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Fantasy Kine Arts Of Magic High

Gamer Wizard Justin

Commander Of The Justin Force
Welcome to the school of magic I'm here to see how you progress within school if you want to learn sign up and we will set this up for you. Just enjoy your Stay at Kine art of magic high.
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Justin rushed to school he was almost late from being the first one he sighed and ran fast as possible then he eventually arrived at the gates of the school and he sighed.


Jason smirked at everyone coming to the school he had to be nice to them all because they were his future graduates he wasn't really interested in showing off his magic power.
Dyst walked to school he saw no point in rushing since it was already early for school to start. He arrived at the gate and saw some students but saw no point in talking to them just yet since Dyst wanted to get settled in first he decided he would just wait by everyone else for now even if he was a teacher.
Jason saw Dyst walk to the school he has high hopes for him as a teacher and he just walked up to him and noticed he used item magic because of the staffs he had. "Hey Dyst, can I use your wind staff for the school presentation."
Elizabeth looked at the school and sighed. It was not one of her favorite places but she had to go obligatory. She wanted to learn more about her power anyway and the school was the only place that could do that. Elizabeth quietly walked towards the gates looking at the floor
Dyst looked at Jason and nodded his head. "Sure just get it back to me." Dyst said handing him the wind staff he knew Jason disliked showing his own magic so Item magic would still hide his own magic.
With her head held down staring at the ground Nyx, she wasn't that much excited to go, in truth she hated it. Arriving at the same time she always does at school, since she was always early, she just sits down on her usual bench taking out a new book from her bag and read until school started
Jason held the staff and he smirked a bit "To be honest you need to have the magic inside of you to wield powerful tools like these, well unless your me that is." He said to him and he looked at the students they all seemed weak and flimsy he could just take them all on at once.


Justin saw a girl who seemed like she couldn't care less about school and he walked over to her and he sat next to her on the bench "I'm Justin." He said to her smiling.
Once she was absorbed into her book she totally forgot her surroundings until she felt another's weight next to her and slightly scooted her body to the other direction, hiding her face with the open book. But since she was interested in who it was she slightly peeked out of the book seeing an unknown male, being the nonsocial person she was she didn't reply. "..."
"Come on your not mute are you" he smiled she didn't seem like she liked to be around other people like him but he didn't care.
With a book still hiding her face she shook her head no, and said with a soft voice " ..Sorry, I'm just not used to it. "
"So that's what the girl says... Hmph I see you don't like to be able to talk to others is because you can control your powers" He said and smirked she was very shy and he knew it.
Dyst scratched his head not knowing what Jason meant. " what do you mean unless your me to use the wands you need magic thats then end of it isn't it." Dyst said confused.
Subconsciously she might have flinched, as if something clutched her heart. Shocked at how he found out about it so easily, she built up the courage to ask though she started at the beginning " H-How did you know? "
Jason smiled "well you would know the point. But you don't need magic to wield anything you need, have you ever tried sword or Instrumental it's not because you can use it, you have to have the magic talent In you. Like you have wand magic In your blood." He said to him he was exhausted with speeches already and he had to make another one with the students. 
Justin smirked at the girls comment "I didn't, but that's what everyone is here for not even the person who may have the best of control for a student can't keep everything under control." He said to her
She felt blood rush to her face as she asked such a stupid question, but at the same time she was comforted to know that there were others like her. Though the look on the boys face didn't help as she felt red all the way up to her ears. She tried to hide it by putting her head deeper into the book. " I-I knew that " she said embarrassed with herself, if there was any water around here it would probably start to bubble.
Dyst slightly under stood what he said but not full but he wasn't going to pester Jason any longer. "Okay now I get it." Dyst said looking around at all the students they are lucky compared to him they have somewhere they can go to learn their magic.
Jason sighed "Your thinking the same thing huh, how lucky they are?" He said and leaned against a wall.


He laughed at her and sighed trying not to make her anymore embarrassed, "Sure you did, so what type of magic do you know how to use?" He said to her
She ended off pouting in the book as she was laughed at. To end things off quickly, she gave an immediate answer " Water "
Dyst smiled. "Indeed I'm self taught my master is myself but these students are lucky they don't have to teach themselves." Dyst said looking at Jason.
Richard walked towards the school still yawning. He really hated the place, he got really bored and he had to wake up really early every day. It was not how he wanted to spend half of his day but there was nothing he could do about it
He smiled and looked at her "Water girl, you should not just hide behind the book all the time it shows you hate people and I'm lightning destruction by the way."
* I never asked you about your opinion * she thought, with a feeling that she might not be able to get along with the guy. Determined to not show weakness she put her book down revealing her mismatched colored eyes. And said slightly irritated " Well maybe I just do. "

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