Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Kazan glared as the hand had not revealed itself and just seemed to poke out of the water.

"What is it waiting for..."

Kazan mumbled as he still couldn't see it.

"Fine, I have an idea. Keep your Keyblades ready!"

Kazan warned the others as he pointed his Keyblade directly at the arm.


He called out the spell as a magnetic sphere formed around his blade and immediately it yanked B.E.N. out of the water towards the magnetic sphere. Kazan immediately put his blade to the thing's throat.

"Don't move!"

Stitch growled in defensive position as Kazan looked over the creature, it did seem a little like a Forgotten. It was rusty and had joints, but not as wooden as the others. Also it's eyes, it's eyes seemed very different.

"Are you a Forgotten..."

Kazan said as he squinted his eyes and kept his Keyblade pointed at it's throat.
"Forgotten? Well, it's all a little- little- little- fuzzy. Wait, I re-re-remember. I do, there-there was this big door, opening and closing and opening and closing..."

Suddenly B.E.N.'s left eye began flashing red and blue. There was a beeping noise coming from his chest that was soon interrupted by a voice resembling a tin can.

"System Error.... Rebooting in 5...4...3...2...1..."

B.E.N.'s eyes went back to their usual green.

"What? NO! I'm no FORGOTTEN! Those pesky things wont leave me alone, that's why I was hiding in the water." B.E.N. Replied seemingly un-phased about rebooting.

"Please release me at once! I'm starting to see my life pass in front of my eyes! At least, I think it's my life."
Ryoko put away his Bit-blade. "Considering the insignia on your arm, were you here before this place was forgotten?" He asked, hoping that he would have some answers. "Does the time 12:00 carry any significance to you? What was that dark, bloody streak in the sky? Would a paradox give you a 'blue screen of death'? Was the door you were talking about a revolving door?"
Aria rolled her eyes. She could hear Ryoko from where she was, and obviously she was disappointed. "Whatever you're going to question it, make it logical. It doesn't look like a forgotten. It looks like a robot." Perhaps it was in the same condition as Stitch and the other girl who tried to tag along.
Kazan let the creature go, it didn't seem like a Forgotten. He couldn't be 100% sure so he would just keep an eye on it. He then immediately covered Ryoko's mouth with his hand before he could continue.

"Woah, one question at a time. We don't want to overload it..."

He looked to the creature as Dragon Heart disappeared from his hands, but he was still in defense mode

"I am Kazan, this is Rose, Aria, Rikku, Stitch and the yappy one is Ryoko."

He said motioning to everyone.

"Who are you?" Kazan asked in his usual slightly intimidating manner whenever Forgotten were concerned.
Relieved to see the sharp shiny things pointed elsewhere, B.E.N. answered Kazan's question first.

"I wanna say Larry... But that just sounds odd, even to myself. As for the funny looking one that thinks he knows everything, I etched the the image on my arm so I wouldn't forget. Problem is I forgot why... And NO, it was a swinging door, be careful it doesn't hit you on the way out."

Looking in to the distance as if talking to someone no one else could see, he continued:

"I think he suffers from mood swings. Personally, I'm not a therapist, but I - You'll let me know when I'm rambling?"

Looking back at the group, he adds:

"The witty one in the back sounds likes she's got her head on straight at least."

Pointing to Aria.

"That reminds me, can someone please turn my head back the right way? I'm tired of looking at my own behind..."
Kazan looked at the robot with his brow raised.

"Great, someone more crazy then Ryoko. At least he has a friend."

Kazan turned around away from B.E.N. before doing a quick turn around sending out his foot to kick the robot's head so that it would spin back to it's normal position.

Kazan looked him over.

'He forgot, that could be a Forgotten but do they effect robots... It looks like a piece of his head is missing, so it may just be that he is broken. He looks like a pile of junk.' Kazan thought to himself, careful not to say a word out loud.

"Well if Larry doesn't sound right, what does sound right. You don't even remember your own name... Maybe it's printed somewhere."

Kazan lifted up Ben which he found surprisingly easy since Ben had such thin joints. He looked his body around for any writing until he lifted his left foot and he saw it.

"There Bio-Electronic-Navigator. B.E.N."
Ryoko was disappointed that B.E.N. could answer only a few of his questions, but was happy that there was another source of comic relief. "Hey, if I thought I knew everything, I wouldn't have asked you four questions." He said before turning to Kazan. "And as for what you said about him being more crazy than me: Challenge accepted." He then turned back to B.E.N. "From a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being able to navigate star-systems and 1 being apple maps, how good is your navigation system?"
"Hey Stitch don't you want to say hello?"

Kazan called to Stitch was still at the river, when he noticed Stitch was still growling at the water.

As he looked closer he saw the water was still trembling as waves shook through it, suddenly two blasts of water shot out at Kazan and Stitch that tore up the ground as they dodged it.

"What the heck?"

Kazan stared at the ground which had literally been blasted away by a pure stream of water.
All of a sudden, while the others except Rose tried talking to the robot that was obviously a robot, two geyser-looking blasts of water erupted out of the water they were sitting in. With a 'of course that would happen' face, she stared at them. "I saw it coming..." Aria lunged off of her observing feet, pushing Rose lightly, heading towards the water in the hopes that maybe she would be able to help them through whatever it was that was there. "My bad, Rose!" She called out without turning to face her.
"Boss fight time! For real this time!" Ryoko said, "I still say electricity is super effective. I choose you Bit-Blade!" He summoned his Bit-Blade once again to fight the water... thing. "Volt Tackle!" He yelled as he charged his Bit-Blade with electricity and threw it at the water, returning to his hand afterwards.
Suddenly the river actually moved as if to avoid the Bit-Blade, actually moving out of the crevice it formed and began flowing against gravity as it a section of the river floated up with all the junk flowing through it. The water then began to take a shape as it floated up, but still connected to the river itself.

It then launched two more powerful streams of water, this time at Ryoko and Aria.
"Where's its core? These things almost always have a core. It should act as a weak spot. One of the reasons why electricity would be effective is because it would travel through the water and to the core." Ryoko said before seeing the stream of water approaching him. He quickly jumped high into the air to avoid it, altering his trajectory so he would land to the side of the stream. "Nice try, Morpha!" He said as he charged his Bit-Blade with electricity again and dove towards the ground next to the stream, causing a shockwave of electricity that would hit the water stream and travel to the source.
Aria saw the water coming at her, and she knew what to do. She readied her keyblade and, like Ryoko did with electricity, she lit it with fire so she may cause the water to evaporate. She realized she couldn't exactly do that though, because if Ryoko electrified the water then she would be electrocuted if it touched her. "Damn it, Ryoko...." She grimaced, than did her best to outrun the water as it rushed towards her.
The electricity blasted through the water as it almost seemed to cry out, but then the water blasted into both Ryoko and Aria and was made far more potent as it not only gave them an extremely powerful shock but also blasted them back.


Kazan used Magnet to draw Aria out of the water towards his Keyblade before she could be shocked further.

"Are you ok?"

He asked helping her up.

"Yea, as if every idiot hasn't thought of defeating water with electricity. That can just be used against us... but he is right about it having a source. Either this some magic spell which means we have to stop the caster or it is a power source within the water, the only problem is if it inside the water, which piece. There is so much junk floating in that water, it could be any piece of junk hiding the core..."

Kazan helped pull Aria back, against an opponent like this which they didn't know anything about, staying a safe distance away seemed wise. If Ryoko wanted to electrocute himself, he was welcome but Kazan had to help watch out for Aria.

Stitch growled at the water, making sure to step back anytime it got closer. He didn't even want it near him, he growled at it as he took out some blasters and aimed at it.
"Four." Ryoko said as he climbed out of the water, as that is what they apparently both got knocked back into, and thought of his options. "Well I must say that I didn't see that coming. Lightning can damage Morpha, but it can also use the lightning to damage us." He pondered a bit before sudden realization. "ICE! Ice can freeze him. While Morpha is frozen, we slash at it to break it. Then we can find the core and break that."
Aria wasn't quite able to outrun the water, which came at her rapidly, and instead of being pushed she was caught into it which made the electricity even more dangerous for her. It felt like her body was on fire and in water at the same time, and she couldn't quite hold her breath since the shock was so painful. Just when she thought the blast was enough, she was pulled away by something she couldn't exactly see when she escaped the water. "Thank god..." She slid down onto the ground, wiping her eyes to see. A hand was right infront of her face, and so she grabbed it.

"Are you ok?"

"That's easy to answer. Of course not!" Aria gave a spoiled look, and released the arm when she was up and standing. "Besides this one time, don't help me... I can take care of myself just fine..." She spat out a mouth load of water, which of course tasted bad. "Whatever's causing the water to move is pissing me off... You know..." Aria now wondered why Kazan was okay, while also thinking of what to do next.
"Wouldn't dream of it..."

Kazan responded to Aria with a very smug tone and smirk with a wink.

Kazan listened to Ryoko, he was happy. Not simply because it was a decent idea and not just the obvious stupid remark, but because Ryoko was actually asking. He was checking with them instead of assuming he knew it all and rushing in. that was how a team should act.

"He is right, ice is the next best action to fight water. It is worth a try, ice may not defeat it but should have a good effect. Though find the core if it has one is still not so easy, we still aren't even sure if it has a core, it may simply be a water spell being controlled by a Forgotten magic-user."

He nodded.

"But the best way to find out is test the ice, just be careful!"

Kazan jumped a good distance away as he pointed his Keyblade, yelled out Blizzard as a chunk of ice shaped like a snowflake shot out towards the creature, hoping the others would join him.
"Note to self: If Kazan acts first, my plans won't backfire as easily."

Ryoko was surprised. Not at Kazan admitting that he was right, but that he didn't question why he called the thing Morpha or why he said 'four'. He set the thought aside as he pointed his Bit-Blade at Morpha and said, "Bit-Blade, use ice beam!" The tip of the Bit-Blade became colder as pale-blue energy formed, emitting a cold haze around it. It then shot out a beam of ice at Morpha.
"I'd actually have to agree. Yeah, nice-enough idea." Aria took one small laugh, looking away for a moment, then turned to the water creature. Her keyblade returned to her hand and, without chanting anything (because she couldn't come up with a proper name), send a large-ranging blast of super-chilled air towards the water through the end of her keyblade. It wasn't anything special so she didn't expect to come up with a name for it anytime soon.
All three Blizzards mixed together to create a powerful Blizzaga which completely froze the creature.

"That did it, now we have a few seconds to think!"

Kazan smirked as he swung Dragon Heart to his side.

Suddenly a crack appeared in the ice as water tried to continually flow in and out of it.

"Or less..."

Kazan gulped as the thing was already trying to break out, they had to be careful against this enemy. He carefully surveyed the ice which was filled with all sorts of junk. It all looked the same, how was he suppose to see a difference between any of these random objects.
Aria rose a hand to her chin. "Well, things would be much easier if we knew what it was... Maybe one of the pieces is self-powering and is making the water sentient? Do you see any of the gummi pieces in there?"

Aria considered just going for the gummi piece and leaving the area to deal with the creature at a later time. She didn't feel like going against it all that much.
Ryoko was carefully looking at the now-frozen Morpha. If Morpha wasn't trying to break out, he could take 10 and probably find the core. "Hmm... failed my search check. I've got nothing. Hey Kazan, why don't you try something? Your author gives you a +9 against failing."
"I only see that wing piece from before. I have no idea which piece could be sentient. Maybe it would help if we review what we know, what is this thing in first place?"

Suddenly a small chunk of ice broke off allowing the water to fire more water streams out, though not as accurate as before.
Ryoko was able to dodge the water blasts easier due to the lower accuracy. "Fun fact: wind actually makes water evaporate faster. That's why wind dries you up if you're wet." Ryoko then pointed his Bit-Blade at the hole that the water was coming out of and yelled "Elwind!" as a torrent of wind was launched at Morpha.

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