Keychain of Creation

I heard about Ben's concept while it was brewing' date=' but still, this is the funniest thing I saw all week.[/quote']
And yet: it works. It's actually damn clever, if you ask me.

Hip-hip... huzzah!
"Resonance Ben", indeed.   :D

... and why does Ten Winds feel responsible for Contagion dead? Is he perhaps not actually what he claims to be???
Eeee, TW is being badass!  :B  Sorry, I did a girly squeal.  Apparently, I am a bit of a fangirl for him too?


I know something mean that would fuck with him getting resonance AND be insulting.

"Hey, BENT!"  "Shut up, Bent."

It's not a name.   :P
Flagg said:
"Resonance Ben", indeed.   :D
... and why does Ten Winds feel responsible for Contagion dead? Is he perhaps not actually what he claims to be???
OR maybe he is, and is actually that old. Dragonblooded can certainly use a number of methods to extend their lives...
He is obviously a repentant Deathlord in disguise.

Jukashi, please confirm.
Flagg said:
He is obviously a repentant Deathlord in disguise.
Jukashi, please confirm.
This cannot be, for he is truly a Sidereal! Ney, all the Sidereals, swapping out the same Resplendent Destiny!
Nuuuu!  Cant!  Get!  That!  Out!  Of!  My!  Mind!
Flagg said:
AstraKiseki said:
I can't make my boobs sag enough, sorry.
Don't give up so easily. I bet you haven't even tried.
I bet she doesn't want to try.  Probably the opposite, trying to keep said boobs from sagging.
Flagg said:
AstraKiseki said:
I can't make my boobs sag enough, sorry.
Don't give up so easily. I bet you haven't even tried.
How the hell am I supposed to even try?  Pushing them down doesn't work!

And I just realized.  Bent Resonance does everything possible to get resonance right?

Well... are we going to see some toddler Abyssal half-castes?   :o
The qualm I have with Ben is that Secret told the troupe that he prefers to be called Resonance Ben. Why the heck would she tell that if that poses a threat to the group? And why is she addressing Ben as Ben? Like, this makes no sense, Jukashi is the most horrible writer the artfom of webcomic has ever seen!!!!!![insert geeky popular final !(s) replacement of the time]

...well I just found that odd.
She might be used to calling him Ben. Heck, he might have used compulsion charms to get people he knows to call him Ben or Resonance Ben.  :twisted:
The qualm I have with Ben is that Secret told the troupe that he prefers to be called Resonance Ben. Why the heck would she tell that if that poses a threat to the group? And why is she addressing Ben as Ben? Like' date=' this makes no sense, Jukashi is the most horrible writer the artfom of webcomic has ever seen!!!!!![insert geeky popular final !(s) replacement of the time']
...well I just found that odd.
And why is he still (arguably) wearing the trappings of the dead? Shouldn't he be wearing a floral-print shirt or something?
Tome said:
And why is he still (arguably) wearing the trappings of the dead? Shouldn't he be wearing a floral-print shirt or something?
You know, being stylish is great for stunting. :wink:
1) It isn't really very useful to avoid calling him Ben, since Flame will do it all the time anyway - she was just agitated by their appearance and got annoyed at Marena's jibba-jabba.

2) His original design did have a brightly coloured flower-shirt, but it looked terrible. I briefly toyed with something in the same style but with a more Abyssalish jagged-spiral pattern, but that was far too much detail to be easily used in the comic (I'm still hurting from Marena's rediculously complicated model) and didn't look too good anyway. So instead I decided to go with what looks cool, i.e. a heavy-cuffed shirt and a fluffy cravat.

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