Keychain of Creation

whoooo.... yeah, that's a nice effect he's got there. And yeah, I'm starting to see why he's called Resonance Ben.

But does his effects affect all -specific- types of underworld critters (ie. abyssals) or just ALL underworld critters... cuz if it's all underworld critters, he just hurty his hungry, hungry hipp... erm... ghosts.
Haku said:
But does his effects affect all -specific- types of underworld critters (ie. abyssals) or just ALL underworld critters... cuz if it's all underworld critters, he just hurty his hungry, hungry hipp... erm... ghosts.
Well, I'm pretty sure hungry ghosts don't normally have a Resonance track themselves; the Charm only affects creatures that can collect it. Of course, he has another Charm which inflicts Resonance... :twisted:
Jukashi said:
Well, I'm pretty sure hungry ghosts don't normally have a Resonance track themselves; the Charm only affects creatures that can collect it. Of course, he has another Charm which inflicts Resonance... :twisted:
Hey all.  Been a while since I've been around these here parts.  Jukashi, I just had to pop on and say that my wife and I love the webcomic.  Fantastic job.  Clever stuff that.  We loved the Freedom Stone and Klingon references earlier in the comic.  The character designs are great.  I have to say, the Abyssals all rock.  I especially loved the King of Uncloaked Steel.  It has never entered into my wildest imagination that a deathknight would go rogue because his deathlord was too subtle and not agressive enuf.  Priceless.

From a gamer's standpoint, I'm curious (and this has probably been asked/answered already, and if you want to keep your hand close so to speak, I apologize in advance) but have you actually got everyone in the comic statted out as regular characters?  If so, how did you swing the Abyssals' charm trees?  Also, is it a part of the comic for the characters to advance roughly in xp like in an actual game, or is it just whatever you feel they ought to have?  I was just curious about these things.

Anyway, thanks for making the comic, we love it.
Hey all.  Been a while since I've been around these here parts.  Jukashi' date=' I just had to pop on and say that my wife and I love the webcomic.  Fantastic job.  Clever stuff that.  We loved the Freedom Stone and Klingon references earlier in the comic.  The character designs are great.  I have to say, the Abyssals all rock.  I especially loved the King of Uncloaked Steel.  It has never entered into my wildest imagination that a deathknight would go rogue because his deathlord was too subtle and not agressive enuf.  Priceless.[/quote']

From a gamer's standpoint' date=' I'm curious (and this has probably been asked/answered already, and if you want to keep your hand close so to speak, I apologize in advance) but have you actually got everyone in the comic statted out as regular characters?  If so, how did you swing the Abyssals' charm trees?  Also, is it a part of the comic for the characters to advance roughly in xp like in an actual game, or is it just whatever you feel they ought to have?  I was just curious about these things.[/quote']
Nobody's asked for specifics before now, actually. Good job.

The truth is that they don't have full character sheets; I have a general idea, though. They've got their Castes, I know their Motivations, I've figured out what their Favoured Abilities are - Misho, for example, favours Melee, Integrity, Resistance, Presence and Awareness - and I use that to decide what kind of Charms they should have. I also have a rough idea of their power level, of who's stronger and weaker at different things. I do intend them to grow as time goes on, but I don't keep track of xp exactly.

When it comes down to it, I do try to keep an eye on what it's realistic for them to do/have mechanically - and if I use a custom Artifact or Charm, I try to have a good idea what its specific rules are - but that's just part of what will make for good humour/story, which is what takes priority. Since I'm not allowed actually describe the mechanics of the game, I try to consider what Exalted looks like from the "outside" when I'm making the comic, rather than base it on what's going on behind the curtain. It's quite interesting, actually.
Thanks for replying Jukashi.  I'm glad I wasn't beating a dead horse or pestering you with many already asked questions.  Looking forward to tomorrow's update!  Thanks for all the details and making the comic!

great comic. very funny. :)

i know its probably already been asked, or even asserted in the comic and i'm too dense to see it, but Wind is a Siderial, yes?

I. Love. Secrets' full name.
I think Ten Winds is actually the Shinma of Time who infiltrated Creation in order to topple the system of currency with its own hands due to a personal vendetta dating as old as the rise of House V'neef.

Or maybe he's just a pair of Starmetal Perfected Kata Bracer. Explains how he fights so well.

Yeah... I can see the daybreak mummy going "I wanna be a daybreak for the anima power!" if he's the fire IO monk 'player' who got rejected and be all "I'll show 'im. I'll show 'em all!" :D

And yes.. resistence charms are the best last line of defense.  :lol:

Also... it looks like Marina is still using the old tactic of throwing rocks at people.   :D
HOw many people can get smacked in the face with a brick and still look good?  That Abyssal rocks! 8)
Anyone else notice the old Batman feel to the strip, what with all the Parry. Whokk and crumble? Classic.

I laughed and laughed and then I stopped.
Vanman said:
I laughed and laughed and then I stopped.
Is your heart okay? Gotta be careful at your age!
:lol: It makes me laugh to say that to somebody who's probably only a couple years older than me.  :lol:
Yeah, but he did it with style!  I'd hate to see Ben get killed off.  He looks like he'd be a great re-occuring villian.
Ben is also apparantly 'brainless' or who does things without thinking about it... apparantly. ^^;

But yeah... he does have style in shades.

Doesn't Marina have some form of war/combat charms? Or is she just gonna be throwing rocks all the way thru?  :?
Did you ever see the movie 'Kung Fu Hustle'?  It had these two assassins that used a large stringed instument to do various martial attacks.  Ben kinda reminded me of it.

Funny movie; don't watch it unless you can enjoy an over the top funny kick-flick.
Heh... given that they stole some of the ideas for the Dragonblooded performance charms from Kung Fu Hustle's musician assassins...   :D
(I made an artifact that pretty much yoinked Kung Fu Hustle...  >.>  The Dulcet Aria of One and Twenty Solar Blades, wielded by a high-strung and very, very pretty Twilight who nicknamed it the 'Number Two Guzheng.')

I think Marena could be just really pissed.   :P  Come on, her Solar buddy got pinged, her Abyssal mate was the first to get ganked...   :P   Wouldn't you lose your temper?
"Abyssal mate"?

Did I miss something?  Does Secret have the Shard that Marena is bound to?

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