into the air, disorienting it, and turned to the culprit. It inhaled, about to shoot fire from its mouth, when dozens of ice shards pierced through its chest. It roared and toppled down to the ground on it's side. The large figure of the snake died down, revealing F-IP's normal, doll-like form. "Damn it all... This isn't over..." F-IP shuddered, "THIS ISN'T OVER!!!" And with that, she exploded in a flurry of flames. Not to be seen again.

Maz dropped down along with Merida. She sighed in relief when she saw the beast dead before any serious casualties occurred. Moko-Moko trudged towards where F-IP had perished and sucked up the remains.

Aria sighed. "I'm so glad that that's--" Aria stopped in mid-sentence. Her gaze seemed very outward and blank, and her mouth expanded in surprise. She knelt down on both feet and huddled together with herself. "What... What is this..." Aria began to tremble... And tears began flowing out of her eyes. "Allison... No, Allison..."
(Please actually post Aria's memory for everyone to see. Even if our characters don't know it, I'd like the RPers to know it.)

Kazan watched as F-IP faded into dust like all Forgotten after it's firey exit. He then watched as Aria collapsed while dust floated past her.

"She is remembering the forgotten memory..."

He didn't move, this was proof that after they were destroyed the memory returned to the individual. Both Stitch's and Aria's memory were enough to affect them deeply. What was the pattern of these memories, which memories were chosen.... Kazan still had many questions running through his mind.
How long has it been since he was stuck in this forsaken land?

Weeks maybe?


Another Forgotten raised. Another slain just as it was about to take shape. Another running for its life. Another blasted down by frost magic. Another taking its place.

This is getting annoyingly endless.....

Like the others, Fenrir was trapped in this Lost World when their Gummi Ship was obliterated, with probably him that was scattered the furthest from the others. The first thing he recalled when he reached here was an ambush by a swarm of Forgottens. If not for his ruthlessness in combat, he would have already been slain before he could fight back. But now, the Keyblader had traveled so many days that he had lost track how long was it since he last saw the others.

Raising Glacial Queen to a straight line and taking aim, Fenrir let loose another blast of Blizzara that scattered it to bits, and then a quick few slashes at the closest ones. Activating his personal force which he dubs Snow Queen, his blade was enveloped in a frigid force that froze the weaker Forgottens into crystals and slows the stronger ones down. After zipping here and there with a few slashes, Fenrir raised his Keyblade in the air before jumping upwards and crashing Glacial Queen on the ground, unleashing Snow Queen's most powerful technique at the Forgottens, Cryomancy. The Forgottens around shrieked an inhuman shriek as they were frozen into bits and shattered to powder before the remains vanished to nothingness.

That was that....


I thought I heard something....

Fenrir's ears picked up some sounds he thought was to be fighting down a cliff. If it was Forgottens, he was not sure he wanted to fight now: Fenrir was tired from the last swarm. If it were his allies, then he would be in luck.

It was.

He saw three others, with one of them the most prominent student of the Academy, Kazan. He has only vague memories of the others, but then again the dust that was blown up by the attack made it harder to recognize them, but he was sure of what they were dealing with, a large serpentine Forgotten. With one of the student's last attack on the creature, it vanished, so Fenrir presumed it to be slain, so he took a risk and jumped down, landing with a loud thud.

"Thought I'd never see another Academy student again," Fenrir greeted coolly, which if anyone really knew him, it was just the way he talks to others. "What happened to her?" That was the first thing that he commented as he joined the three, and apparently another odd-looking fellow.
Kazan looked at Fenrir as he jumped in, too be honest of all the Keybladers to jump in it was glad it was him. He was the Keyblader he got along best with from the academy simply because he didn't really talk to people and ignored him, but that was fine with him. Even Kazan knew of his cool under fire fighting style, it was always compared with uncontrollable burning rage style of fighting.

He looked to Fenrir in the eyes.

"I see you survived as well...."

He narrowed his eyes.

"As to your question, that was her Forgotten.... I assume the memory she regained was a painful one."


Queen opened her eyes.

"It seems F-IP has fallen as well. It is to be expected, she could not control her anger. I did not expect them to reunite so quickly though. It seems luck is on there side, regardless they are still broken and ununited. We shall soon strike them down, but first our Master has a plan he wishes to enact."

Queen said as she spoke to the others in the hidden chamber where she was surrounded by the other high Forgotten.
"luck is on their side."

"Humans," Ryoko murmured to himself as he looked at Aria, "always letting their emotions overpower them and never willing to let things go." He then turned his attention to the keyblader that approached them. He was another one of the keyblade apprentices from the academy. As he looked, he could barely see a black arm behind a tree behind Fenrir. He quickly ran past him and to the other side of the tree. There was an unconscious woman leaning against the tree! "Guys, you might want to see this."

Aria snickered. Having taken about three full loafs of bread from the bakery down the road, she was quite satisfied. She was ready to share with her best friend, Allison, who had made her way into Port Royal about a few months ago. It was a fated encounter. Aria lept off of the roof of a wooden shack, dropping down onto the ground, whizzing by on the street and meeting Allison by an alley. Allison gave her a concerned look, seeing the bags of bread in her hands.

"Aria, I thought you said you wouldn't steal anymore! Where did you get this?" Allison took one of the bags and held it infront of Aria's face. Aria gave a spoiled pout. " I bought them. With money. " She lied.

"No you didn't. If you did, you probably stole the money. What did I tell you? You need to get some... Some kind of job, or something. Instead of risking your life... Stealing."

"I can't go back to the life of a regular. My reputation is too deep rooted, so I guess I'll just have to stay a thief!" Aria pulled down her eyelid and stuck her tongue out. Letting Allison keep the whole loaf of bread, she dashed away... Only to stop again from the scream of a girl in agony.

"Allison?" Aria slowly turned around. The other bags of bread that she had cradled within her hands fell down to the floor. What she saw traumatized her. Blue, pointed fingers impaled through the body of her purple-haired friend. Allison fell down with her body going limp in a matter of seconds. Flying red vase-looking creatures zipped around Allison's body and lit it on fire, causing Allison's body to burn into basically nothing. And yet she didn't seem fazed, somehow she was just standing there... Until a white glow enveloped her right hand. It grew out and spread, until it took the form of a large key that Aria held with both hands. It was over quickly.

Aria advanced towards the first ones, the ones who had casted the fire. She knocked one into the other causing the two to explode upon contact. She turned to the one that impaled Allison's body, and slashed at it wildly until it disappeared. When that was done, she diverted her gaze from the alley and walked away, not remembering that single instance of her best friend's death.

Aria clutched her chest tightly. Was that how she got her keyblade? She wondered for what cost. She gave off a deep breath, and pondered on the ground. She needed to think, or calm herself down.
At one moment, Fenrir was looking at the figure that a male Keyblader pointed out. He could not make out the shadow, but since it was an unidentifiable source, Fenrir was about to prepare himself for another bout of combat. That was, until he noticed from the corner of his eye, the girl clutching her chest.

Here poses a dilemma. In a situation where everyone was stuck as he was, should he maintain his cool, level-headedness? Or should he be more mature and at least ask about the condition of the girl? Afterall, according to Kazan, the girl was regaining her memories after that fight with the Forgotten.

"That Forgotten," he began. "That memory that was direly harsh and cruel, will always maintain as a past. Remember it for the memory, but dwell not on the emotions. We have our duties to prioritize here."
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(Fine except you didn't lose your memory right after the event. The memories were all lost very recently. Sorry I didn't make that clear. These lost memories only started happening a few months ago except our characters don't know that...)

Kazan walked over to where Ryoko pointed, to see. He examined the girl to see if she was Forgotten or something else. He unfortunately always failed the medical aid exams. His skills for helping others was miserable, he always left it to others to attend.

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