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Nation Building Kingdom Death: King of Monsters (Process)

TipToeToast TipToeToast /Wafflestomper / Tribe of Ballon:

6th Sense was used to reach across the dark... scanning the health of neighbors and even peoples far away... They detected new tribes nearby between them and the Idafouda Twist Twist -- and gathered more information as they saw fit.

Gain 5 questions about any other tribe pertaining to health.

Discovered: "Traitors of the Void" -- This tribe was NOT nice, and tended to move around until it could find neighbors that they could bully and exploit. They had just arrived in the area, and looked upon Ballon's tribe and what they had, and were of a mind to take it from him before his defenses were fully established. They were numerous, but not well armed or armored. Under normal circumstances they wouldn't attack a place as securely defensible as Hillhome, but the tribe was hungry and down on it's luck. They would be visiting... and soon.

Discovered: "Ethereal Harvesters" -- This tribe had already died, to a man, long ago -- but persisted in their duties as bodiless souls. No longer molested by animal, and feared by any raider, they continued their work of gathering all that was of any value in the dark and stocking an agora that nobody every came to. Just outside their settlement a coven of witches monitored them and lived in the safety of their shadow... A strange tribe it was...


Working Hard but with purpose and organization, the tribe gained SIX Stonewood harvesting without pause. Whether for trade or to make homes, items, or gear -- it was a bounty they could be proud of, and there still seemed plenty of stonewood remaining...


Strained Action: Building. Their only close neighbor, the Idafaoda, could not cooperate after negotiation. They try to construct: Housing, A well/town center, and a gatehouse with two towers. Ballon is unsure if the gatehouse and towers include repairing the circular "mid-to-low" half ruined wall that encircles Hillhome from when it was just a ruin. (Self-Sufficient x2) (Resourceful) (Lore (All) (10)) (Heuistic Action)

There was too much to do, but in the hours before they finally collapsed to rest, each tribal made the Stonewood logs into powerful and sturdy homes. Each ruined footprint of a building on the top tier and much of the lower tier was restored, with a well and town center on the lower tier that had strainable, but dirty water. the petrified wood cobblestones and rough petrified cabins had a certain beauty to them unseen in other tribes (Plus culture) and at the entrance, the only real approach to the hillhome two squat towers and a gatehouse were erected to keep out would be raiders and troublemakers. The "Traitors of the void" gave up their ambitions to attack, and instead came to the Hillhome to beg for food... (Parley is possible with the Void-Traitors, if desired, or they can be sent off)

(No penalty for strained action, but it was close!)
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Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Anshara wasn't fucking around a second time. She moved her forces up to the next village she found: A tribe called the Brave Nightmare, covered in black warpaint, warrior ancestries.

The perimeter was scanned with dimmed lanterns, as well as the full extent of Seg Mindforce. There was no Coalition to stop her now, And even the Grimmories would stay out of her way this (eternal) night.

The last of the Midnight nettle was distributed (again) to the children of the tribe. The Elders of the tribe (Again) were dealt with (Shoved off a ledge into the Ravine of a waiting spikeworm) and (again) the populace of the clan stirred to wakefulness to a breakfast of poison.

Anshara dug a piece of Yanmenite Malachite out of an open shoulder wound as she ordered her folk forward to slaughter the rest of this so-called "Brave Nightmare" -- they WERE brave, many foes, terminally sick, rose weapons to shatter Anshara and her warriors. Failed.

The chieftain gurgled a challenge to her before being torn apart by his own children. Failed.

The Last Elder sought to burn the food and treasures of the Clan before they were captured -- Failed.

Finally Anshara, seeing no resistance, waved her arms under the hanging lantern of her standard-bearer and the REAL violence began, on the struggling, on the weak, on the dead. Some were possessed just to drive them to kill themselves.

And in the center of all the carnage, a disgusting slag with a single broken bone dined on the slain. And Grew.

Seg did not have form, but they could feel it's intent now. the wisp of a consciousness.

And everyone smiled in unison.

1. Roll for Food, Materials and loot (if any) of the victim tribe to be settled in discord.
2. The children of the tribe are not of age, but certainly vicious and dare to say, more skilled warriors than her own tribals because of their ancestry. (Gain 2 Lanterns of "Feral Children")
3. The community invaded is immediately Settled as the Singer's own. Generate local resources and food sources.
4. Tribe gains T5 Steel hand weapons and Large shields from their victims.
Abstracty Abstracty / Tarantula / Urjagar :

1. Settle and loot -- HANDLED IN DISCORD.


2.GREAT HUNT -- To be discussed in discord regarding previously discussed sites. (scene pending)
Trektek Trektek

1. SETTLE with Auriel Maza Auriel Maza and ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe :

Food sources, Materials, and loot generated in Discord. (unorthadox, but GM approved)

2. BUILDINGS WILL BE PROCESSED IN Auriel Maza Auriel Maza Post. (including T5 clay, T10 steel Training ground)

FREE ACTION: Taas makes Black Granite Statue with gemstone eyes with arms outstretched. (When given as a gift, Parley timers stop and +10 social (all) is in effect. It generates 8 ART.
Cosmo Cosmo Crocodile Crocodile Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon :

Free Action
Settle the Eke alongside the Argead and Sikander
Food rolls

  • Anemone, Waterberries [Disgusting/Nutrient Dense] and Rock LOBSTER [Luxury/food]
  • Bladderfish [food/pure water] and SHELLS (luxury good)
  • Clams [food], Passionprawns [luxury/food/aphrodisiac] and Pearls [Luxury]

    JUNK: (debris found in ekes)

    Cosmo: 5 Units of T6 Obsidian
    Jiwon: 2 Units of T6 Dyradwood, 3 Units of T6 Topaz
    Croc: 5 Units of T6 Steel

    Material Deposits
    Cosmo: Crystalwood [T8] and Wyrmbone [T8]
    Jiwon: Pristine Matter [T10]
    Croc: Elvenwood [T5], Granite [T5], Steel [T5]



1. A "humble" wedding ceremony will be held as Hope wears the first wedding dress made, a gold and silk perfect peerless piece of art, and exchanges the Glasswall Obsidian Wedding Bands [cultural artifact] with Kostis before their people to help unite them, usher in a new symbolic age for their people. As the ceremony is prepared, Hope will train under her shamans to bring out the power Adam left with her, so that she can finally step in as the leader of her people in every way to stand next to her husband to bring about their dream, the unification of the clans.

For the small ceremony, Hope has Social 30 to make the ceremony a banger. Necris Jelly can be consumed as food to ensure they, and their guest, eat well and eat something tasty [Willing to use 2 units for this if needed] Additonal luxuries from the Ekes make this a spectacular affair that draws representatives to whole tribes from around this Region of the Dark. When the Idafouda Twist Twist show up, the union becomes the party of generations.

Twist Twist Idafouda gains cultural/morale points for "making" the party, Seimari gains cultural points/morale for "throwing" the party, and 4 other Tribes can be chosen by the Seimari to have been "stars" of the ball giving a morale and cultural bonus.
Crocodile Crocodile :

The NECROSOUL rested at the bottom of the Sikander Eke, the swirling and bubbling filth in the water below making a perfect home for it, It was discovered quite by accident that the Slimy Horror disintigrated dirt and filth in the Sikander water supply passively, making the health of thier Eke and the quality of their drink somewhat better. Still, where it lived was literally a dump -- the entire town of sikander above on thier tiers, terraces and walkways criss-crossed the water-bottomed pit, the entire community of garbage and offal falling down onto it to be purged.

But today, the Sikander called the NECROSOUL forth to do the important task of absorbing clues that would reveal who trod on their territory...
The head of an assassin was deposited in the infant horror who immediately absorbed the memories and latent thoughts of the skull and it's contents.

"AaaaaaaGent... of NIGHTSTALKERS! Spy. Opportunist. The attack on Lord Gloom was not planned, but a means to an end. Theft was the desire, but the assassination attempt.... by the booooooooooys.... would fail. A prooooofesssssional hand was... neeeeeded. Still, I DIED in the attack. My handler took the Priiiiiiiiisttttttiiiiiiinnnnnneee Maaaaattttteeeeeerrrrr... and escaped.

Adam's body was fed to the Necrosoul but the skull, besides being full of wrath and diagrams of wards and runes, yielded little information. Adam Sephirah was a madman, and what remained of his mind that was not pulled loose his body and twisted into the princess Hope was merely a tatter from a puzzle that would be illegible complete.

FIVE more questions could be asked of the Necrosoul partaining to Adam and the Spy... (To be done in discord)


Dion and his puppet follow various leads to find it was the People of Ballon again, to be implicated in the thefts. They attempted, mayhap even succeeded in looting storehouses (likely Adam's) during the chaos, and most interestingly... a small number of Shaman defectors joined the people of Ballon to escape the chaos. Just another justification for the Ballonites to have so many people, though they were a tribe unto themselves they were showing quite a talent in siphoning off lanterns from other tribes... and were ruthless in their efficiency... and execution of this objective.

At that point, the investigation ended at Ballon's doorstep. Sikander could seek to parley with Ballon at his fortress, or vanish back into the dark...

Something horrible attempted to sneak up on Dion in the darkness, a creature of fang and tentacle, of whips and scorpions. His puppet slew it...

Or was it the other way around?


Settlement in the Ekes was a resounding success.
The Seimari, the Argead, and the Sikander each brought their fullest talents together and not only looted the ekes and settled thier respective pits, but build terraces, tiers, and walkways that criss-crossed over each's respective pit of filthy water. The three communities were united by a central tunnel system above a mysterious cistern that yet remained unexplored, but the people were happy, if a little spent with their endeavor.

Food, Junk material, and resources were found aplenty, and more than a few powerful relics of the past seemed to have washed into the watertraps to be looted by Herculean strength, sixth-sense, and the tireless puppets that needed not breathe to dive for loot.

Job well done.
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Auriel Maza Auriel Maza :

1. The people of the Black Shepherd settled into their new home, searches, repairs -- even curious events and discoveries seemed to be around every corner. But in the end lanterns reigned, and if they had not uncovered every secret of the towers, they had at least pacified it and made it their own. Food had been located, gathered, and more was cultivated in a great farm with the help of the Yanmen. Great knowledge began to fall into their hands, and the tribe, having tasted it's power, only wanted more.

Settlement successful, food/resources/loot generated.
2. Breaking Ground...

The courtyard housed now a Training ground, Hardened clay and fine steel composed the structure, Targets and dummies punctuated all around rows for missile and melee fighting, with it's own center ring where drills and melees could be held constantly to hone the wits and the weapons of the tribes of the towers. While not a masterwork, The training ground did not need to be and was fully functional and powerfully built.

In the middle of the Xygaras tower the Athenaeum of Hope (Library) rapidly filled out the middle of the structure's available space. A spiral stair of endless shelves that bent around themselves, Books made of various materials just beginning to fill the shelves. This was a place of ambition, where secrets lurked, and promised to house a thousand more. various terraces and turrets converted into cozy reading enclosures as folk passed each other in the stacks in silence. (T11 Library)

However, the greatest achievement of building in the towers -- and in fact among all the tribes -- Was the "Shadow Catcher" -- The Mana and Psi generator that spun slowly as if struggling against all the forces of nature, and in return wringing out raw power to be stored in the bowels of itself like a great windmill. A tower within a tower, Massive Spokes draped with Golem leather gathered ambient forces, To be pulled into a moonstone core that bled these energies into Silver capsules of small to grand sizes... the batteries that would supply the power for so much more to come. The column itself was made of solid purestone and pulsed with the might of the exchanges within. With every peal of energy it cast lightning into the sky, calling more power down with it... but it was in this unforseen consequence... that would bring a great Leviathan of the dark down to investigate...

THE POWERSTARVE! (Fight this creature immediately, you may receive assistance from ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe and/or Trektek Trektek if available, but it must be faced quickly, or the Shadow Catcher may be damaged or Destroyed!)


The PowerStarve.jpg
Kloudy Kloudy

  • Co-op Action 1: The Sage Collective join the Ciun in repairing the damaged relations with the tribes present during the Arena Tournament - [Social 20+]
  • Standard Action 2: At the advice of the Black Shepard, the Sage Collective ventures to the Chapel. They will observe the grimmory attack on the Giant Rats then clean up the rest and settle the location - [Everything on my cs basically]

Immediately triggers scene. Auriel's grimmory assault with or followed by sages mopping up. After/if area is secured food/mats/deposits/loot (if any) will be generated.
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain :

The Pallane repaired their forge as soon as the tools for gathering and crafting were complete. The shadowbone and quartz tools made lighter work of whatever was necessary, which was important because the Pallane and the Idafouda were hard at work producing weapons and armor for the tribe.


T10 Liferoot/Wyrmbone hand weapons (shields and dual-wields) These weapons gave Regeneration and Recuperation 1 to the bearers from liferoot, and Fire (10) from the wyrmbone.

Hero Suit of T9 Spiked Leather armor with Reflect (15) Fire Resistance (10) and armor +6

Whole tribe wears Scaled Leather (medium) Elemental Res (3) + Armor +4

Darts are constructed with Poison (10), Accuracy +2


1. The gathering tools were of great use in getting to the Cubes and securing the massive blocks of obsidian and silver, but it was MIND OVER MATTER that made the task of moving the cubes simple. Between ignoring the exertion on the body, strengthening the teams of movers, and most importantly practically levitating the cubes, they were easily dragged back to the settlement where they became renewable sources of Obsidian and Silver. This work in fact, was so impressive that common creatures shied out of the way and lost folk in the dark flocked to the Pallane for safety. Gain 2 lanterns of people, if you accept these outsiders.

2. The Idafouda and the Pallane hunt the grimmory, and the use of the camouflage ancestry was instrumental, as grimmory hide their tracks, and while not keen hunters or trackers, the tribals were able to see through the various tricks the grimmory used to misdirect them to actually follow them to their lair... That and various applications of Darkness and suspension lore made the task easy, and before long a great HIVE of grimmory were found, living in a narrow dugout under a huge rock...

...The grimmory horde prepared to advance again, and for a moment the tribes thought they might have bitten off more than they could chew...

But the Pallane Chieftain's strongest psionics merely dropped the massive stone into the dugout, killing all the grimmories and burying them all at once. The stone was moved slightly to confirm that all were dead, and 10 food was found in the carnage, animals the grimmory had gathered before attacking the Pallane encampment.

...The Idafouda had a good laugh about that one. Twist Twist

Pallane gain 1 glory point.

...All returned home, bedecked with their new gear... and for at least this tiny moment in time...

it was good.
Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon :


Despite their individual strangeness, Lysander and Ceridwen formed a beautiful couple. Lysander, the cloistered warrior, and Ceridwen even the explorer and scientist, Ceridwen made it her work to unravel the secrets of Lysanders heart, and her haunting beauty did the rest. Ceridwen would live with the Argead hereforward, but often visit her tribe and the bond of their affection carried forward to strengthen the ties between the two Tribes (Large Culture Bonus) ... the couple also Adopted Unge of the Grease-eaters tribe as their own, and thus enriched the bloodline.

SIDE EFFECT: For Unge's blood in the bloodline, ancestry has the opportunity to change. for a HIGH culture cost, The Argead or Ciun can change one of their ancestries during the timejump. If the ancestry adopted is purely psionic, this cost is halved.

The party for the union brought great happiness to the Ekes, in the shadow of the horrible deeds and fates of the Shamans. Many Ciun told stories of the exitinct ideas of Eostre, but left feeling the other tribes might not be ready for such big ideas. Democracy, Broad Literacy, currency... pearls before swine. They themselves however brought back a great many goods and items from other tribes though, This exchange gives a Free Market building to both Ciun and Argead... but the applications beyond curiosity and movement of goods would take time to fully be realized and exploited.

GIFTS TO EITHER CIUN OR ARGEAD HAVE A 25% chance of being duplicated for the recipient. -- these gifts grant a cultural bonus (small) to the gift giver.

Pat Pat Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon : Please let GM know what ancestries you are exchanging as a result of the union.
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CaptainSully CaptainSully


• Solo Action 1:
Begin ritual prayers with the Aeonia Bloom, basking in the glory and gifts that its spores provide so that the people of the Ap Gwaed can grow strong.

The Aeonia spores are embraced by the Pobl Ap Gwaed, and the Aeonia embraces back. The tribe gains Reinvigoration 1, Str +4, HP +3, and the "Fast" descriptor...

• Strained Solo Action 2:
Attempt to interact with the secrets of the ancients using the Crown of Ancients.

The crown was used by itself to commune with the ancients, but to no avail. Eventually it was decided that this device would have to be used in relation to another ancient item or location... so the Pobl ap Gwaed searched the darkness for that which was ancient. They found:

1) A massive arm made of Composite metal that once must have reached for the mythical 'heavens' but now barely poked above the surface of the filth.

2) A platform in the middle of the bramblewild that consisted of a circle of Ivory Skulls inset with colored gems... there was no signs of animal life for miles of this location...

3) An ancient temple full of fallen statues. Only one statue remained standing, but all the statues seemed perfectly intact and free of the ravages of time...

(Choose 1-2 locations and have a scene interacting with these areas)

• Free Solo Action:
Search surrounding areas for food sources and building materials. Searching specifically for livestock and crops to allow a renewable source of food along with any suitable building materials.

Endless dark. Dead end canyons... walls made of uncrossable yawning ravines... terrain made of shattered glass to be crossed on bare feet, Black steam plumes that made the tribe nauseous and sick, only the Aeonia kept them conscious as they wandered hither and thither looking for a place to settle.

They never even found another tribe. They drank the salty blood of the predators that hunted them and ate the tough and nearly indigestible meats of the hopping and crawling things, cramping thier bodies as they did. Thier lanterns flickered as they turned around again and again looking for a place to call home...

...And were found wanting.

The bugs started to key-in on the misfortune of the Pobl Ap Gwaed... and soon began to suck their blood relentlessly. Being unworthy, the Aeonia killed them. but their skins were covered with itching bites, and running sores.

Where would they settle? Had there even been a single structure suitable for shelter? The eyes in the darkness grew in number around them, eventually outnumbering the light of the lanterns... the lanterns reflected in hundreds if not thousands of misshapen eyes.

The Temple... the temple was thier only hope. Could they make a stand there?

(The temple must be one of the sites investigated above, and it's challenge MUST be resolved. If not, the Pobl Ap Gwaed will die in the dark as quickly as they arrived in it, and have no choice but to settle the temple (if it can be pacified) and make due with whatever food and materials can be found there...
palmtree219 palmtree219 / Lightning / Inaris

1. Ritual of the Honeycomb cave has sufficient sacrifices to commune with the Boulderbeast. (SCENE TO BE CONDUCTED ON DISCORD)

2. Honeycomb caves successfully settled with Talathel Talathel 's tribe, food/resources/luxuries generated for site. (Processed on Discord)
Twist Twist : The Idafouda Turn 2

Collaborative w/ Player: In exchange for potential future resources, the Idafouda agree to help hunt down the remaining Grimmory. [Apply Gloryseeker, Extremist, Mind over Matter and Camouflage if applicable] [Use Grimmory head to aid hunt if applicable] [Apply following from Twist too (if applicable): Creature lore (15), Suspension Lore (15) used by Idafaoda to aid hunt (Quirks: Audacious, Chaotic, Amoral, Blindly Obedient | Perks: Gallant (x3), Intelligent (x3) | Quirks: Brutal x2)

PROCESSED ABOVE WITH TipToeToast TipToeToast /Waffle (positive outcome, area more pacified than previously)


Normal Action: Explore the tunnel system of the Ant Lion pits (Perks: Gallant (X3), Intelligent (X3), Innovative, Playful, Eloquent), Quirks: (Audacious, Chaotic, Amoral, Blindly obedient, Brutal x2, Blunt), (Skill: Lore (15) X3 Suspension, Creatures, Carousing)

Inside the tunnel system that winded and wound, it became obvious this was once a straight tunnel that had been filled with gravel, but a second creature had dug a spiral tunnel to get down to it. The ant lion pit was being used as a nest for Ankhrav -- A very dangerous and strange insectoid species that was seldom seen above ground in the dark. The lores of the Idafouda were detailed on these creatures -- though everyone who survived an encounter with one could tell you they were dangerous. A orphanmaker-wasp had dug into the Ankhrav nest at the bottom of the ant-lion den and paralyzed the mother Ankhrav, covering her back with the orphanmaker's disgusting parasitic eggs. When they hatched, they would eat the mother and then all her larvae... such were the cruelties of the dark... but interrupting this cruelty posed an opportunity... the already hatched Ankhrav larvae were cute as buttons and peeping to be fed, their movements syncronized with that of the Idafouda they were apparently imprinting upon. The larvae were freshly broken from their shells and smelled both sweet and savory...


A) EAT THEM! : this will give you 15 units of food that will keep through the timejump... and will raise already high idafouda morale and spirits ever higher.

B) DOMESTICATE THEM! : (Intelligent x3, all that LORE) would allow the imprinted larvae to follow instructions and even be trained well into young adulthood and maybe beyond. Considering the speed of their growth, saving them as work or war animals could be the best decision of all... but with it there were risks. Ankrav Fired Bursts of Digestive acid at both prey, and at their mothers to get their attention, for one... and once full grown, it was unsure if the Ankhrav would just wander off to make nests or turn on their masters.

C) Leave them to them to their fate: The balance of nature demanded a place for the orphanmakers. Allow nature to take it's course, with precautions to protect the Idafouda from the emerging wasp nymphs when they took flight.

There was also a Fat ancientwood chest, semi-digested and covered with already discharged traps, at the bottom of the pit. It seemed whatever was in the box was valuable and worth protecting, but ended up in the belly of an ant-larvae all the same...

(SCENE regarding decision point, treasure chest and *mysterious visitiors*: 3 lanterns of foreigners arrive looking to trade/parley or even join the Idafouda.)
Obsidian Obsidian : / Sunborne

Tribal Action
~ Hunt for Wood ~ By the Brightlord's decree, it is now the highest priority that Her Grace, the Phoenix, be hatched. To this end, the Sunborne must find wood to offer to the Great Pyre, wood that would feed the flames well. Monsters come in many forms, even in the form of wood. If a monster of wood may be found and slain, such an offering would feed the flames most well indeed.

The hunt for wood was obsessive as it was thorough. The flames must be fed, like the fire the people of the Sunborne licked over the countryside in search of what was deemed worthy to burn. (Gain 2 elvenwood, 4 darkwood, 2 sacred wood) -- these were the prizes incidentally found and stacked in the cord-wood packs of the sunborne as they sought a Worthy target to burn... a monster of Wood, as the litanies and commandments demanded. They found Three candidates:

A) Magoomba, the Vampire Tree -- In a swamp almost too far from the temple, lied the grove of the vampire trees. Either moving too slow to be noticed, or Storming accross the landscape in violence, none were as great or as ancient as Magoomba. Magoomba invited the sunborne to parley with it, but it's agenst expressed they knew why the sunborne had come, and had no illusions that a fight would ensue...

B) Nhagah-Rhom -- The Entlich -- This was an evil thing that had the tribes in it's territory in perpetual fear, and constant poverty due to the demanded tribute. upon a craggy and dangerous cliff the things blind-birds carried it's relentless and cruel will to the locals, demanding more and more to be piled at it's roots. In it's twisted leafless boughs great nests of horrid birds with serrated beaks cawed and screetched... and while the Sunborne knew this was a worthy enemy, several were brave and smart enough to admit they they did fear it.

C) Last-Dryad Zarahgah -- A beautiful but knotted tree in the shape of a woman, always changing her leaves and bark to the form of many trees that must have existed aplenty before the fall of light. Last-Dryad was not evil, but in her remoteness was mostly left alone. She invited the Sunborne to Parley with her before considering her for burning, though she confessed she had been dreaming of their arrival for some time...

(SCENE with Tributaries, see Below)

Strained Action
~ Surfdom ~ According to the teachings of the Elder One, it is not only the Sunborne who can serve the Brightlord, but also others, described as 'Surfs' within the domains of the ancient Brightlords. These Surfs would organise themselves into Vassals, and the relationship between the Brightlord and his Vassals was a simple one. In exchange for the Brightlord's protection and a measure of local autonomy, the Vassals would provide to the Brightlord regular tribute. Rather than build industries of his own, Alexian decides he will reinstate this old Sunborne custom, and find tribes who would be ripe for vassalage. Once found, the Brightlord will go to such tribes personally, and convince them to bend the kneel in fealty.

(Scene parley with the "PROUD" Armtalons and the "Furtive" Felfield. in tandem with monster hunt above)
Heterological Heterological : Nightstalkers

Cooperative Action (with Birb & Mechking):
Defense-Making: While the other two tribes work, the Nightstalkers cultivate their sneezing milkweed and barbed hibiscus to create a vast stretch of defensive obstacles in the area surrounding the Stairs. They also plant the Root of Evil a small ways away from the Stairs, in the midst of the hibiscus and milkweed.
Lore Plant (10)
Water from Ice Pool

The cultivation of the territory made it fit for a defensive war no enemy would want to mount. Sneezing milkweed pods Teemed in hidden patched in and out of the Barbed Hibiscus, like bladed wire pregrant with traps of sneezing gas. Only the most learned and familiar folk of the STAIRS THEMSELVES knew all the paths through the defenses, the plants being the hardest of all to keep track of, they shifted and ebbed and advanced, sometimes needing to be pruned and other times to be coaxed. Among the plant patches and all around the entrances and perimeter were a deep ditch filled with stakes covered by more familiar plants that concealed anything amiss. Creatures and interlopers already began to litter these ditches, victims come to close unbidden to the stair. Nowhere were these defenses more ruthless and everpresent than at the main entrance to the Stair, where the plants continued to grow well inside the confines of the stair, and the traps remained a familiar sight, if one could see them at all. When all was done, The stair was truly a fortress to the stranger, and a garden to the friend. Morale and spirit increased with the feelings of safety, and the fecundity of the lands around and on the Great hill of the Stair. It sent many messages -- but one above all -- "The people of the stair knew how to live, and they were NOT to be trifled with."

Defenses of stair complete. Highest orders of protection established.


Single Action: The Nightstalkers send delegations to the Half-Bow Clan and to the Dust-Tower Caste, bearing luxury and bulk goods to trade and establish loyalties. Novan goes to the Half-Bow Clan, and Phobos goes to the Dust-Tower Caste.
Novan: Intelligent, Charismatic, Stubborn
Phobos: Asocial x2, obnoxious x2, manipulative, witty x4, humble x2, observant

(SCENE: Relations with Half-Bow clan encounter, and Dust-Tower Caste. Attempt to improve relations and stabilize trade.)

People lost in the dark WANT to live in the stair. Heterological Heterological Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Mechking Mechking All gain 1 lantern from those awakening in the dark or seeking peace within it.
Mechking Mechking : Amalgamation of Xelthas

1. Mining resources to add to our defenses, mainly the stone

T7 Mine (made out of Ancient Wood, T1 Bone, and T3 Leather)
Quality gathering tools (T9)
Granite, MetalComposite, Ruby
(Sand, Limestone)

(This is in addition to the 4 units of material produced passively from a T7 mine)

The Amalgamation of Xelthas had to be careful getting to the mine without triggering any of their own defenses, but were getting better at this every day. Practice was key, quickness in a time of need, Essential.

The Tribe worked Tirelessly, Pulling out 6 units of Granite, 2 units of Metalcomposite, and 2 units of Ruby.
In addition, many gathering containers were filled with sand and limestone (abstract amount, but suitable for any task at hand)

The tribe would grow stronger for it's works, though tired they were after such strenuous labors.

2. HARDENING THE DEFENSES: (already performed, but elaborating on further information)

Trap-plants added to key areas on the outer wall and main interior defenses

The entire wall has a spiked trench at the foot of it, smeared with painful poisons (8) with the drawbridge having a particularly large spiked pit at the main approach.

Animal/people traps peppered all around the outer plant defenses.

Places were patched with sand and moisened clay to make terrain difficult for the unfamiliar.
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 : Beastly blood

1. Invade the sunken temple: PROCESSED AS SCENE IN DISCORD. The sunken temple is truly gone now, leaving a pit in the earth full of TAR nearby the Hills of the stair. Whether this would just be a landmark or something of use remained to be seen.

CaptainSully CaptainSully & EVERYONE...


1. The Pobl Ap Gwaed conduct a ritual of great power, commanded by their chieftain and executed personally by the Quadruplets.

The Massacre disc was OPENED, then cast into the mouth of the Aeonia plant. Portals opened everywhere over the suspension, But instead of horror tentacles the portals streamed funnels and clouds of Crimson Aeonia Spores... not one tribe would be spared, not one corner of the landscape not at least exposed with whole regions corrupted to the fungus in hours. Creatures in the darkness, carpeted with spores, ran wild in the hinderlands spreading the contagion further. Many (NPC) tribes, encountered and not, were immediately and thoroughly exposed, just as (every player's) settlements were struck directly with portals on falling red spores.

Grand Sage Enyo breathed deeply an uncoughing breath of crimson spores -- the sages had given themselves over to the Aeonia, and were thus protected, even strengthened by it. Kloudy Kloudy . The Sages would be spared any complexities by what was to come... what WAS NOW.


A) Embrace the Aeonia: Surrender the land to change and empower the sacred fungus, and with it be transformed.
(You will be blessed and receive buffs/bonuses -- though you must embrace the Aeonia with an honest heart or suffer it's maladies...
(bonus to be calculated when number of embraces are seen)
B) Stand in Defiance: All actions become strained actions and no free actions can be performed until this event is resolved or you pick a side.
C) Reject the Aeonia: Suffer the Maladies of the enemy of the Crimson Plague.
(debuff to be calculated when number of rejections are seen)

2. The Pobl ap Gwaed send a task force to the clearing of skulls. (Scene to be executed at Sully's convenience/readiness)

"The Red spores fell like snow, everywhere in the gloom to be seen they were there. Many suffered quickly -- even died, but others took to flight or embraced the Aeonia's powers."

EVERYONE gains TWO LANTERNS of "sick" refugees, as many neutral tribes and new arrivals to the gloom are infected out in the open. Turning away these lanterns will not protect you (though existing defenses might)
MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: All players -- Kent Kent (Sephirah)(Living God) L Lightning [Inaris] Kloudy Kloudy | Sage Collective and @Tala have formed a NEW POWER BLOC in the honeycomb caves of boulderbeast mountain. the Sage collective chapel is moved to the mountains magically, and the new allies announce their collusion!
ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe : Yanmen

Turn 3 process:
Co-Op action: WAR WAR WAR WAR- The Yanmen are the tip of the spear. Many will follow. The Inaris, the Urjagar, and others- the Yanmen are at the head of a MIGHTY HOST that will wipe out this at the source. WAR IS UPON US. A RED DAY, SPEARS IN THE NIGHT!

The Yanmen march on the forces of TipToeToast TipToeToast /Waffle only to find their holdfast burning, razed and looted -- so too was the domain of the Pobl Ap Gwyn -- The concordat had burned down their lands, took everything they could carry, and fled into the dark.

Using 6th sense, the Concordat would surely take the route through the gloom that was the most devious, and there were TOUGH decisions to make moving forward. How thin could the pursuing forces dare spread to maximize their chances of catching their enemy, but how concentrated did they need to be, daring to let the concordat slip through their fingers?

Tough decisions indeed... and no matter what they chose, Ballon will have planned for them.


Co-Op Action: Valor In The Dark
The Yanmen will send forces out into the dark to reach out to NPC tribes to offer them aid, bringing them home to the Towers if they wish. Xygaras is assisting with summons. They'll slay monsters that are menacing any decimated tribes and recover anything useful from tribes having left their settlements behind when fleeing... or died where they lived. Using Ship to sail around as shelter from spores.

Few tribes could be found intact, but some were found that had adapted to the coming and passing of the spores.
The following tribes were encountered and would need to be approached:

Two tribes would stand their ground to parley -- while other refugees or shattered tribes repeatedly fled into the darkness. You may PARLEY with:

Nightmare Dwellers -- Living in a particularly dangerous space in the gloom, they were violent nihilists who seemed to be waiting for a day they would be consumed by the gloom, a day which never seemed to come. Originally a very large tribe, now they were barely ten lanterns strong, but all that stood were not the types to flee. Not from the spores, and not from any tribe that came to find them...

Fortunate Paradox -- The fortunate paradox were a tribe trapped in a valley of a tremendous stone construct -- a golem of ancient times that once served as the gatekeeper to some now vanished away theater. The Fortunate Paradox lived in the semi-collapsed tunnel to this theater that no longer existed, protected by the Construct on the pretense they were acts next to be seen in the theater. None could perform, but when the Golem demanded that they do so to entertain the crowd that no longer existed, each of the fortunate Paradox would say "I am the most boring person in the world." -- well this, the Golem surmised, made that person very interesting... and so then fit to wait to perform when the theater next called. It was this "fortunate paradox" that each was so boring as to be tremendously interesting that kept them nursing a pitiful existence whilst protected in that tunnel...

The final tribe encountered would be hostile in nature and would likely attack on sight. Large and threatening, they see, perhaps rightly, that the newcomers to the Suspension are the cause of all their woes...


Dread Occupation -- 20 lanterns strong, in purple cloth and obsidian gear - the dread occupation did not come to talk. They sensed the Yanmen were looking for them, and at that moment decided they would meet them on the field of battle...
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood : Singers

The massive gold monolith was built as per the direction and inspiration of THE SEG. They had only to "turn it on"...

They chanted, they danced, they struck it and concentrated psionics on it. it was not until they swung the body of a tribal off the great scaffold to be dashed at the base of the monolith that it was revealed what the great artiface wanted. Blood.

The great monolith began to hum almost undetectably, but soon after it was activated they game... the most wretched, the beaten and mauled, the disgusting, the filthy. TWELVE LANTERNS of worshippers of the Seg, already mad and fevered in vision, crawled to the monolith and licked it clean -- before joining the ranks of the singers unto Death.

Taking up weapons from deadly blades to rough tools. Beholden to the Seg, they prepared for oblivion.

And somewhere -- everywhere -- beyond to the very limits of the monolith's power, it continued it's call to all tribes...
@TipToeToas: Waffle / Concordat:

Scatterbrain Scatterbrain : The Pallane Turn 3

  1. Eurymedon will purify the well, making the water safe to drink. [Apply 2x Tidy if applicable.]
The Pallane tribe purify their water source, and increase the attractiveness and birthrate of their tribe. Gain 2 Lanterns of refugees, population growth increased...

2. Patrigenos will attempt to copulate with Periboia, placating her with 5x food to minimize the risk to himself while also wielding T10 Liferoot/Wyrmbone hand weapons to defend himself if necessary. [Apply Fearless, Capable, Narcissistic/amoral, preternaturally strong and hardy, Strikingly Beautiful, Camouflage and Mind over Matter if applicable.]

Patrigenos, in his obsession -- and his tribe's acceptance of his unorthadox appetites, did "win the heart" of Periboia... But in doing so mixed the bloodline of the tribe with the horror they worshipped. This quickly led to the Pallane blurring the line of gods with horrors, and both aformentioned with the tribe. In the long time ahead (the timeskip) the Pallane would resemble less and less a tribe of humans and moreso and moreso a portmanteau of god and horror as more and more of the tribe bred with the offspring of Patrigenos and Periboia.

In the end they became WILD TITANS, resembling gods and horrors but people, not so much anymore. They would be strange neighbors and likely antagonists in the next generation in the gloom, but no longer being human, their story as one of the tribes of the suspension ends here. The Last of them that could speak dubbed themselves "The Opulent" -- Personified by their massive frames and unlikely well-fed and healthy frames. The Lust of Patrigenos personified the tribe as the bloodline concentrated to a near incestuous purity. Every man a demigod of war and insight, every woman a demigoddess of fertility and might.

The Pallane story ends here.

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