Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Stitch violently snapped the Ukulele out of Ryoko's hand.

"Naga bootifa!"

He growled at Ryoko, no one touches that. It was his present from Lilo and he wouldn't let anyone touch it. He then crawled off into the corner as he did some circles and curled up into a perfect ball and went to sleep.
Ryoko was a little bit suprised when Stitch took the ukulele from him, but not very much. He decided that it was probably a personal item and he would leave the matter alone for now. He then leaned back against the cave wall, closed his eyes, and let it skip to the next day (assuming that nothing else happened during the night).
That night as everyone slept, dreams crept into their minds.


It was an amazing city, amazing golden and bronze towers shot into the sky and glowed with brilliance in the sun as flying vehicles of amazing technology zipped past the sky ways. People busted along the endless tubes and elevators as they continued their happy lives.

It was a prosperous city and their was an atmosphere and joy and serenity. If only they could have seen as the sky began to turn red as a dark bloody streak shot across the sky...


Kazan woke up with a quick jolt, what a strange dream. What was that place... His eyes darted around to see the others still asleep. He decided to forget about it, it was time to go...

He lightly woke up the others, it was time for Stitch to lead them to that Gummi Block he had seen. Once everyone had time to get ready, he led them out of the cave and Stitch began running in front of them as they began to follow the dusty river.

(We all had that same dream, whether you choose to share it with the others is up to you.)
Aria woke up slowly, but surely. It wasn't all that difficult to keep asleep since she was outside for the most part. It had seemed that she slept standing, and her subconscious automatically put her in a sitting position, which was slightly uncomfortable and made moving the same way. She stretched a little, then saw everyone coming outside to move again. It was just common sense to follow, and so she did.

What she was dreaming of was odd, though. But what dream wasn't?
Ryoko felt Kazan nudging him awake and got up a few minutes after. He was immediately ready to go, as his only possessions were already in his bag of holding, and set off with the others. While they were walking, he adjusted his walking speed to walk next to Kazan and said, "It was weird that the sky turned red like that. What do you think that dark, bloody streak in the sky was?"
Kazan's eyes went wide as Ryoko said that.

He looked to Ryoko and then away, how did he know what he had dreamed. That's impossible, unless that fool had the same dream. Kazan's eyes shifted quickly.

"I don't know what your talking about."

Kazan gave him the cold shoulder and rushed ahead to avoid Ryoko, what did it mean that he had had the same dream. What was that dream.

Now Kazan was getting worried.
As she walked, Aria crossed her arms over her chest. Honestly, she was getting a bit tired of the surprise encounters lately of the forgotten. They were just as pesky as heartless were back on her world, or any other world that even had them. At least they were looking for the thing they needed to escape, or else she'd develop some kind of odd attatchment to this place.

After a small bit of walking, Aria opened her mouth to ask a question, but Ryoko said something instead, so she patiently waited for him to finish.

"It was weird that the sky turned red like that..."

Aria rose an eyebrow. Of course, she didn't exactly believe in linked dreams, but since they were keyblade users in a different world, the idea wasn't impossible. She could see that Kazan had a similar reaction, but more dramatic and keep-to-himself-like. She shook her head in disapproval.

"Kazan, I know I'm not in the position to say this exactly, but get back here. You shouldn't hide anything. We're a team, you should know that. If Ryoko..." Aria hummed, to try and think. "If he spoke about something... Er... How do I say this without sounding awkward..."
Ryoko was glad that Aria was supporting him in a way. Honestly he wasn't sure if everyone had the same dream, but he was genre savvy enough to know that the dream was irregular. The reaction from Kazan and Aria confirmed his suspicion that the dream was shared. "How about, 'If we all had the same dream, it must mean something.' " He said to help Aria with her sentence. "Combined with the clock stopped at exactly 12, I say it was either an organized attack or a prophecy."
Kazan stopped and grumbled, he hated that Aria had a point.

"Yes, there was a dream about a red streak blasting across the sky of a strange city. The fact is we don't know anything about it, so bringing it up until we have more details and know anything for sure is pointless. If we all had it anyway, then we all already know. We will report it to the Master when we get back, for now our objective is to get out of here and our best bet for now is to gather Gummi Blocks. So let's go, besides I knew bringing it up prematurely would cause Ryoko to spout more of his endless nonsense and theories which are usually wrong."

Stitch turned back to see the group talking, he could tell Kazan was in a bad mood. He wondered if had anything to do with what happened to him last night while the others were sleeping. He remembered to what he had learnt about Ohana and how no one gets left behind. Yet he was now alone in this world, he had been for a long time until he met these kids. These reminded him a little of her, did this mean they were his new Ohana...
"We may have all known it, but we didn't know that we all knew. Now we know." Ryoko said, "Besides, what would be the point of keeping a strange dream that is important to the plot a secret? It would be even less than pointless, maybe even harmful. Pointing it out now, we can add it to our list of clues." He didn't understand why Kazan was being so negative about the smallest things. "And at least I'm trying to help with my 'nonsense and theories.' What are you doing to help, tell us to keep secrets from one another?"
Aria couldn't help but twitch through Kazan's whole speech, but she tried her best not to show it. When they continued, Aria kept the disappointed look she had. "The heck's up his ass?" She said silently to herself.
"Sometimes keeping secrets is good, especially when you have to and that secret just leads to bad news."

Kazan mumbled out as he clenched his fist, he had learned that the hard way back on his Home World, the Scorched Plains. He could still remember all the kids... All of it.

He even remembered his conversation with their Master, he had told him to rather just tell the other apprentices, it was best for him. But Kazan just scoffed and said there was no point, he knew what the outcome would be anyway. It always the same. Maybe what SHE had said to him last night was right, it was all starting to come true...

Stitch blinked at the group as he he suddenly rushed up to Kazan and crawled his way to his shoulder and looked at him, Kazan looked back at him with his oddly piercing golden eyes. Stitch was like nothing he had ever seen, was their more creatures like him or did this little ball of fur know what it was like.

"Gummi! Goobaja!"

Stitch pointed forward to where the river began to swirl around in loops and strange patterns before continuing on, very peculiar it looked. Something you definitely would not see in usual rivers. That is where he had seen the Gummi Block.


Kazan nodded and hurried his pace towards their goal.
"Technically that secret had already lead to bad news, the destruction of a city to be exact, so there is no reason to keep it a secret." Ryoko said. After Kazan began running towards where Stitch saw the gummi block, he turned to Aria and said, "It's like he doesn't know why we're here in the first place. Does he really think that we were sent here just to leave as soon as possible? That would just be anti-climatic." He then walked towards where Kazan was headed.
"I do want to leave but... We were here to rescue the others... Forget anti-climatic..." Aria stopped where the two hadn't. With a river that looked like that, she would expect it to be kind-of dangerous. Normally she'd be oblivious and just jump in there without a second thought. "I'll just stay behind and watch..." She told herself, again.
Rose stopped next to Aria,she finding it strange that she stopped at all,"He is correct about our mission,and your not the only one in the group who wants to leave."She said with a smile.She looked at Aria,"My theory of the dream is that either someone is planting stuff in our minds,or that one of us had a memory dream and our keyblades connected us,"She spat with a stoic face and tone,"Your probably wondering why Kazan is trying to change and avoid the subject,and I think he is hiding something.As leader he should not keep secrets,because that plants mistrust in your troops."She spat once more.

Rikku sat in the tree above them and just listened to their conversation.She had no clue what they were talking about,since her and Stitch did not have the same dream as them,"Hmmm."She groaned as she jumped to the next tree following Ryoko and Kazan.
Kazan followed Stitch as they hopped over water, Stitch looked particularly worried about the water as he hopped over. Stitch pointed down as Kazan saw it.

"He was right guys, there is a Gummi here, it's a Wing Gummi as well!"

The Gummi block was submerged under the water as lots of junk flowed past it. Kazan looked to Stitch happily who looked very worried, he didn't seem at all to want to reach down and get it.

"What's wrong Stitch?"
Ryoko noticed Stitch's behavior and knew what was wrong, or at least he had a good guess; the prime Stitch couldn't swim. Considering how this version of Stitch was very similar, he assumed that the inability to swim was another similarity. "Hmm... I think that either the water is poisonous, he can't swim, or there's something down there." He said, trying to make it look like he was just going through the possibilities.
Aria turned to Rose. She shook her head. "I wasn't exactly wondering that. I was kinda annoyed at how he was acting, but I didn't actually know he was trying to hide something..." Aria's eyes slowly lowered as she turned away from Rose for a quick moment. If he was actually trying to avoid talking about the dream, was it actually his? It could be, but she didn't actually know much about him or the dream to make a valid conclusion. It could be about the world they were on, or someone else, or even something irrelevant that, like Rose had said, was planted into them. Whatever the hell it was, got Aria frustrated, as she now had more than one thing to think and cry over.
"We need to get it, question is. Is the water safe?"

Kazan dipped his finger in, but just a bit of the glove in case something was wrong, but nothing. The water seemed fine, so he reached his whole hand in the water as he bent down to try grab the Gummi Block.

"Almost there..."

Suddenly the water began to ripple and small waves formed for seemingly no reason as Stitch jumped back, went onto all six legs and began to growl at the water like a wild dog.
Aria saw the water shift from where she was standing, "Ay, Kazan, Ryoko, Stitch, get out of there!" She shouted for the three of them to hear. Water moving like that wasn't natural, and she actually had a teeny gut feeling that said something wasn't right about the water. Great, I'm becoming like Ryoko now with these theories, she thought. She had only hoped that they got out in time, or there wasn't anything significant to worry about.
The ripples in the water were followed by bubbles. As they popped faint whispers could be heard...

POP! .................. "whrerlp..."

BULP! .................. "whhrelp..."

GLUP! .................. "ip carmp phloped..."

Suddenly the water was still.

Suspiciously still.

For a moment it felt like time stopped, just enough for something profound to happen without anyone noticing.


*dead silence*

Just before anticipation could take hold, a great big "BHLUBBB" broke the silence.

The bubble popped exposing a rusty metal forearm with an oddly familiar logo of towers glittering in the sunlight roughly etched on it.
Stitch growled as Kazan summoned Dragon Heart. A rusty arm, it must be some kind of Forgotten. He prepared himself for the upcoming battle as he stood in stance and pointed his Keyblade at the arm sticking out of the water as he concerntrated on the figure concealed under the water.
"BOSS FIGHT TIME!" Ryoko said surprisingly cheerfully as he summoned his Bit-blade. "So, what's your weakness? lightning? It would probably chain with the water, making it even more effective."
Aria had also kept her keyblade out, in case she needed to support the three from afar. She watched the hand as it had risen from the water, and she was cautious even though, again, she wasn't that close to it.

((Sorry, stumped.))
B.E.N. Has been hiding under the water for what seems like days.

"It's a good thing robots don't need to breath." he though to himself.

A few days ago he remembers seeing a Blue, six legged figure nervously peeking into the water, but B.E.N. figured his circuitry must have gotten wet causing him to hallucinate.

But there it was again! And now there are other figures as well.

"Thank goodness, I'm saved!" He thought.

"No wait, what are those sharp shiny things they are holding?" The realisation struck him that these figures might not be friendly and he suddenly wished he didn't stick his hand out of the water when he had.

"Please don't let it be those puppet-like pirates again?" he shrieked at the thought.

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