Keychain of Creation

Maybe, they're like markers to manses and such or some sort of funky first age gizmo that got busted by the wyld or the shogunate wars.
Well, I'd like to remind anyone with a better brain for that kind of things than me that Misho's idea was to look for a device that tracks the other Keys in the manse: "[the manse's device] kept track of all the artifacts that were most important to Creation", he said on comic #6.
Arthur said:
AstraKiseki said:
Could be Infernals too.
Could be Lunars lost to the Wyld.

Could be Sidereals who got reamed by the spiders.
I don't think so. Secret clearly states that half the crystals are broken. Exactly half the Solar shards became Abyssal ones. Plus, why would a Solar manse keep track of Lunar or Sidereal shards?
Actually, it was 150 captured, 50 given to the Yozis.  100 Abyssals.
AstraKiseki said:
Actually, it was 150 captured, 50 given to the Yozis.  100 Abyssals.
Note that that doesn't include Solars who have since been turned by the Yozis/Neverborn. I remember it's noted in one of the books somewhere that one or more Deathlords have turned Solar Exalts into Abyssals, and I think I recall it also being noted that some of the Solars who survived the Usurption were turned into Akuma in the interim. Therefore, there are less than half the Solar Exaltations remaining. Hells, there might even be even numbers of Abyssals and Solars, all things considered.
:o Mmmmmmm, guitar... Please let him do something cool with that guitar.

Also, helluva cool Abyssal design. I see that both of 'em have spent a bit of Essence, judging from the Caste marks/Anima.
Tome said:
Also, helluva cool Abyssal design. I see that both of 'em have spent a bit of Essence, judging from the Caste marks/Anima.
I wouldn't read too much into the caste marks, considering Misho and MArena have had visible caste marks/anima banners for something around 12 comics.
I really like the hungry ghosts too. Are they all supposed to be dragonblooded?
Not all, but most.

Caste Marks are a bit iffy, really - it's hard to translate Exalted's time settings into comic-time, where scenes can take several pages to change at one point and only a few panels in another, and the whole concept is dependent on doing minor time-jumps everywhere.

So basically I just try to guess when's a good time to drop down an anima level. Marena did keep her anima up for a long while, but she was doing so deliberately for illumination until Misho got the lights on (during Secret's story).
Thats what I assumed. No complaint with the way you you've been handling it, just pointing out to the other poster that time isn't exactly linear in the comic as it concerns anima banners.
Are those some type of soulsteel essence visors that he's wearing?
Tome said:
Also, does the guitar-wielding Abyssal practice Silver-Voiced Nightingale Style by any chance?
Yes. He uses a lot of other Charms too, of course.

Flagg said:
Are those some type of soulsteel essence visors that he's wearing?
Wait..  allow me to rephrase that:

I speculate that the Abyssal's sunglasses are some form of soulsteel essence visors!

Jukashi, please confirm or deny!
Hmmm.... that other abyssal with the skinniness looks familiar..... AHA! He's the other DB from the beginning, the one who was ass kicked off screen for just being a combat monkey with no explanation of why a Immaculate Martial Artist would associate with anthema!

Of course this is purely speculation....not like I am reading Jukashi's mind while eating waffles..... :lol:

Mmmmm, waffles....Oh your still here! I mean't to say Mmmmmmm, pancakes.   :twisted:
I heard about Ben's concept while it was brewing, but still, this is the funniest thing I saw all week.

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